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The paper discusses quantitatively the influence of the Yutian MS7.4 earthquake of March 21,2008 and Wuqia MS6.9 earthquake of October 5,2008 on regional seismicity in Xinjiang,and explains primarily the possible reason of earthquake activity feature in Xinjiang after the Yutian MS7.4 earthquake by analyzing the static Coulomb failure stress change produced by the Yutian MS7.4 earthquake and Wuqia MS6.9 earthquake,and the seismicity feature of MS≥3 earthquakes in the positive Coulomb stress change region of...  相似文献   
Using the maximum amplitude ratios of vertical component of P and S waves recorded by a regional network, 921 focal mechanisms of Dayao earthquake doublet sequence are determined by means of synthetic seismograms of a point source of dislocation in a plane layered medium.Among them,389 focal mechanisms are in the aftershock sequence of M6.2 earthquake occurred on 21 July,2003 and the other 532 focal mechanisms are in the aftershock sequence of M6.1 earthquake occurred on 16 October,2003 in Dayao,Yunnan.The ...  相似文献   
甘肃中部强对流天气多普勒雷达和闪电特征个例研究   总被引:6,自引:9,他引:6  
利用雷达和闪电资料对2004年5月15日甘肃中部的一次强对流天气过程进行了综合分析。通过分析,得到了冰雹降水的一些中小尺度多普勒雷达特征和闪电与雷雨、冰雹发生、发展的关系。在强对流系统发生、发展的过程中,当回波强度>40dBz时就伴随有闪电发生。冰雹云中存在空间上很靠近的强度梯度和速度梯度大值区;含水量最大值区与强度最大值区相对应;在径向速度图上表现出低层辐合、高层辐散的特征。  相似文献   
-The groyne has been used widely in bank protection and river regulation.The plane layoutand structural style of groyne are closely related to the stability of the groyne itself and the effect of bankprotection.In this paper,based on the preliminary summary of the design of bank protection in the boresurging area of Qiantang River,some problems regarding the structure of groyne are pointed out and animproved plan is put forward.Site experiment was carried out combined with an emergency repair.The re-sults of the experiment indicate that the improved project is reliable and successful.  相似文献   
利用设立于厦门岛西南部沿海的气溶胶地基观测站点2008年1月7日至2009年4月30日的观测资料,对厦门海域气溶胶光学厚度的每日逐时变化、逐日变化、逐月变化进行了分析研究,并利用观测结果对MODIS L2级气溶胶光学厚度(AOT)产品进行检验。结果表明,厦门海域气溶胶光学厚度每日逐时变化和逐月变化有一定的季节规律,而逐日变化随气象条件的不同有很大差异。一年中气溶胶光学厚度月平均值呈现春秋季双峰分布趋势,4月份最大,超过0.9,空气较为混浊;6月份呈现谷值,AOT小于0.3,空气相对清洁。夏季气溶胶主控粒子的粒径较大,而其余各月份的波长指数在平均值1.21附近波动,混浊系数年平均值为0.25。利用该地基观测资料对MODIS L2级AOD产品进行检验,MODIS反演的厦门海域气溶胶光学厚度逐月变化趋势和地基观测结果完全一致,表明MODIS卫星遥感气溶胶光学厚度能比较好地反映厦门海域的气溶胶季节变化特征。  相似文献   
青藏高原现今高分辨率地壳运动特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方颖  江在森  张晶  武艳强 《地球科学》2009,34(3):399-404
利用GPS资料, 采用最小二乘配置和小波技术分析了青藏高原的地壳运动特征, 对该区地壳运动强度和涡旋运动进行了定量分析.结果显示, 青藏高原地壳运动强度沿喀喇昆仑断裂、玛尼-玉树-鲜水河-小江的弧型构造带, 自西向东递减.川滇菱形块体显示出北强南弱、西强东弱的特点, 东边界形成明显的分界线, 而西边界并不明显; 青藏高原存在3个涡旋分区: 顺时针旋转的拉萨、羌塘及川滇中西部地区, 亚东-谷露断裂以东的区域为其涡旋高值区; 逆时针旋转的柴达木地块及其以北的地区, 西昆仑断裂与阿尔金断裂之间为其高值区; 逆时针旋转的青藏高原与华南地块的边界带, 龙门山与安宁河的拐角处为其高值区.   相似文献   
Lying at the junction of the Dabashan,Longmenshan and Qinling mountains,the Micangshan Orogenic Belt coupled with a basin is a duplex structure and back-thrust triangular belt with little horizontal displacement,small thrust faults and continuous sedimentary cover.On the basis of 3D seismic data,and through sedimentary and structural research,the Micangshan foreland can be divided into five subbelts,which from north to south are:basement thrust,frontal thrust,foreland depression-back-thrust triangle,fore...  相似文献   
This paper briefly introduces the development and present situation of China's coal seismic exploration. It focuses on analyzing the important functions of 3-D seismic exploration technology in the designing and production of coal mines, and also the results of its application.  相似文献   
The irregular wave experiment on the stability of the Grate Plate was carried out in the lightof the wind wave spectrum recently advanced by Prof.Wen Shengchang.The stability formulas of GP un-der the action of irregular waves were procured.Comparisons between the formulas obtained and those ofGP under regular waves advanced by the first author in 1993 showed a coincident result.  相似文献   
Introduction The study of attenuation relations for long-period ground motion is to meet the requirement of economy development. During the earthquakes such as the June 16, 1964 Niigata, Japan, M=7.5 earthquake, the March 24, 1977 Romania M=7.3 earthquake, the March 29, 1970 Gediz, Turkey, M=7.1 earthquake, the May 26, 1983 M=7.7 earthquake in the middle Japanese Sea, the September 19, 1985 Mexico M=8.1 earthquake, the September 16, 1994 M=7.3 earthquake in Tai- wan Strait, and the No…  相似文献   
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