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A field measurement was made at three stations near the head of Onagawa Bay to investigate the two-dimensional pattern of bay oscillations. Characteristics of the eigen oscillations are numerically calculated by finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix derived from a two-dimensional model. The observed oscillations can be explained, to a reasonable degree, by the calculated modes at the periods of 36, 18, 14, 12 and 10 min, where the modes at 18 and 12 min are of longitudinal oscillations and the ones at 14 and 10 min are of lateral oscillations.  相似文献   
In arid to semi-arid climates, monitoring drought is very complicated because of different hydrometeorology variables effect on it. It is proposed in this paper to develop Fuzzy Integrated Drought Index (FIDI) which combines most important effective factors in developing drought. At first, Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model calibrated simulated runoff to outlet basin runoff data for years 1993–1995. Results represent high performance of model in simulating runoff of outlet basin. Then, Precipitation Anomaly Percentage Index (PAPI), actual Evapotranspiration Anomaly Percentage Index (EAPI), Runoff Anomaly Percentage Index (RAPI), and Soil Moisture Anomaly Percentage Index (SMAPI) were constructed. FIDI was compared with the PAPI, RAPI and SMAPI for the period of 1985 to 2014. The results indicate that (1) the FIDI has more ability in determining start and persistence of drought event compared with PAPI, RAPI, and SMAPI; (2) in the low time scales, PAPI and SMAPI have high correlation with FIDI, and in the higher time scales, RAPI has the high correlation with FIDI; (3) spatially, the middle, west, and portion of north have higher drought risk in the Neyshabour basin.  相似文献   
We used Yellow-legged Gull (YLG) chicks to monitor trace elements in Tunisian areas subject to different pollution stresses: urban contamination (Chikly), industrial pollution (Thyna) and an unpolluted area (Kneis).We measured trace element concentrations (Hg, Se and Pb) in chick feathers. We also assessed their feeding ecology by analyzing both regurgitates and stable isotopes (SIA) in chick feathers and in their prey, to determine the main entry route of pollutants. SIA revealed that YLG feed mainly on aquatic resources from the Lake of Tunis (Chikly colony) and the Gulf of Gabès (Thyna and Kneis colonies). Moreover, the enriched δ15N found in feathers from Chikly are attributed to the eutrophication of the Lake of Tunis. Hg and Se were higher in Kneis and Thyna colonies, in agreement with the higher consumption of marine resources and the greater availability of these elements resulting from the impact of the industrial activity in the area. Pb concentrations were higher in Chikly, related to the heavier traffic around the Lake of Tunis and the use of leaded gasoline.  相似文献   
A high-resolution (1/60°), three-dimensional numerical circulation model of the Cariaco Basin (Venezuela) is constructed by nesting the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) in the 1/12° global Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). A new bathymetry, computed by merging DBDB2 data and in situ depth measurements using optimal interpolation, is described. This new bathymetry corrects the depth of the channels that connect the Cariaco Basin with the open ocean and which play a very important role in the basin circulation. Results from a 2004 ROMS hindcast are presented. Observations (temperature, salinity, and currents) are used to validate the model results before using the model to describe the annual cycle of the Cariaco Basin and the interactions between the basin and the open ocean. Two modes of interaction are described, the first being the meanders and eddies that travel westward with the Caribbean Current, and the second being a subsurface eastward current that flows along the north coast of South America. The circulation path within the basin is directly related to the intensity of this current. Both mechanisms described play a role in the ventilation of the basin. The present study is also an example of the feasibility of one of the objectives of GODAE (Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment): downscaling from a large-scale model to a regional model. In particular, the nesting ratio of 5 used in this work demonstrates that a high-resolution model can be successfully nested in HYCOM.  相似文献   
Estimation of the offshore form of tsunami waves based on an observed tidegage record at a bay head is attempted by means of an impulse response method and a characteristics method. For several tsunamis in Onagawa Bay, the results estimated by both methods are compared with the observed data at an offshore station. The correlation coefficient between the estimated and the observed values is 0.9 to 0.95, and the present methods are proved to be practical. The validity of the characteristics method is further confirmed in the case of Ofunato Bay.  相似文献   
江汉盆地潜江凹陷潜三段古地貌与砂体成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
蚌湖洼陷是潜江凹陷潜江组的沉积、沉降中心,其两侧砂体的成因与分布是一个有争议的问题。通过岩心观察、水动力条件及碎屑锆石定年分析,明确了蚌湖洼陷两侧砂体的成因联系;进一步通过连续地层单元内的沉积古地貌恢复,明确了古地貌与砂体分布的关系。研究认为潜江凹陷潜三段沉积时期北部发育荆门地堑与汉水地堑两大物源体系,中部发育蚌湖-王场洼陷,西部发育丫角-新沟低凸起及斜坡带,东部为斜坡带,南部则为缓坡带。潜三段沉积时期,蚌湖洼陷南部的砂体既不是前人认为的“盐湖密度流”越过蚌湖洼陷的沉积产物,也不是牵引流横穿蚌湖洼陷搬运而来,而是牵引流经西部斜坡上的古沟谷搬运沉积下来的。  相似文献   
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