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A damaging seismic sequence hit a wide area mainly located in the Emilia-Romagna region (Northern Italy) during 2012 with several events of local magnitude \(\hbox {M}_\mathrm{l} \ge 5\) , among which the \(\hbox {M}_\mathrm{l}\) 5.9 May 20 and the \(\hbox {M}_\mathrm{l}\) 5.8 May 29 were the main events. Thanks to the presence of a permanent accelerometric station very close to the epicentre and to the temporary installations performed in the aftermath of the first shock, a large number of strong motion recordings are available, on the basis of which, we compared the recorded signals with the values provided by the current Italian seismic regulations, and we observed several differences with respect to horizontal components when the simplified approach for site conditions (based on Vs30 classes) is used. On the contrary, when using the more accurate approach based on the local seismic response, we generally obtain a much better agreement, at least in the frequency range corresponding to a quarter wavelength comparable with the depth of the available subsoil data. Some unresolved questions still remain, such as the low frequency behaviour ( \(<\) 1 Hz) that could be due either to complex propagation at depth larger than the one presently investigated or to near source effects, and the behaviour of vertical spectra whose recorded/code difference is too large to be explained with the information currently available.  相似文献   
We compare the performances of four stochastic optimisation methods using four analytic objective functions and two highly non‐linear geophysical optimisation problems: one‐dimensional elastic full‐waveform inversion and residual static computation. The four methods we consider, namely, adaptive simulated annealing, genetic algorithm, neighbourhood algorithm, and particle swarm optimisation, are frequently employed for solving geophysical inverse problems. Because geophysical optimisations typically involve many unknown model parameters, we are particularly interested in comparing the performances of these stochastic methods as the number of unknown parameters increases. The four analytic functions we choose simulate common types of objective functions encountered in solving geophysical optimisations: a convex function, two multi‐minima functions that differ in the distribution of minima, and a nearly flat function. Similar to the analytic tests, the two seismic optimisation problems we analyse are characterised by very different objective functions. The first problem is a one‐dimensional elastic full‐waveform inversion, which is strongly ill‐conditioned and exhibits a nearly flat objective function, with a valley of minima extended along the density direction. The second problem is the residual static computation, which is characterised by a multi‐minima objective function produced by the so‐called cycle‐skipping phenomenon. According to the tests on the analytic functions and on the seismic data, genetic algorithm generally displays the best scaling with the number of parameters. It encounters problems only in the case of irregular distribution of minima, that is, when the global minimum is at the border of the search space and a number of important local minima are distant from the global minimum. The adaptive simulated annealing method is often the best‐performing method for low‐dimensional model spaces, but its performance worsens as the number of unknowns increases. The particle swarm optimisation is effective in finding the global minimum in the case of low‐dimensional model spaces with few local minima or in the case of a narrow flat valley. Finally, the neighbourhood algorithm method is competitive with the other methods only for low‐dimensional model spaces; its performance sensibly worsens in the case of multi‐minima objective functions.  相似文献   
Summary The generation of very high atmospheric potentials is ascribed to the sudden separation of a cloud, or portion of it, into an upper and lower section, substantially, of opposite polarities. Said abrupt cut being, the mechanical effect produced by local wind gusts. The related mathematical analysis shows how theoretically infinite voltage spikes may be generated as forced electrical transients when a cloud separates into two sections.  相似文献   
Biodegradation of crude oil causes volumetrically important compositional changes, which lead to significant deterioration in quality, in particular during the early stages of alteration. To better understand these effects we focussed on a detailed assessment of light to moderate levels of alteration. We investigated a suite of 40 crude oil samples from five different petroleum systems to evaluate the extent of alteration occurring in reservoirs. Based on a comprehensive geochemical characterization, five individual crude oil sequences were defined, where compositional variability is mainly due to microbial activity in the reservoir. In particular, samples from the Gullfaks field (offshore Norway) and from a petroleum system offshore Angola illustrate that conventional molecular biodegradation parameters, such as the Pr/n-C17 and Ph/n-C18 alkane ratios are not suitable for defining the extent of biodegradation in petroleum reservoirs. Here, we suggest a new molecular biodegradation parameter, the degradative loss, that can be used to quantify depletion in individual crude oil constituents. The approach allows improved assessment of the extent of biodegradation in crude oil samples by means of the mean degradative loss. It is demonstrated that crude oil quality, as assessed from API gravity, can be predicted directly from the molecular composition of crude oils. Our data clearly indicate that the degradation patterns of light hydrocarbons and n-alkanes differ in different petroleum systems. This suggests that microbial communities are different and therefore generate different molecular degradation patterns which have to be evaluated individually for each system.  相似文献   
The problem of mantle metasomatism vs. crustal contamination in the genesis of arc magmas with different potassium contents has been investigated using new trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data on the island of Vulcano, Aeolian arc. The analysed rocks range in age from 120 ka to the present day, and cover a compositional range from basalt to rhyolite of the high-K calc-alkaline (HKCA) to shoshonitic (SHO) and potassic (KS) series. Older Vulcano products (>30 ka) consist of HKCA–SHO rocks with SiO2=48–56%. They show lower contents of K2O, Rb and of several other incompatible trace element abundances and ratios than younger rocks with comparable degree of evolution. 87Sr/86Sr ranges from 0.70417 to 0.70504 and increases with decreasing MgO and compatible element contents. 206Pb/204Pb ratios display significant variations (19.31 to 19.76) and are positively correlated with MgO, 143Nd/144Nd (0.512532–0.512768), 207Pb/204Pb (15.66–15.71) and 208Pb/204Pb (39.21–39.49). Overall, geochemical and isotopic data suggest that the evolution of the older series was dominated by assimilation–fractional crystallisation (AFC) with an important role for continuous mixing with mafic liquids. Magmas erupted within the last 30 ka consist mostly of SHO and KS intermediate and acid rocks, with minor mafic products. Except for a few acid rocks, they display moderate isotopic variations (e.g. 87Sr/86Sr=0.70457–0.70484; 206Pb/204Pb=19.28–19.55, but 207Pb/204Pb=15.66–15.82), which suggest an evolution by fractional crystallisation, or in some cases by mixing, with little interaction with crustal material. The higher Sr isotopic ratios (87Sr/86Sr=0.70494–0.70587) of a few, low-volume, intermediate to acid rocks support differentiation by AFC at shallow depths for some magma batches. New radiogenic isotope data on the Aeolian islands of Alicudi and Stromboli, as well as new data for lamproites from central Italy, are also reported in order to discuss along-arc compositional variations and to evaluate the role of mantle metasomatism. Geochemical and petrological data demonstrate that the younger K-rich mafic magmas from Vulcano cannot be related to the older HKCA and SHO ones by intra-crustal evolutionary processes and point to a derivation from different mantle sources. The data from Alicudi and Stromboli suggest that, even though interaction between magma and wall rocks of the Calabrian basement during shallow level magma evolution was an important process locally, a similar interpretation can be extended to the entire Aeolian arc. Received: 27 September 1999 / Accepted: 24 May 2000  相似文献   
We present an application of a multivariate analyses technique on data returned by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) instrument on board the ESA’s Mars Express (MEX) spacecraft in order to separate the atmospheric contribution from the observed radiation. We observe that Thermal/Far Infrared spectra returned from Mars, covering almost a whole martian year, can be represented by a linear model using a limited set of end-member spectra. We identify the end-members as the suspended mineral dust and water ice clouds, but no surface signature was found. We improve previous studies performed with data from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) thanks to the higher spectral resolution of PFS. This allows for distinguishing narrow gaseous bands present in the martian atmosphere. Furthermore, the comparison of results from PFS and TES with data collected in 1971 by the Mariner 9 Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer (IRIS) shows an atmospheric dust component with similar spectral behavior. This might indicate homogeneity of the dust source regions over a time period of more than 30 years.  相似文献   
Multichannel seismic reflection profiles from the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula between 63° and 69°S show the growth of eight very large mound-shaped sedimentary bodies. MCS profiles and long-range side-scan sonar (GLORIA) images show the sea floor between mounds is traversed by channels originating in a dendritic pattern near the base of the continental slope. The mounds are interpreted as sediment drifts, constructed mainly from the fine-grained components of turbidity currents originating on the continental slope, entrained in a nepheloid layer within the ambient southwesterly bottom currents and redeposited downcurrent.  相似文献   
Canyons play a fundamental role in enhancing the abundance and diversity of marine organisms through the transport of organic matter and food resources, the presence of complex physical habitats and the absence of trawl fishing. During four baited lander deployments carried out in the Bari Canyon (Southern Adriatic Sea, Central Mediterranean), at depths of 443–788 m, about 43 h of video records were taken, for a total of 619,200 video frames. A total of 12 benthopelagic fish species (five chondrichthyes and seven osteichthyes) were identified. The blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) was the most often observed fish species. The depth of 787 m represents a new depth record for this fish in the Adriatic Sea. Groups of up to 40 individuals of P. bogaraveo were attracted to the bait and were shown in single frames. The individuals were observed both exploring the area and feeding actively on the bait. The European conger (Conger conger) was recorded at each deployment. Clear scavenger behaviour was also observed in this teleost fish and in the shark Etmopterus spinax. The shark species Centrophorus granulosus and Hexanchus griseus, which are considered ‘vulnerable’ on the published IUCN Mediterranean Regional Red List, were also recorded but, although attracted by the bait, they were never seen feeding on it. Other fish species, harvested on fishing grounds, such as Merluccius merluccius, Helicolenus dactylopterus and Polyprion americanus, were also recorded. This study represents the first in situ documentation, at very low impact, of the fish fauna in the Bari Canyon, providing new insights into its small scale distribution and behaviour, the first in situ direct observation of the variable feeding behaviour of P. bogaraveo and its gregarious habits, as well as indicating that this canyon could act as a refuge area for species that are vulnerable to fishing on the open slope.  相似文献   
During a research cruise carried out in April 2010, aimed at updating the knowledge on the biodiversity of the Santa Maria di Leuca (SML) cold‐water coral province (Mediterranean Sea), a facies of the sea pen Kophobelemnon stelliferum (Muller, 1776) was found on mud‐dominated bottoms. This finding represents a new species and a new habitat record from the SML coral province as well as a new bathyal facies in the whole Central Mediterranean Sea. The colonies were collected using an epi‐benthic sledge, at depths between 400 and 470 m. A significant positive relationship between polyp number and colony length was detected. Density of the colonies ranged from 0.003 to 0.038 N·m?2. Differences and affinities between Mediterranean and Atlantic occurrences of K. stelliferum are discussed.  相似文献   
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