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Recent work in modelling climatic changes due to increased atmospheric CO2 has shown the maximum change to occur in the polar regions as a result of seasonal reductions in sea ice coverage. Typically, sea ice thermodynamics is modelled in a very simple way, whereby the storage of both sensible and latent heat within the ice is ignored, and the effects of snow cover on conductivity and on surface albedo and of oceanic heat flux on bottom ablation may also be neglected. This paper considers whether omission of these processes is justified within the context of quantitatively determining regional climatic changes. A related question, whether omission of ice dynamics can be justified, is not considered.Relatively complete one-dimensional models of sea-ice thermodynamics have previously been developed and tested for a variety of environmental conditions by Maykut and Untersteiner (1969, 1971) and by Semtner (1976). A simpler model which neglects the storage of sensible and latent heat is described in the Appendix to Semtner (1976). In that model, the errors in annual-mean ice thickness which would arise from neglect of heat storage can be compensated by increases in albedo and in conductivity. Here we examine the seasonal cycle of ice thickness predicted by such a model and find significant errors in phase (one month lead) and in amplitude (50% overestimate). The amplitude errors are enhanced as snowfall and oceanic heat flux diminish (or are neglected). This suggests that substantial errors may occur in climate simulations which use very simple formulations of sea ice thermodynamics, whereby early and excessive melting exaggerates the seasonal disappearance of sea ice.To illustrate the above point, two models are configured to examine the local response of Arctic sea ice to a quadrupling of atmospheric CO2. The first model neglects a number of physical processes and mimics the behavior of sea ice found in Manabe and Stouffer (1980), both for present and enhanced levels of CO2. The more complete second model gives a better simulation of Arctic ice for the present level of CO2 and shows a reduced response to CO2 quadrupling relative to that in Manabe and Stouffer (1980). In particular, the change in surface temperature is cut by a factor of two. In view of this result, a more complete treatment of sea ice thermodynamics would seem warranted in further studies of climate change. Only a minor computational increase is required.A portion of this study is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy as a part of its Carbon Dioxide Research Program.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
Forests cover 29% of the continents. Their importance for mankind is not only due to wood production but also by their manyfold influences on the biosphere. The properties of forest stands influence climate, water balance, air constituents and the dynamic of atmosphere. The welfare functions of forests can be observed in the global as well as in the local or microscale. Anthropogenic measures, as deforestation and air pollution, endanger the forests and by that one of the main pillars of nature on earth.  相似文献   
The effects of variable viscosity on flow dynamics within spherical shells are investigated using a finite-element thermal convection model, and preliminary result for cases with relatively low Rayleigh numbers and small viscosity contrasts are reported. These results demonstrate some general effects of viscosity variation on mantle dynamics, and, in particular, the generation of toroidal energy. Since lateral viscosity variations are necessary in the generation of toroidal motion in a thermally driven convective system, it is not surprising our results show that flows with greater viscosity contrasts produce greater amounts of toroidal energy. Our preliminary study further shows that solutions become more time-dependent as viscosity contrasts increase. Increasing the Rayleigh number is also found to increase the magnitude of toroidal energy. Internal heating, on the other hand, appears to lead to less toroidal energy compared wth bottom heating because it tends to produce a thermally more uniform interior and thus smaller viscosity variations.  相似文献   
Repetitive gravity surveys at Pacaya Volcano from 1975 to 1979 revealed time-dependent changes in the gravity field, which although related to volcanic activity, could not be uniquely attributed to elevation changes or mass redistributions because elevation control was lacking. Elevation control was established in July 1979 using precision leveling. Relative elevation and gravity measurements in June and July of 1979, January 1980 and June 1980 indicate concurrent gravity and elevation changes contemporaneous with variations in eruptive activity. From June 1979 to January 1980, while fumarolic activity was dominant, relative to the most remote station, the volcano deflated by at least 195 mm and the gravity field increased by up to 221 μgal. From January 1980 to June 1980, preceding a Strombolian eruption beginning about June 1980, the volcano inflated by at least 19 mm and the gravity field decreased by up to 231 μgal. Gravity change maps for the intervals of January 1978 to June 1979, June 1979 to January 1980, and January 1980 to June 1980 show areas subject to repeated positive and negative gravity change. Some of those areas coincide with areas of maximum elevation change observed in the June 1979–January 1980 and January 1980–June 1980 intervals; however, gravity changes were observed in areas lacking elevation changes. Adjusting observed gravity changes for elevation changes using a free-air value of −3.086 μgal/cm does not substantially alter the pattern, position, or amplitude of the gravity changes. The relationship between gravity changes, elevation changes, and volcanic activity requires a mechanism producing gravity decreases with little inflation during times of increased eruptive activity, and producing gravity increases with subsidence during times of declining eruptive activity. Such a pattern of changes could be produced by a near-surface magma body in which high-density degassed magma is displaced volume for volume by low-density vesiculated magma during time of increased eruptive activity, and in which loss of gasses by fumarolic activity produces a density increase and a reduction in volume of the magma body during periods of declining eruptive activity. Such a pattern of changes could also be induced by a low-density, vesiculated magma body moving upward in the volcanic pile by piecemeal stoping where the high-density rocks of the volcano are replaced on a volume for volume basis by low-density magma during periods of increasing eruptive activity; and by later density increases and magma body volume reductions accompanying devolatilization and devesiculation during periods of declining eruptive activity. Simple density change and density contrast models involving shallow magma bodies at depths of 100 to 200 m indicate density changes or contrasts of about 0.4 g/cm3 could produce the gravity changes.  相似文献   
Organic matter has been observed in cores of the Soultz-sous-Forêts granite (Alsace, France) at depths between 2158 and 2160 m, in a highly fractured and altered zone. The granite is overlain by a 1400-m-thick sedimentary cover containing petroleum (Pechelbronn oil field). The Soultz area is devoted to Hot Dry Rock geothermics thanks to a high geothermal gradient (up to 100 °C/km). During drilling operations, an artesian source produced oil in a fractured zone of the sedimentary cover (Buntsandstein). Its gas-chromatography and mass-spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis revealed the presence of normal alkanes (n-alkanes, i.e. linear hydrocarbons) centered on C17, branched alkanes with a major C19 peak, and few unsaturated hydrocarbons. The aromatic fraction is present in small amounts. In the Soultz granite, where it is altered, organic matter is exclusively associated with tosudite (interstratified clay mineral) which crystallized in plagioclase sites during a hydrothermal alteration episode. Organic matter has been later displaced and concentrated along veinlets in which illite and carbonates have crystallized during another hydrothermal alteration stage. The soluble organic matter analyzed by GC-MS is composed of aliphatic acids, n-alkanes with a bimodal C18 and C24-C25 centered distribution, alkylbenzenes and aromatic acids. Organic compounds in the granite would either originate from a single source (immature sediments) or from two sources (immature sediments and migration of the Pechelbronn oil). No real evidence was found to prove which hypothesis is the best one. The presence of organic matter in the granite shows the importance of fluid flows between the sedimentary cover and the granitic basement through major fractures. In addition, the impregnation of plagioclase pseudomorphs with organic matter is made possible due to their high interconnection degree and to the intergranular microfracturation of the granite. The succession of several hydrothermal events with different physico-chemical characteris- tics may also be inferred from the occurrence of organic matter found in association with neoformed clay minerals in the granite.  相似文献   
This paper is to examine the impact of satellite data on the systematic error of operational B-model in China.Em-phasis is put on the study of the impact of satellite sounding data on forecasts of the sea level pressure field and 500 hPaheight.The major findings are as follows.(1)The B-model usually underforecasts the strength of features in the sea level pressure(SLP)field,i.e.pressuresare too low near high pressure systems and too high near low pressure systems.(2)The nature of the systematic errors found in the 500 hPa height forecasts is not as clear cut as that of the SLPforecasts,but most often the same type of pattern is seen,i.e.,the heights in troughs are not low enough and those inridges are not high enough.(3)The use of satellite data in the B-model analysis/forecast system is found to have an impact upon the model'sforecast of SLP and 500 hPa height.Systematic errors in the vicinity of surface lows/500 hPa troughs over the oceansare usually found to be significantly reduced.A less conclusive mix of positive and negative impacts was found for allother types of features.  相似文献   
The theoretical basis of electromagnetic induction methods in geophysics is considered with special reference to the interplay of physical ideas and mathematical arguments. The design of mathematical problems to elucidate observed physical phenomena, and methods of solving them, are discussed. Earth models suitable for various types of investigation are considered. The importance of getting the correct physical interpretation of the solution of a mathematical problem is stressed.  相似文献   
Résumé L'étude statistique des composants minéraux et organiques, selon les méthodes de l'auteur, a été effectuée sur plus de 600 coupes minces régulièrement distribuées dans une série récifale de 225 m d'épaisseur. Elle a révélé des soulèvements et des subsidences encadrant des récifs et se traduisant par une succession de microfaciès clastiques dont les assemblages faunistiques sont très bien délimités au point de vue bathymétrique. Une comparaison avec les formations récifales actuelles est tentée sur la base des faunes périrécifales.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der helvetischen Kreide scheint es also im ganzen so zu sein, daß die einfachen Rhythmen (Feinschichtung und Kalk-Mergel-Schichtwechsel) klimatisch, d. h. exogen, die Zyklen und Großzyklen tektonisch, d. h. endogen, begründet sind (3).  相似文献   
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