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长江中下游转换构造结现象经典、结构复杂、过程清晰,是中国东部中生代以来有时空联系的多种构造的集中展现。该构造结的主要内涵包括:1) 3大构造类型:大陆造山带(大别造山带)、陆缘剪切带(郯庐断裂带)和陆内热点(下扬子热点);2) 3大应力方式:华南和华北两大板块近SN向的挤压,太平洋板块作用下东亚陆缘剪切和中国东部伸展背景下的下扬子热点;3) 3大转换机制:特提斯与太平洋两大构造域的构造体制转换,中生代从SW-NE向到近S-N 向再到SE-NW 向的挤压方向转换,区域性的挤压应力作用向伸展应力作用的应力方式转换。可见,长江中下游转换构造结的结构、属性和演化过程完整记录了中生代以来变化有序的构造演化和丰富多样的构造属性,展示了区内复杂连续的动力学系统背景下的深部过程与浅表响应,揭示了全球性特殊的岩石圈动力学过程。  相似文献   
稳定分层的深水水库常在冬季发生“翻库”现象,继而导致水库的整体水质下降,影响饮用水安全问题。为探究南方水库热分层消亡时期水体混合特征,在冬季2019年11月—2020年2月对南宁市天雹水库水体理化指标开展长序列原位监测,并结合水体垂直扩散系数,分时期(热分层期、减弱期、完全混合期、形成期)刻画水库热分层消亡全过程中水温T、溶解氧DO的剖面变化特征,探讨了气象因子(气温、太阳辐射、风速等)与水动力因子(水体垂直扩散系数Kz)对水体理化指标的影响。结果显示:桉树人工林区水库热分层消亡期温度分层与溶解氧分层变化不同步,溶解氧分层的破坏较水温分层的破坏出现滞后,其结构失稳是气温及太阳辐射共同作用的结果;期间水体垂直扩散系数变化范围0.16~380.36 m2/d,均值为30.46 m2/d,表层Kz变化的主要控制因子为气温变化,且较T及DO而言,表层Kz对气温的变化更加敏感(RKz=-0.44,RT=0.25,R  相似文献   
跨界含水层研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着人口的激增和水资源压力的不断增大,跨界含水层在地下水利用和供水安全保障方面处于越来越重要的位置。目前,围绕跨界含水层主要开展了以下三个方面的工作:联合国教科文组织国际水文计划联合其他相关机构,对世界各主要大洲进行了跨界含水层的标示及划分工作;在总结完善相关跨界含水层法律条文的基础上,联合国国际法委员会于2008年向联合国大会上提交了跨界含水层草案条款,该项草案条款的出台对共享含水层各国开发和管理地下水具有重要的指导意义;在联合国教科文组织及其他机构的推动下,各大洲已逐步开展对跨界含水层的研究,并建立了相关的合作机构。分析表明,跨界含水层的研究需要相关国家间的进一步协商与合作。  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to quantify the landslide risk for individual buildings using spatial data in a GIS environment. A landslide-prone area from Prahova Rivers’ Subcarpathian Valley was chosen because of its associated landslide hazards and its impact upon human settlements and activities. The bivariate landslide susceptibility index (LSI) was applied to calculate the spatial probability of landslides occurrence. The Landslide Susceptibility Index map was produced by numerically adding the weighted thematic maps for slope gradient and aspect, water table, soil texture, lithology, built environment and land use. Validation curves were obtained using the random-split strategy for two combinations of variables: (a) all seven variables and (b) three variables which showed highest individual success rates with respect to landslides occurrences (slope gradient, water table and land use). The principal pre-disposing factors were found to be slope steepness and groundwater table. Vulnerability was established as the degree of loss to individual buildings resulting from a potential damaging landslide with a given return period in an area. Risk was calculated by multiplying the spatial probability of landslides by the vulnerability for each building and summing up the losses for the selected return period.  相似文献   
In this study, reservoir temperatures of Balıkesir geothermal waters in northwestern Turkey are estimated with various geochemical models. The geothermal fluids in the region are represented by Na–SO4, Na–HCO3 and Ca–HCO3 type waters with discharge temperatures up to 98°C. It was determined that the solubility of silica in most of the waters is controlled by the chalcedony phase. Equilibrium states of the Balıkesir thermal waters studied by means of Na–K–Mg–Ca diagram, mineral saturation calculations and activity diagrams in the system composed of Na2O–CaO–K2O–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O phases approximate a reservoir temperature of about 120°C. Most of the waters are found to be equilibrated with calcite, chalcedony ± quartz and muscovite at predicted temperature ranges, similar to those calculated from the chemical geothermometers.  相似文献   
The Western Carpathians are located out of world main natural hazardous zones. Human casualties are related more to snow avalanches in connection with mountain hiking, some individuals yearly by flooding and rarely by forest fires. Economic lost about 0.1 to 0.2 %, exceptionally up to 0.8 % of the gross domestic product (GDP) proportionally to the Carpathian regions of particular countries. Natural disasters are linked, except of the above mentioned events, to infrequent small and medium scale earthquakes, landslides, and erosion. Records of the most harmful natural events are found in archives since the 16^th century. Their systematic study and factor analysis started from the end of the 19^th century, and protective measures and organization of impact mitigation developed during the 20^th century to minimize the risk.  相似文献   
简要介绍环境地理信息系统的概念和它的基本功能,列举环境地理信息系统在环境管理中的应用,对国内外环境地理信息系统的研究热点和方向进行阐述并提出发展环境地理信息系统的策略和建议。  相似文献   
This study presents results of both field and laboratory tests that have been used to asses liquefaction susceptibilities of the soils in Yalova city, located in the well-known seismically active North Anatolian Fault Zone. Liquefaction potentials of the sub-surface materials in Yalova city were estimated by using the standard penetration test (SPT) method of field testing. The data obtained have been mapped according to susceptibility, and the susceptibility maps based on the geotechnical data indicated a moderate to high susceptibility to liquefaction for the magnitude of earthquake of M=7.4. Both the high groundwater level and the grain size of the soils, in conjunction with the active seismic features of the region, result in conditions favourable to the occurrence of liquefaction. When the surface and near surface geological conditions were taken under consideration, it was seen that the study areas geology is prone to liquefaction having a moderate liquefaction susceptibility. If geologic and geomorphological criteria are considered, it should be understood that the study area as discussed under the regions geology is susceptible to liquefaction. The geotechnical data largely support the geologic-based liquefaction susceptibility of the study area.  相似文献   
近年来,得益于多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱(MC-ICP-MS)的快速发展,钾(K)同位素的分析精度得到显著提升,极大地促进了K同位素地球化学的发展,在示踪大陆风化、壳幔物质循环等方面已经展现出良好的应用前景。目前,样品分离提纯过程繁琐,耗时长,以及ArH+对K的直接干扰导致的分析精度不足依旧是K同位素得到更广泛应用的最大阻碍。在使用盐酸、硝酸以及氢氟酸将样品彻底溶解后,利用装有约2.7 mL AG50W-X8(BioRadTM,200~400目)阳离子交换树脂的定制石英离子交换柱,以及0.5 mol/L硝酸作为淋洗液可以有效地将地质样品中的K与Na、Ti、Mg、Mn、Al、Ca等主要基体元素一次性分离开来,从而有效分离提纯常见地质样品中的K(高Cr样品除外)。在仪器分析方面,为达到最大程度降低测试过程中的ArH+产率以及提高仪器测试的稳定状态,分别采用了高分辨模式、高分辨加连续采集模式以及低分辨下扣除ArH+干扰模式进行测试,结果表明低分辨模式下测试成本较低,测试稳定时间最长且能达到与高分辨率测试相...  相似文献   
为进一步揭示热带太平洋海气系统要素场之间的非线性相关特征,基于Hadley提供的海温场资料和美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)和美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)提供的海面风场和海面气压场资料,采用经验正交(EOF)分解和非线性典型相关分析法(NLCCA),分析了海温、海面风场和海面气压场三要素场之间的非线性相关性。结果表明,西太平洋暖池的异常暖状态和热带太平洋的西风异常与ENSO的非线性之间存在着密切关联。进一步引入奇异值分解方法(SVD),将其与NLCCA方法相结合,分析了热带太平洋海温场与海面风场、海面气压场耦合变化的关键影响区及其异性相关的分布特征。分析表明,热带太平洋西风异常和西太副高与ENSO循环之间存在较好的相关性。具体表现在:海温在中东太平洋地区出现异常增暖时,有助于加强东南亚地区的对流发展,促使东南亚地区季风的提前爆发;而东北太平洋副热带高压强度变化对北太平洋中部Nam ias海区海温距平的东西向振荡具有重要作用。研究为ENSO循环的非线性特性提供了有力的证明,也为ENSO的预测研究奠定了相关基础。  相似文献   
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