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We discuss the cosmological reconstruction in modified Gauss-Bonnet (GB) gravity. It is demonstrated that the modified GB gravity may describe the most interesting features of late-time cosmology. We derive explicit form of effective phantom cosmological models ending by the finite-time future singularity (Big Rip) and without singularities in the future (Little Rip).  相似文献   
Solar Photometer in X-rays (SphinX) was a spectrophotometer developed to observe the Sun in soft X-rays. The instrument observed in the energy range ≈?1?–?15 keV with resolution ≈?0.4 keV. SphinX was flown on the Russian CORONAS–PHOTON satellite placed inside the TESIS EUV and X telescope assembly. The spacecraft launch took place on 30 January 2009 at 13:30 UT at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in Russia. The SphinX experiment mission began a couple of weeks later on 20 February 2009 when the first telemetry dumps were received. The mission ended nine months later on 29 November 2009 when data transmission was terminated. SphinX provided an excellent set of observations during very low solar activity. This was indeed the period in which solar activity dropped to the lowest level observed in X-rays ever. The SphinX instrument design, construction, and operation principle are described. Information on SphinX data repositories, dissemination methods, format, and calibration is given together with general recommendations for data users. Scientific research areas in which SphinX data find application are reviewed.  相似文献   
Ocean Dynamics - To study the water dynamics in the western Bering Sea, the time series of geostrophic velocities derived from satellite altimetry, Global total current (Copernicus Globcurrent)...  相似文献   
In this contribution we continue our earlier research, concerning the ellipsoidal harmonic expansions of the Earth disturbing gravitational potential and its derivatives on an external reference ellipsoid confocal with respect to the normal ellipsoid and close to it. One of the results of the previous investigation is represented by a new expression for the derivative of the Jekeli’s Legendre function of the second kind, entering the ellipsoidal harmonics in the potential derivative. The derived expression depends on two Gauss hypergeometric functions which converge better than the hypergeometric functions of other authors. In the present paper we construct another expression for the derivative of the Jekeli’s Legendre function, depending on two alternative hypergeometric functions. While our earlier hypergeometric series in the expression for the derivative of this function converge better when the orders of the terms do not exceed a half of their degrees, the series constructed in the present paper converge more rapidly when the orders surpass a half of the degrees. We deduce an improved expression for the derivative of the Jekeli’s Legendre function by combining these results and then construct a corresponding new expression for the derivative of the disturbing potential. This expression is applied for constructing non-singular expressions for the components of the gradient of the potential in the local north-oriented ellipsoidal reference frame. The new expressions for these components have no these deficiencies and the expression for the potential gradient depends on very quickly convergent hypergeometric series.  相似文献   
Large canyons incise the shelf break of the eastern Bering Sea to be preferred sites of the cross-shelf exchange. The mesoscale eddy activity is particularly strong near the shelf-break canyons. To study the mesoscale dynamics in the Navarin Canyon area of the Bering Sea, the time series of velocities derived from AVISO satellite altimetry between 1993 and 2015, drifters, Argo buoys, and ship-borne data are analyzed. We demonstrate that the strength of anticyclonic eddies along the shelf edge in spring and summer is determined by the wind stress in March–April. The increased southward wind stress in the central Bering Sea forced a supply of low-temperature and low-salinity outer shelf water to the deep basin and formation of the anticyclonic mesoscale circulation seaward of the Navarin Canyon. Enhanced northwestward advection of the Bering Slope Current water leads to increase in an ice-free area in March and April and increased bottom-layer temperature at the outer shelf. The strong (weak) northwestward advection of the eastern Bering Sea waters, determined by eastern winds in spring, creates favorable (unfavorable) conditions for the pollock abundance in the western Navarin Canyon area in summer.  相似文献   
The article considers the long-term(1941–2018) transformation of the Krasnodar valley reservoir, the largest in the North Caucasus. The main functions of the Krasnodar reservoir are irrigation of rice systems and flood protection of land in the Krasnodar reservoir region and the Republic of Adygea. According to topographic maps, Landsat satellite images(1974–2018) and field observations(2016–2018), four stages of transformation of the floodplain reservoir are identified. The selected stages are characterized by both natural causes(the transformation of the filling deltas into the extended deltas, etc.) and man-made causes(runoff diversions in the delta areas, etc.). The key factor of transformation is the formation of deltas of rivers flowing into the reservoir. Each of the selected stages, against the background of a gradual reduction in the area and volume of the reservoir, is characterized by the peculiarities of the formation of river deltas with the formation of genetically homogeneous sections of delta regions. During the period of operation of the reservoir, the delta of the main Kuban River moved up to 32.4 km and took away an area of 35.4 km~2 of the reservoir. During the formation of the deltas of the Kuban and Belaya rivers, a bridge was formed on the Krasnodar reservoir. The evolution of the delta regions led to the division of the reservoir into two autonomous reservoirs. The total area of the delta regions was 85.9 km~2 by 2018, i.e., 21% of the initial area of the reservoir. The transformation of the Krasnodar reservoir leads to a decrease in its regulated volume and gradual degradation.  相似文献   
Climate and atmospheric CO2 concentration are intimately coupled in the Earth system: CO2 influences climate through the greenhouse effect, but climate also affects CO2 through its impact on the amount of carbon stored on land and in the ocean. The change in atmospheric CO2 as a response to a change in temperature ( $\varDelta CO_{2}/\varDelta T$ ) is a useful measure to quantify the feedback between the carbon cycle and climate. Using an ensemble of experiments with an Earth system model of intermediate complexity we show a pronounced time-scale dependence of $\varDelta CO_{2}/\varDelta T$ . A maximum is found on centennial scales with $\varDelta CO_{2}/\varDelta T$ values for the model ensemble in the range 5–12 ppm °C?1, while lower values are found on shorter and longer time scales. These results are consistent with estimates derived from past observations. Up to centennial scales, the land carbon response to climate dominates the CO2 signal in the atmosphere, while on longer time scales the ocean becomes important and eventually dominates on multi-millennial scales. In addition to the time-scale dependence, modeled $\varDelta CO_{2}/\varDelta T$ show a distinct dependence on the initial state of the system. In particular, on centennial time-scales, high $\varDelta CO_{2}/\varDelta T$ values are correlated with high initial land carbon content. A similar relation holds also for the CMIP5 models, although for $\varDelta CO_{2}/\varDelta T$ computed from a very different experimental setup. The emergence of common patterns like this could prove to usefully constrain the climate–carbon cycle feedback.  相似文献   
Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay is a large (around 18,000 km2) and shallow (few meters deep) lagoon located east of the Caspian Sea. Its water surface was several meters to several dozens cm lower than in the Caspian Sea, so water flows from the Caspian Sea through a narrow strait into the bay, where it evaporates. Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay is one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world; its water salinity amounts to 270–300 g/l. Different kinds of salts available in this natural evaporative basin has been used commercially since at least the 1920s. In March 1980, in order to decelerate a continuous fall of the Caspian Sea level, which in 1977 was the lowest over the last 400 years (?29 m), the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Strait was dammed. In response to this human intervention, the bay had already dried up completely by November 1983. In 1992, the dam was destroyed, and Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay had been filling up with the Caspian Sea water at a rate of about 1.7 m/year up to 1996 as observed by the TOPEX/Poseidon satellite altimetry mission. Since then, Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay level evolution with characteristic seasonal and interannual oscillations has been similar to that of the Caspian Sea. Physical and chemical evolution of the bay in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries is traced in detail in the paper.  相似文献   
正1 Introduction The most valuable for the task of climate reconstruction are the time series with an annual resolution,which allows to reveal natural periodicity and pass to the search for mechanisms of regional and global climatic changes.Bottom sediments of lakes are one of the best climate archives in addition to tree ring series,ice cores etc.  相似文献   
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