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Ectomycorrhiza-forming fungi (EMF) alter the nutrient-acquisition capabilities of vascular plants, and may play an important role in mineral weathering and the partitioning of products of weathering in soils under nutrient-limited conditions. In this study, we isolated the weathering function of Suillus tomentosus in liquid-cultures with biotite micas incubated at room temperature. We hypothesized that the fungus would accelerate weathering by hyphal attachment to biotite surfaces and transmission of nutrient cations via direct exchange into the fungal biomass. We combined a mass-balance approach with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) to estimate weathering rates and study dissolution features on biotite surfaces. Weathering of biotite flakes was about 2-3 orders of magnitude faster in shaken liquid-cultures with fungus compared to shaken controls without fungus, but with added inorganic acids. Adding fungus in nonshaken cultures caused a higher dissolution rate than in inorganic pH controls without fungus, but it was not significantly faster than organic pH controls without fungus. The K+, Mg2+ and Fe2+ from biotite were preferentially partitioned into fungal biomass in the shaken cultures, while in the nonshaken cultures, K+ and Mg2+ was lost from biomass and Fe2+ bioaccumulated much less. Fungal hyphae attached to biotite surfaces, but no significant surface changes were detected by SEM. When cultures were shaken, the AFM images of basal planes appeared to be rougher and had abundant dissolution channels, but such channel development was minor in nonshaken conditions. Even under shaken conditions the channels only accounted for only 1/100 of the total dissolution rate of 2.7 × 10−10 mol of biotite m−2 s−1. The results suggest that fungal weathering predominantly occurred not by attachment and direct transfer of nutrients via hyphae, but because of the acidification of the bulk liquid by organic acids, fungal respiration (CO2), and complexation of cations which accelerated dissolution of biotite. Results further suggest that both carbohydrate source (abundant here) and a host with which nutrients are exchanged (missing here) may be required for EMF to exert an important weathering effect in soils. Unsaturated conditions and physical dispersal of nutrient-rich minerals in soils may also confer a benefit for hyphal growth and attachment, and promote the attachment-mediated weathering which has been observed elsewhere on soil mineral surfaces.  相似文献   
A scientific challenge is to assess the role of Deccan volcanism in the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (KTB) mass extinction. Here we report on the stratigraphy and biologic effects of Deccan volcanism in eleven deep wells from the Krishna-Godavari (K-G) Basin, Andhra Pradesh, India. In these wells, two phases of Deccan volcanism record the world’s largest and longest lava mega-flows interbedded in marine sediments in the K-G Basin about 1500 km from the main Deccan volcanic province. The main phase-2 eruptions (∼80% of total Deccan Traps) began in C29r and ended at or near the KTB, an interval that spans planktic foraminiferal zones CF1–CF2 and most of the nannofossil Micula prinsii zone, and is correlative with the rapid global warming and subsequent cooling near the end of the Maastrichtian. The mass extinction began in phase-2 preceding the first of four mega-flows. Planktic foraminifera suffered a 50% drop in species richness. Survivors suffered another 50% drop after the first mega-flow, leaving just 7 to 8 survivor species. No recovery occurred between the next three mega-flows and the mass extinction was complete with the last phase-2 mega-flow at the KTB. The mass extinction was likely the consequence of rapid and massive volcanic CO2 and SO2 gas emissions, leading to high continental weathering rates, global warming, cooling, acid rains, ocean acidification and a carbon crisis in the marine environment.  相似文献   
Origin of rhyolites by anatectic melting of granitic crustal rocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rhyolitic pumice deposits on some East Aegean Islands are the remnants of a tuff sheet which covered formerly more than 2500 km2. The rhyolites originated by melting of granitic crustal rocks. The petrological properties leading to this conclusion are as follows:
  • -mineralogical composition of the pumice being 60 wt % of glass and 40 % of relictic granitic minerals (quartz, plagioclase, potash feldspar, biotite) in «phenocrysts» up to 1 cm Ø.
  • -phenomena of strong corrosion, resorption and melting of all light colored «phenocrysts» in the rhyolitic pumice.
  • -mineralogical and chemical identity between pumice and granitic xenolites found in great quantity in the pumice tuff.
  • -structurally transitional types between pumice and the granites in different state of melting.
  • -eutectic composition of the pumice glass for a pressure of 2 kb.
  •   相似文献   
    Zusammenfassung und Folgerungen Es darf als gesichert gelten, dass die 1961 im Auftrag der Internationalen Gew?sserschutzkommission für den Bodensee ermittelte Jahresfracht von 806 t Gesamtphosphor des Alpenrheins in bezug auf den gel?sten Gesamtphosphor viel zu hoch, in bezug auf die Summe von gel?stem und ungel?stem Gesamtphosphor aber wesentlich zu niedrig liegt. Die aus den Ergebnissen der 1961 er Untersuchung für den Alpenrhein gezogenen Schlussfolgerungen k?nnen daher nur zum Teil richtig sein. Kann durch die andernorts bereits durchgeführten Untersuchungen oder durch neue Abkl?rungen festgestellt werden, dass die aus der adsorptiven Bindung an die Rheinsedimente im Bodensee freigesetzte P-Menge kleiner oder gleich der gel?sten P-Fracht des Alpenrheins ist, so hat, die Forderung auf zus?tzliche Einrichtungen zur P-Elimination (3. Reinigungsstufe oder Simultanf?llung) bei den geplanten oder erstellten mechanisch-biologischen Kl?ranlagen im Einzugsgebiet des Bodensees ihre volle Berechtigung.
    Summary and Conclusions It can be considered an established fact that the yearly load of 806 tons of total phosphorus for the Alpine reaches of the Rhine, determined in 1961 on behalf of the International Commission for the Protection of the Lake of Constance against Pollution, is much too high for the dissolved total phosphorus and significantly too low for the sum of the dissolved and undissolved total phosphorus. The conclusions drawn from the 1961 study of the Alpine regions of the Rhine can therefore be only partially correct. If it can be proven that the amount of phosphorus released from the sediments in the Lake of Constance is smaller or equal to the dissolved phosphorus load of the Alpine part of the Rhine, the demand for additional installations for phosphorus elimination (tertiary treatment of sewage or simultaneous precipitation) for the mechanical-biological sewage treatment plants in the catchment area of the Lake of Constance is fully justified.
    Zusammenfassung Die Beeinflussung des Vierwaldst?ttersees (Horwer Bucht) durch den mit dem Abwasser von 10 000 Einwohnern belasteten Steinibach liess sich im Oberfl?chenwasser auf eine Distanz von mehr als 2 km verfolgen (Abb. 1a, 1b, 1c). Es zeigte sich, dass eine erh?hte Phosphorzufuhr eine verst?rkte biogene Nitratzehrung erm?glicht. Die Abh?ngigkeit der Pigmentkonzentration y von der Gesamtphosphorkonzentrationx liess sich durch die folgende Mitscherlich-Gleichung beschreiben: log(30-y)=log 30–0,012 (x−6) Damit wurde im Vierwaldst?ttersee erstmals unter v?llig natürlichen Bedingungen die Beeinflussung der Prim?rproduktion durch eine erh?hte Phosphorkonzentration nachgewiesen (Abb. 2). Die Erfolgsaussichten von Abwassersanierungsmassnahmen an Seen verschiedener Trophiegrade werden diskutiert.
    Summary The influence of the ‘Steinibach” tributary, into which the wastewater of 10,000 inhabitants is discharged, on the Lake of Lucerne (Horwer Bucht) is detectable in the surface water over a distance of more than 2 km (Picture 1a, 1b, 1c). It was revealed that the increased phosphorus supply enables more intensive biological nitrate consumption. The dependence of the pigment concentration,y, on the total phosphorus concentration,x can be expressed by the following Mitscherlich equation: log (30−y)=log 30–0.012 (x−6). This was the first time that the influence of an increased phosphorus concentration on primary production was proved in the Lake of Lucerne under completely natural conditions (Picture 2). The possibilities of implementing successful water pollution control measures in lakes with various trophic levels are discussed.
    The minerals of Oldoinyo Lengai natrocarbonatite lavas are unstable under atmospheric conditions. Subsolidus mineral assemblages in natrocarbonatites were studied in 105 samples from contemporary eruptions ranging from present day to about 100 years old. The subsolidus minerals in natrocarbonatites were formed (i) along cracks on the lava surface from hot gases escaping during cooling, (ii) as atmospheric alteration by solution of water-soluble minerals, in particular halides and gregoryite, and by hydration of nyerereite under the influence of meteoric water and (iii) by reaction with fumarole gases. After solidification, the lavas were cut by a network of thin cracks, the edges of which are covered by polymineralic encrustations. Samples collected 2–24 h after eruption contain nahcolite, trona, sylvite, and halite with accessory kalicinite and villiaumite. Atmospheric humidity results immediately (≥ 2 h after eruption) in alteration of black lavas that is marked by the appearance of white powdery thermonatrite with nahcolite on the lava surface. Subsequent reaction (weeks, months, years) of natrocarbonatite with meteoric water and the atmosphere results in the formation of pirssonite, gaylussite, shortite, trona, thermonatrite, nahcolite and calcite. Generally, the first important step is the formation of pirssonite and the end-members are calcite carbonate rocks or loose aggregates. Fumarolic activity is common for the active northern crater of the volcano. Reaction of hot (54–141 °C) fumarolic gases with natrocarbonatite leads to the formation of sulphur, gypsum, calcite, anhydrite, monohydrocalcite, barite and celestine. Changes in mineralogy of the natrocarbonatite lead to substantial chemical transformation. The most obvious chemical changes in this process are the loss of Na, K, Cl and S, combined with an increase in H2O, Ca, Sr, Ba, F and Mn. The oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of altered natrocarbonatites shows a significant shift from the primary “Lengai Box” to high values of δ18O and δ13C. Calcite exhibits δ13C values between − 2‰ and − 4‰ PDB and δ18O values of + 23‰ to + 26‰ SMOW. The observed assemblages of secondary minerals formed by reaction with atmosphere and meteoric water, the changes in chemical composition of the natrocarbonatite and field observations suggest that alteration of natrocarbonatite is an open-system low-temperature process. It takes place at temperatures between 8 and 43 °C with the addition of H2O to the system and the removal of Na, K, Cl and S from the carbonatites. Low-temperature thermodynamic models developed for alkali carbonate systems can be used for the interpretation of Oldoinyo Lengai subsolidus mineralization.  相似文献   
    Zusammenfassung In Bohuslän an der schwedischen Skagerrak-Küste befinden sich bei Lysekil Rundhöcker, die aus klüftigem Granit bestehen. Das Gefügeinventar ist sehr umfangreich, doch fällt eine Hauptrichtung auf, welche die Eisbewegung steuerte. Außer den tektonischen Klüften tritt die Entspannungsklüftung in ihrer typischen Art insofern auf, als sie morphoparallel ist und die Außenform der Rundhöcker nachbildet. Durch das Vorhandensein einer Diskordanz zwischen der Aufgleitfläche des Eises und den Entspannungsflächen im Granit ist über das Alter der Rundhöcker auszusagen, daß ihre Anlage älter als die Eisbedeckung ist. Das Eis benutzte die Entspannungsflächen teilweise als Bewegungsbahn oder kappte sie. Das Alter der Rundhöcker und ihre räumliche Anordnung wird daher präglazial sein und ist in das Tertiär zu stellen. Die vorgefundenen älteren Formen überprägte das Eis oft am stärksten auf der Leeseite und schuf dann steilwandige Nischen mit ortsfremden Findlingen als Inhalt.
    In the Bohuslän District, on the Swedish Skagerrak coast, humps may be found near Lysekil, which consist of jointed granite. The fabric is very comprehensive, but there is one main direction guiding the ice movement. Besides these joints, there are relaxation planes in their typical formations; they run parallel to the morphology and re-shape the exterior forms of the humps.The presence of a discordance between the gliding surface and the relaxation planes in the granite determines the age of the humps, i. e., their origin is older than the ice cover. The ice made use of these planes by moving on or by cutting them. The age of the humps and their arrangement in space should, therefore, be preglacial and be assigned to the tertiary. The older forms encountered re-formed the ice most strongly on the leeward side, and there are precipitous niches containing erratic blocks.

    Résumé A Bohuslän sur la côte suédoise de Skagerrak se trouvent à côté de Lysekil des roches moutonnées, formées de granit diaclase. La structure en question est très riche, mais une direction principale se distingue, celle qui réglait le mouvement glaciaire. Apart les diaclases intervient une diaclase de relaxation dans sa forme typique aussi loin qu'elle est morphoparallèle et qu'elle imite la forme extérieure des roches moutonnées. A travers l'existence d'une discordance mécanique entre la surface de glissement du glacier et les surfaces de relaxation dans le granit peut on déterminer l'âge des roches moutonnées, que leur formation est plus vieille que celle de la couverture glaciaire. Le glacier utilisait les surfaces de relaxation comme voie de déplacement, ou bien il les coupait. C'est pour cela que l'âge des roches moutonnées et leur disposition dans l'éspace est préglacial, et est à ranger dans l'ère tertiaire. Le glacier influença les anciennes formes trouvées, souvent le plus fort sur le côté sous le vent, et fit des nids à falaises abruptes contenant des blocs erratiques venant d'autre part.

    Lysekil (Bohuslän, ) . , , . , , . , . . , -- . .
    Zusammenfassung Die chemische Analyse des neuen Minerals Johillerit mit der Elektronenmikrosonde ergab: Na2O 5,4, MgO 18,3, ZnO 5,4, CuO 15,8 und As2O5 55,8, Summe 100.7%. Aus diesem Ergebnis wurde die idealisierte Formel Na(Mg, Zn)3 Cu(AsO4)3 abgeleitet. Johillerit ist monoklin mit der RaumgruppeC2/c. Die Gitterkonstanten sind:a=11,870 (3),b=12,755 (3),c=6,770 (2) , =113,42 (2)°,Z=4. Die stärksten Linien des Pulverdiagramms sind: 4,06 (5) (22 ), 3,50 (4) (310), 3,25 (8) (11 ), 2,75 (10) (330, 240), 2,64 (5) (311, 13 , 40 ), 1,952 (4) (13 , 35 ), 1,682 (4) (20 , 460), 1,660 (5) (40 , 71 , 550, 64 ), 1,522 (4) (442, 153, 13 ). Es bestehen enge strukturelle Beziehungen zwischen Johillerit und O'Danielit, Na(Zn, Mg)3H2(AsO4)3, sowie einigen synthetischen. Verbindungen.Johillerit ist violett durchscheinend. Die Spaltbarkeit nach {010} ist ausgezeichnet und nach {100} und {001} gut.H (Mohs)3.D=4,15 undD X =4,21 g·cm–3. Das Mineral ist optisch zweiachsig positiv, 2V80 (5)°. Die Werte der Lichtbrechung sindn =1,715 (4),n =1,743 (4) undn =1,783 (4). Die Auslöschung istn b und auf (010)n c16°. Johillerit ist stark pleochroitisch mit den AchsenfarbenX=violett-rot,Y = blauviolett undZ = grünblau. Das neue Mineral kommt in radialstrahligen Massen gemeinsam mit kupferhaltigem Adamin und Konichalcit in zersetzem Kupfererz von Tsumeb, Namibia, vor. Die Benennung erfolgte nach Prof. Dr.J.-E. Hiller (1911–1972).
    Johillerite, Na(Mg, Zn) 3 Cu(AsO 4 ) 3 , a new mineral from Tsumeb, Namibia
    Summary Electron microprobe analysis of the new mineral johillerite gave Na2O 5.4, MgO 18.3, ZnO 5.4, CuO 15.8, and As2O5 55.8, total 100.7%. From this result, the ideal formula is given as Na(Mg, Zn)3 Cu(AsO4)3. Johillerite crystallizes monoclinic,C2/c. The unit cell dimensions are:a=11.870(3),b=12.755 (3),c=6.770 (2) , =113.42 (2)°,Z=4. The strongest lines on the X-ray powder diffraction pattern are: 4,06 (5) (22 ), 3,50 (4) (310), 3,25 (8) (11 ), 2,75 (10) (330, 240), 2,64 (5) (311, 13 , 40 ), 1,952 (4) (13 , 35 ), 1,682 (4) (20 , 460), 1,660 (5) (40 , 71 , 550, 64 ), 1,522 (4) (442, 153, 13 ). There is a close relationship between johillerite, o'danielite, Na(Zn, Mg)3H2(AsO4)3, and some synthetic compounds. Johillerite is violet in colour, transparent. Cleavage is {010} perfect, {100} and {001} good.H (Mohs)3.D=4.15 andD X =4.21 g·cm–3. The mineral is optically biaxial positive, 2V80 (5)°. The refractive indices are:n =1.715 (4),n =1.743 (4),n =1.783 (4). The extinction isn b and on (010)n c16°. Strongly pleochroic with axial coloursX=violet-red,Y=bluish violet andZ=greenish blue. The new mineral was found in radiated masses together with cuprian adamite and conichalcite in an oxidized copper ore from Tsumeb, Namibia. It is named in honour of Prof. Dr.J.-E. Hiller (1911–1972).

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