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Observations with the SZ effect constitute a powerful new tool for investigating clusters and constraining cosmological parameters. Of particular interest is to investigate how the SZ signal correlates with other cluster properties, such as the mass, temperature and X-ray luminosities. In this presentation we quantify these relations for clusters found in hydrodynamical simulations of large scale structure and investigate their dependence on the effects of radiative cooling and pre-heating.  相似文献   
Remnants of the Cadomian basement can be found in the Iberian Variscides (IBVA) in several key sectors of its autochthonous units (composed of Neoproterozoic to Lower Palaeozoic metasedimentary sequences) and within the Continental Allochthonous Terrane (CAT). Comprehensive characterization of these critical exposures shows that the prevailing features are related to major geological events dated within the age range of 620–540 Ma. Indeed, near the Cambrian–Ordovician boundary, the IBVA Internal Zones experienced pervasive basement thinning and cover thickening, reflecting diffusive displacement of intracratonic rifting that continued until Lower Devonian times. In the thick-skinned Internal Zones, Helvetic/Penninic style nappes were generated, whereas flower upright axial structures developed along transpressive, intraplate shear zones. These features contrast with those preserved in the thin-skinned IBVA External Zones, dominated by décollements above (un-)deformed Palaeozoic and Cadomian basement. The inferred attenuation of rheological contrast between Cadomian basement and Palaeozoic cover can be explained by inherited fabrics due to thermal softening operated during the Cambrian–Lower Devonian extensional regime. Deeper décollements (and subsequent strain partitioning) are also expected to develop at the upper-lower crust (and at the Moho?) transition, as imaged by the available seismic profiling and MT surveys. The whole data implies a significant discontinuity between Cadomian and Variscan Cycles that should have constrained subsequent lithospheric evolution.  相似文献   
A parametric study of an embankment on soft soils reinforced with stone columns is performed using a computer program based on the finite element method. The cylindrical unit cell formulation is used by modeling one column and its surrounding soft soil with confined axisymmetric behaviour. The computer program incorporates the Biot consolidation theory (coupled formulation of the flow and equilibrium equations) with constitutive relations simulated by the pqθ critical state model. The following parameters are analysed: the replacement area ratio, the deformability of the column material, the thickness of the soft soil, the deformability of the fill and the friction angle of the column material. Based on the results of this study, a new design method is proposed, relating the settlement improvement factor to the two factors that revealed major influence: the replacement area ratio and the ratio between the deformability of the soft soil and the deformability of the column material.  相似文献   
Along the southern Brazilian coast, Tijucas Bay is known for its unique muddy tidal flats associated with chenier plains. Previous field observations pointed to very high suspended sediment concentrations (SSCs) in the inner parts of the bay, and in the estuary of the Tijucas River, suggesting the presence of fluid mud. In this study, the occurrences of suspended sediments and fluid mud were examined during a larger-scale, high-resolution 2-day field campaign on 1–2 May 2007, encompassing survey lines spanning nearly 80 km, 75 water sampling stations for near-bottom density estimates, and ten sediment sampling stations. Wave refraction modeling provided qualitative wave energy estimates as a function of different incidence directions. The results show that SSC increases toward the inner bay near the water surface, but seaward near the bottom. This suggests that suspended sediment is supplied by the local rivers, in particular the Tijucas. Near-surface SSCs were of the order of 50 mg l−1 close to the shore, but exceeded 100 mg l−1 near the bottom in the deeper parts of the bay. Fluid mud thickness and location given by densimetry and echo-sounding agreed in some places, although being mostly discordant. The best agreement was observed where wave energy was high during the campaign. The discrepancy between the two methods may be an indication for the existence of fluid mud, which is recorded by one method but not the other. Agreement is considered to be an indication of fluidization, whereas disagreement indicates more consolidation. Wave modeling suggests that waves from the ENE and SE are the most effective in supplying energy to the inner bay, which may induce the liquefaction of mud deposits to form fluid mud. Nearshore mud resuspension and weak horizontal currents result in sediment-laden offshore flow, which explains the higher SSCs measured in the deeper parts of the bay, besides providing a mechanism for fine-sediment export to the inner shelf.  相似文献   
The FUNWAVE model is used for simulating simulation of monochromatic and irregular wave propagation in a channel with a bar-trough profile. FUNWAVE is based upon the extended Boussinesq equations. The study aims to analyze the model's performance when simulating shoaling, wave breaking and nonlinear interactions that are present in nearshore wave propagation. For that, high-order time domain statistics (root mean-square wave height, skewness, asymmetry and the kurtosis) of the model simulations and of the observations were compared along the whole channel. Also, a frequency domain analysis including standard spectral analysis and the bispectrum was carried out in selected points of the flume. The evaluation included the role of the wave breaking internal model parameters. The main conclusion is that, in general, the one-dimensional version of FUNWAVE simulates quite well the nonlinear transformation of a wave over a bottom with a bar-tough profile, for both regular and irregular wave conditions. The model reproduces the transformation of the wave shape, specially the increasing sharper wave crests and flatter troughs and also the lack of vertical symmetry with crests pitching forward, as it propagates along the domain. However, some differences persist after wave breaking, mainly due to the nature of the wave-breaking module. In this module, the energy dissipation is induced by the increase of viscosity, a rather simple mechanism, without the modification of the wave shape. Also, the energy dissipation develops in a smooth way which is appropriated for spilling breaking waves, but not for plunging breaking waves where the dissipation starts more abruptly.  相似文献   
A sodium bentonite is being used in the basal-isolation of landfills installed on strongly fractured granitic rocks of N Portugal (NW Iberia). To evaluate the performance of this clay as the ultimate impermeable basal barrier, a detailed study was carried out of the granite fracture network; the Na-bentonite was tested to characterize its mechanical and geotechnical behavior; geophysical surveys were made to search for landfill leakage and the waters found around the landfill were geochemically characterized. Fractures in the granite are usually open and devoid of mineral infillings or clay materials and, thus, permeability of the granite is very high. Dispersal of contaminants can be further enhanced by the position of the landfill on a high steep-sided ridge. Geophysical and geochemical data show evidence for seepage and dispersion of pollutants, which means that the clay failed as an ultimate isolation barrier against seepage. This investigation shows that this can be due to fracturing of the clay under load and/or to its non-homogeneous saturation and extreme shrinking character upon drying, which are accompanied by the formation of extensive cracking. Observations and experimental results suggest that the use of synthetic clays in the safe building of landfill bottom liners needs further research, and extreme care should be taken in preventing that clay water content suffers large variations after saturation, as this process considerably degrades the mechanical behavior and sealing properties of the studied Na-bentonite.  相似文献   

Evaluating horizontal gradients in three‐dimensional shallow water models that use bottom‐following sigma coordinates can lead to large errors near steep bathymetry. A technique that has been proposed to minimize this problem involves computing horizontal gradients in cartesian coordinates, while treating all other terms in a sigma coordinate framework. We study this technique through both truncation error analysis and numerical experimentation, and compare it to the direct application of sigma coordinates. While the Cartesian coordinate method has better convergence properties and generally smaller truncation errors when horizontal gradients are zero, the sigma coordinate method can be more accurate in other physically relevant situations. Also, the Cartesian coordinate method introduces significant numerical diffusion of variable sign near the bottom (where physical diffusion is particularly small), thus potentially leading to instabilities. Overall, we consider the sigma coordinates to be the best approach.  相似文献   
Featuring 3 000-km-long large and hot orogen, the Mantiqueira Province provides a rare opportunity to study the process of gravitational collapse at mid to deep crustal levels. Distinct but contemporary (~500 Ma) post-collisional intrusions show structures and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) fabrics related to their emplacements, recording different flow patterns. In southern deep-seated intrusions, ellipsoidal-shaped roots with gabbroic-to-hybrid cores surrounded by granitic rocks show concentric patterns of AMS fabrics that cut across the NE-trending regional foliation. In contrast, northern intrusions, exposed as the upper sections of batholith-size bodies of coarse-grained granite emplaced at the shallow to mid-crust, show general NS-trending magnetic fabrics roughly parallel to strike of the orogen and the regional foliation of host rocks. These contrasting magnetic patterns from shallow to deeper crust suggest vertical magma migration from the overthickened orogenic core to be emplaced across its thinner stretched flanks during the gravitational collapse of the orogenic edifice.  相似文献   
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