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The changes in the plankton biomass structure in relation to nutrient inputs were studied in the Gulf of Venice (Northern Adriatic Sea), an area characterized by a very marked trophic state variability. The investigation was carried out at two stations, in March, May and July 2005 and 2006, considering the whole water column. The size structure (from picoplankton to mesozooplankton) of both autotrophs and heterotrophs was analysed. Signals of diluted waters and nutrient inputs were more marked in 2005 than in 2006. In 2005, the total plankton biomass was almost double (87 ± 37 μg·C·l?1) that in 2006 (44 ± 26 μg·C·l?1). The variations were determined mainly by phytoplankton, with a 70% decrease, and a shift from a community dominated by microphytoplankton (49 ± 12%) in 2005 to one dominated by bacteria (43 ± 11%) in 2006 was observed. The relationship between the heterotrophic (H) and autotrophic (A) biomass indicated a rapid decline of the H/A ratio with increasing phytoplankton biomass. This study, although temporally limited, is consistent with the results reported for other marine environments and it seems to confirm the importance of nutrient inputs in structuring the biomass of plankton community.  相似文献   
We revisit the relegation algorithm by Deprit et al. (Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 79:157–182, 2001) in the light of the rigorous Nekhoroshev’s like theory. This relatively recent algorithm is nowadays widely used for implementing closed form analytic perturbation theories, as it generalises the classical Birkhoff normalisation algorithm. The algorithm, here briefly explained by means of Lie transformations, has been so far introduced and used in a formal way, i.e. without providing any rigorous convergence or asymptotic estimates. The overall aim of this paper is to find such quantitative estimates and to show how the results about stability over exponentially long times can be recovered in a simple and effective way, at least in the non-resonant case.  相似文献   
This study presents data on seasonal changes of the phytoplanktonic community of a small tropical lake, Lagoa Santa, in the Brazilian cerrado. Temporal variation in the community structure was small and we observed a permanent dominance of the cyanobacteria Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. This dominance could be associated to the stability of several environmental conditions. Especially water temperature, always within the optimal growth range for C. raciborskii, and the constant mixed water column may have been important factors driving to the long term dominance of this species in the lake. Remarkable seasonal variation in rainfall, as well as the occasional and non-seasonal variation in nutrient concentrations, were important to explain changes in environmental and biological variables, but were not related to the dominance of C. raciborskii. Pearson's correlation and PCA could just in part explain the stable dominance of this cyanobacterium. Meteorological and chemical factors seem to have no clear control on the variability of the phytoplankton dynamics in Lagoa Santa. The weak relationship between C. raciborskii abundance and environmental variables points to additional intrinsic factors associated to this species that may be important in structuring the phytoplankton assemblage.  相似文献   
The anthropogenic pressures on coastal areas represent important factors affecting local, regional, and even global patterns of distribution and abundance of benthic organisms. This report undertakes a comparative analysis of the community structure of rocky shore intertidal phytobenthos in both pristine like environments (PLE) and urbanized environments (UBE) in southern Brazil, characterizing variations on different spatial scales. Multivariate analysis of variance indicated that the PLE is characterized by a larger number of taxa and an increased occurrence of Rhodophyta species in relation to UBE. In contrast, UBE were dominated by opportunistic algae, such as Cladophora and Ulva spp. Significance tests further indicated higher species richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity on the PLE in relation to UBE. Here we provide data showing the magnitude of seaweed biodiversity loss and discuss direct and indirect consequences of unplanned urbanization on these communities.  相似文献   
We propose a new methodology for the analysis of spatial fields of object data distributed over complex domains. Our approach enables to jointly handle both data and domain complexities, through a divide et impera approach. As a key element of innovation, we propose to use a random domain decomposition, whose realizations define sets of homogeneous sub-regions where to perform simple, independent, weak local analyses (divide), eventually aggregated into a final strong one (impera). In this broad framework, the complexity of the domain (e.g., strong concavities, holes or barriers) can be accounted for by defining its partitions on the basis of a suitable metric, which allows to properly represent the adjacency relationships among the complex data (such as scalar, functional or constrained data) over the domain. As an illustration of the potential of the methodology, we consider the analysis and spatial prediction (Kriging) of the probability density function of dissolved oxygen in the Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   
In the seismic retrofit of existing masonry constructions, global interventions are often needed to inhibit the onset of local mechanisms and to engage the whole building box-like structural behaviour. Such interventions are represented by perimeter ties and roof and floor diaphragms. This paper considers the roof diaphragm strengthening solution and investigates the use of stud connections securing the roof thin-folded shell to the perimeter walls. Stud connections serve the dual purpose of collecting and transferring the out-of-plane inertia forces of the masonry walls to the roof diaphragm, as well as transferring the diaphragm reaction forces to the shear walls. Specific detailing of the stud connection and the adoption of an improved lime-mortar overlay on the top of the masonry walls are proposed to improve the connection strength; without such improvements, the connection capacity would be jeopardised by the reduced shear resistance of the masonry wall due to the absence of significant vertical confining action at the roof level. The intervention entirely changes the behaviour of the connection and significantly reduces shear stresses on the masonry wall. The structural behaviour of the connection is analysed and discussed. Emphasis is made on the conceptual design of laboratory and in-field test procedures and testing frames in order to replicate the boundary conditions in real applications. In-situ tests may help during the design of the roof thin-folded shell system and allow for the efficiency assessment of the connections prior to the final intervention, thereby proving the actual feasibility of the retrofit solution.  相似文献   
Fluvial bedforms generate a turbulent wake that can impact suspended-sediment settling in the passing flow. This impact has implications for local suspended-sediment transport, bedform stability, and channel evolution; however, it is typically not well-considered in geomorphologic models. Our study uses a three-dimensional OpenFOAM hydrodynamic and particle-tracking model to investigate how turbulence generated from bedforms and the channel bed influences medium sand-sized particle settling, in terms of the distribution of suspended particles within the flow field and particle-settling velocities. The model resolved the effect of an engineered bedform, which altered the flow field in a manner similar to a natural dune. The modelling scenarios alternated bed morphology and the simulation of turbulence, using detached eddy simulation (DES), to differentiate the influence of bedform-generated turbulence relative to that of turbulence generated from the channel bed. The bedform generated a turbulent wake that was composed of eddies with significant anisotropic properties. The eddies and, to a lesser degree, turbulence arising from velocity shear at the bed substantially reduced settling velocities relative to the settling velocities predicted in the absence of turbulence. The eddies tended to advect sediment particles in their primary direction, diffuse particles throughout the flow column, and reduced settling likely due to production of a positively skewed vertical-velocity fluctuation distribution. Study results suggest that the bedform wake has a significant impact on particle-settling behaviour (up to a 50% reduction in settling velocity) at a scale capable of modulating local suspended transport rates and bedform dynamics. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The New Caledonia ophiolite hosts one of the rare examples of crust-mantle sections built in a nascent arc environment, providing the unique opportunity to investigate the first stages of arc magmatism in a subduction setting. The sequence consists of refractory harzburgites, overlain by ultramafic (dunites and wehrlites) and mafic lithologies (gabbronorites). The gabbronorites occur in the upper part of the sequence as decimetre to metre-size sills. They are mainly formed (??55 to 70 vol%) of Ca-rich plagioclase (An up to 96 mol%) and high Mg# (88–92), Al2O3-poor (1.5–2.4 wt%) clinopyroxene (8–20 vol%), often rimmed by interstitial or poikilitic orthopyroxene (6–27 vol%). Mg-rich olivine (3–15 vol%, Fo?=?87–89 mol%) occurs as anhedral, resorbed crystals. Whole rock (WR) compositions exhibit high Mg# (86–92) and strikingly low trace element contents. They own LREE-depleted patterns, with nearly flat (0.82?≤?DyN/YbN?≤?1.00) and low HREE (YbN?=?0.2–0.9) and positive Eu anomalies. Clinopyroxene trace element chemistry mirrors the extreme depletion of the WR. By contrast, FME enrichments are observed for WR and clinopyroxene. Geochemical models show that the gabbronorites crystallized from primitive, ultra-depleted melts bearing evidence of fluid contamination processes, but with significantly different geochemical signatures compared to boninitic rocks worldwide, i.e. lower LREE-MREE, and absence of Nb depletion and Zr–Hf enrichments. Nd isotopes (+?8.2?≤?εNdi?≤?+?13.1), together with radiogenic Pb isotopic ratios, support an origin from a DMM source variably modified by slab fluids. We propose that the geochemical signature of the New Caledonia gabbronorites reflect emplacement of primitive, non-aggregated, magma batches in the lower fore-arc crust, during the first phases of arc formation.  相似文献   
Overfilled incised valleys develop when the rate of sediment supply outpaces the rate of accommodation. An overfilled incised valley presents simple or compound valley-fill architecture, depending on the depth of the valley incision, compared with the height reached by the following sea-level rise.The Ventimiglia incised valley, exposed on the Ligurian coast, north-western Mediterranean margin, presents a spectacular example of compound incised-valley fill, developed in perennial “overfill” conditions. The valley was subaerially incised during the Messinian Salinity Crisis and rapidly flooded by the sea at the beginning of Pliocene, then filled by eleven coarse-grained Gilbert-type deltas during Early–Middle Pliocene time.The basal Messinian unconformity is locally paved with subaerial scree breccias and bioclastic shallow-marine sandstones, and blanketed by bathyal marls. These deposits record the lowstand, transgressive and early-highstand systems tracts of the first valley-fill sequence. The subsequent progradation of Gilbert-type deltas occurred in four stages, or depositional sequences, separated by transgressive marine-marl intervals. Within each depositional sequence, the deltaic bodies display offlapping architecture, recording falling shoreline trajectory, downward shifts in facies, and overall forced regression. The water depth and accommodation in the inundated coastal valley was gradually decreasing with time. The reduced accommodation allowed the youngest deltas to prograde out to the shelf edge, triggering mass collapses and subsequent filling into the newly created slump scars. Some of the deltas probably acted as “canyon-perched deltas” and supplied sediment to the deep-water slope and floor of the Ligurian Basin.The vertical stacking of Gilbert-type deltas is usually attributed, in tectonically active basins, to fault-related subsidence pulses. In Ventimiglia, the accommodation was created by high-frequency eustatic sea-level rises that, probably accompanied by climate controlled reductions in sediment supply, temporarily outpaced uplift, leading to the development of multiple cycles of infill.  相似文献   
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