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Zusammenfassung Anläßlich der Pfingstexkursion 1959 der Geologischen Vereinigung nach Südtirol, kam es zu einer Diskussion, ob und inwieweit die Quarzporphyre der Bozener Porphyrplatte Ignimbrite seien. Es wird versucht, unter Berücksichtigung der zugänglichen Literatur, den Begriff Ignimbrit in seiner eigentlichen Bedeutung zu fassen. Dabei wird auf die Gefahr hingewiesen, die in der Doppelverwendung als Gesteinsname und als Bezeichnung für einen Eruptionsmechanismus liegt. An Hand der jüngsten Literatur über die Bozener Quarzporphyre und eigener Beobachtungen wird die Beteiligung von Ignimbriten an dem komplexen vulkanischen Gesteinsaufbau der Porphyrplatte erörtert.  相似文献   
The intramolecular kinetic oxygen isotope fractionation between CO2 and CO32− during reaction of phosphoric acid with natural smithsonite (ZnCO3) and cerussite (PbCO3) has been determined between 25 and 72°C. While cerussite decomposes in phosphoric acid within a few hours at 25°C, smithsonite reacts very slowly with the acid at 25°C providing yields of CO2 < 25% after 2 weeks. The low yields result in a low precision for oxygen isotope measurements of the acid-liberated CO2 (±1.65‰, 1σ, n = 9). The yield and reproducibility of oxygen isotope values of the acid-liberated CO2 from smithsonite can be improved, the latter to ∼±0.15‰, by increasing the reaction temperature to 50°C for 12 h or to 72°C for 1 h. Our new phosphoric acid fractionation factor for natural cerussite at 25°C deviates significantly from a previously published value on synthetic material. The temperature dependence of the oxygen isotope factionation factor, α between acid-liberated CO2 and carbonate at 25 to 72°C is given by the following equations
The record of charcoal in lake sediments indicates that fire has always been an important ecological factor in the forest history of northeastern Minnesota. The annually laminated sediments of Lake of the Clouds permit precise dating of the charcoal peaks and record the changes in the influx of various pollen types. A detailed record of the past 1000 yr shows that the average frequency of fire is approximately 60–70 yr, with a range of about 20–100 yr. The amount of charcoal in sediments dating between 1000-500 y.a. is consistently higher than that for the last 500 yr, although the fire frequency for the two periods was not appreciably different. Pollen analysis shows no change or only short-term changes in the percentages of major pollen types following charcoal peaks.  相似文献   
SWAT模型在斯里兰卡河流径流预测中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用SWAT模型和新安江模型对斯里兰卡卡鲁河流域上游地区日径流进行了预测.卡鲁河是斯里兰卡的第二大河,由于流域的降雨量很大,上游地区河流沿峡谷流下,中下游平原地区河床平坦.卡鲁河流域的洪水变的很正常.应用SWAT模型来对卡鲁河的日径流量进行预测,并同应用新安江模型所得到的结果做对比.研究表明,新安江模型要比SWAT (分布式水文模型)模型在卡鲁河日径流量预测上稍微好一些.实际上,或许数据质量不高或不恰当是部分原因,因为SWAT的输出成果严格取决于其输入的数据质量.此外,在斯里兰卡,许多人的日常用水是靠井水.当把流域看作一个整体,通常都是一个很大的范围,那样的话就不可能详尽的记录所有各个小规模的水利用,例如:小灌溉、小规模的家畜管理和工业水利用.这些水利用累积起来或许就很可观.这些数据的缺失对分布式水文模型在水平衡的应用有着独特的影响.但是概念水文模型(如新安江模型)可以根据实际情况在校正中调节它的参数,因为这些参数并没有实质的物理含义.因此,在流域特征和模型输入数据有限或不完整的情况下,概念水文模型比分布式水文模型更具优势.  相似文献   
Physical evidence of life (physical biomarkers) from the deposits of carbonate hot springs were documented at the scale of microorganisms--submillimeter to submicrometer. The four moderate-temperature (57 to 72 degrees C), neutral pH springs reported on in this study, support diverse communities of bacteria adapted to specific physical and chemical conditions. Some of the microbes coexist with travertine deposits in endolithic communities. In other cases, the microbes are rapidly coated and destroyed by precipitates but leave distinctive mineral fabrics. Some microbes adapted to carbonate hot springs produce an extracellular polymeric substance which forms a three-dimensional matrix with living cells and cell remains, known as a biofilm. Silicon and iron oxides often coat the biofilm, leading to long-term preservation. Submicrometer mineralized spheres composed of calcium fluoride or silica are common in carbonate hot spring deposits. Sphere formation is biologically mediated, but the spheres themselves are apparently not fossils or microbes. Additionally, some microbes selectively weather mineral surfaces in distinctive patterns. Hot spring deposits have been cited as prime locations for exobiological exploration of Mars. The presence of preserved microscopic physical biomarkers at all four sites supports a strategy of searching for evidence of life in hot spring deposits on Mars.  相似文献   
Summary On the dayside of the Earth, a huge current system, the so-called equatorial electrojet, flows along the magnetic dip equator in the ionosphere, mainly in easterly direction. At the surface of the Earth it generates strong variations of the geomagnetic field which severely impair marine geomagnetic measurements. Independent of its changing intensity, the position of the current system is remarkably constant.For marine geomagnetic measurements in the South China Sea and the Sulu Sea the latitude dependence of the variations was determined from the data themselves, using an appropriate functional relation. By a digital filter it was taken into consideration that the slowly changing parts are less latitude-dependent. Thus, with one recording station, it was possible to reduce the variations to only 15% of their original size for distances up to 500 km.Using the comprehensive data set of two research cruises into the Dangerous Grounds area of the South China Sea, it is shown which statements on the structure of the crust are possible with the corrected data.
Die Reduktion erdmagnetischer Messungen auf See in der Nähe des magnetischen Äquators
Zusammenfassung Entlang des magnetischen Inklinations-Äquators fließt auf der Tagseite der Erde in der Ionosphäre ein riesiges Stromsystem, der sogenannte Äquatoriale Elektroje. Es erzeugt an der Erdoberfläche starke zeitliche Veränderungen des erdmagnetischen Feldes, die seemagnetische Vermessungen erheblich beeinträchtigen. Die Lage des Stromsystems ist auch bei wechselnden Stromstärken bemerkenswert konstant. Für seemagnetische Messungen im Südchinesischen Meer wurde die Breitenabhängigkeit der Variationen unter Benutzung eines geeigneten Funktionsansatzes aus den Daten selbst bestimmt. Durch eine Filterung wurde berücksichtigt, daß langsam veränderliche Anteile weniger stark breitenabhängig sind. Dadurch gelang es, die Variationen unter Benutzung einer einzigen Registrierstation in Entfernungen bis 500 km auf nur 15% zu reduzieren.An Hand des umfangreichen Meßdatensatzes zweier Forschungsfahrten in das Gebiet der Dangerous Grounds im Südchinesischen Meer wird gezeigt, welche geowissenschaftlichen Aussagen über den Aufbau der Erdkruste nach der Verbesserung möglich werden.

Réduction des mesures de magnétisme à la mer effectuées au voisinage de l'équateur géomagnétique
Résumé Du côté jour de la terre, un flux plasmatique puissant appelé électrojet équatorial s'écoule le long de l'équateur magnétique (champ total et composante horizontale identiques) dans l'ionosphère, principalement en direction de l'Est. Ce flux engendre à la surface du globe de fortes variations du champ géomagnétique, qui ont pour effet de perturber sévèrement les mesures de magnétisme à la mer. La position de ce courant est d'une constance remarquable, et indépendante de ses variations d'intensité.Pour les mesures de magnétisme effectuées dans les mers de Chine Sud et de Sulu, les variations en fonction de la latitude ont été déterminées à partir des données elles-mêmes, au moyen de relations fonctionelles appropriées. L'emploi d'un filtre digital a permis de tenir compte du fait que les éléments variables lentement sont moins dépendants de la latitude. C'est ainsi qu'avec une station d'enregistrement, il a été possible de réduire les variations à 15% seulement de leur valeur originale jusqu'à des distances de 500 km.En s'appuyant sur la collection très complète de données recueillies au cours de deux campagnes de recherche effectuées dans la zone des Hauts-fonds dangereux, au Sud de la mer de Chine, on montre les hypothèses qu'il est possible de formuler quant à la structure de la croûte, à partir des données corrigées.
Late Paleocene to Middle Eocene strata in the easternmost part of the Southern Pyrenees, up to 4 km thick, provide information on tectono-sedimentary evolution of faults transversal to the Pyrenean chain. To know how changes in tectonic plate processes control the structural evolution of transverse faults and the synchronous thickness and lithological distribution of sedimentary strata in a foreland basin, field observations, interpretation of 2D seismic lines tied to lithostratigraphic data of exploration wells and gravity modelling constrains were carried out. This resulted in the following two tectono-sedimentary phases in a foreland basin: first phase, dominated by transverse extensional faulting, synchronous with deposition of marine carbonates (ca. 57 to 51 Ma); and second phase, characterized by transverse contractional faulting, coeval to accumulation of marine and transitional siliciclastics (51 to 44 Ma). During the first phase, Iberia and Adria were moving to the east and west respectively. Therefore, lithospheric flexure in the easternmost part of the Iberian plate was developed due to that Sardinia was over-thrusting Iberia. Consequently, activation of E-dipping normal faults was generated giving rise to thick-deep and thin-shallow carbonate platform deposits across the hanging walls and footwalls of the transverse structures. During the second phase, a shearing interaction between Iberia and Sardinia prevailed re-activating the transverse faults as contractional structures generating thin-shelf and thick-submarine fan deposits across the hanging walls and footwalls of the transverse structures. In the transition between the first and second phases, evaporitic conditions dominated in the basin suggesting a tectonic control on basin marine restriction. The results of our study demonstrate how thickness and lithology distribution, controlled by transverse faulting in a compressional regimen, are influenced by phases related to processes affecting motions and interactions between tectonic plates and continental blocks.  相似文献   
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