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On 22 September 2002, 1 month before the beginning of the flank eruption on the NE Rift, an M-3.7 earthquake struck the northeastern part of Mt. Etna, on the westernmost part of the Pernicana fault. In order to investigate the ground deformation pattern associated with this event, a multi-disciplinary approach is presented here. Just after the earthquake, specific GPS surveys were carried out on two small sub-networks, aimed at monitoring the eastern part of the Pernicana fault, and some baselines belonging to the northeastern EDM monitoring network of Mt. Etna were measured. The leveling route on the northeastern flank of the volcano was also surveyed. Furthermore, an investigation using SAR interferometry was performed and also the continuous tilt data recorded at a high precision sensor close to the epicenter were analyzed to constrain the coseismic deformation. The results of the geodetic surveys show a ground deformation pattern that affects the entire northeastern flank of the volcano, clearly shaped by the Pernicana fault, but too strong and wide to be related only to an M-3.7 earthquake. Leveling and DInSAR data highlight a local strong subsidence, up to 7 cm, close to the Pernicana fault. Significant displacements, up to 2 cm, were also detected on the upper part of the NE Rift and in the summit craters area, while the displacements decrease at lower altitude, suggesting that the dislocation did not continue further eastward. Three-dimensional GPS data inversions have been attempted in order to model the ground deformation source and its relationship with the volcano plumbing system. The model has also been constrained by vertical displacements measured by the leveling survey and by the deformation map obtained by SAR interferometry.  相似文献   
The role of suspended particulate matter (SPM) as an important carrier of mercury (Hg) dispersed into the Gulf of Trieste and in the adjacent Grado lagoon (Northern Adriatic Sea) was studied during a high Isonzo River inflow and the resulting river plume formation. Despite the fact that extreme flood events are rare during the year, they account for most of the PHg influx (37-112 ngL(-1)) into the Gulf of Trieste. When the river plume is diverted to the SW under the influence of an E-NE wind, the tidal flux acts as a "transport belt" carrying the PHg, mostly inorganic, into the Grado lagoon. A preliminary estimation indicates that the amount of PHg entrapped in the lagoon basin following a tidal semi-cycle accounts for 1.4 kg/12h, which corresponds to about 49% of the total Hg carried by the tidal flow. These findings should be considered in future remediation strategies in the lagoon environment.  相似文献   
The Anatolian peninsula is a key location to study the central portion of the Neotethys Ocean(s)and to understand how its western and eastern branches were connected.One of the lesser known branches of the Mesozoic ocean(s)is preserved in the northern ophiolite suture zone exposed in Turkey,namely,the Intra-Pontide suture zone.It is located between the Sakarya terrane and the Eurasian margin(i.e.,Istanbul-Zonguldak terrane)and consists of several metamorphic and non-metamorphic units containing ophiolites produced in supra-subduction settings from the Late Triassic to the Early Cretaceous.Ophiolites preserved in the metamorphic units recorded pervasive deformations and peak metamorphic conditions ranging from blueschist to eclogite facies.In the nonmetamorphic units,the complete oceanic crust sequence is preserved in tectonic units or as olistoliths in sedimentary melanges.Geochemical,structural,metamorphic and geochronological investigations performed on ophiolite-bearing units allowed the formulation of a new geodynamic model of the entire"life"of the IntraPontide oceanic basin(s).The reconstruction starts with the opening of the Intra-Pontide oceanic basins during the Late Triassic between the Sakarya and Istanbul-Zonguldak continental microplates and ends with its closure caused by two different subductions events that occurred during the upper Early Jurassic and Middle Jurassic.The continental collision between the Sakarya continental microplate and the Eurasian margin developed from the upper Early Cretaceous to the Palaeocene.The presented reconstruction is an alternative model to explain the complex and articulate geodynamic evolution that characterizes the southern margin of Eurasia during the Mesozoic era.  相似文献   
The crystal chemistry and the elastic behavior under isothermal conditions up to 9 GPa of a natural, and extremely rare, 3T-phlogopite from Traversella (Valchiusella, Turin, Western Alps) [(K0.99Na0.05Ba0.01)(Mg2.60Al0.20Fe 0.21 2+ )[Si2.71Al1.29O10](OH)2, space group P3112, with a = 5.3167(4), c = 30.440(2) Å, and V = 745.16(9) ų] have been investigated by electron microprobe analysis in wavelength dispersion mode, single-crystal X-ray diffraction at 100 K, and in situ high-pressure synchrotron radiation powder diffraction (at room temperature) with a diamond anvil cell. The single-crystal refinement confirms the general structure features expected for trioctahedral micas, with the inter-layer site partially occupied by potassium and sodium, iron almost homogeneously distributed over the three independent octahedral sites, and the average bond distances of the two unique tetrahedra suggesting a disordered Si/Al-distribution (i.e., 〈T1-O〉 ~ 1.658 and 〈T2-O〉 ~ 1.656 Å). The location of the H-site confirms the orientation of the O–H vector nearly perpendicular to (0001). The refinement converged with R 1(F) = 0.0382, 846 unique reflections with F O > 4σ(F O) and 61 refined parameters, and not significant residuals in the final difference-Fourier map of the electron density (+0.77/?0.37 e ?3). The high-pressure experiments showed no phase transition within the pressure range investigated. The PV data were fitted with a Murnaghan (M-EoS) and a third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state (BM-EoS), yielding: (1) M-EoS, V 0 = 747.0(3) Å3, K T0 = 44.5(24) GPa, and K′ = 8.0(9); (2) BM-EoS, V 0 = 747.0(3) Å3, K T0 = 42.8(29) GPa, and K′ = 9.9(17). A comparison between the elastic behavior in response to pressure observed in 1M- and 3T-phlogopite is made.  相似文献   
Average steady source flow in heterogeneous porous formations is modelled by regarding the hydraulic conductivity K(x) as a stationary random space function (RSF). As a consequence, the flow variables become RSFs as well, and we are interested into calculating their moments. This problem has been intensively studied in the case of a Neumann type boundary condition at the source. However, there are many applications (such as well-type flows) for which the required boundary condition is that of Dirichlet. In order to fulfill such a requirement the strength of the source must be proportional to K(x), and therefore the source itself results a RSF. To solve flows driven by sources whose strength is spatially variable, we have used a perturbation procedure similar to that developed by Indelman and Abramovich (Water Resour Res 30:3385–3393, 1994) to analyze flows generated by sources of deterministic strength. Due to the linearity of the mathematical problem, we have focused on the explicit derivation of the mean head distribution G d (x) generated by a unit pulse. Such a distribution represents the fundamental solution to the average flow equations, and it is termed as mean Green function. The function G d (x) is derived here at the second order of approximation in the variance σ2 of the fluctuation (where K A is the mean value of K(x)), for arbitrary correlation function ρ(x), and any dimensionality d of the flow domain. We represent G d (x) as product between the homogeneous Green function G d (0)(x) valid in a domain with constant K A , and a distortion term Ψ d (x) = 1 + σ2ψ d (x) which modifies G d (0)(x) to account for the medium heterogeneity. In the case of isotropic formations ψ d (x) is expressed via one quadrature. This quadrature can be analytically calculated after adopting specific (e.g.. exponential and Gaussian) shape for ρ(x). These general results are subsequently used to investigate flow toward a partially-penetrating well in a semi-infinite domain. Indeed, we construct a σ2-order approximation to the mean as well as variance of the head by replacing the well with a singular segment. It is shown how the well-length combined with the medium heterogeneity affects the head distribution. We have introduced the concept of equivalent conductivity K eq(r,z). The main result is the relationship where the characteristic function ψ(w)(r,z) adjusts the homogeneous conductivity K A to account for the impact of the heterogeneity. In this way, a procedure can be developed to identify the aquifer hydraulic properties by means of field-scale head measurements. Finally, in the case of a fully penetrating well we have expressed the equivalent conductivity in analytical form, and we have shown that (being the effective conductivity for mean uniform flow), in agreement with the numerical simulations of Firmani et al. (Water Resour Res 42:W03422, 2006).  相似文献   
In geophysical inverse problems, the posterior model can be analytically assessed only in case of linear forward operators, Gaussian, Gaussian mixture, or generalized Gaussian prior models, continuous model properties, and Gaussian-distributed noise contaminating the observed data. For this reason, one of the major challenges of seismic inversion is to derive reliable uncertainty appraisals in cases of complex prior models, non-linear forward operators and mixed discrete-continuous model parameters. We present two amplitude versus angle inversion strategies for the joint estimation of elastic properties and litho-fluid facies from pre-stack seismic data in case of non-parametric mixture prior distributions and non-linear forward modellings. The first strategy is a two-dimensional target-oriented inversion that inverts the amplitude versus angle responses of the target reflections by adopting the single-interface full Zoeppritz equations. The second is an interval-oriented approach that inverts the pre-stack seismic responses along a given time interval using a one-dimensional convolutional forward modelling still based on the Zoeppritz equations. In both approaches, the model vector includes the facies sequence and the elastic properties of P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity and density. The distribution of the elastic properties at each common-mid-point location (for the target-oriented approach) or at each time-sample position (for the time-interval approach) is assumed to be multimodal with as many modes as the number of litho-fluid facies considered. In this context, an analytical expression of the posterior model is no more available. For this reason, we adopt a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to numerically evaluate the posterior uncertainties. With the aim of speeding up the convergence of the probabilistic sampling, we adopt a specific recipe that includes multiple chains, a parallel tempering strategy, a delayed rejection updating scheme and hybridizes the standard Metropolis–Hasting algorithm with the more advanced differential evolution Markov chain method. For the lack of available field seismic data, we validate the two implemented algorithms by inverting synthetic seismic data derived on the basis of realistic subsurface models and actual well log data. The two approaches are also benchmarked against two analytical inversion approaches that assume Gaussian-mixture-distributed elastic parameters. The final predictions and the convergence analysis of the two implemented methods proved that our approaches retrieve reliable estimations and accurate uncertainties quantifications with a reasonable computational effort.  相似文献   
A role of lithobionts in geomorphological processes is increasingly argued, but the spatio‐temporal scale of their impact is largely unexplored in many ecosystems. This study first characterizes in the temperate zone (northwest Italy) the relationships between lithobiontic communities including endolithic lichens and the hardness of their siliceous rock substrate (Villarfocchiardo Gneiss). The communities are characterized, on humid and xeric quarry surfaces exposed for decades and natural outcrops exposed for centuries, in terms of lichen and microbial constituents, using a combined morphological and molecular approach, and with regard to their development on and within the gneiss. A lichen species belonging to Acarosporaceae (Polysporina‐Sarcogyne‐Acarospora group, needing taxonomic revision) chasmoendolithically colonizes both the humid and xeric quarry surfaces, on which epilithic cyanobacterial biofilms and epilithic pioneer lichens respectively occur. Light and electron microscopic observations show the development of the endolithic thalli within rock microcracks and the hyphal penetration along crystal boundaries down to depths of 1 to 3 mm, more pronounced within the humid surfaces. Such colonization patterns are likely related to biogeophysical deterioration, while no chemical alteration characterizes minerals contacted by the endolithic lichen. By contrast, on natural outcrops, where the endolithic colonization is negligible, a reddish rind below epilithic lichens indicates chemical weathering processes. Schmidt Hammer measurements highlight that the endolithic lichens deeply affect the hardness of the gneiss (down to ?60% with respect to fresh controls and surfaces only colonized by cyanobacteria), exerting a significantly higher weakening effect with respect to the associated epilithic lithobionts. The phenomenon is more remarkable on humid than on xeric quarry surfaces and natural outcrops, where epilithic lichens are likely involved in long‐term hardening processes supporting surface stabilization. Endolithic lichens are thus active biogeomorphological agents at the upper millimetric layer of siliceous rocks in temperate areas, exerting their weakening action during the early decade‐scaled stages of surface exposure. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The authors thank the discusser for his interest and careful review of the paper and his valuable comments.They also welcome this discussion,because it gives the authors the opportunity to clarify several points which were not explained in sufficient detail in the paper,due to space limitations. The paper does not provide any personal or professional criticism of the discusser or his work and if any statement may have raised an ambiguous interpretation,this should be clarified and dismissed.Any inaccuracy in the reference's citation was not intentional.Some of the authors do not speak Italian;therefore they could not read directly and understand the paper cited by the discusser,which is in Italian.  相似文献   
Based on the experience of recent violent earthquakes, the limits of the methods that are currently used for the definition of seismic hazard are becoming more and more evident to several seismic engineers. Considerable improvement is felt necessary not only for the seismic classification of the territory (for which the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment??PSHA??is generally adopted at present), but also for the evaluation of local amplification. With regard to the first item, among others, a better knowledge of fault extension and near-fault effects is judged essential. The aforesaid improvements are particularly important for the design of seismically isolated structures, which relies on displacement. Thus, such a design requires an accurate definition of the maximum value of displacement corresponding to the isolation period, and a reliable evaluation of the earthquake energy content at the low frequencies that are typical of the isolated structures, for the site and ground of interest. These evaluations shall include possible near-fault effects even in the vertical direction; for the construction of high-risk plants and components and retrofit of some cultural heritage, they shall be performed for earthquakes characterized by very long return periods. The design displacement shall not be underestimated, but neither be excessively overestimated, at least when using rubber bearings in the seismic isolation (SI) system. In fact, by decreasing transverse deformation of such SI systems below a certain value, their horizontal stiffness increases. Thus, should a structure (e.g. a civil defence centre, a masterpiece, etc.) protected in the aforesaid way be designed to withstand an unnecessarily too large earthquake, the behaviour of its SI system will be inadequate (i.e. it will be too stiff) during much more frequent events, which may really strike the structure during its life. Furthermore, since SI can be used only when the room available to the structure laterally is sufficient to create a structural gap compatible with the design displacement, overestimating this displacement may lead to unnecessarily renouncing of the use of such a very efficient method, especially in the case of retrofits of existing buildings. Finally, for long structures (e.g. several bridges or viaducts and even some buildings) an accurate evaluation of the possibly different ground displacements along the structure is required (this also applies to conventionally built structures). In order to overcome the limits of PSHA, this method shall be complemented by the development and application of deterministic models. In particular, the lack of displacement records requires the use of modelling, once they are calibrated against more commonly available velocity or acceleration records. The aforesaid remarks are now particularly important in the P.R. China and Italy, to ensure safe reconstruction after the Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008 and the Abruzzo earthquake of April 6, 2009: in fact, wide use of SI and other anti-seismic systems has been planned in the areas struck by both events.  相似文献   
We present the basic features and preliminary results of the interface between our spectrophotometric model GRASIL (which calculates galactic SEDs from the UV to the submm with a detailed computation of dust extinction and thermal reemission) with the semi-analytical galaxy formation model GALFORM (which computes galaxy formation and evolution in the hierarchical scenario, providing the star formation history as an input to our model). With these two models we are able to synthesize simulated samples of a few thousand galaxies for statistical studies of galaxy properties to investigate galaxy formation and evolution. There is good agreement with the available SED and luminosity function data. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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