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We discuss the model representation of volume transports through one of the most climate-relevant ocean passages, the Fram Strait. We compare results from a coupled ocean–sea ice model with different resolutions (∼1/12° and ∼1/4°) and measurements from a mooring array along 79° N. The 1/4° model delivers a realistic mean climate state and realistic net volume transports. However, this model fails to reproduce the observed intense barotropic recirculation that reaches far north in Fram Strait. This recirculation is captured in the higher resolution version of the model. Other differences exist in the circulation over the East Greenland Shelf and in the temperature of Atlantic waters in the Fram Strait region as well as in surface heat fluxes. We find that a combination of high-resolution model results and long-term measurements can improve the interpretation of measured and simulated processes and reduce the uncertainties in exchange rates between Arctic and the North Atlantic.  相似文献   
This paper presents results of a field investigation conducted to examine the bed sediment, riverbed morphology and flow structure over dunes in natural and regulated channels. Field measurements using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) have been carried out on two parts of lowland Wilga River in Poland. It is shown that the bedforms with a low angle of lee side develop more frequently than asymmetrical dunes with high lee-side angles, which are mostly associated with the occurrence of local scours and river meanders. Wavenumber analysis of bed elevation confirms the existence of scaling region in the longitudinal wavenumber spectrum, with “?3” scaling exponents for the natural and regulated channels as well. Moreover, the results of flow velocity field are presented in the form of a 2-D streamwise-vertical vector field, showing several similarities to previous laboratory and field investigations conducted on much deeper rivers than the Wilga. The experimental campaign and methods used to obtain the results are also presented briefly. In addition, a short database of fluvial dunes statistics is provided.  相似文献   
Ontology-Based Metadata   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In the paper two types of numerical models – a lumped-parameter model and a high-resolution two-dimensional hydrodynamic model – are used to analyse the response of a system of partially-connected tidal basins to inhomogeneous open sea forcing. The equations of the lumped-parameter model, suitable for an arbitrary number of basins with sloping walls, are formulated based on one-dimensional continuity and momentum equations. Numerical solutions to the equations are thoroughly examined, showing the influence of inhomogeneous open sea forcing and of geometrical parameters of the basins on the tidal range and the water transport through the system, with particular emphasis given to inter-basin water exchange and cumulative water transport through basins boundaries. The results of the lumped-parameter model simulations for the tidal basins of the German Wadden Sea are successfully compared with the results of calculations with the two-dimensional hydrodynamic model, which is used to investigate in more detail circulation patterns and the influence of specific local features of inlet bathymetry on the hydrodynamic processes in the study area. The influence of wind on the basins response is discussed as well.  相似文献   
We have analyzed photometric lightcurves of 30 asteroids, and present here the obtained shapes, rotational periods and pole directions. We also present new photometric observations of five asteroids. The shape models indicate the existence of many features of varying degrees of irregularity. Even large main-belt asteroids display such features, so the resulting poles and periods are more consistent than those obtained by simple ellipsoid-like models. In some cases the new rotational parameters are rather different from those obtained previously, and in a few cases there were no proper previous estimates at all.  相似文献   
The soil biological activity of mountain meadows is a significant factor that determines the health and utility of these regions. The climax stage of this area is forest, but to maintain semi-natural grassland, which is characterised by high biodiversity,low-intensity land use(mowing or grazing) is necessarily required. To understand the effect of various mowing regimes on the soil biological activity and plants, the soil microbial activity(microbial biomass carbon, dehydrogenase activity and number of the cultivable fraction of soil microbial community),annelids community(density and species composition earthworms and enchytraeids) and plant species composition were investigated. The study area was located in the Pieniny National Park in the Carpathian Mountains, in a meadow belonging to the association Dactylis glomerata-Poa trivialis. The investigated variants were divided according to mowing regime:traditional scything – hand mowing(HM), mechanical mowing(MM), or the abandonment of mowing – nonmowing(NM). The microbial activities(expressed by,e.g. microbial biomass carbon and the number of phosphorus bacteria) were affected by the mowing regime. The density of earthworms was higher in the HM and MM than in the NM variants. The largest changes in plant species composition were caused by the abandonment of mowing(NM). The mean number of plant species was positively correlated with soil moisture, earthworm density, and microbial activity(expressed indirectly by dehydrogenases activity). The soil microbial community, such as vegetative bacteria forms and ammonifying bacteria,were positively associated with pH value, and the microbial and total organic carbon content. The results presented here indicate that there is no single form of optimal management for all living organisms.Decisions about mowing regimes, or abandonment of use, should be preceded by multi-aspect studies,including plants and soil biota.  相似文献   
The Shilu iron ore deposit, located in the western Hainan Province, South China, is one of the most important iron-ore mining districts in China not only for its huge reserves of hematite- rich ores, but also for its potentially economic significance of associated metals of copper, cobalt, nickel, silver, lead and zinc, and of non-metals of dolomite, quartzite,barite,gypsum and sulfur.  相似文献   
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