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内蒙古西辽河流域特种玉米品种特性及气候区划   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于玉米本身的特性和用途的不同,将玉米分为高油型玉米、高淀粉型玉米、高赖氨酸型玉米和甜玉米四大类型.根据每种玉米品种对气候条件、土壤类型、地形特征等的不同需求,以通辽地区作为内蒙古东部西辽河流域玉米主产区的示范区,提出了特种玉米的区划指标,并利用GIS技术进行适宜种植区域划分.内蒙古通辽地区大部分农区适宜种植特种玉米,最适宜区、适宜区基本上均位于通辽南部和中部农业区.  相似文献   
本文以 1∶5万里庄幅为例 ,阐述了运用GIS系统对区调过程中各种资料的处理与编辑方法 ,并介绍了数字制图方法及工艺流程 ,提出了GIS系统在 1∶5万区调工作中的应用前景  相似文献   
黄海及其边缘,经历史地震资料整理,地震参数估定与编目,截至1949年8月,共有M≥3级地震2187次,其中M≥43/4级地震259次,资料显示大致有三个相对集中活跃区,16世纪曾有过历史地震活动高潮。  相似文献   
南海西部围区中特提斯东延通道问题   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
通过对南海西部围区中生代岩相古地理资料的收集整理和分析,编制了该区T_2,T_3~1,T_3~2,T_3~3,J_1-J_2,J_3-K_1共6个时段的岩相古地理简图,根据其中生代海相地层的时空分布和岩相特征,讨论了尚存争议的中特提斯进入南海的通道问题。实际资料表明,黑水河盆地在三叠纪受印支运动影响完成了从海到陆的过程,之后不再出现海相沉积,中特提斯不可能从红河裂谷带进入南海。在新加坡所见的晚三叠世至早侏罗世浅海至陆相沉积代表古特提斯的残余海,到中侏罗世完全消失。早侏罗世时期在印支半岛南部出现的近南北走向的海湾可能经过泰国湾与当时的滇缅海相通;但是这个海湾浅而短暂,滇缅海能否从这里进入南海值得怀疑,更不可能是中特提斯的通道。在南海西部围区,迄今已证实的中生代洋壳碎片(蛇绿岩套)和深海沉积仅见于南部Woyla—Maratus—Lupar一线及其附近。这套延伸2000余km,从洋壳、深海到浅海岩相齐全的岩石所代表的晚侏罗世至早白垩纪世大洋应是中特提斯洋的一部分。中特提斯东延而最可能是走南路,即从班公一怒江带南下之后,经Woyla线穿过苏门答腊岛,绕加里曼丹岛南缘到Maratus线,向北再经沙巴到Lupar线,在沙捞越北部或纳土纳岛附近进入南海。  相似文献   
Data recorded by the Italian Telemetered Seismic Network (ITSN) of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica (ING) have been widely used in recent years to image slab structures and to find evidence for active processes along the Italian Peninsula. However, the use of seismic data for geostructural purposes may be affected by the well-known trade-off between earthquake location and seismic-velocity parameters. Furthermore, the confidence ellipse predicted by standard procedures may be inadequate for the representation of the probable error of a computed localization. This paper evaluates the probable errors on the hypocentre determinations of the seismic events recorded by the ITSN, using a Monte Carlo method.
We compute synthetic arrival times using a 1-D velocity model appropriate as an average for the Italian area. The hypocentres used are all those recorded by the ITSN during the period January 1992 to March 1994 (1972 events). Station locations are those of the current ITSN configuration. The synthetic arrival times are perturbed with a Gaussian distribution of errors and input to ING's standard hypocentral location procedure, but using crustal velocities differing by 10 per cent from those used to generate them. Each simulation is repeated at least 30 times. Average absolute shifts of hypocentres are assessed in grid cells of linear dimension 33 km covering the whole Italian region.
For regions within the ITSN, shifts are typically 5–10 km in location and up to 20 km in depth. However, for offshore and coastal regions, they are much greater: 50 km or more in both location and depth (far exceeding the equivalent uncertainties quoted by ING bulletins). Possible consequences of this are highlighted by producing a cross-section of subcrustal hypocentres from the Adriatic to the Tyrrhenian Sea, where the large uncertainty in depth precludes any confident interpretation of dipping tectonic features.  相似文献   
The geology of the mainland and offshore of Sicily is illustrated by a few geologic sections and seismic profiles across the late Cenozoic orogenic belt of central and western Sicily and across the Sardinia Channel and Sicily Straits. This belt is the result of several tectonic events. Deformation involved mainly the sedimentary cover of the old African continental margin characterized by a broad basinal domain, flanked along its external (southern) margin by a shallow-water carbonate platform attached to Africa in the Triassic. Compressional deformation started in the more internal basinal rock assemblages overlying a thinned crust. The most important structural characteristic of the early phase of thrusting is the duplex pile forming the bulk of the chain in Central Western Sicily. The structure consists of a basal allochthon, made up of Permian to Middle Triassic layers, an intermediate duplex wedge, composed of competent Mesozoic carbonates, and a roof complex, including Upper Mesozoic-Lower Tertiary less competent rocks. Large-scale clockwise rotation of the thrusts accompanied transpressional movements in the hinterland during the Pliocene. Right oblique reverse faults modified the previous tectonic contacts between the allochthons in the hinterland zones. Contemporaneous south-directed imbrications affected the southern external areas, progressively incorporating foreland and piggyback basins. Development of the Gela Thrust System appears to be linked to the transpressional event; its accretion is also related to contemporaneous underthrusting at deeper levels of Mesozoic carbonate substratum. The older buried thrust sheets were pushed up to the surface breaching the deformed Tertiary cover of the Gela TS. Northwards in the belt post-Messinian normal growth faults opened half graben whose sedimentary fill underwent structural inversion. Alternation of extension and compression tectonics characterizes the Sicilian continental margin in the last million years.  相似文献   
Within the framework of a study of the seismicity of the Aniene Valley (Central Italy), we analysed the medieval earthquakes of Subiaco (1216, 1227, 1299), the largest events reported for the area. Our main goal was to investigate some doubtful events reported in earthquake catalogues and, as such, currently utilised for seismic hazard estimates. A careful screening of the oldest available sources and their filiation pattern up to the present pointed out the uncertainty on the date and nature of these phenomena. A multidisciplinary approach based on the joint analysis of archaeological, geomorphologic and historical evidence allowed us to propose new interpretations concerning these events and their significance for the assessment of seismic hazard in the Aniene Valley. The main conclusion is that the dates of the 1216 and 1227 events are fairly unsupported. In particular, the 1216 earthquake could be dated back to between AD 1159 and 1181.  相似文献   
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