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融合升降轨的极化干涉SAR三层模型植被高度反演方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林参数的获取不仅可以估算地表生物量和林下地形,还有助于研究全球碳循环和分析全球气候变化。极化干涉SAR植被参数反演算法一般是基于随机地体两层模型(RVoG),但是当实际植被有着冠层、树干层和地表层的明显三层结构时,植被参数反演精度就会变差;另外,由于机载SAR系统数据的近距远距垂直向波数差异较大,导致试验结果存在着由其引起的系统误差。针对这两个问题,本文提出了一种融合升降轨的极化干涉SAR三层模型植被参数反演方法。该方法首先采用三层植被RVoG模型修正微波在穿透植被时的散射过程;然后采用融合升降轨道数据的方式削弱其系统误差;最后,采用非线性迭代平差的反演算法来进行植被高度反演。为了验证该方法的有效性,采用了德国宇航局DLR提供的BioSAR2008项目的两景升轨及两景降轨E-SAR P波段全极化SAR数据进行试验,并采用3组反演策略进行比较分析。结果表明,三层植被模型能够更好地描述植被散射过程;同时,新方法有效降低了由垂直向波数引起的系统误差,提高了树高反演精度。  相似文献   
激光雨滴谱仪尺度测量精度的设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘强  陈赛  张垚 《气象科技》2018,46(6):1087-1092
强降水时降雨量测量偏差较大是激光雨滴谱仪在应用中的普遍问题需要被改善。以探测源头激光器为着眼点,深入研究其特性,针对雨滴谱仪应用原理,采取了光栅设计、优化处理算法和尺度标定措施,以加强降雨粒子尺度测量精度,实现了在强降水过程中较小的测量偏差。经过国内多地强降雨的实际观测检验,结果表明:该雨滴谱仪尺度测量精度的设计,实现了强降水过程中降雨量测量精度平均绝对偏差6%左右,最大偏差不超过10%的目标;设备经受住了台风过程中的强降雨考验,取得了较好的观测和应用效果。  相似文献   
Generation and propagation of internal waves (IWs) in the coastal waters of the extended shelf of the western Bay of Bengal are investigated for late winter by using the Massachusetts Institute of Technology General Circulation Model (MITgcm). The model is forced with astronomical tides and daily winds. Monthly climatological temperature and salinity fields are used as initial conditions. The simulations are compared with time series observations of temperature and currents from acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) moored at three locations south of Gopalpur: two at a local depth of 100 m and another at 400-m depth during 19–21 February 2012. The comparison of the spectral estimates for the time series of temperature from the model and observations are in reasonable agreement for the near-tidal frequency waves. The peak of temperature spectra is always found near the shelf break region which steadily lost its intensity over the continental shelf. The calculation of Richardson number reflected the presence of local mixing due to density overturning in the shelf region. To understand further the generation and propagation of internal tides in the region, energy flux and conversion of barotropic-to-baroclinic M2 tidal energy are examined. The model simulations suggest that the internal tide is generated all along the shelf slope. The energy flux analysis shows that the internal tides propagate to either side of the generation sites.  相似文献   
Competitive sorption of estriol (E3) and 17α‐ethinylestradiol (EE2) was studied on activated charcoal. Better sorption of E3 (88.9%) and EE2 (69.5%) was observed with single‐solute sorption system than with bi‐solute sorption system. Single‐solute sorption kinetics of E3 and EE2 were evaluated with two (Langmuir and Freundlich) and three (dual mode and Song) parameter models. Freundlich model (R2, 0.9915 (E3); 0.9875 (EE2)) showed good prediction compared to other models for single‐solute sorption. Adsorption capacity documented reduced efficacy (86.4% (E3); 65.9% (EE2)) due to induced competitive behavior between the estrogens in aqueous phase. Bi‐solute adsorption kinetics of E3 and EE2 were described by IAST with two and three parameter models. Among these models, IAST‐Freundlich model (R2, 0.9765 (E3); 0.9985 (EE2)) was best in predicting bi‐solute sorption of E3 and EE2 by activated charcoal. All these models showed favorable representation of both single‐ and bi‐solute sorption behaviors.  相似文献   
针对闪电光学观测资料定量分析的需求,采用张正友平面标定法结合便携式平面靶标,实现了闪电外场试验中光学观测设备的现场标定,为消除光学系统成像畸变对闪电通道特征分析的影响提供了一种便捷的途径。使用此方法对广州高建筑物雷电观测站(TOLOG)的6套闪电光学观测设备进行了标定,结果表明:光学观测设备搭载同类型镜头时,焦距越短图像的畸变越明显; 图像中视线与光轴的夹角越大,径向畸变的影响越明显,采用鱼眼镜头获得的闪电通道图像在靠近边缘的位置畸变的影响会超过25%;通过对配备焦距为8 mm鱼眼镜头的单反相机以及配备焦距为8 mm广角镜头的高速摄像机同时获取的闪电光学同步资料进行畸变校正后,发现获取的图像畸变校正前后闪电通道总体长度差异分别为12.9%和4.5%;经过畸变校正后不同设备获取的闪电通道图像比原图拥有更好的一致性。   相似文献   
MODIS大气可降水量(PWV)空间分辨率高但易受云雨等环境因素影响,精度不高.GNSS PWV 空间分辨率较低但具有全天候、不受天气影响、精度高的优点.研究表明两者存在显著的线性相关性,结合两者的优点,基于GNSS PWV校正MODIS PWV可获取大面积高精度的PWV.针对传统的线性回归校正模型没有考虑云、气溶胶等的影响使两种数据线性相关性变差的问题,本文在传统的线性校正模型上增加了使用年积日的非线性周期项的方法来构建校正模型.利用2017—2019年香港地区GNSS对流层延迟与MODIS近红外数据,使用频谱分析线性残差项,结果表明残差具有显著的年周期.对比传统模型,本文模型的平均绝对误差、平均相对误差、均方根误差和拟合度都有明显的改善,表明本文模型可行有效且精度较高.  相似文献   
2020年12月,广东省ADTD(Advanced TOA and Direction)闪电定位系统升级改造为DDW1全闪三维闪电定位系统,于2021年1月业务运行,使得广东省拥有了闪电三维定位业务观测能力。DDW1闪电定位系统不仅在硬件性能、数据处理、探测效率和定位算法等方面有提高,同时还新增了闪电辐射源的三维定位功能。基于DDW1闪电定位系统观测数据和广州S波段双极化天气雷达资料,分别对广东省2021年闪电时空分布以及一次飑线系统云闪三维分布特征进行分析。分析结果表明,闪电活动主要出现在5—9月,占总数92.9%,闪电活动多发时段为13—18时,占总数53.1%;广东省闪电聚集区分布在地势较低的珠三角和粤西地区,地势高的山地地区闪电活动相对较少;云闪辐射源主要出现在强对流区底部,高度主要分布在1~5 km,占总数61.3%,一定程度上刻画了雷暴云中电荷区的分布情况。全闪定位结果与对应时刻雷达回波具有高度一致性。  相似文献   
A regional coupled atmosphere–ocean model was developed to study the role of air–sea interactions in the simulation of the Indian summer monsoon. The coupled model includes the regional climate model (RegCM3) as atmospheric component and the regional ocean modeling system (ROMS) as oceanic component. The two-way coupled model system exchanges sea surface temperature (SST) from the ocean to the atmospheric model and surface wind stress and energy fluxes from the atmosphere to the ocean model. The coupled model is run for four years 1997, 1998, 2002 and 2003 and the results are compared with observations and atmosphere-only model runs employing Reynolds SSTs as lower boundary condition. It is found that the coupled model captures the main features of the Indian monsoon and simulates a substantially more realistic spatial and temporal distribution of monsoon rainfall compared to the uncoupled atmosphere-only model. The intraseasonal oscillations are also better simulated in the coupled model compared to the atmosphere-only model. These improvements are due to a better representation of the feedbacks between the SST and convection and highlight the importance of air–sea coupling in the simulation of the Indian monsoon.  相似文献   
Indian summer monsoon gives on an average 250 cm of rainfall due to mesoscale/synoptic scale systems over west coast of India; now-a-days, MM5 model plays a very crucial role in simulating such heavy rainfall episodes like Mumbai (India) on 26 July 2005, which caused devastation through flash floods. The main aim of this study is to simulate such heavy rainfall episodes using three different cumulus parameterization schemes (CPS) namely Kain–Fritsch-1, Anthes–Kuo and Grell and to compare their relative merits in identifying the characteristics of mesoscale systems over 14 stations in coastal Maharashtra state during 28 June–4 July 2007. MM5 control experiment results are analysed for the fields of mean sea level pressure, wind, geopotential height at 850 hPa and rainfall with the above schemes. It is interesting to note that Kain–Fritsch-1 scheme simulates heavy rainfall amount of 48 cm for an observed rainfall of 51 cm in 24 h. The Grell scheme underestimates heavy rainfall episodes, while the Anthes–Kuo scheme is found to over predict rainfall on both temporal and spatial scales. The reason for better performance of KF-1 scheme may be due to inclusion of updrafts and downdrafts. Later the simulated rainfall quantities at 14 stations over study region are validated with both 3B42RT and observed rain gauge data of India Meteorological Department (IMD) and the results are promising. Finally, for the heavy rainfall prediction cases, the best threat score is at 0.25 mm threshold for three CPSs. Thus, this study is a breakthrough in pointing out that the KF-1 experiment has the best skill in predicting heavy rainfall episodes.  相似文献   
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