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Active galactic nuclei (AGN) produce a dominant fraction  ( F AGN∼ 80 per cent)  of the soft X-ray background (SXB) at photon energies  0.5 < E < 2 keV  . If dust pervaded throughout the intergalactic medium, its scattering opacity would have produced diffuse X-ray haloes around AGN. Taking account of known galaxies and galaxy clusters, only a fraction   F halo≲ 10 per cent  of the SXB can be in the form of diffuse X-ray haloes around AGN. We therefore limit the intergalactic opacity to optical/infrared photons from large dust grains, with radii in the range   a = 0.2–2.0 μm  , to a level  τGD≲ 0.15( F halo/10 per cent)(FAGN/80 per cent)−1  to a redshift   z ∼ 1  . Our results are only weakly dependent on the grain size distribution in this size range or the redshift evolution of the intergalactic dust. Stacking X-ray images of AGN can be used to improve our constraints and diminish the importance of dust as a source of systematic uncertainty for future supernova surveys which aim to improve the precision on measuring the redshift evolution of the dark energy equation-of-state.  相似文献   
Low-frequency observatories are currently being constructed with the goal of detecting redshifted 21-cm emission from the epoch of reionization. These observatories will also be able to detect intensity fluctuations in the cumulative 21-cm emission after reionization, from hydrogen in unresolved damped Lyα absorbers (such as gas-rich galaxies) down to a redshift z ∼ 3.5. The inferred power spectrum of 21-cm fluctuations at all redshifts will show acoustic oscillations, whose comoving scale can be used as a standard ruler to infer the evolution of the equation of state for the dark energy. We find that the first generation of low-frequency experiments (such as MWA or LOFAR) will be able to constrain the acoustic scale to within a few per cent in a redshift window just prior to the end of the reionization era, provided that foregrounds can be removed over frequency bandpasses of ≳8 MHz. This sensitivity to the acoustic scale is comparable to the best current measurements from galaxy redshift surveys, but at much higher redshifts. Future extensions of the first-generation experiments (involving an order of magnitude increase in the antennae number of the MWA) could reach sensitivities below 1 per cent in several redshift windows and could be used to study the dark energy in the unexplored redshift regime of 3.5 ≲ z ≲ 12. Moreover, new experiments with antennae designed to operate at higher frequencies would allow precision measurements (≲1 per cent) of the acoustic peak to be made at more moderate redshifts (1.5 ≲ z ≲ 3.5), where they would be competitive with ambitious spectroscopic galaxy surveys covering more than 1000 deg2. Together with other data sets, observations of 21-cm fluctuations will allow full coverage of the acoustic scale from the present time out to z ∼ 12.  相似文献   
The high-redshift Universe contains luminous Lyα emitting sources such as galaxies and quasars. The emitted Lyα radiation is often scattered by surrounding neutral hydrogen atoms. We show that the scattered Lyα radiation obtains a high level of polarization for a wide range of likely environments of high-redshift galaxies. For example, the backscattered Lyα flux observed from galaxies surrounded by a superwind-driven outflow may reach a fractional polarization as high as ∼40 per cent. Equal levels of polarization may be observed from neutral collapsing protogalaxies. Resonant scattering in the diffuse intergalactic medium typically results in a lower polarization amplitude (≲7 per cent), which depends on the flux of the ionizing background. Spectral polarimetry can differentiate between Lyα scattering off infalling gas and outflowing gas; for an outflow, the polarization should increase towards longer wavelengths while for infall the opposite is true. Our numerical results suggest that Lyα polarimetry is feasible with existing instruments, and may provide a new diagnostic of the distribution and kinematics of neutral hydrogen around high-redshift galaxies. Moreover, polarimetry may help suppress infrared lines originating in the Earth's atmosphere, and thus improve the sensitivity of ground-based observations to high-redshift Lyα emitting galaxies outside the currently available redshift windows.  相似文献   
Observational surveys of galaxies are not trivially related to single-epoch snapshots from computer simulations. Observationally, an increase in the distance along the line of sight corresponds to an earlier cosmic time at which the properties of the surveyed galaxy population may change. The effect of observing a survey volume along the light cone must be considered in the regime where the mass function of galaxies varies exponentially with redshift. This occurs when the haloes under consideration are rare, that is either when they are very massive or observed at high redshift. While the effect of the light cone is negligible for narrow-band surveys of Lyα emitters, it can be significant for dropout surveys of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) where the selection functions of the photometric bands are broad. Since there are exponentially more haloes at the low-redshift end of the survey, the low-redshift tail of the selection function contains a disproportionate fraction of the galaxies observed in the survey. This leads to a redshift probability distribution for the dropout LBGs with a mean less than that of the photometric selection function (PHSF) by an amount of order the standard deviation of the PHSF. The inferred mass function of galaxies is then shallower than the true mass function at a single redshift with the abundance at the high-mass end being twice or more as large as expected. Moreover, the statistical moments of the count of galaxies calculated ignoring the light-cone effect deviate from the actual values.  相似文献   
A new generation of radio telescopes are currently being built with the goal of tracing the cosmic distribution of atomic hydrogen at redshifts 6–15 through its 21-cm line. The observations will probe the large-scale brightness fluctuations sourced by ionization fluctuations during cosmic reionization. Since detailed maps will be difficult to extract due to noise and foreground emission, efforts have focused on a statistical detection of the 21-cm fluctuations. During cosmic reionization, these fluctuations are highly non-Gaussian and thus more information can be extracted than just the one-dimensional function that is usually considered, i.e. the correlation function. We calculate a two-dimensional function that if measured observationally would allow a more thorough investigation of the properties of the underlying ionizing sources. This function is the probability distribution function (PDF) of the difference in the 21-cm brightness temperature between two points, as a function of the separation between the points. While the standard correlation function is determined by a complicated mixture of contributions from density and ionization fluctuations, we show that the difference PDF holds the key to separately measuring the statistical properties of the ionized regions.  相似文献   
Hydrochemical and isotope data in conjunction with hydraulic head and spring discharge observations were used to characterize the regional groundwater flow dynamics and the role of the tectonic setting in the Gidabo River Basin, Ethiopian Rift. Both groundwater levels and hydrochemical and isotopic data indicate groundwater flow from the major recharge area in the highland and escarpment into deep rift floor aquifers, suggesting a deep regional flow system can be distinguished from the shallow local aquifers. The δ18O and δ2H values of deep thermal (≥30 °C) groundwater are depleted relative to the shallow (<60 m below ground level) groundwater in the rift floor. Based on the δ18O values, the thermal groundwater is found to be recharged in the highland around 2,600 m a.s.l. and on average mixed with a proportion of 30 % shallow groundwater. While most groundwater samples display diluted solutions, δ13C data of dissolved inorganic carbon reveal that locally the thermal groundwater near fault zones is loaded with mantle CO2, which enhances silicate weathering and leads to anomalously high total dissolved solids (2,000–2,320 mg/l) and fluoride concentrations (6–15 mg/l) exceeding the recommended guideline value. The faults are generally found to act as complex conduit leaky barrier systems favoring vertical mixing processes. Normal faults dipping to the west appear to facilitate movement of groundwater into deeper aquifers and towards the rift floor, whereas those dipping to the east tend to act as leaky barriers perpendicular to the fault but enable preferential flow parallel to the fault plane.  相似文献   
Summary. A long seismic refraction profile was carried out between southern Israel and Cyprus. The seismic energy was generated by 33 sea shots each of 0.8 t explosives and was recorded by land stations in Israel and Cyprus and by ocean bottom seismographs deployed along the profile.
The results showed that the continental crust of southern Israel thins towards the Mediterranean underneath a northward thickening sedimentary cover. Cyprus is underlain by a 35 km thick continental crust thinning south-wards and extending to Mt Eratosthenes. Between Mt Eratosthenes and the Israel continental shelf the crystalline crust is composed of high velocity (6.5 km s-1)material and is about 8 km thick. It is covered by 12–14 km of sediments and may represent a fossil oceanic crust.  相似文献   
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