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Introduction With rapid development of national economy, urbanization has been speeded up in China, and several city groups or city belts with extra-large cities as their centers have been formed. For example, Pearl River Delta urbanized area surrounds Guangzhou City, Shenzhen City, Zhuhai City; Yangtze River Delta urbanized area surrounds Shanghai City, Suzhou City, Wuxi City, Nanjing City, Hangzhou City; Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan urbanized area surrounds Beijing City, Tianjin City…  相似文献   
Introduction The deep faults in the crust have direct relation to the occurrence of earthquakes and the dis-tribution of active seismic zones, so the researches on the geometric form and physical parametersof deep crustal faults are always an important problem in seismology. The researches are not onlysignificant to knowledge the deep tectonic background of strong earthquake and seismogenicmechanism, but also play a very important role in earthquake hazard estimation and earthquakeprevent…  相似文献   
Introduction The 1303 Hongtong earthquake is an important earthquake in the eastern China. There is a lot of information in historical documents about the earthquake and many traces destroyed by the earthquake in the southern Shanxi Province. Many scholars have studied the earthquake from dif-ferent aspects, but mainly limited the definitions of the isoseismal and three factors of the earth-quake. Owing to being limited by the analysis technique, many useful damage information of the earthqu…  相似文献   
IntroductionOnNovember14,2001,aMS=8.1earthquakeoccurredonthewestofKunlunshanPassintheborderareaofQinghaiandXinjiang,whichwasthestrongestearthquakeinChinesemainlandsincetheMS=8.0earthquakeoccurredinDangxiongdistrictofXizangAutonomousRegiononNovember18,1951.TheearthquakeoccurredontheEasternKunlunTectonicZone,whichwasapalaeoplatejunctionzoneinsideTibetanPlateau.ItdividedTibetanPlateauintothesouthandnorthparts.ThezoneplayedaveryimportantroleinTibetanPlateausdeformationprocessanddynamicev…  相似文献   
Introduction The Capital-circle area is the center of politics, economy and culture of China, and manystrong earthquakes occurred here in history. The Zhangjiakou-Bohai tectonic zone located in thearea is an important active zone. In the period of 500 years between AD 1481~1981, 18 earth-quakes with magnitude more than 6 occurred in the area and 11 of them lay in this active tectoniczone. During 1992~2001, continuous GPS observation found sinistral relative movement betweenYanshan Mo…  相似文献   
国家间的竞争集中表现为前瞻性技术领域的竞争,占领技术制高点成为各国国家发展的基本取向。本文结合地震观测现状和现代信息网络技术、自动化控制技术的进展,概述了地震观测技术产业化发展的社会需求和科学需求,从国家科技发展战略层次上初步探讨了地震观测技术产业化发展的重要性和必然性。  相似文献   
预警等级预报--一种新的地震预报发布形式和对策的思考   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文回顾了我国地震预报发布形式的演变过程,分析了目前发布地震预报面临困境的主要原因。在分析了其他一些灾害的预警等级预报发布形式后,对地震预警等级预报发布的可行性和应当采取的对策进行了讨论,认为地震预警等级预报的发布,是实现真正意义上地震减灾的一种可行方法。最后提出了一些实施地震预警等级预报前仍需认真研究的问题。  相似文献   
自贡市地处四川盆地南部,1939年因盐设市,是川南重镇。全市面积4300多km^2,常住人口320多万人,城区人口密度高。自贡属城市直下型中强地震活动区,地震活动具有震源浅、烈度高、破坏性强、地震灾害损失大的特点,被列为全国抗震设防的重点城市和全国大中城市防震减灾示范区。1985年3月29日发生在自贡城区的4.8级地震,造成2人死亡,279人受伤,经济损失逾1亿元。为认真贯彻落实全国全省防震减灾工作会议和国务院[2004]25号文件、省政府[2005]6号文件精神,开拓开展城市防震减灾的新思路、新办法,在自贡市委、市政府的领导下,在省局的具体指导帮助下,我们积极探索了开展城市社区地震灾害紧急救援的新路子。  相似文献   
0前言金昌市位于河西走廊中东部,近年来一直被中国地震局列为全国地震重点监视防御区和重点危险区,同时又是甘肃省政府确定的防震减灾十年目标首批达标城市之一,防震减灾工作任务艰巨。面对震情形势,市委、市政府十分重视防震减灾工作,认真贯彻落实“预防为主,防御与救助相结合”的防震减灾工作方针,树立科学的发展观,坚持经济建设与防震减灾工作一起抓,不断加强“监测预报、震灾预防、应急救援”三大工作体系建设,积极推进全市防震减灾事业的发展,在保护人民生命财产安全、保障社会经济可持续发展和保持社会稳定方面发挥了积极的作用。1建…  相似文献   
Introduction On November26,2005,the MS=5.7Jiujiang-Ruichang earthquake occurred with the epicen-ter of29°43′N and115°43′E.However,this area is not a major monitoring range with a few earth-quakes and therefore,it lacks conventional precursory seismic data.In the project of“2005.0China geomagnetic chart”,some three-component geomagnetic surveys,with the average distance of70km between adjacent stations,were carried out in2004in this area.And fortunately the data from these surveys can…  相似文献   
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