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In Algeria, the climate change in recent decades has a negative impact on water resources. The goal of this study is to determine the influence of these hazards on surface water resources in the basin of Macta (Northwest of Algeria). The study of climatic pulsations is implemented from the climate coefficient changes and its moving averages over 3 years. Variations of this coefficient based on years, for the period 1949–1973, show an alternation of wet and dry years. Starting from 1973, a very dry period of more than 20 years was installed in the basin, with deficits ranging from 22% to 72%. The consequences of the surface water deficit can damage the environmental balance and consequently affect the various human activities that are directly or indirectly related to the use of these resources.  相似文献   
A numerical investigation of the desaturation process at the argillaceous Tournemire site has been carried out. This desaturation is initialized by the contact of the saturated rock with the ambient air in excavated openings. The used hydraulical model is based on the Richards’ approximation for unsaturated one phase flow coupled with the deformation of a porous medium with anisotropic linearly elastic behavior. In relation to the extent of the desaturated zone around an excavated opening, the intrinsic permeability and the relative permeability have been identified to be the most important model parameters. The mechanical deformation process itself, the seasonal influences and the tunnel lining are less important for the formation of the desaturated zone. The comparison with measured saturation values bares some difficulties but indicates the principle capacity of the applied finite element codes to simulate the desaturation process. The consideration of seasonal changes in humidity in the ambient air results in a constantly recurring desaturation–resaturation cycle in the near field of the openings. This seasonally influenced zone amount 1–2 m and is nearly independent from time and from a variation of model parameters within a reasonable range. The possibility of material weakening in this zone is of special interest, since claystone is a potential host rock for the disposal of radioactive waste.  相似文献   
In Tunisia, five Bahloul spaced sections, Bargou, Jerisa, Guern Halfaya, Kherij and Gafsa were analyzed for biostratigraphy (foraminifera and radiolarians) and major and trace elements. This high-resolution biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic integrated analyses for the Late Cenomanian–Early Turonian Bahloul Formation provide new insight into the palaeoceanographic evolution of the southern Tethyan margin. Relative low abundance of related terrigenous Ti/Al and K/Al ratios and enrichment of some productivity proxies such as Ba, Cu, and Ni (organic matter related trace elements) suggests that the Bahloul, deposited during a relatively short period (0.5 Ma), was of relatively elevated primary productivity and minimal detrital input. While higher D* values concurrent with lower Ti/Al ratios are interpreted as caused by enhanced fluvial material contribution, due to more humid climate during the OAE-2. Enhanced humidity triggered probably fluvial influxes, resulted in a sluggish water circulation and consequent anoxic/euxinic conditions favoring the preservation of organic matter at the bottom. Enrichments in redox-sensitive trace metals U, V, and Mo in the Bahloul Formation deposits and redox indices, such as V/(V+Ni), U/Th, V/Cr, and Ni/Co, indicate that oxygen-restricted conditions prevailed during the Late Cenomanian to earliest Turonian times and correlate well with relative abundances of some foraminiferal and radiolarian paleo-environmental relevant indicators. High Baxs values and Uauth may indicate anoxic conditions at least at the water–sediment interface during the Bahloul Formation deposition and provide information about low to moderate sulfate-reduction reactions.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a seasonal survey of heavy metals accumulated in sediments and in the soft parts of the body of the mussel Perna perna at four stations in the Gulf of Annaba (Algeria). Pooled soft tissues from 10 mussels representing the entire range of sizes were digested in nitric acid. Statistical analysis reveals a significant seasonal effect on all the measured metals, the highest values being recorded in winter. With the exception of Cr, the levels for all metals were significantly higher in the east, at the outlet of the Seybouse River, than at all other monitoring stations. The study also shows that north-western waters are subject to a significantly lower degree of heavy metal pollution than elsewhere in the gulf. Levels were nevertheless within the limits of public health standards.  相似文献   

La variabilité du climat, une gestion non optimale de la ressource en eau et l'intensification des activités anthropiques pourraient être les trois facteurs majeurs menaçant les écoulements et l'état de la ressource en eau dans les sous-bassins algériens. C'est le cas du bassin de la Tafna dans la partie occidentale de l'Algérie. Ce bassin est situé dans une région au climat semi-aride. Outre l'influence des précipitations, nous examinerons dans cet article la contribution possible d'autres facteurs (géologiques, topographiques et anthropiques) à la variabilité des écoulements dans le bassin de la Tafna. Pour cela, en plus de l'analyse du régime pluviométrique et des débits, nous avons choisi d'analyser le baseflow index ou BFI et les débits de base. Cinq sous-bassins de la Tafna, où des données journalières de pluie et de débit étaient disponibles sur la période 1976–2006 ont été étudiés. L'analyse, qui a distingué deux sous-régions déterminées par la topographie: les bassins d'altitude et ceux de plaine, montre que, selon leur contexte géologique, les sous-bassins ont des comportements différents en terme d'écoulement. Les zones en altitude présentant un écoulement de base et un BFI plus importants que les bassins de plaine. Ceci peut être relié à la nature lithologique des formations, les bassins d'altitude présentant une composante karstique importante. Les analyses de tendance/rupture sur les précipitations annuelles ne montrent aucune tendance significative sur la période 1976–2006. On note une baisse des débits moyens annuels uniquement sur deux stations en altitude (significatives aux seuils 1 et 10% respectivement). Une tendance à une diminution significative des débits de base est obtenue sur deux bassins d'altitude et un bassin de plaine (au seuil 1 ou 5%). La baisse du BFI est significative au seuil 1% pour seulement une station d'altitude. Ceci serait le signe d'une baisse du stock dans les bassins d'altitude. La modification des écoulements de base sur certains sous-bassins de la Tafna serait donc imputable à des causes, notamment de nature anthropique, ne relevant pas d'une diminution de la pluviométrie.

Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz; Editeur associé M. Lang

Citation Bakreti, A., Braud, I., Leblois, E., et Benali, A. 2013. Analyse conjointe des régimes pluviométriques et hydrologiques dans le bassin de la Tafna (Algérie Occidentale). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (1), 1–19.  相似文献   
Acta Geochimica - The agriculture in Biskra, southeastern Algeria, is based on traditional practices and characterized by small irrigated fields. In the last decades, the increasing demand in water...  相似文献   
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment - An adequate characterization of the temporal features of background seismicity, namely after removal of temporally and spatially clustered...  相似文献   
The internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region of 29 individuals of Cerastoderma glaucum (from the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic and the North Sea) and 18 individuals of Cerastoderma edule (from the Atlantic and the North Sea) and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) region of 43 individuals of C. glaucum (from the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic and the North Sea) and 9 individuals of C. edule (from the Atlantic and the North Sea) were PCR amplified and sequenced. The ITS1 sequences led us to describe 27 genetic haplotypes, while 21 genetic haplotypes were determined via the COI sequences. The ITS1 and the COI sequences revealed an important genetic variability within the Mediterranean population of C. glaucum, which contained two different phenotypes: orange foot and yellow foot. A genetic differentiation between the two phenotypes was revealed by the nucleotide diversity index (π) and is strengthened by the AMOVA analysis. This result leads us to suspect the presence of two different groups in the same population of C. glaucum. Nevertheless to be confirmed this hypothesis requires further studies using more locations and a larger number of sample sizes.  相似文献   
The study of the creation and evolution of the excavation disturbed zone (EDZ) in argillaceous rocks is a major issue for the safety of nuclear wastes underground repositories. In this context, the argillaceous Tournemire site has provided a unique opportunity to study the evolution of the EDZ with time thanks to the existence of three openings of different ages. A thorough characterization of the EDZ has been conducted by different means such as visual observation, analysis of samples extracted from drilled boreholes, EDZ permeability measurements, etc. On the basis of these measurements, a conceptual model of the EDZ initiation and propagation at the Tournemire site has been proposed. In order to validate this model, numerical simulations of increasing complexity have been carried out. In a first attempt, the response of the rock mass to the excavation phase, followed by seasonal cyclic variations of temperature and relative humidity inside the opening, has been simulated by means of a purely mechanical analysis, using a simple elastic material model. The EDZ has been estimated by post-processing the calculated stress states, using a Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion. The results obtained show that no EDZ could be predicted unless adopting a low cohesion value for the rock mass. Moreover, the deferred nature of the EDZ formation in Tournemire could not be reproduced. These limitations have then been suppressed by using a coupled viscoplastic-damaging mechanical model, the parameters of which have been identified from different laboratory experiments. With this model, a time evolution of the EDZ could be predicted, but the EDZ pattern could not match the one observed in situ. Finally, in view of the importance of the hydraulic couplings, unsaturated hydro-mechanical calculations have been carried out to investigate the effect of the numerous seasonal variations cycles and the resulting shrinkage.  相似文献   
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