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In this study, an ensemble of four multi-year climate simulations is performed with the regional climate model ALADIN to evaluate its ability to simulate the climate over North America in the CORDEX framework. The simulations differ in their driving fields (ERA-40 or ERA-Interim) and the nudging technique (with or without large-scale nudging). The validation of the simulated 2-m temperature and precipitation with observationally-based gridded data sets shows that ALADIN performs similarly to other regional climate models that are commonly used over North America. Large-scale nudging improves the temporal correlation of the atmospheric circulation between ALADIN and its driving field, and also reduces the warm and dry summer biases in central North America. The differences between the simulations driven with different reanalyses are small and are likely related to the regional climate model’s induced internal variability. In general, the impact of different driving fields on ALADIN is smaller than that of large-scale nudging. The analysis of the multi-year simulations over the prairie and the east taiga indicates that the ALADIN 2-m temperature and precipitation interannual variability is similar or larger than that observed. Finally, a comparison of the simulations with observations for the summer 1993 shows that ALADIN underestimates the flood in central North America mainly due to its systematic dry bias in this region. Overall, the results indicate that ALADIN can produce a valuable contribution to CORDEX over North America.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first multi-model ensemble of 10-year, “convection-permitting” kilometer-scale regional climate model (RCM) scenario simulations downscaled from selected CMIP5 GCM projections for historical and end of century time slices. The technique is to first downscale the CMIP5 GCM projections to an intermediate 12–15 km resolution grid using RCMs, and then use these fields to downscale further to the kilometer scale. The aim of the paper is to provide an overview of the representation of the precipitation characteristics and their projected changes over the greater Alpine domain within a Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment Flagship Pilot Study and the European Climate Prediction system project, tasked with investigating convective processes at the kilometer scale. An ensemble of 12 simulations performed by different research groups around Europe is analyzed. The simulations are evaluated through comparison with high resolution observations while the complementary ensemble of 12 km resolution driving models is used as a benchmark to evaluate the added value of the convection-permitting ensemble. The results show that the kilometer-scale ensemble is able to improve the representation of fine scale details of mean daily, wet-day/hour frequency, wet-day/hour intensity and heavy precipitation on a seasonal scale, reducing uncertainty over some regions. It also improves the representation of the summer diurnal cycle, showing more realistic onset and peak of convection. The kilometer-scale ensemble refines and enhances the projected patterns of change from the coarser resolution simulations and even modifies the sign of the precipitation intensity change and heavy precipitation over some regions. The convection permitting simulations also show larger changes for all indices over the diurnal cycle, also suggesting a change in the duration of convection over some regions. A larger positive change of frequency of heavy to severe precipitation is found. The results are encouraging towards the use of convection-permitting model ensembles to produce robust assessments of the local impacts of future climate change.

Recent analysis of data from triaxial tests on sand and discrete element simulations indicate the final pattern of failure is encoded in grain motions during the nascent stages of loading. We study vortices that are evident from grain displacements at the start of loading and bear a direct mathematical connection to boundary conditions, uniform continuum strain and shear bands. Motions of three grains in mutual contact, that is, 3‐cycles, manifest vortices. In the initial stages of loading, 3‐cycles initiate a rotation around a region Ω* where the shear band ultimately develops. This bias sets a course in 3‐cycle evolution, determining where they will more likely collapse. A multiscale spatial analysis of 3‐cycle temporal evolution provides quantitative evidence that the most stable, persistent 3‐cycles degrade preferentially in Ω*, until essentially depleted when the shear band is fully formed. The transition towards a clustered distribution of persistent 3‐cycles occurs early in the loading history—and coincides with the persistent localisation of vortices in Ω*. In 3D samples, no evidence of spatial clustering in persistent 3‐cycle deaths is found in samples undergoing diffuse failure, while early clustering manifests in a sample that ultimately failed by strain localisation. This study not only delivered insights into the possible structural origins of vortices in dense granular systems but also a tool for the early detection of the mode of failure—localised versus diffuse—a sample will ultimately undergo. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study addresses the initiation mechanisms of mass failures on clinoform foresets. Previous studies have created mass flows by releasing dense water–sediment mixtures into standing water, thus imposing the initial conditions for the mass failures rather than allowing them to form on their own. Para‐meters such as the density, composition and initial momentum of the failures are pre‐determined, precluding observation of the factors that set them initially. This study uses a new experimental method that allows a range of mass failures to self‐generate. Building a clinoform using a cohesive mixture of walnut‐shell sand and kaolinite allows the foreset to build up and fail episodically, generating mass failures. Slopes undergo a series of morphological changes prior to failure, creating a concave shape that becomes exaggerated as deposition continues. This morphology leaves the slope in a metastable state. Once the slope is destabilised, failure is initiated. This study investigates the effect of clinoform progradation rates on failure size and frequency by conducting experiments over a range of water and sediment discharge rates. Neither failure size nor failure frequency changes with discharge rate; instead, increases in sediment supply are taken up by changes in the partitioning of sediment between the steep upper foreset and the more gradual delta‐front apron (toeset) below. Sediment is delivered to the delta‐front apron by a form of semi‐continuous slow creep along the foreset. This slow creep is a failure mode that has not received sufficient attention in the submarine mass‐flow literature. The independence of failure size and frequency from sediment supply rate suggests that the presence of mass‐failure deposits does not provide information on the rate of sediment delivery. If these relations hold at field scales, this would imply that individual mass failures are relatively insensitive to changes in water and sediment supply.  相似文献   
The world today is an urban world. While rural to urban migration has contributed significantly to the increased urbanization of the globe, that process has not always been as clear and permanent as it appears. In this paper we report on the migration of smallholders to peri‐urban interface (PUI) zones in western Pará state, Brazil. We found that rural‐urban migrants were constrained by their lack of marketable skills and as a consequence had few job prospects and experienced a low quality of life in the cities to which they had migrated. This led them to resettle in places at the PUI where they have the ability to supplement limited wages with more familiar subsistence activities, which reflected cultural identity and rural antecedents while enjoying a higher quality of life. The recent implementation in Brazil of a variety of conditional cash‐transfer programs has added to the attractiveness of peri‐urban places and contributes to a regional shift to livelihoods based on a combination of agriculture and extractivism supplemented by support from federal assistance programs.  相似文献   
The extent to which the evolution of instabilities and failure across multiple length scales can be reproduced with the aid of a bifurcation analysis is examined. We adopt an elastoplastic micropolar constitutive model, recently developed for dense cohesionless granular materials within the framework of thermomicromechanics. The internal variables and their evolution laws are conceived from a direct consideration of the dissipative mechanism of force chain buckling. The resulting constitutive law is cast entirely in terms of the particle scale properties. It thus presents a unique opportunity to test the potential of micromechanical continuum formulations to reproduce key stages in the deformation history: the development of material instabilities and failure following an initially homogeneous deformation. Progression of failure, initiating from frictional sliding and rolling at contacts, followed by the buckling of force chains, through to macroscopic strain softening and shear banding, is reproduced. Bifurcation point, marking the onset of shear banding, occurred shortly after the peak stress ratio. A wide range of material parameters was examined to show the effect of particle scale properties on the progression of failure. Model predictions on the thickness and angle of inclination of the shear band and the structural evolution inside the band, namely the latitudinal distribution of particle rotations and the angular distributions of contacts and the normal contact forces, are consistent with observations from numerical simulations and experiments. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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