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The theoretical horizontal resistivity profiles Over an outcropping vertical dyke with two-electrode and Schlumberger electrode systems are discussed. The two-electrode array seems very useful in locating the highly conducting thick or thin vein, while the Schlumberger (gradient) array is suited to detect the conducting vein of low and moderately high resistivity contrast and as well as the resistive vein of all widths and resistivity contrasts. Besides, the inline gradient array has a distinction of establishing a clue to evaluate the resistivity contrast of the vein.  相似文献   
This study assesses the impact of Doppler weather radar (DWR) data (reflectivity and radial wind) assimilation on the simulation of severe thunderstorms (STS) events over the Indian monsoon region. Two different events that occurred during the Severe Thunderstorms Observations and Regional Modeling (STORM) pilot phase in 2009 were simulated. Numerical experiments—3DV (assimilation of DWR observations) and CNTL (without data assimilation)—were conducted using the three-dimensional variational data assimilation technique with the Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF-ARW). The results show that consistent with prior studies the 3DV experiment, initialized by assimilation of DWR observations, performed better than the CNTL experiment over the Indian region. The enhanced performance was a result of improved representation and simulation of wind and moisture fields in the boundary layer at the initial time in the model. Assimilating DWR data caused higher moisture incursion and increased instability, which led to stronger convective activity in the simulations. Overall, the dynamic and thermodynamic features of the two thunderstorms were consistently better simulated after ingesting DWR data, as compared to the CNTL simulation. In the 3DV experiment, higher instability was observed in the analyses of thermodynamic indices and equivalent potential temperature (θ e) fields. Maximum convergence during the mature stage was also noted, consistent with maximum vertical velocities in the assimilation experiment (3DV). In addition, simulated hydrometeor (water vapor mixing ratio, cloud water mixing ratio, and rain water mixing ratio) structures improved with the 3DV experiment, compared to that of CNTL. From the higher equitable threat scores, it is evident that the assimilation of DWR data enhanced the skill in rainfall prediction associated with the STS over the Indian monsoon region. These results add to the body of evidence now which provide consistent and notable improvements in the mesoscale model results over the Indian monsoon region after assimilating DWR fields.  相似文献   
顶空气相色谱法测定地层水中的苯系物   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
利用极性聚乙二醇弹性石英毛细管柱分离苯系物,在线顶空气相色谱法测定地层水中的苯系物。讨论了色谱柱、载气压力、液相体积、顶空压力、顶空加热温度等因素对测定的影响。该方法实现了地层水中苯、甲苯、乙苯、对二甲苯、间二甲苯、邻二甲苯、异丙苯、苯乙烯等各组分的完全分离,方法的检出限在0.07—0.23μg/L,8次测定相对标准偏差在2.98%-4.91%,加标回收率为95.2%-104%。方法可用于地层水等液体样品中苯系物的测定。  相似文献   
直立式防波堤堤头在斜向波浪作用下波浪力的计算在现行的技术规范中尚属空白。通过物理模型试验给出了堤头结构设计所需的波压分布图,指出了波浪入射方向和地形对堤头所受波浪力的贡献有时可以超过波高和波周期,根据现行规范按波浪正向入射计算堤头所受的波浪力偏于安全。  相似文献   
对滇西上芒岗红色粘土型金矿的主元素,微量元素和稀土元素地球化学特征进行了详细的研究。结果表明,主元素Al2O3,Fe2O3和K2O在红色粘土剖面中共迁移同沉淀,SiO2的变化却与它们相反,这揭示了上芒岗红色粘土型金矿的红色粘土层除了残积带红土化程度高外,总体上SiO2含量高,去硅作用不完全,红土化程度低;与地层,矿化蚀变岩的对比分析结果表明,红色粘土是在加勐嘎组泥岩基础上经红土化作用形成的,红色粘土的微量元素表现为Au,Hg,As,Sb,Cu,Pb,Zn和Mo等元素的共生,在红土化好的残积带明显富集;红色粘土的大离子元素分布模式与矿化蚀变岩和嘎组的相似,红色粘土的稀土分布模式与矿化蚀变岩和地层的相似,表现为轻稀土富集的右倾型平缓曲线,稀土元素分蚀明显的地方金富集,以上分析揭示,此金矿的成矿物质主要来自矿化蚀变岩,红色粘土主要来源于勐嘎组和矿化蚀变岩。  相似文献   
气相色谱法测定地下水中六六六结果的不确定度评定   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
李松  饶竹 《岩矿测试》2008,27(4):295-298
依照<测量不确定度评定与表示>,对气相色谱法测定地下水中六六六(HCH)四种单体结果进行了不确定度评定.分析了测量过程中引入的不确定度来源,包括提取液体积的量取、样品提取溶液的定容体积、分析仪器的进样量、标准系列溶液的测量以及仪器重复测定等分量引入不确定度及其各参数的采集和计算方法,最后合成标准不确定度,通过乘以95%概率下的扩展因子2,获得测量结果的扩展不确定度.  相似文献   
饶杨安  贺怀建 《岩土力学》2010,31(5):1621-1626
结合地质实体概念厘清数据类型及其特征对地层信息系统的发展有重要意义。地层信息系统数据可以归类为属性数据、几何数据、关系数据、元数据4类,地层信息中的地质实体可分为基础地质实体和地质实体要素,进一步把地质实体要素分为关联要素和非关联要素。文中分析了矿体、风化分界面、断层、褶皱、不整合面、滑坡体的几何属性。区分观测者位置、数据采集点和数据本身空间属性,数据获取方法可分为地表调查、钻入调查、岩层透视调查、岩层非透视调查,并分析了原始数据与地质实体的对应关系。  相似文献   
按照一般水文地质调查评价的标准,通常认为红层弱含水岩组中的地下水不具有开采利用价值。根据农村生活需水量小和红层含水层富水性普遍弱但分布广泛的特点,依据勘查示范项目的数据并结合前人已有的成果,重点探讨了红层地下水富水等级的划分和开发利用的经济技术条件,更新了红层地下水资源的价值观,使红层地下水开发具有普遍适用性、技术可行性及经济合理性,对解决红层地区的干旱缺水困难具有重要而普遍的意义。  相似文献   
正态分布检验在地下水检测质量控制中的应用   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
李松  饶竹  黄毅  贾静 《岩矿测试》2010,29(5):585-589
对地下水调查中37种必测组分检测过程的替代物进行筛选,应用D’Agostino法对替代物的测量结果进行正态性检验。利用正态分布函数"3σ"原则,定义了各替代物质量控制指标的有效区间。应用正态函数随机变量的数学期望和方差,计算得到各替代物有效区间内的正态函数分布概率均大于97%,替代物过程能力指数计算结果表明,二溴氟代甲烷、甲苯-d8、对溴氟苯、1,2-二氯苯-d4、氟苯等挥发性有机污染物分析过程选用的替代物质量控制过程处于稳定的监控状态;2,4,5,6-四氯间二甲苯、二丁基氯菌酸酯、p-三联苯、十氯联苯等半挥发性有机污染物分析过程选用的替代物监控指标分析过程能力不足。建议参考美国EPA方法中有关监控指标质量控制区间的要求,适当放宽对半挥发性有机物检测流程中选用的替代物质量控制区间的有效范围。正态分布在地下水检测过程质量控制中的应用,为实验室检测过程的质量管理提供了科学、有效的数学依据。  相似文献   
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