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Interaction between the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in far west equatorial Pacific (QBOWP) and the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is studied using a new conceptual model. In this conceptual model, the QBOWP effects on ENSO are achieved through two ways: (1) the oceanic Kelvin wave along equatorial Pacific, and (2) the Atmospheric Walker Circulation anomaly, while ENSO effects on QBOWP can be accomplished by the atmospheric Walker Circulation anomaly. Diagnosis analysis of the model results shows that the Atmospheric bridge (Walker circulation) plays a more important role in interaction between the ENSO and QBOWP than the oceanic bridge (oceanic Kelvin wave along equatorial Pacific); It is found that by the interaction of the ENSO and QBOWP, a free ENSO oscillation with 3–5 years period could be substituted by a oscillation with the quasi-biennial period, and the dominant period of SST anomaly and wind anomaly in the far west equatorial Pacific tends to be prolonged with enhanced ENSO forcing. Generally, the multi-period variability in the coupled Atmosphere-Ocean System in the Tropical Pacific can be achieved through the interaction between ENSO and QBOWP.  相似文献   
渤海海峡及邻区现代小震震源机制解分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以震源机制解资料推演并分析了渤海海峡及其周围地区现代构造应力场的总体特征、分区差异及地震破裂性质。认为构造应力场在某些局部与大区域之间有一定差异,而主张应力轴方位参数一致性稍好些,约在330°~360°之间,取向为北北西;构造应力场存在分区差异,尤以南北纵向差异明显;由于研究区内包含了地质构造和新构造活动性质各异的多个构造单元,地震破裂方向一致性较差  相似文献   
华北一次西南涡暴雨过程的诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用一日4次1°×1°的NCEP再分析资料和常规观测资料,分析了2010年7月19日发生在华北地区的西南涡暴雨过程。结果表明:此次暴雨过程是不同尺度系统共同影响的结果,低空急流将水汽源源不断地向暴雨区输送,云水含量大值区与强上升运动和强降水时段有较好的对应关系,高、低空急流的耦合作用促进了上升运动,暴雨期间对流层低层有自南向北发展的高能舌维持,存在对流性不稳定层结,上升运动自低层向上发展,将低层的暖湿空气向上输送,使得大量的不稳定能量释放,为暴雨区提供了持续的能量。  相似文献   
叶香  刘梅  姜爱军  张蓬勃  金琼 《气象科学》2012,32(4):451-458
根据南京整编的1961—2010年梅雨资料,运用Pearson相关法、M-K检验法、Morlet小波分析等方法对南京入梅日、出梅日、梅长、梅雨量和梅雨强度5个梅雨特征量分析其变化特征和其相互关系,以及梅雨特征量对区域性增暖的响应。结果发现:(1)近50 a南京梅雨各特征量年际差异明显,其中仅梅雨量存在显著增加趋势,其余特征量存在年代际差异。(2)近50 a南京梅雨各特征量均没有出现显著突变现象,变化都比较连续。(3)近50 a南京地区梅雨各特征量存在多尺度和局地性特征,并且各特征量的显著周期均包含在2~5 a和6~8 a的短周期内。(4)梅雨各特征量中,梅长与出梅日的关系比其与入梅日的关系更密切,梅雨量与梅长的相关程度大于其与入、出梅的相关程度,而梅雨强度和梅雨量变化接近一致。(5)在南京地区显著增暖的背景下,南京地区入梅日为正响应(正相关),而出梅日、梅长、梅雨量和梅雨强度是负响应(负相关);梅雨各特征量对春季平均气温增暖的响应比其对年平均气温增暖的响应明显。  相似文献   
江苏省灌河流域污染特征及污染控制对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田爱军  李冰  屈健  王水  高鸣 《湖泊科学》2012,24(4):535-540
基于2008年江苏省沿海地区灌河流域各城市污染源统计及调查数据,分析灌河流域主要污染物来源构成和污染特征,对污染物入河量进行计算及修正.结果表明:灌河的CODMn入河总量为36944.2 t/a,氨氮入河总量为4366.5 t/a,总氮和总磷入河总量分别为6507.4 t/a、444.6 t/a,各污染源均主要来源于农业污染.同时,针对灌河流域的污染特征,明确各类污染源的治理重点,提出了污染控制对策,为有效保护灌河水环境质量,支撑灌河口和灌河沿线的开发提供依据.  相似文献   
Situated at the junction of land and sea, coastal salt marshes are very sensitive to global environmental changes. Existing numerical models simulating the vertical growth of coastal salt marshes are under the conditions of low suspended sediment concentration (SSC), but under high SSC, such as in the Jiangsu coast of China, the models need to be refined. In this paper, based on the mass balance principle, a refined zero-dimensional time-stepped model is applied after considering the average suspended sediment concentration (ASSC). The statistical results of in situ observation data show that there is an obvious positive linear relationship between ASSC and maximum inundation height, and an obvious positive exponential one between inundation time and inundation height. Using the short-term measurement values for the input parameters and incorporating the above-mentioned relationship between SSC and inundation height, the sedimentation rates are calculated, and the results are similar to previous data. In addition, some factors and hydrodynamic processes that were ignored or simplified could influence the calculated value.  相似文献   
In order to understand the seasonal variation of aerosol optical properties in the Yangtze River Delta,5 years of measurements were conducted during September 2005 to December 2009 at Taihu,China.The monthly averages of aerosol optical depth were commonly >0.6;the maximum seasonal average(0.93) occurred in summer.The magnitude of the Angstr¨om exponent was found to be high throughout the year;the highest values occurred in autumn(1.33) and were the lowest in spring(1.08).The fine modes of volume size distribution showed the maxima(peaks) at a radius of ~0.15 μm in spring,autumn,and winter;at a radius of ~0.22 μm in summer.The coarse modes showed the maxima(peaks) at a radius of 2.9 μm in spring,summer,and autumn and at a radius of 3.8 μm in winter.The averages of single-scattering albedo were 0.92(spring),0.92(summer),0.91(autumn),and 0.88(winter).The averages of asymmetry factor were found to be larger in summer than during other seasons;they were taken as 0.66 at 440-1020 nm over Taihu.The real part of the refractive index showed a weak seasonal variation,with averages of 1.48(spring),1.43(summer),1.45(autumn),and 1.48(winter).The imaginary parts of the refractive index were higher in winter(0.013) than in spring(0.0076),summer(0.0092),and autumn(0.0091),indicating that the atmosphere in the winter had higher absorbtivity.  相似文献   
裴海瑛  姜爱军  叶香 《气象科学》2011,31(6):777-783
利用南京市内设立在4种不同典型下垫面的自动气象观测站逐时温度资料,采用对比分析方法,分析不同下垫面对城市近地层温度的影响.结果表明,城市绿地在日出日落后温度变化最明显,春秋两季温度变化速率超过2℃/h,夏冬两季也可达1.2℃/h,这使得绿地夜晚温度较低;城市水体日出日落后的温度变化速率最小,因而城市水体夜晚温度较高,尤其在春秋两季最为明显;城市中的生活区和校区在日出日落后温度变化速率稍高于城市水体,夜间温度一般高于绿地,低于水体.另外,不同下垫面对城市气温的季节变化也有影响,城市水体秋冬季节温度高,绿地在夏季温度低,使得温度的平均年变化减小;城市生活区和校区温度的季节变化特征与前两者相反.温度年变化在四季转换过程中的不均匀性在不同下垫面上也有不同的特点,在冬半年,城市水体温度的月际变化较大,而绿地月际变化小,夏半年则出现完全相反的情况.  相似文献   
多普勒速度对分析和预报强对流天气,特别是中尺度气旋、龙卷等过程至关重要,但受多普勒基本原理的限制,天气雷达在提高最大不模糊速度的同时,必然导致速度探测范围减小,进而带来二次甚至多次回波的干扰。为缓解多普勒两难问题,本文基于CINRAD/SA天气雷达体扫模式利用随机相位编码方法恢复二次回波,拓展速度有效探测范围。实例证明随机相位编码方法能够恢复最强的两次回波,滤除其他次弱回波,大大提高了低仰角速度场有效数据的获取率,缓解固定相位下二次回波解模糊算法的局限性造成的距离模糊紫区问题。  相似文献   
利用SSM/I数据判识我国及周边地区雪盖   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
积雪参数是气候学和水文学研究中所需的重要物理量, 确保积雪参数测定的准确性与及时性对于气候学研究、水文应用以及防灾减灾都非常重要。利用微波数据可获取有云存在时的积雪覆盖图, 遥感雪深和雪水当量信息。采用微波数据判识雪盖并得到积雪状态 (干、湿) 信息, 不仅可以弥补利用光学遥感数据判识雪盖的不足之处, 而且也是利用微波数据反演雪深和雪水当量参数必需的先期工作。该文介绍利用SSM/I的多频双极化微波数据开展我国及周边地区积雪判识方法研究的结果。分析国外全球判识方法的雪盖判识结果指出, 国外算法易在青藏高原等地区将冻土误判为积雪, 造成雪盖面积的偏高估计。研究给出了在我国及周边地区 (17°~57°N, 65°~145°E) 利用SSM/I数据判识积雪的改进方法, 在完成积雪判识的同时还给出了雪深和积雪状态的定性信息, 与已有全球雪盖判识方法相比有较大改进, 大大减小了青藏高原等地区冻土对积雪判识的影响。  相似文献   
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