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Cable‐stayed bridges require a careful consideration of the lateral force exerted by the deck on the towers under strong earthquakes. This work explores the seismic response of cable‐stayed bridges with yielding metallic dampers composed of triangular plates that connect the deck with the supports in the transverse direction. A design method based on an equivalent single‐degree of freedom approximation is proposed. This is proved valid for conventional cable‐stayed bridges with 200‐ and 400‐m main spans, but not 600 m. The height of the plates is chosen to (1) achieve a yielding capacity that limits the maximum force transmitted from the deck to the towers, and to (2) control the hysteretic energy that the dampers dissipate by defining their design ductility. In order to select the optimal ductility and the damper configuration, a multi‐objective response factor that accounts for the energy dissipation, peak damper displacement and low‐cycle fatigue is introduced. The design method is applied to cable‐stayed bridges with different spans and deck–support connections. The results show that the dissipation by plastic deformation in the dampers prevents significant damage in the towers of the short‐to‐medium‐span bridges under the extreme seismic actions. However, the transverse response of the towers in the bridge with a 600‐m main span is less sensitive to the dampers. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Sedimentation processes in reservoirs can be studied by performing theoretical analysis, laboratory experimentation, numerical simulation, or a combination of these three methods. Available literature focused on reservoirs is abundant. For instance, the works conducted by Hotchkiss and Parker (1991), Morris and Fan (1997), and De Cesare et al.  相似文献   
Evapotranspiration (ET) is the largest term after precipitation in terrestrial water budgets. Accurate estimates of ET are needed for numerous agricultural and natural resource management tasks and to project changes in hydrological cycles due to potential climate change. We explore recent methods that combine vegetation indices (VI) from satellites with ground measurements of actual ET (ETa) and meteorological data to project ETa over a wide range of biome types and scales of measurement, from local to global estimates. The majority of these use time-series imagery from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer on the Terra satellite to project ET over seasons and years. The review explores the theoretical basis for the methods, the types of ancillary data needed, and their accuracy and limitations. Coefficients of determination between modeled ETa and measured ETa are in the range of 0.45–0.95, and root mean square errors are in the range of 10–30% of mean ETa values across biomes, similar to methods that use thermal infrared bands to estimate ETa and within the range of accuracy of the ground measurements by which they are calibrated or validated. The advent of frequent-return satellites such as Terra and planed replacement platforms, and the increasing number of moisture and carbon flux tower sites over the globe, have made these methods feasible. Examples of operational algorithms for ET in agricultural and natural ecosystems are presented. The goal of the review is to enable potential end-users from different disciplines to adapt these methods to new applications that require spatially-distributed ET estimates.  相似文献   
The study of the geochemical compositions and K-Ar or Ar-Ar ages of ca. 350 Neogene and Quaternary lavas from Baja California, the Gulf of California and Sonora allows us to discuss the nature of their mantle or crustal sources, the conditions of their melting and the tectonic regime prevailing during their genesis and emplacement. Nine petrographic/geochemical groups are distinguished: ??regular?? calc-alkaline lavas; adakites; magnesian andesites and related basalts and basaltic andesites; niobium-enriched basalts; alkali basalts and trachybasalts; oceanic (MORB-type) basalts; tholeiitic/transitional basalts and basaltic andesites; peralkaline rhyolites (comendites); and icelandites. We show that the spatial and temporal distribution of these lava types provides constraints on their sources and the geodynamic setting controlling their partial melting. Three successive stages are distinguished. Between 23 and 13 Ma, calc-alkaline lavas linked to the subduction of the Pacific-Farallon plate formed the Comondú and central coast of the Sonora volcanic arc. In the extensional domain of western Sonora, lithospheric mantle-derived tholeiitic to transitional basalts and basaltic andesites were emplaced within the southern extension of the Basin and Range province. The end of the Farallon subduction was marked by the emplacement of much more complex Middle to Late Miocene volcanic associations, between 13 and 7 Ma. Calc-alkaline activity became sporadic and was replaced by unusual post-subduction magma types including adakites, niobium-enriched basalts, magnesian andesites, comendites and icelandites. The spatial and temporal distribution of these lavas is consistent with the development of a slab tear, evolving into a 200-km-wide slab window sub-parallel to the trench, and extending from the Pacific coast of Baja California to coastal Sonora. Tholeiitic, transitional and alkali basalts of subslab origin ascended through this window, and adakites derived from the partial melting of its upper lip, relatively close to the trench. Calc-alkaline lavas, magnesian andesites and niobium-enriched basalts formed from hydrous melting of the supraslab mantle triggered by the uprise of hot Pacific asthenosphere through the window. During the Plio-Quaternary, the ??no-slab?? regime following the sinking of the old part of the Farallon plate within the deep mantle allowed the emplacement of alkali and tholeiitic/transitional basalts of deep asthenospheric origin in Baja California and Sonora. The lithospheric rupture connected with the opening of the Gulf of California generated a high thermal regime associated to asthenospheric uprise and emplaced Quaternary depleted MORB-type tholeiites. This thermal regime also induced partial melting of the thinned lithospheric mantle of the Gulf area, generating calc-alkaline lavas as well as adakites derived from slivers of oceanic crust incorporated within this mantle.  相似文献   
Multicomponent seismic data are acquired by orthogonal geophones that record a vectorial wavefield. Since the single components are not independent, the processing should be performed jointly for all the components. In this contribution, we use hypercomplex numbers, specifically quaternions, to implement the Wiener deconvolution for multicomponent seismic data. This new approach directly derives from the complex Wiener filter theory, but special care must be taken in the algorithm implementation due to the peculiar properties of quaternion algebra. Synthetic and real data examples show that quaternion deconvolution, either spiking or predictive, generally performs superiorly to the standard (scalar) deconvolution because it properly takes into account the vectorial nature of the wavefields. This provides a better wavelet estimation and thus an improved deconvolution performance, especially when noise affects differently the various components.  相似文献   
Invasive coral species of the genus Tubastraea have been increasingly recorded in Southwestern Atlantic waters since the 1980s. Their invasion and infestation are mainly related to port and oil exploration activities. For the first time the presence of Tubastraea tagusensis colonies is reported in Espírito Santo State, colonizing a port shore area, and incrusting oil/gas platform structures situated in the southern Abrolhos Bank, which is part of the most important coral reef system of the South Atlantic Ocean. Tubastraea colonies exhibit fast growth and high recruitment rates, and colonized 40% of the analyzed structures in just four years. The projection of port and oil/gas industry growth for the Espírito Santo State (more than 300%) highlights an alert to the dispersal of this alien species to natural areas.  相似文献   
We present measurements from 2006 of the marine wind speed profile at a site located 18 km from the west coast of Denmark in the North Sea. Measurements from mast-mounted cup anemometers up to a height of 45 m are extended to 161 m using LiDAR observations. Atmospheric turbulent flux measurements performed in 2004 with a sonic anemometer are compared to a bulk Richardson number formulation of the atmospheric stability. This is used to classify the LiDAR/cup wind speed profiles into atmospheric stability classes. The observations are compared to a simplified model for the wind speed profile that accounts for the effect of the boundary-layer height. For unstable and neutral atmospheric conditions the boundary-layer height could be neglected, whereas for stable conditions it is comparable to the measuring heights and therefore essential to include. It is interesting to note that, although it is derived from a different physical approach, the simplified wind speed profile conforms to the traditional expressions of the surface layer when the effect of the boundary-layer height is neglected.  相似文献   
The goal of the CLARIS project was to build an integrated European–South American network dedicated to promote common research strategies to observe and predict climate changes and their consequent socio-economic impacts taking into account the climate and societal peculiarities of South America. Reaching that goal placed the present network as a privileged advisor to contribute to the design of adaptation strategies in a region strongly affected by and dependent on climate variability (e.g. agriculture, health, hydro-electricity). Building the CLARIS network required fulfilling the following three objectives: (1) The first objective of CLARIS was to set up and favour the technical transfer and expertise in earth system and regional climate modelling between Europe and South America together with the providing of a list of climate data (observed and simulated) required for model validations; (2) The second objective of CLARIS was to facilitate the exchange of observed and simulated climate data between the climate research groups and to create a South American high-quality climate database for studies in extreme events and long-term climate trends; (3) Finally, the third objective of CLARIS was to strengthen the communication between climate researchers and stakeholders, and to demonstrate the feasibility of using climate information in the decision-making process.  相似文献   
The stratigraphy of a sedimentary basin is mainly the result of the long-term response of a depositional surface to prolonged subsidence. However, the real nature of interrelations between fluvial architecture and subsidence is still unknown. Herein, we present new data on these relationships by combining the results of detailed sedimentological field work with data acquired through automated forward modelling and backstripping for the alluvial Permian and Triassic sediments of the SE Iberian Ranges. Using this methodology, we determined tectonic subsidence of the basin by means of backstripping analysis and crust and lithospheric mantle stretching factors (δ and β, respectively) using forward modelling technique. Results indicated that a configuration of two individual and independent layers during lithospheric subsidence for each tectonic phase fit better for this time of the studied basin evolution than the assumption of subsidence due to a single layer spanning the whole lithosphere.For this study, we simplified fluvial geometries as two main types: isolated (I) and amalgamated (A), with subtypes in each case. Different order bounding surfaces (b.s.) were distinguished in the field, although we only selected those affecting the whole basin under study. These included those b.s. of clear tectonic origin, ranging from individual basin boundary-fault pulses produced over periods of approximately 1 My to those arising from major tectonic events, such as the beginning of extension in the basin, causing major changes in basin geometry over periods of 3–5 My.The comparison of δ and β values and fluvial geometries for each identified tectonic phase in the basin evolution, revealed some possible relationship between subsidence and fluvial geometry: Sections showing the most varied fluvial architectural geometries, including ribbon and nested forms, were related to higher β and δ stretching factors values indicating tectonic phases of greater stretching and subsidence. When both stretching factors were similar and close to 1, fluvial geometry was basically reduced to amalgamated geometry type. Wider ranging of fluvial geometries was associated with stages of basin development in which crust and upper mantle activities differed, that is, showing larger differences of β and δ stretching factors values. The related slope changes are proposed as the main surface control of fluvial styles.Combination of subsidence with other possible controlling factors such as avulsion rate, climate or budget of sediments, gives rise to the definitive alluvial architecture of a basin.  相似文献   
An approach to analyze regime change in spatial time series datasets is followed and extended to jointly analyze a dynamical model depicting regime shift and observational data informing the same process. We analyze changes in the joint model–data regime and covariability within each regime. The method is applied to two observational datasets of equatorial sea surface temperature (TAO/TRITON array and satellite) and compared with the predicted data by the ECCO-JPL modeling system.  相似文献   
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