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Assessment of degradation of agricultural soils arising from brick burning in selected soil profiles
H. R. Khan Ph.D. K. Rahman Ph.D. A. J. M. Abdur Rouf Ph.D. G. S. Sattar Y. Oki Ph.D. T. Adachi 《International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology》2007,4(4):471-480
The study was conducted with the selected soil profile of burnt (soil around brick kilns) and unburnt (agricultural land) soils in the Dinajpur, Rangpur, Rajshahi, Khulna and Patuakhali districts at the western part of Bangladesh to evaluate the effects of brick kilns on soil degradation and environmental pollution. The pH values of the unburnt soils increased as a function of the soil depth for Rangpur, Khulna and Patuakhali, while decreased for the soil profiles in Dinajpur. Burning of soils significantly (p<0.05) decreased the average pH values of soils by 0.4 pH units (7 % increased over average content = IOAC), but strikingly increased the average EC values from 0.26 to 1.77 mS/cm (592 % IOAC) and the effect was pronounced with the depth function. The average sand content of the soil profiles increased by 330%, while the silt and clay contents decreased by 49 and 40 %, respectively. The average losses arising from the burning of agricultural soils were amounted to 63% for organic matter, 56 to 86 % and 23 to 88 % for available and total N, P, K and S, respectively. This huge loss through the burning of 1 m deep soil profile, i.e. almost 3/4th of the deterioration of soil fertility is not only reducing the crop production but also polluting the associated environment and atmosphere. The burning of enormous C, N and S not only degrade the agricultural soils but also contributing to the changes in the global climate. 相似文献
The possibility of inferring paleoseismicity from paleomagnetic dating of speleothems, western Japan 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Hayao Morinaga Takafumi Yonezawa Yasuhisa Adachi Hiroo Inokuchi Hiroya Goto Katsumi Yaskawa 《Tectonophysics》1994,230(3-4):241-248
Paleomagnetic dating of continuously growing stalagmites by comparing their paleomagnetic records with a standard record, has been applied to study the paleoseismic history of a region of western Japan. Three stalagmites (speleothems), which are assumed to have started growing since collapse of the limestone blocks on which they are formed, were collected from two limestone caves located below the Akiyoshi plateau, western Japan. From the paleomagnetic results, it is estimated that they began to grow at 6000, 2500 and 2000 yr B.P., respectively. On the assumption that their growth began immediately after their host limestone blocks fell, these three ages are interpreted to indicate the dates of past earthquakes in this region which triggered the break-off and fall of the blocks. Earthquakes are suggested because many huge collapsed limestone blocks and speleothems are observed in many caves in this region. 相似文献
The chemical Th–U total Pb isochron method (CHIME) of dating was carried out on accessory minerals in samples from the Okcheon metamorphic belt in Korea. Dated minerals include xenotime and monazite with overgrown mantles in a granitic gneiss clast from the Hwanggangri Formation, metamorphic allanite in garnet-bearing muscovite–chlorite schist of the Munjuri Formation, and polycrase and monazite in post-tectonic granite from the Hwanggangri area. Overgrowth of mantles took place at 369 ± 10 Ma on c. 1750 Ma cores of xenotime and monazite in the granitic gneiss. Allanite, occurring in textural equilibrium with peak metamorphic minerals, yields a CHIME age of 246 ± 15 Ma that is discriminably older than the polycrase (170 ± 6 Ma) and monazite (170 ± 3 Ma) ages of the post-tectonic granite. These chronological data suggest that some of the metasedimentary rocks in the belt formed through a single stage of metamorphism at c. 250 Ma from post-370 Ma sediments. Late Permian age signatures have also been reported from the Precambrian Gyeonggi and Yeongnam massifs that border the Okcheon metamorphic belt, and indicate that parts of the basement massifs and the metamorphic belt were affected by the same regional metamorphic event. 相似文献
Nobuhiko Nakano Yasuhito Osanai Sotaro Baba Tatsuro Adachi Tomokazu Hokada Tsuyoshi Toyoshima 《Polar Science》2011,5(3):345-359
This paper reports the first evidence of ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism from the Sør Rondane Mountains, eastern Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, which is evident as orthopyroxene + spinel symplectite in an amphibolitized mafic granulite. The granulite consists of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, pargasitic amphibole, plagioclase, and ilmenite, and it possesses a within-plate alkali basalt signature. The local bulk chemical composition of symplectite, major and trace element compositions, and thermodynamic calculations for the symplectite, suggest the presence of garnet at the high-pressure stage and that the symplectite formed from garnet, olivine, and primary orthopyroxene by decompression from more than 12 kbar at 1000 °C. The granulite records a subsequent amphibolite-facies overprint (<700 °C at <6 kbar) that involved the chemical re-equilibration of several phases. The obtained pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions and P–T path are different from the UHT metamorphism from the Schirmacher Hills, central Dronning Maud Land, which is considered to have occurred in a back-arc tectonic setting. The relatively high-P conditions and the decompression path reconstructed in the present study are similar to those reported for southern India, Sri Lanka, and part of northeastern Mozambique, possibly reflecting continental thickening and exhumation during the main collision event between East and West Gondwana. 相似文献
Mitsuaki Horiguchi Taiichi Hayashi Ahoro Adachi Shigeru Onogi 《Boundary-Layer Meteorology》2012,144(2):179-198
Large-scale turbulence structures in the near-neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) are investigated on the basis of observations made from the 213-m tall meteorological tower at Tsukuba, Japan. Vertical profiles of wind speed and turbulent fluxes in the ABL were obtained with sonic anemometer-thermometers at six levels of the tower. From the archived data, 31 near-neutral cases are selected for the analysis of turbulence structures. For the typical case, event detection by the integral wavelet transform with a large time scale (180 s) from the streamwise velocity component (u) at the highest level (200 m) reveals a descending high-speed structure with a time scale of approximately 100 s (a spatial scale of 1 km at the 200-m height). By applying the wavelet transform to the u velocity component at each level, the intermittent appearance of large-scale high-speed structures extending also in the vertical is detected. These structures usually make a large contribution to the downward momentum transfer and induce the enhancement of turbulent kinetic energy. This behaviour is like that of “active” turbulent motions. From the analysis of the two-point space–time correlation of wavelet coefficients for the u velocity component, the vertical extent and the downward influence of large-scale structures are examined. Large fluctuations in the large-scale range (wavelet variance at the selected time scale) at the 200-m level tend to induce the large correlation between the higher and lower levels. 相似文献
Hiroshi Adachi Hiroya Yamano Toshihiro Miyajima Masahiro Nakaoka 《Journal of Oceanography》2010,66(6):865-872
This article describes a simple, quick, and inexpensive procedure for coring unconsolidated sediment in shallow water (<30 m from water surface). A ∼1 m core is retrieved by a PVC pipe that penetrates sediment in response to the percussive force of a hand-operated hammering tool or air hammer. After retrieving the first core segment, a casing is inserted to allow access to deeper sediment layers. Pulverized sediment produced during coring is removed by a water-lubrication system that is powered by an electric pump attached to a generator. Using this system and procedure, five 2-m-long cores with excellent quality were retrieved. 相似文献
Phenocrystic chrome spinel crystallized in normal MORB‐type greenstones in the East Takayama area. Associated phenocryst minerals show a crystallization sequence that was olivine first, followed by plagioclase, and finally clinopyroxene. Chrome spinel ranges from 0.54 to 0.77 in Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) and 0.21 to 0.53 in Cr/(Cr+Al); the Fe3+ content varies from 0.07 to 0.22 p.f.u. (O = 4). Significant compositional differences of spinel were observed among the phenocryst mineral assemblages. Chrome spinel in the olivine–spinel assemblage shows a wide range in Cr/(Cr+Al), and is depleted in Fe2+ and Fe3+. Chrome spinel in the olivine–plagioclase–clinopyroxene–spinel assemblage is Fe2+‐ and Fe3+‐rich at relatively high Cr/(Cr+Al) ratios. Basalt with the olivine–plagioclase–spinel assemblage contains both aluminous spinel and Fe2+‐ and Fe3+‐rich spinel. The assumed olivine–spinel equilibrium suggests that chrome spinel in the olivine–spinel assemblage changed in composition from Cr‐ and Fe2+‐rich to Al‐ and Mg‐rich with the progress of fractional crystallization. Chrome spinel in the olivine–plagioclase–clinopyroxene–spinel assemblage, on the other hand, exhibits the reversed variations in Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) and in Cr/(Cr+Al) ratios that decrease and increase with the fractional crystallization, respectively. The entire crystallization course of chrome spinel, projected onto the Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)–Cr/(Cr+Al) diagram, exhibits a U‐turn, and appears to be set on a double‐lane route. The U‐turn point lies in the compositional field of chrome spinel in the olivine–plagioclase–spinel assemblage, and may be explained by plagioclase fractionation that began during the formation of the olivine–plagioclase–spinel assemblage. 相似文献
The effect of a fracture on the propagation of seismic waves can be represented in terms of the normal compliance BN and tangential compliance BT of the fracture. If BN / BT = 1 for all fractures, the effective elastic stiffness tensor of an isotropic background containing an arbitrary orientation distribution of fractures is orthotropic (i.e., has three orthogonal planes of mirror symmetry) in the long-wave limit. However, deviations from orthotropy may occur if BN / BT differs significantly from unity and this can cause the principal axes of the P -wave NMO ellipse and of the variation in the PP -reflection amplitude as a function of azimuth, to deviate from the fast and slow polarization direction of a vertically propagating S -wave. Simple models of a fracture in terms of a planar distribution of cracks suggest that BN / BT ≈ 1 for dry fractures. However, naturally occurring fractures often exhibit mineralization in the form of bridges between opposing faces of the fracture. The presence of such bridges leads to significant departures of BN / BT from unity. 相似文献
A suite of Sierra Madera Impact deformed rocks was studied and magnetic analyses were performed. We characterized the magnetic
signatures of two locations, sites A and B that have different physical characteristics of shock fractured structures as well
as the magnetic signatures. Shatter cone at site A has a fine-scale (few to ∼10 mm) distributed array of complete shatter
cones with sharp apex. Natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of site A shatter cone is distributed within the plane that is
perpendicular to the apexes of the cones. Shatter cone at site B shows no apparent cone shape or apex, instead, a relatively
larger scale and multiple striated joint set (MSJS) and sinusoidal continuous peak. NRM of site B shatter cone is clustered
along the apexes. The difference in magnetization direction is a likely indicator of the shock pressure where parallel to
apex indicates pressures larger than 10 GPa and perpendicular to apex indicate pressures less than 10 GPa. Intensities of
NRM and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) contrast and fluctuate within a shatter cone as well as in between
two sites. We observed a random orientation of magnetic vector directions and amplitudes changing over small scales leading
to the absence of coherent macro-scale signature. 相似文献