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A total of 20 soil samples were collected from 10 boreholes constructed in the low lying area, which included ancillary samples taken from the high elevation area. Redox processes were investigated in the soil as well as groundwater in the shallow groundwater aquifer of Manukan Island, Sabah, Malaysia. Groundwater samples (n = 10) from each boreholes were also collected in the low lying area to understand the concentrations and behaviors of Fe and Mn in the dissolved state. This study strives to obtain a general understanding of the stability behaviors on Fe and Mn at the upper unsaturated and the lower-saturated soil horizons in the low lying area of Manukan Island as these elements usually play a major role in the redox chemistry of the shallow groundwater. Thermodynamic calculations using PHREEQC showed that the groundwater samples in the study area are oversaturated with respect to goethite, hematite, Fe(OH)3 and undersaturated with respect to manganite and pyrochroite. Low concentrations of Fe and Mn in the groundwater might be probably due to the lack of minerals of iron and manganese oxides, which exist in the sandy aquifer. In fact, high organic matters that present in the unsaturated horizon are believed to be responsible for the high Mn content in the soil. It was observed that the soil samples collected from high elevation area (BK) comprises considerable amount of Fe in both unsaturated (6675.87 mg/kg) and saturated horizons (31440.49 mg/kg) compared to the low Fe content in the low lying area. Based on the stability diagram, the groundwater composition lies within the stability field for Mn2+ and Fe2+ under suboxic condition and very close to the FeS/Fe2+ stability boundary. This study also shows that both pH and Eh values comprise a strong negative value thus suggesting that the redox potential is inversely dependent on the changes of pH.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONOur sampling trip to Tanjung Piai wetland in2002 showed that the site had not been developed andrecognized yet as a wetland of international importance(Ramsar). Recently, our field trip in January 2005to the same site to collect sediment sam…  相似文献   
The Jurassic successions represent a wide distribution in North of the Kerman province. These successions include Ab-Haji, Badamu, and Hojedk formations. The Hojedk Formation contains the plant fossils. The Lenjan section is one of the suitable areas for paleontological studies on the Hojedk Formation. The study section is mostly composed of green sandstone and shale with several interbedded coal veins with different thicknesses. The thickness of the Hojedk Formation is about 200 m in the Lenjan section. In this study, seven genera and 13 species of macro plant fossils were identified and described, including Nilssonia undulata, Nilssonia bozorga, Nilssonia berriesi, Nilssonia sp., Klukia cf. exilis, Klukia exilis, Cladophlebis antarctica, Coniopteris lobata, Coniopteris murrayana, Elatocladus confertus, Podozamites sp., Equisetites sp., and Coniopteris sp. The Bajocian–Bathonian can be attributed to the Lenjan section based on the recognized flora.  相似文献   

The Gour Oumelalen area exposes Paleoproterozoic (1.9 Ga) marbles and calc-silicate granulites. Some marbles show a specific mineralogy characterized by the presence of a highly aluminous clinopyroxene with Al2O3 content exceeding16 wt%. This clinopyroxene shows a marked zoning with a hedenbergitic core rimmed by fassaite. Phase relations are expressed by spectacular reaction textures in calc-silicate granulites as Opx + Cpx + Pl + H2O  == > Grt + Qtz ± Am and Cpx + Ilm + Pl ± Mt = > Grt + Qtz + Spn. In olivine-bearing marbles, clinopyroxene and dolomite occur around olivine and calcite. According to thermodynamic modeling in the Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3 (NCFMASHTO) system, the first stage of metamorphism is located at 800 °C and 6–7 kbar, which is followed by an increase in pressure at 9–10 kbar and 800 °C and an isobaric cooling at 680 °C. The deduced anticlockwise P–T path is consistent with a granulitic metamorphism occurring in an active continental margin context.

The Middle-Upper Jurassic sandstones and shales of Ler dome (Chari and Katrol Formations), Kachchh, western India, have been analyzed for modal, bulk mineralogy and geochemistry to deduce their provenance, tectonic setting, source area weathering and palaeoenvironmental conditions. The detrital modes of Ler dome sandstones indicate that they were emanated from recycled orogen (uplifted shoulders of rift) and stable cratonic source in passive margin setting. Rapid deposition of sediments from a granitic source area can be predicted from feldspar abundance. A highly mature heavy mineral assemblage characterized in the form of high Zircon-Tourmaline-Rutile (ZTR) index also endorses these findings. The X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) data show the presence of clay minerals depicting moderate to extensive chemical weathering in an oxidizing environment with periodic cycles of transgression and regression. The chemical index of weathering, chemical index of alteration and plagioclase index of alteration suggest moderate to high and low to moderate weathering conditions for sandstone and shales, respectively, that took place in low to moderate relief. We postulate that Ler dome sediments are derivative of the eroded and weathered parts of the Aravalli craton located on east and northeast of the basin and the Nagarparkar Massif placed to the north and northwest.  相似文献   
Lakes and wetlands are dynamic geomorphic units of a landscape that hold geochemical signatures of sediment provenance and paleo-environmental shifts and are major sinks for organic matter accumulation. The source of organic matter is diverse in lake sediments and varies widely with the type and size of the lake and hence it is important to understand the source of organic carbon (terrestrial or in situ) in lake systems in order to monitor the health of the lake. Wular lake, located in north Kashmir, is one of the largest fresh water lake in India, situated at an average elevation of 1580m ASL. The lake is fed by a number of watersheds that bring a diverse type of sediments and organic matter and thus deposit them into the Wular lake basin. In order to understand sediment distribution pattern, content and source of organic matter, sediment provenance and the persisting environment in the Wular lake, 32 lake floor sediment samples covering the entire lake were collected and analyzed for organic element analysis, CaCO3, organic matter, sediment texture and diatom analysis. The results indicated that sediments in the lake are dominated by silt and silty clay. The organic carbon in the lake ranged from 0.83%-4.52% and nitrogen varied from 0.06%-0.5%. The Carbon to Nitrogen (C/N) ratios (9.04 to 22.03) indicate a mixed source of organic carbon but dominated by in situ lake sources from the vascular and lake biota accumulation. The diatom analysis revealed the occurrence of a diverse type of species along the sampling sites present within the lake. The wide distribution of the diatom species such as Cymbella, Cyclotella and Tabularia etc. in the lake indicate high organic pollution and alkaline fresh water environment prevailing in the lake.  相似文献   
The Kachchh Basin is a pericratonic rift basin situated at the western margin of the Indian plate. The Habo Dome embodies an important exposure of Bathonian to Kimmergian sediments among the Kachchh Mainland exposures. Based on vertical facies transitions, facies associations were documented: mixed shallow marine (Facies association 1), shoreface and lagoon deposits (Facies association II) and subtidal innershelf below fair weather wave base (Facies association III). The documented facies associations reflect that Habo Dome sediments deposited in a variety of environments from shallow marine to fluvio-deltaic and were strongly influenced by fluctuation of relative sea level. The dominance of floating grains and point contacts in the sandstone indicate that detrital grains do not show much pressure effects as a result of either shallow burial or early cementation. The sandstones were cemented by iron oxide, carbonate and silica in order of abundance. Three types of cements, blocky, rim and fibrous cement occur in the studied limestone representing phreatic, fresh water phreatic and deep burial diagenetic stages. Neomorphism and micritization are common. Both primary and secondary porosity exists in these sediments. Different graphs of porosity versus depth suggest a depth of burial in the range of 615–769 m.  相似文献   
The sandstones of the Ridge and Athleta members of Chari Formation (Callovian-Oxfordian) exposed at Jara have been analyzed for their petrographical and geochemical studies. Texturally, these sandstones are medium to coarse grained, poorly to well sorted, sub-angular to sub-rounded, and show low to medium sphericity. These sandstones were derived from a mixed provenance including granites, granite-gneisses, low and high-grade metamorphic, and some basic rocks of Aravalli range and Nagarparkar massif. The petrofacies analysis reveals that these sandstones belong to the continental block and recycled orogen tectonic regime. The studied sandstones are modified by paleoclimate, distance of transport, and diagenesis. Mineralogically and geochemically, sandstones are classified as quartzarenite, subarkose, arkose, sublithic arenite, and wacke, respectively. The A-CN-K ternary plot and CIA, CIW, PIA, and ICV values suggest that the similar source rocks suffered moderate to high chemical weathering under a hot-humid climate in an acidic environment with higher \({\text{P}}_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }}\). Generally good to strong correlations between Al2O3 and other oxides in these sediments indicate clay mineral control. The K2O/Na2O versus SiO2 diagram indicates that the studied samples occupy passive margin fields but the SiO2/Al2O3 versus K2O/Na2O plot suggests that the Athleta Sandstone and Ridge Sandstone fall within the passive margin field, while Ridge Shale falls within the active continental margin field.  相似文献   
Clay minerals associated with intra-volcanic bole horizons of varied colours and thicknesses contain montmorillonite, halloysite and kaolinite, show distinct microstructures and microaggregates. In kaolinite, Fe3+ ions substitute for Al3+ at octahedral sites. Most of these clays are dioctahedral type, show balance between net layer and interlayer charges. The interstratified illite — smectite (I/S) mixed layers containing variable proportions of montmorillonite. Illite contains sheet-like, well oriented microaggregates. The parallel stacks of chlorite sheets show chlorite/smectite (C/S) mixed layers. Progressive enrichment of Fe and depletion of Al ions with the advancement of kaolinization process is observed. High order of structural and compositional maturity observed in these bole clays, indicate long hiatus between the two volcanic episodes.  相似文献   
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