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The length (more than 300 km) and size of the St. Narcisse morainic system suggest that it represents an important glacial event, probably climatically controlled and not related to a surge. Dates on marine material (shells) both from within and external to the moraine suggest that its time of emplacement was roughly 11,000 years ago, well after the beginning of the Champlain Sea Episode, but still possibly correlative with the Valders event of the Lake Michigan area.  相似文献   
Cadmium (Cd) is among the major contaminants in the Seine estuary. In the biota, the RNO (Réseau National d’Observation, the French Mussel-Watch) has shown that Cd concentrations in mussels living at the mouth of the estuary are related to changes in inputs to this area of phosphogypsum, a calcium sulphate that is a by-product of the phosphoric acid naturally enriched with Cd. In the water column, Cd concentrations at several key estuary sites show a very marked trend toward decreased contamination in the particles as well as in the dissolved phase. The behavior of Cd in the estuary has been studied between 1991 and 1998 in the framework of the scientific program Seine-Aval. This program has highlighted punctual Cd inputs in the estuarine water column. The partition of Cd between the dissolved and the particulate phase, previously described in various estuaries, is characterized by an intense phenomenon of solubilization in the mixing zone freshwater-seawater, but the colloidal Cd fraction remains low along the whole salinity gradient, about 5% to 10% of the apparent dissolved fraction. Although the decrease of inputs induced a fall of Cd concentrations in the water column, laboratory experiments show that the estuarine particles are far from being exhausted in Cd. Despite continuous efforts to reduce the urban and industrial inputs into the estuarine and coastal waters, the Seine estuary still remains very contaminated by Cd.  相似文献   
The Lamayuru lacustrine strata in Ladakh typify many of the carbonate-rich Pleistocene alpine lakes found in the semiarid environment of the northern Himalaya. Created by a 200-m-thick landslide, the lake was in existence by at least 35,000 yr ago, and may have persisted until 500–1000 yr ago. Represented in the center by thin turbidites and laminated muds, the lacustrine sedimentation along the lake margins and low-relief deltas characteristically displays a marked contrast between (1) clastic lenses representing rapid, sporadic, matrix-poor debris flows and periglacial inputs from the alpine slopes and (2) abundant, diverse, shallow-water, biologically dominated carbonate strata, among which organism-rich, chalky beds and oncolithic and encrusted stem-rich strata predominate. Resemblances of the Lamayuru lacustrine strata and their setting to those of former lakes throughout areas north of the Greater Himalayan crest suggest that the alpine, semi-arid environment would favor diversified, spacially restricted carbonate sedimentation punctuated by occasional clastic influxes. Such a depositional regime contrasts strongly with that found immediately south of the Himalayan crest where more humid conditions promote a more continuous clastic influx into intramontane lakes.  相似文献   
Two Lateglacial insect sequences are described (a) from Conty, in the Selle valley and (b) from Houdancourt in the Oise valley, both in northern France. These investigations are part of a multidisciplinary investigation involving archaeology, sedimentology, geomorphology, geochronology and palaeontology (pollen, macroscopic plant remains, vertebrates, molluscs and insect fossils). The sequences of insect assemblages date from the latter part of the Bølling to the end of the Allerød periods. Environmental analysis of these faunas shows that rivers with riffles and pools meandered across flood plains. The river was extensively fringed with reedy vegetation. The only trees growing close to the river were of Salix and/or Populus. All the insect assemblages indicate that the thermal climates during the Bølling and Allerød periods were similar to one another and during both periods were very nearly as warm as that of the present day. No insect fossils were recovered from the sediments attributed to the Older Dryas interval though other evidence from these sites suggests that this event was decidedly colder than those immediately preceding and succeeding it. Comparisons are made between Lateglacial climatic patterns in northern France with those elsewhere in Europe.  相似文献   
Geochemical data from basalts, basaltic andesites, and andesites of the Mesozoic–Cenozoic (143–44 Ma) from Livingston, Greenwich, Robert, King George, and Ardley Islands of the South Shetland archipelago, Antarctica, are presented. The rocks have variable SiO2 of approximately 46–61 wt%, Al2O3 of 15–26 wt%, and total alkali (K2O+Na2O) of 2–6 wt%. Most samples have low Mg#, Cr, and Ni, which indicates that they have undergone significant fractional crystallization from mantle-derived melts. The presence of olivine cumulatic in the samples from Livingston and Robert Islands explains some high MgO, Ni, and Cr values, whereas low Rb, Zr, and Nb values could be related to undifferentiated magmas. N-MORB-normalized trace element patterns show that South Shetland Islands volcanic rocks have a geochemical pattern similar to that found for other island arcs, with enrichment in LILE relative to HFSE and in LREE relative to HREE. The geochemistry pattern and presence of calcic plagioclase, orthopyroxene, Mg-olivine, and titanomagnetite phenocrysts suggest a source related to the subduction process. The geochemical data also suggest magma evolution from the tholeiitic to the calc-alkaline series; some samples show a transitional pattern. Samples from the South Shetland archipelago show moderate LREE/HREE ratios relative to N-MORB and OIB, depletion in Nb relative to Yb, and high Th/Yb ratios. These patterns probably reflect magma derived from a lithospheric mantle source previously modified by fluids and sediments from a subduction zone.


Dados geoquímicos de basaltos, andesitos basálticos e andesitos mesozóicos–cenozóicos (143–44 Ma) das ilhas Livingston, Greenwich, Robert, King George e Ardley do Arquipélago Shetland do Sul, Antártica são discutidas neste artigo. As rochas tem conteúdos de SiO2 variando de 46 a 61%, Al2O3 de 15 a 26% e álcalis (K2O+Na2O) de 2 a 6%. A maior parte das amostras tem conteúdos baixos de Mg#, Cr e Ni, indicando que sofreram significante cristalização fracionada de fusões derivadas do manto. A presença de fases cumuláticas nas amostras das ilhas Livingston e Robert explicaria os elevados valores de MgO, Ni, Cr, enquanto que baixos valores de Rb, Zr e Nb observados nas amostras destas ilhas poderiam estar relacionados a magmas não diferenciados. Os padrões de elementos-traço normalizados pelo N-MORB mostram que as rochas vulcânicas das Ilhas Shetland do Sul têm padrão geoquímico similar àqueles encontrados em outros arcos de ilhas com enriquecimento em LILE em relação aos HFSE e em ETRL em relação aos ETRP. O padrão geoquímico e a ocorrência de fenocristais de plagioclásio cálcico, ortopiroxênio, olivina magnesiana e titanomagnetita sugerem origem relacionada a processos de subducção. Dados geoquímicos obtidos para as amostras do arquipélago Shetland do Sul sugerem um magma evoluindo de toleítico para cálcico-alcalino, observando-se em algumas amostras um padrão transicional. As amostras do arquipélago Shetland do Sul mostram em relação ao N-MORB e OIB, moderadas razões ETRL/ETRP, empobrecimento em Nb relativo a Yb e elevada razão Th/Yb Estes padrões refletem, provavelmente, magma derivado de uma fonte mantélica litosférica, que foi modificada por fluídos e sedimentos da zona de subducção.  相似文献   
The present study investigates the interaction between microbial growth and activity and the redox dynamics in natural porous media. The impact the transport regime has on this interaction is also addressed. Expressions for microbial growth are incorporated into a geochemical reaction network linking redox reaction rates to the activity of the microorganisms. A flexible simulation environment, the Biogeochemical Reaction Network Simulator (BRNS) is used for this purpose. Two reactive transport applications relevant to fields of contaminant hydrology and early diagenesis are simulated with the BRNS. Model results are evaluated based on a comparison with comprehensive datasets on the biodegradation of lactate in a sand column experiment and on the distribution of redox-sensitive chemical species in marine sediments of the Skagerrak, Denmark. It is shown that, despite quite different transport regimes, the geomicrobiological model performs equally well in the reproduction of measured chemical species distribution for both applications. This result emphasizes the broad applicability of the proposed approach. Our simulations support that the competitive behavior between various microbial groups is a process controlling the development of redox stratified environments. Furthermore, it is also shown that the transport regime is a key controlling factor for the degree of spatial correlation between microbial biomass distributions and redox reaction rates. Although all our simulations yield a pronounced stratification of the redox processes in the system, the biomass distribution is related to the associated reaction rates only in case of the advection controlled column experiment. In the early diagenetic application, mixing due to bioturbation is the dominant transport process for particulate matter, hence leading to fairly homogeneous distribution of bacterial biomasses which are unrelated to the spatial distribution of redox reaction rates. This homogeneous biomass distribution combined with the 1G carbon degradation model approach might explain why the steady state concentration profiles in such systems can be reproduced by diagenetic models without explicit representation of microbial growth.  相似文献   
The structural analysis and the 3D modelling of Stephanian granites of the Pelvoux Massif characterize an emplacement along sinistral NW–SE- and dextral NE–SW-trending shear zones in the Pelvoux and in the Aiguilles Rouges–Mont Blanc Massifs, respectively. This Carboniferous shear system is consistent with a north–south extension direction known in the whole Variscan belt at this time. To cite this article: P. Strzerzynski et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
Forested peatlands are widespread in boreal regions of Canada, and these ecosystems, which are major terrestrial carbon sinks, are undergoing significant transformations linked to climate change, fires and human activities. This study targets millennial‐scale vegetation dynamics and related hydrological variability in forested peatlands of the Clay Belt south of James Bay, eastern Canada, using palaeoecological data. Changes in peatland vegetation communities were reconstructed using plant macrofossil analyses, and variations in water‐table depths were inferred using testate amoeba analyses. High‐resolution analyses of macroscopic charcoal >0.5 mm were used to reconstruct local fire history. Our data showed two successional pathways towards the development of present‐day forested peatlands influenced by autogenic processes such as vertical peat growth and related drying, and allogenic factors such as the occurrence of local fires. The oldest documented peatland initiated in a wet rich fen around 8000 cal. a BP shortly after land emergence and transformed into a drier forested bog rapidly after peat inception that persisted over millennia. In the second site, peat started to accumulate from ~5200 cal. a BP over a mesic coniferous forest that shifted into a wet forested peatland following a fire that partially consumed the organic layer ~4600 cal. a BP. The charcoal records show that fires rarely occurred in these peatlands, but they have favoured the process of forest paludification and influenced successional trajectories over millennia. The macrofossil data suggest that Picea mariana (black spruce) persisted on the peatlands throughout their development, although there were periods of more open canopy due to local fires in some cases. This study brings new understanding on the natural variability of boreal forested peatlands which may help predict their response to future changes in climate, fire regimes and anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   
High concentrations of calcite fossil granules produced by earthworms (ECG) have been identified in most of the stratigraphical units along the loess‐palaeosol reference sequence of Nussloch (Germany). They are particularly abundant in interstadial brown soils and in tundra gley horizons, the latter reflecting short‐term phases of aggradation then degradation of permafrost. These granules are characterized by a radial crystalline structure produced in the earthworms by specific bio‐mineralization processes. In our study, we used this biological indicator combined with 14C and OSL dating, and sedimentological parameters to characterize millennial‐time scale climatic variations recorded in loess sequences. The approach is based on high‐resolution counts of ECG throughout a 17‐m‐thick loess sequence (332 samples). Strong increases in granule and mollusc concentrations suggest warmer climate conditions during palaeosol formation phases, associated with increasing biodiversity, biological activity and vegetation cover. Decreased granule concentrations occur within primary loess deposits, indicating a strong correlation with palaeoenvironmental conditions and demonstrating the reliability of ECG concentration variations as a new palaeoenvironmental proxy. Finally, this pattern is also recorded in loess sequences located about 600 km westward in northern France demonstrating the large‐scale validity of this new palaeoclimatic proxy.  相似文献   
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