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Variability of the Indian summer monsoon is decomposed into an interannually modulated annual cycle (MAC) and a northward-propagating, intraseasonal (30–60-day) oscillation (ISO). To achieve this decomposition, we apply multi-channel singular spectrum analysis (M-SSA) simultaneously to unfiltered daily fields of observed outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) and to reanalyzed 925-hPa winds over the Indian region, from 1975 to 2008. The MAC is essentially given by the year-to-year changes in the annual and semi-annual components; it displays a slow northward migration of OLR anomalies coupled with an alternation between the northeast winter and southwest summer monsoons. The impact of these oscillatory modes on rainfall is then analyzed using a 1-degree gridded daily data set, focusing on Monsoonal India (north of 17°N and west of 90°E) during the months of June to September. Daily rainfall variability is partitioned into three states using a Hidden Markov Model. Two of these states are shown to agree well with previous classifications of “active” and “break” phases of the monsoon, while the third state exhibits a dipolar east–west pattern with abundant rainfall east of about 77°E and low rainfall to the west. Occurrence of the three rainfall states is found to be an asymmetric function of both the MAC and ISO components. On average, monsoon active phases are favored by large positive anomalies of MAC, and breaks by negative ones. ISO impact is decisive when the MAC is near neutral values during the onset and withdrawal phases of the monsoon. Active monsoon spells are found to require a synergy between the MAC and ISO, while the east–west rainfall dipole is less sensitive to interactions between the two. The driest years, defined from spatially averaged June–September rainfall anomalies, are found to be mostly a result of breaks occurring during the onset and withdrawal stages of the monsoon, e.g., mid-June to mid-July, and during September. These breaks are in turn associated with anomalously late MAC onset or early MAC withdrawal, often together with a large-amplitude, negative ISO event. The occurrence of breaks during the core of the monsoon—from late July to late August—is restricted to a few years when MAC was exceptionally weak, such as 1987 or 2002. Wet years are shown to be mostly associated with more frequent active spells and a stronger MAC than usual, especially at the end of the monsoon season. Taken together, our results suggest that monthly and seasonal precipitation?predictability is higher in the early and late stages of the summer monsoon season.  相似文献   
Diffuse CO2 efflux near the Ukinrek Maars, two small volcanic craters that formed in 1977 in a remote part of the Alaska Peninsula, was investigated using accumulation chamber measurements. High CO2 efflux, in many places exceeding 1000 g m−2 d−1, was found in conspicuous zones of plant damage or kill that cover 30,000–50,000 m2 in area. Total diffuse CO2 emission was estimated at 21–44 t d−1. Gas vents 3-km away at The Gas Rocks produce 0.5 t d−1 of CO2 that probably derives from the Ukinrek Maars basalt based on similar δ13C values (∼−6‰), 3He/4He ratios (5.9–7.2 RA), and CO2/3He ratios (1–2 × 109) in the two areas. A lower 3He/4He ratio (2.7 RA) and much higher CO2/3He ratio (9 × 1010) in gas from the nearest arc-front volcanic center (Mount Peulik/Ugashik) provide a useful comparison. The large diffuse CO2 emission at Ukinrek has important implications for magmatic degassing, subsurface gas transport, and local toxicity hazards. Gas–water–rock interactions play a major role in the location, magnitude and chemistry of the emissions.  相似文献   
Hepburn Spring is the major cold carbonated mineral spring of the ‘Spa’ country of Central Victoria, in South Eastern Australia. The spring occurs in a small tributary valley of the Loddon River, 15 km away from the crest of the Great Dividing Range. The waters are effervescent, have an alkalinity of around 1,500 mg/L (as HCO3 ), are mildly acidic and have high iron concentrations. Hepburn Spring is one of nearly 100 small cold low flow carbonated mineral water springs that occur in the region. Hepburn Spring has been protected since 1865 in one of 34 ‘Special Mineral Spring Reserves’. By world standards the spring is small and not highly developed, but it retains much of its charm due to the bushland, forest setting. The bedrock of the region consists of indurated arkosic sandstones interbedded with carbonaceous shales and slates. The rocks are folded and cut by swarms of strongly developed meridional fissure fault systems. Hepburn Spring is situated on the fault and fold axes associated with the “Cornish line” and Gold mines have dewatered the spring on several occasions. After dewatering events the water level and flow recovered first and then the water composition and effervescence. The origin of the effervescent waters has attracted much attention; hypotheses include both a volcanic and a rock water reaction origin. The second hypothesis involves weathering of the carbonaceous and sometimes pyritic rock mass which contains only a few percent carbonate. This process produces high bicarbonate groundwater throughout Central Victoria. The Hepburn waters are a variant of these waters and it is suggested that controls on the carbonate solubility and redox conditions in the fissures flow systems results in effervescent waters as the waters ascend.  相似文献   
The origin and significance of pimple mounds (low, elliptical to circular dune-like features found across much of the south-central United States) have been debated for nearly two centuries. We cored pimple mounds at four sites spanning the Ozark Plateau, Arkansas River Valley, and Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain and found that these mounds have a regionally consistent textural asymmetry such that there is a significant excess of coarse-grained sediment within their northwest flanks. We interpret this asymmetry as evidence of an eolian depositional origin of these mounds and conclude they are relict nebkhas (coppice dunes) deposited during protracted middle to late Holocene droughts. These four mounds yield optically stimulated luminescence ages between 2400 and 700 yr that correlate with well-documented periods of eolian activity and droughts on the southern Great Plains, including the Medieval Climate Anomaly. We conclude vegetation loss during extended droughts led to local eolian deflation and pimple mound deposition. These mounds reflect landscape response to multi-decadal droughts for the south-central U.S. The spatial extent of pimple mounds across this region further underscores the severity and duration of late Holocene droughts, which were significantly greater than historic droughts.  相似文献   
Calcium-, aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) are often enriched in the heavy isotopes of magnesium and silicon relative to bulk solar system materials. It is likely that these isotopic enrichments resulted from evaporative mass loss of magnesium and silicon from early solar system condensates while they were molten during one or more high-temperature reheating events. Quantitative interpretation of these enrichments requires laboratory determinations of the evaporation kinetics and associated isotopic fractionation effects for these elements. The experimental data for the kinetics of evaporation of magnesium and silicon and the evaporative isotopic fractionation of magnesium is reasonably complete for Type B CAI liquids (Richter F. M., Davis A. M., Ebel D. S., and Hashimoto A. (2002) Elemental and isotopic fractionation of Type B CAIs: experiments, theoretical considerations, and constraints on their thermal evolution. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta66, 521-540; Richter F. M., Janney P. E., Mendybaev R. A., Davis A. M., and Wadhwa M. (2007a) Elemental and isotopic fractionation of Type B CAI-like liquids by evaporation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta71, 5544-5564.). However, the isotopic fractionation factor for silicon evaporating from such liquids has not been as extensively studied. Here we report new ion microprobe silicon isotopic measurements of residual glass from partial evaporation of Type B CAI liquids into vacuum. The silicon isotopic fractionation is reported as a kinetic fractionation factor, αSi, corresponding to the ratio of the silicon isotopic composition of the evaporation flux to that of the residual silicate liquid. For CAI-like melts, we find that αSi = 0.98985 ± 0.00044 (2σ) for 29Si/28Si with no resolvable variation with temperature over the temperature range of the experiments, 1600-1900 °C. This value is different from what has been reported for evaporation of liquid Mg2SiO4 (Davis A. M., Hashimoto A., Clayton R. N., and Mayeda T. K. (1990) Isotope mass fractionation during evaporation of Mg2SiO4. Nature347, 655-658.) and of a melt with CI chondritic proportions of the major elements (Wang J., Davis A. M., Clayton R. N., Mayeda T. K., and Hashimoto A. (2001) Chemical and isotopic fractionation during the evaporation of the FeO-MgO-SiO2-CaO-Al2O3-TiO2-REE melt system. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta65, 479-494.). There appears to be some compositional control on αSi, whereas no compositional effects have been reported for αMg. We use the values of αSi and αMg, to calculate the chemical compositions of the unevaporated precursors of a number of isotopically fractionated CAIs from CV chondrites whose chemical compositions and magnesium and silicon isotopic compositions have been previously measured.  相似文献   
Andrew Jones  Paul Search 《Geoforum》2009,40(5):809-819
The role of power in economic activity has been researched across the social sciences but there has been little engagement with the spatialities of power relations. This paper thus draws on a recent reinvigorated interest in power within economic geography to develop an approach for understanding how the spatiality of power relations in economic practices are constituted through different forms of proximity. It argues that proximity needs to be conceptualised as multi-dimensional including physical, cultural, virtual and organizational proximity between firms and actors. It further contends that the development of different forms of proximity shape the agency of empowered actors in industry clusters and regional economies. This general proposition is explored by presenting research into a case study: the UK-based private equity industry. The research focuses on the nature, role and development of different forms of proximity between private equity firms and the investee firms that are the subject of investments.  相似文献   
Plesiosaur fossils from the uppermost Tithonian (Upper Jurassic) to lower Valanginian (Lower Cretaceous) Purbeck Limestone Group of Dorset, England are important because they constitute a rare record from around the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary. Where diagnostic, the remains are referred to indeterminate plesiosauroids (Cryptocleidoidea) and represent relatively small animals including a previously undescribed juvenile individual. This observation accords with the lagoonal-lacustrine (with periodic marine influx) depositional setting of the Purbeck Limestone Group strata, a palaeoenvironment that is often associated with juvenile plesiosaur occurrences.  相似文献   
The investigation of regionally extensive groundwater systems in remote areas is hindered by a shortage of data due to a sparse observation network, which limits our understanding of the hydrogeological processes in arid regions. The study used a multidisciplinary approach to determine hydraulic connectivity between the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) and the underlying Arckaringa Basin in the desert region of Central Australia. In order to manage the impacts of groundwater abstraction from the Arckaringa Basin, it is vital to understand its connectivity with the GAB (upper aquifer), as the latter supports local pastoral stations and groundwater-dependent springs with unique endemic flora and fauna. The study is based on the collation of available geological information, a detailed analysis of hydraulic data, and data on environmental tracers. Enhanced inter-aquifer leakage in the centre of the study area was identified, as well as recharge to the GAB from ephemeral rivers and waterholes. Throughout the rest of the study area, inter-aquifer leakage is likely controlled by diffuse inter-aquifer leakage, but the coarse spatial resolution means that the presence of additional enhanced inter-aquifer leakage sites cannot be excluded. This study makes the case that a multi-tracer approach along with groundwater hydraulics and geology provides a tool-set to investigate enhanced inter-aquifer leakage even in a groundwater basin with a paucity of data. A particular problem encountered in this study was the ambiguous interpretation of different age tracers, which is attributed to diffusive transport across flow paths caused by low recharge rates.  相似文献   
We report the calcite twinning strain results of a traverse across the Grenville orogen from Parry Sound, Ontario (NW) to Ft. Ann, New York (SE), including the younger, adjacent Ordovician Taconic allochthon. Fifty four carbonates (marbles, calcite veins, Ordovician limestone) were collected resulting in 68 strain analyses on mechanically twinned calcite (n = 2337 grains) across the Central Gneiss Belt (CGB; 3 samples), the Central Metasedimentary Belt (CMB; 27 samples), the Central Granulite Terrane (CGT; Adirondack's; 13 samples) and the Ottawan Orogenic Lid (OOL; 11 samples). Twinning strains in the greenschist-grade OOL marbles preserve N–S shortening and U-Pb titanite ages (~1150 Ma; n = 4) document these marbles formed during the Shawinigan (1190–1140 Ma) part of the Grenville orogen. From northwest to southeast, the Ottawan (1095–1020 Ma) twinning strain is dominantly a layer-parallel shortening fabric oriented N–S (Parry Sound), then becomes parallel to the Grenville thrust direction (NW–SE) across the CMB to the Adirondack Highlands where the sub-horizontal shortening strain becomes margin-parallel (SW–NE). Within the regional sample suite there are two areas studied in detail, the Bancroft shear zone (n = 11) and a roadcut on the southeast side of the Adirondack Mountains (Ft. Ann, NY; n = 8). Marbles from the Bancroft shear zone contain calcite grains with 2 sets of twin lamellae (e1 and e2). The better-developed e1 sets (n = 406) record a horizontal fabric oriented NW–SE whereas the younger e2 lamellae (n = 146) preserve a margin-parallel (SW–NE) horizontal fabric. Both the e1 and e2 strains record an overprint vertical shortening strain (NEV), perhaps related to extensional orogenic collapse. We also report an Ottawan orogen-aged granoblastic mylonite (1093 Ma, U-Pb zircon; 1102 Ma Ar-Ar biotite) in the Keweenaw thrust hanging wall 500 km inboard of the Grenville front and interpret the relations of Grenville-Keweenaw far-field dynamics.  相似文献   
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