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Bogotá, the capital city of Colombia, is mostly located on a lacustrine soil deposit surrounded by hills in a central plateau of the eastern cordillera of the Colombian Andes. This highly populated urban area is exposed to a significant seismic hazard from local and regional fault systems. In addition, the potential ground motion amplification during earthquakes due to the presence of soft soil deposits, along with the effects of the surface and subsurface topography, can strongly influence the seismic hazard and consequently the seismic risk to the city. This study aims to develop a physics‐based framework to generate synthetic ground records that can help better understand the seismic response of the basin and other amplification effects during strong earthquake shaking in the region, and to incorporate these effects into the estimation of seismic risk. To this end, a set of simulations were first conducted on Hercules, the wave propagation octree‐based finite element simulator developed by the Quake Group at Carnegie Mellon University, to identify the impacts of hypothetical strong earthquakes scenarios. Then, the results from these simulations were integrated with the exposure and vulnerability information previously developed for the main building constructions in the city to assess the seismic risk in the region under different conditions of analysis. Results from this more detailed model are compared with previously published results from simplified models. Sensitivity analyses help identify critical aspects that should be considered in the future to improve the seismic risk assessment of infrastructure.  相似文献   
This study analyses large wood (LW) storage and the associated effects on channel morphology and flow hydraulics in three third‐order mountain basins (drainage area 9–12 km2) covered in old‐growth Nothofagus forests, ranging from the temperate warm Chilean Andean Cordillera to the sub‐Antarctic Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Amount, characteristics and dimensions of large wood (>10 cm diameter, >1 m long) were recorded, as well as their effects on stream morphology, hydraulics and sediment storage. Results show that major differences in LW abundance exist even between adjacent basins, as a result of different disturbance histories and basin dissection. Massive LW volumes (i.e. >1000 m3 ha?1) can be reached in basins disturbed by fires followed by mass movements and debris flows. Potential energy dissipation resulting from wood dams is about a quarter of the total elevation drop in two streams, with a gross sediment volume stored behind wood dams of around 1000 m3 km?1, which appears to be of the same order as the annual sediment yield. Finally, the presence of wood dams may increase flow resistance by up to one order of magnitude. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In the STAR/AQEM protocol microhabitats covering less than 5% of the sampling area were neglected. Driven by an ongoing discussion on the importance of these underrepresented microhabitats we tested the influence of sampling them. We investigated 48 streams representing 14 different stream types from all over Germany. Macroinvertebrates of underrepresented microhabitats were sampled in addition to the STAR/AQEM protocol. To ensure the method remains feasible in routine monitoring programmes the total sampling and sorting effort of additional sampling was limited to 20 min. Particularly those taxa were picked, which were not recognised during the routine STAR/AQEM sorting.To identify the effect of additional sampling on stream assessment results, we calculated the stream type-specific Multimetric Index (MMI) with the “main” and the “main+additional” data for each sample. The mean and median difference in MMI values between “main” and “main+additional” samples was 0.02 and 0.01, respectively. In seven of 48 samples (14.6%) a different ecological quality class was calculated with the “main+additional” dataset. Regarding common metrics within the MMI as well as intercalibration metrics differences between “main” and “main+additional” samples were analysed. The values differed most in richness metrics (e.g., number of EPTCBO Taxa, number of Trichoptera Taxa). The results of the present study show that additional sampling of underrepresented microhabitats could alter multimetric assessment results.  相似文献   
Polychlorobiphenyls (PCB) and organochlorine (OC) pesticides are endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). The Italian Ministry of Environment has undertaken a program (1999-2001) to measure levels of contaminants in top marine predators and to develop sensitive biomarkers for the evaluation of toxicological risk in these species. In 1999, 15 swordfishes (Xiphias gladius) taken from the Mediterranean Sea along the Sicilian coast (Strait of Messina, Italy) and in the Atlantic Ocean along the Azores Islands, and analysed for 34 congeners of PCBs and 27 organochlorine (OC) pesticides in gonad, muscle, liver and blubber tissues. In the tissues of Mediterranean swordfishes the sum of the determined PCBs congeners ranged from 4.61 to 4651.17 ng g(-1) on fresh tissue basis. Among organochlorine pesticides DDE, DDT and DDD (TDE) predominated with an overall range of 2.37-4734.56 ng(-1) w.w. In particular p,p'-DDE had concentrations appearing up to 3900 ng(-1), with the highest values found in fatty tissues, such as blubber. In the liver of Azores Island swordfishes lower levels of summation PCBs (8.43-294.17 ng/g w.w.) and summation DDTs (<0.01-217.44 ng/g w.w.) were determined.  相似文献   
The study is focusing on the stress and strain inversions from focal mechanisms in a revised seismotectonic zonation of northeastern Italy and western Slovenia. The recent increase of monitoring capability of the local seismic network, the updated geological-structural model of the area, and the novelties emerged from studies on the spatial organization of the seismicity allowed a redefinition of the seismotectonic zones. The stress and strain tensors inversion is inferred from 203 focal mechanisms, corresponding to earthquakes occurred between 1984 and 2016 with coda-duration magnitude range from 2.0 to 5.6. The inverted stress domains reveal an articulated picture of the interaction of the Adria microplate with the Eurasian plate. A dominant strike-slip stress field characterizes the eastern part of the area, while the seismotectonic zones of the central part are undergoing to thrusting regime. The stress pattern inferred in the western part of the study area outlines a complex picture with prevailing strike-slip regime and dominant compression only in a seismotectonic zone. The comparison of stress and strain tensor orientations evidences a relative uniformity of the crustal strength in the eastern and northwestern zones of the study area. The central and western zones appear to be characterized by planes of mechanical weakness not favorably oriented for failure with respect to the stress tensor.  相似文献   
Palaeo- and rock-magnetic investigations of the St Bertrand’s Spring (Le Ravin de Font de St Bertrand) locality in France were carried out in order to contribute to, and improve, the stratigraphy of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval. Magnetic susceptibility shows slightly diamagnetic behaviour in the lowermost part of the profile and an increase (paramagnetic) towards its middle and upper parts. Rock-magnetic measurements throughout the section show magnetite as the main magnetic fraction, together with traces of hematite. Additionally, thermal demagnetization indicates the presence of goethite. Our magnetostratigraphy indicates three normal/reversed polarity sequences; possibly encompassing the magnetozones M19r to the M17n. This suggests that the St Bertrand section straddles the Tithonian/Berriasian boundary and reaches the middle Berriasian sensu lato.  相似文献   
In this paper, numerical insights on the seismic behavior of a non-isolated historical masonry tower are presented and discussed. The tower under study is the main tower of the fortress of San Felice sul Panaro, a town located near the city of Modena (Italy). Such a tower is surrounded by adjacent structural elements and, therefore, is not isolated. This historical monument has been hit by the devastating seismic sequence occurred in May 2012 in the Northern part of the Emilia region (the so-called “Emilia earthquake”), showing a huge and widespread damage. Here, in order to understand the behavior of the structure, its interaction with the adjacent buildings and the reasons of the occurred damage, advanced numerical analyses (both nonlinear static and dynamic) are performed on a 3D finite element model with different levels of constraint supplied by the adjacent structural elements and a detailed comparison between the simulated damage and the actual one is carried out. The results of the conducted numerical campaign show a good agreement with the actual crack pattern, particularly for the model of the tower that considers the adjacent structural elements.  相似文献   
Low rates of lateral migration (centimetres to decimetres per year) combined with relatively high rates of vertical accretion (millimetres to centimetres per year) recorded in microtidal channels of the Venice Lagoon (Italy) give rise to point‐bar geometries and internal facies arrangements that differ substantially from widely accepted models of point‐bar sedimentary architecture. In this study, field data from the Venice Lagoon are combined with a three‐dimensional forward stratigraphic model, the ‘Point‐Bar Sedimentary Architecture Numerical Deduction’ (PB‐SAND), to predict the stratal geometries of point bars formed in aggradational settings. The PB‐SAND uses a combined geometric and stochastic modelling approach that can be constrained by field evidence. The model applied determines the geometry of four point bars generated by 9 to 11 m wide channels cutting through salt marshes. An iterative best‐fit modelling approach has been used to obtain multiple simulations for each case study, each of which fits the observations derived from the analysis of time‐series historical aerial photographs and 44 sedimentary cores. Results demonstrate how the geometry of the bars is determined by the development of two key stratal surfaces: the point‐bar brink and channel‐thalweg surfaces. These surfaces are defined by the progressive translation and vertical shift of the point‐bar brink (i.e. break of slope between bar top and bar slope) and the channel thalweg (i.e. deepest part of the channel) during bar evolution. The approach is used to: (i) reconstruct three‐dimensional point‐bar geometries; (ii) propose alternative reconstructions; (iii) provide insight to drive the acquisition of additional data to better constrain the proposed models; and (iv) provide insight into the mechanism of bar growth for slowly migrating channels in settings subject to relatively high rates of aggradation. This study highlights how interaction between styles of planform transformation and latero‐vertical shifts of meandering channels can determine the geometry of related sedimentary bodies.  相似文献   
The in-plane capacity of unreinforced masonry (URM) elements may vary considerably depending on several factors, including boundary conditions, aspect ratio, vertical overburden, and masonry texture. Since the overall system resistance mainly relies on the in-plane lateral capacity of URM components when out-of-plane modes are adequately prevented, the structural assessment of URM structures could benefit from advanced numerical approaches able to account for these factors simultaneously. This paper aims at enhancing and optimising the employment of the distinct element method, currently confined to the analysis of local mechanisms of reduced-scale dry-joint blocky assemblies, with a view to simulate the experimentally observed responses of a series of URM full-scale specimens with mortared joints subjected to quasi-static in-plane cyclic loading. To this end, a mesoscale modelling approach is proposed that employs a simplified microscale modelling approach to effectively capture macroscale behaviour. Dynamic relaxation schemes are employed, in combination with time, size, and mass-scaling procedures, to decrease computational demand. A new methodology for numerically describing both unit, mortar and hybrid failure modes, also including masonry crushing due to high-compression stresses, is proposed. Empirical and homogenisation formulae for inferring the elastic properties of interface between elements are also verified, enabling the proposed approach to be applied more broadly. Using this modelling strategy, the interaction between stiffness degradation and energy dissipation rate was accounted for numerically. Although the models marginally underestimate the energy dissipation in the case of slender piers, a good agreement was obtained in terms of lateral strength, hysteretic response, and crack pattern.  相似文献   
Four different models for a K-giant atmosphere (T e=4500K, logg=2) have been computed. Each model is characterized by the inclusion of different opacity sources (H, H, (H), metals, blanketing effect, He) in order to obtain an evaluation of the model sensitivity concerning the atmospheric structure and the emergent flux. The results show that hydrogen, metals and blanketing effect must be taken into account to achieve self-consistent and reliable models.A picture of the influence of the frequency distribution of the absorption coefficient on the model features is also shown.
Sommario Sono stati calcolati quattro differenti modelli di una stella gigante K(T e=4500K, logg=2). Ogni modello è caratterizzato dalla inclusione di differenti sorgenti di opacità (H, H, (H), metalli, effetto blanketing, He) per ottenere una valutazione della sensibilità del modello per quel che riguarda la struttura atmosferica ed il flusso emergente. I risultati ottenuti mostrano che per costruire modelli auto-consistenti e con un buon grado di affidabilità occorre tener conto almeno delle seguenti sorgenti di opacità: H, metalli, effetto blanketing.Si mostra inoltre come sia possibile una descrizione schematica dell'influenza del coefficiente di assorbimento sulle varie caratteristiche del modello.
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