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Increased use of digital imagery has facilitated the opportunity to use features, in addition to points, in photogrammetric applications. Straight lines are often present in object space, and prior research has focused on incorporating straight–line constraints into bundle adjustment for frame imagery. In the research reported in this paper, object–space straight lines are used in a bundle adjustment with self–calibration. The perspective projection of straight lines in the object space produces straight lines in the image space in the absence of distortions. Any deviations from straightness in the image space are attributed to various distortion sources, such as radial and decentric lens distortions. Before incorporating straight lines into a bundle adjustment with self–calibration, the representation and perspective transformation of straight lines between image space and object space should be addressed. In this investigation, images of straight lines are represented as a sequence of points along the image line. Also, two points along the object–space straight line are used to represent that line. The perspective relationship between image– and object–space lines is incorporated in a mathematical constraint. The underlying principle in this constraint is that the vector from the perspective centre to an image point on a straight–line feature lies on the plane defined by the perspective centre and the two object points defining the straight line. This constraint has been embedded in a software application for bundle adjustment with self–calibration that can incorporate point as well as straight–line features. Experiments with simulated and real data have proved the feasibility and the efficiency of the algorithm proposed.  相似文献   
The Ouarsenis area is one of the most developed karstic systems of Algeria. It is a karst reservoir drinking water with a population of more than 50,000 people taking fully benefit from it. To understand the development of this karstic system, the local tectonic history of the four main mountain ranges of this culminating area (Ouarsenis) has been analyzed. Although previously identified primarily Cenozoic tectonic activities have been observed, a set of NW-SE joints intersecting the Jurassic limestone has been associated to a post-nappes tectonic events. Moreover, numerous joint sets oriented NNE/SSW have been identified almost over the entire culminating area. These joints are the direct consequence of the following stress history: (i) a NW/SE shortening responsible for a major overlap and the first fold (P1) phase, (ii) a second NNE/SSW shortening stage responsible for the second folding (P2) phase associated with 70° N sinistral strike-slip trend, (iii) a WNW/ESE extension phase resulting from the change of σ 3 stress vertical axis, and (iv) a shearing stress creating a 120° N sinistral strike-slip fault. Only the late phases are responsible of the development of joints, which have been karstified later on. Indeed, significant families of karstified joints, i.e., 20° and 70° N have been found. These joints are related to the extensional and shearing modes, respectively, and linked to a particular in situ karstogenesis. Moreover, this study suggests an ancient establishment of the karstic systems in the Ouarsenis region in at least two stages: pre-figured and activated behaviors during the Cenozoic.  相似文献   
This article describes a proposed work-sequence to generate accurate reservoir-architecture models, describing the geometry of bounding surfaces (i.e., fault locations and extents), of a structurally complex geologic setting in the Jeffara Basin (South East Tunisia) by means of geostatistical modeling. This uses the variogram as the main tool to measure the spatial variability of the studied geologic medium before making any estimation or simulation. However, it is not always easy to fit complex experimental variograms to theoretical models. Thus, our primary purpose was to establish a relationship between the geology and the components of the variograms to fit a mathematically consistent and geologically interpretable variogram model for improved predictions of surface geometries. We used a three-step approach based on available well data and seismic information. First, we determined the structural framework: a seismo-tectonic data analysis was carried out, and we showed that the study area is cut mainly by NW–SE-trending normal faults, which were classified according to geometric criteria (strike, throw magnitude, dip, and dip direction). We showed that these normal faults are at the origin of a large-scale trend structure (surfaces tilted toward the north-east). At a smaller scale, the normal faults create a distinct compartmentalization of the reservoirs. Then, a model of the reservoir system architecture was built by geostatistical methods. An efficient methodology was developed, to estimate the bounding faulted surfaces of the reservoir units. Emphasis was placed on (i) elaborating a methodology for variogram interpretation and modeling, whereby the importance of each variogram component is assessed in terms of probably geologic factor controlling the behavior of each structure; (ii) integrating the relevant fault characteristics, which were deduced from the previous fault classification analysis, as constraints in the kriging estimation of bounding surfaces to best reflect the geologic structure of the study area. Finally, the estimated bounding surfaces together with seismic data and variogram interpretations were used to obtain further insights into the tectonic evolution of the study area that has induced the current reservoirs configuration.  相似文献   

L'origine de la salinité dans les eaux de la nappe Plio-Quaternaire de la plaine de Ghriss (Nord-Ouest de l'Algérie) et la compréhension de ses comportements hydrodynamiques et géochimiques, en réponse à certains forçages naturels et anthropiques, ont été approchées par l’étude combinée des rapports ioniques et d'analyses statistiques des données hydrochimiques. Cette étude a identifié l'alimentation latérale de l'aquifère Plio-Quaternaire par les deux principaux aquifères de la région. La salinisation des eaux de la nappe Plio-Quaternaire résulte essentiellement de la dissolution des évaporites (halite et gypse), de l'infiltration des eaux de ruissellement, et du retour à la nappe des eaux d'irrigation qui sont chargées en sels initialement reconcentrés dans le sol ou dans la zone non saturée. Les concentrations élevées en nitrates et en chlorures sont l'indice d'une pollution anthropique d'origine urbaine ou agricole qui affecte toute la plaine de Ghriss en proportions variables.

Citation Bekkoussa, B., Jourde, H., Batiot-Guilhe, C., Meddi, M., Khaldi, A., et Azzaz, H., 2013. Origine de la salinité et des principaux éléments majeurs des eaux de la nappe phréatique de la plaine de Ghriss, Nord-Ouest Algérien. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (5), 1111–1127.

Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz; Editeur associé S. Faye  相似文献   
Production of gaseous pore pressure during rock slides   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
SummaryProduction of Gaseous Pore Pressure During Rock Slides When a rock mass slips, the local heating of the slip surface transforms pore water into vapour if the surface of failure is deep enough. It is possible to calculate, as a first approximation, a critical displacement of the mass necessary to create vapour in the slide zone. A second approximation gives the relation between critical displacement and rate of shear displacement as the slide mass creeps towards catastrophe.
ZusammenfassungBildung eines gasförmigen Porendrucks während Gleitungen im Fels Bei Einstürzen einer Gesteinsmasse kann das Porenwasser durch die lokale Wärmeabfuhr an der Rutschfläche in Dampf umgewandelt werden, falls die Bruchfläche tief genug ist.In einer ersten Annäherung kann die kritische Verschiebung der Masse errechnet werden. In einer zweiten Annäherung kann eine Beziehung zwischen der kritischen Verschiebung und der Verschiebungsgeschwindigkeit hergestellt werden.

RésuméFormation d'une pression interstitielle de gas lors d'un glissement d'une masse rocheuse Quand un massif rocheux s'écroule, la dissipation de chaleur localisée dans la surface de glissement peut transformer l'eau interstitielle en vapeur si la surface de rupture est suffisamment profonde. Dans une première approximation on peut calculer un déplacement critique du massif. Dans une deuxième approximation on peut obtenir une relation entre le déplacement critique et la vitesse de déplacement.
Coda wave attenuation is estimated for Qeshm Island which is located in the southeastern part of Zagros. For this purpose, the aftershocks of Qeshm earthquake in November 27, 2005, recorded within an epicentral distance less than 100 km, have been used. More than 829 earthquakes were recorded by a local temporary network consisting of 16 short period stations installed after a week after the main shock for ~10 weeks. The coda quality factor, Q c, was estimated using the single-backscattering model in frequency bands of 0.5–24 Hz. In this research, lateral and vertical variations of coda Q in Qeshm Island are explored. In Qeshm Island, absence of significant lateral variation of coda Q is observed. To investigate the attenuation variation with depth, the coda Q value was calculated for coda time windows with different lengths (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 s). It is observed that coda Q increases with depth. However, in our study area, the rate of increase of coda Q with depth is not uniform. Beneath Qeshm Island, the rate of increase of coda Q is greater at depths less than ~40 km compared with those of larger depths. This is indicating the existence of a low attenuation anomalous structure under the ~40-km depth which may be correlated with the Moho depth in this region. The average frequency relation for this region is Q c = 36 ± 1.2f 0.94 ± 0.039 at a 5 s-lapse time window length and Q c = 110 ± 1.8f 0.88 ± 0.09 at a 30-s lapse time window length.  相似文献   
In this paper, we apply lagged correlation analysis to study the effects of vegetation cover on the summer climate in different zones of China, using NOAA/AVHRR normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data during the time period from 1982 to 2001 and climate data of 365 meteorological stations across China (precipitation from 1982 to 2001 and temperature from 1982 to 1998). The results show that there are positive correlations between spring NDVI and summer climate (temperature and precipitation) in most zones of China; these suggest that, when the vegetation cover increases, the summer precipitation will increase, and the lagged correlations show a significant difference between zones. The stronger correlations between NDVI in previous season and summer climate occur in three zones (Mid-temperate zone, Warm-temperate zone and Plateau climate zone), and this implies that vegetation changes have more sensitive feedback effects on climate in the three zones in China. Supported by the National 973 Program of China (No.2006CB701300), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.40721001), the Sino-Germany Joint Project (No. 2006DFB91920), the Open Fund of Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project (T0102) and the Open Fund of LIESMARS, Wuhan University.  相似文献   
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