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The reliability of inversion of apparent resistivity pseudosection data to determine accurately the true resistivity distribution over 2D structures has been investigated, using a common inversion scheme based on a smoothness‐constrained non‐linear least‐squares optimization, for the Wenner array. This involved calculation of synthetic apparent resistivity pseudosection data, which were then inverted and the model estimated from the inversion was compared with the original 2D model. The models examined include (i) horizontal layering, (ii) a vertical fault, (iii) a low‐resistivity fill within a high‐resistivity basement, and (iv) an upfaulted basement block beneath a conductive overburden. Over vertical structures, the resistivity models obtained from inversion are usually much sharper than the measured data. However, the inverted resistivities can be smaller than the lowest, or greater than the highest, true model resistivity. The substantial reduction generally recorded in the data misfit during the least‐squares inversion of 2D apparent resistivity data is not always accompanied by any noticeable reduction in the model misfit. Conversely, the model misfit may, for all practical purposes, remain invariant for successive iterations. It can also increase with the iteration number, especially where the resistivity contrast at the bedrock interface exceeds a factor of about 10; in such instances, the optimum model estimated from inversion is attained at a very low iteration number. The largest model misfit is encountered in the zone adjacent to a contact where there is a large change in the resistivity contrast. It is concluded that smooth inversion can provide only an approximate guide to the true geometry and true formation resistivity.  相似文献   
Forecasting of low cloud continues to challenge numerical weather prediction. With this in mind, surface and airborne observations were made over East Anglia, UK, during March 2011 to investigate stratus and stratocumulus advecting from the sea over land. Four surface sites were deployed at various distances inland aligned approximately along the flow. In situ data include cloud-droplet measurements from an aircraft operating off the coast and a tethered balloon 100 km inland. Comparisons of thermodynamic and cloud properties are made with Met Office operational model simulations at horizontal resolutions of 4 and 1.5 km. The clouds contained droplet concentrations up to 600 cm \(^{-3}\) within polluted outflow off Europe. These measurements were compared to three different model schemes for predicting droplet concentration: two of them perform well at low to moderate concentrations but asymptote to 375 cm \(^{-3}\) . Microwave radiometers at the ground sites retrieved liquid water paths that reduced with distance inland and were generally below 200 g m \(^{-2}\) . The modelled water path performs well upstream but more erratically far inland. Comparisons of thermodynamic profiles are made within both Lagrangian and Eulerian frameworks and show the model predicted changes in equivalent potential temperature generally within 1 K, with occasional errors of 2 K or more. The modelled cloud-top temperatures were in good agreement with the observations down to \(-\) \(^{\circ }\) C, but the magnitude of the temperature inversion, although good at times, was too small by on average 1.6 K. The different simulations produced different cloud-top water contents due to a combination of resolution and scientific upgrades to the model, but they generally underestimate the amount of cloud water. Major changes, such as the mesoscale temporary cloud breaks on 2 March 2011 and the complete clearance on 4 March, were seemingly predicted by the model for the correct reasons.  相似文献   
The Pantanal is the world's largest tropical wetland and a biodiversity hotspot, yet its response to Quaternary environmental change is unclear. To address this problem, sediment cores from shallow lakes connected to the Upper Paraguay River (PR) were analyzed and radiocarbon dated to track changes in sedimentary environments. Stratal relations, detrital particle size, multiple biogeochemical indicators, and sponge spicules suggest fluctuating lake-level lowstand conditions between ~ 11,000 and 5300 cal yr BP, punctuated by sporadic and in some cases erosive flood flows. A hiatus has been recorded from ~ 5300 to 2600 cal yr BP, spurred by confinement of the PR within its channel during an episode of profound regional drought. Sustained PR flooding caused a transgression after ~ 2600 cal yr BP, with lake-level highstand conditions appearing during the Little Ice Age. Holocene PR flood pulse dynamics are best explained by variability in effective precipitation, likely driven by insolation and tropical sea-surface temperature gradients. Our results provide novel support for hypotheses on: (1) stratigraphic discontinuity of floodplain sedimentary archives; (2) late Holocene methane flux from Southern Hemisphere wetlands; and (3) pre-colonial indigenous ceramics traditions in western Brazil.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to understand how the natural dynamics of a time-varying catchment, i.e. the rainfall pattern, transforms the random component of rainfall and how this transformation influences the river discharge. To this end, this paper develops a rainfall–runoff modelling approach that aims to capture the multiple sources and types of uncertainty in a single framework. The main assumption is that hydrological systems are nonlinear dynamical systems which can be described by stochastic differential equations (SDE). The dynamics of the system is based on the least action principle (LAP) as derived from Noether’s theorem. The inflow process is considered as a sum of deterministic and random components. Using data from the Ouémé River basin (Benin, West Africa), the basic properties for the random component are considered and the triple relationship between the structure of the inflowing rainfall, the corresponding SDE that describes the river basin and the associated Fokker-Planck equations (FPE) is analysed.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR D. Gerten  相似文献   
Using a multidisciplinary approach, the Holocene geomorphological and palaeoenvironmental dynamics of the Acheloos delta were studied in order to understand how the ancient port of Oeniades, today situated 5 km from the sea, was connected to the sea in ancient times. A study of ancient maps, aerial photographs, and a SPOT image enabled us to reconstitute the successive changes in the flow of the Acheloos River and to conclude that, contrary to the traditional thesis of historians and archeologists, the harbor of Oeniades was completely independent from the river during Antiquity. Multidisciplinary studies (sedimentology, malacology, palynol‐ogy, and radiocarbon dating) were carried out on sediments from two boreholes (OEN1 and OEN2). Results show that the port of Oeniades communicated directly with an open bay that was created at the peak of the last post‐glacial transgression. The bay was gradually filled with sediments, allowing human occupation of the area to progress. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Agua Rica (27°26′S–66°16′O) is a world class Cu–Au–Mo deposit located in Catamarca, Argentina. In the E–W 6969400 section examined, the Seca Norte and the Trampeadero porphyries that have intruded the metasedimentary rock are cut by interfingered igneous and hydrothermal heterolithic and monolithic breccias, and sandy dikes. Relic biotite and K-feldspar of the early potassic alteration (370° to > 550 °C) with Cu (Mo–Au) mineralization are locally preserved and encapsulated in a widespread, white mica + quartz + rutile or anatase halo (phyllic alteration) with pyrite + covellite that suggests fluids with temperatures ≤ 360 °C and high f(S2). The Trampeadero porphyry and the surrounding metasedimentary rock with phyllic alteration have molybdenite in stringers and B-type quartz veinlets and the highest Mo grades (> 1000 ppm).Multistage advanced argillic alteration overprinted the earlier stages. Early andalusite ± pyrite ± quartz is preserved in the roots of the argillic halo rimmed by an alumina–silica material and white micas. This alteration assemblage is considered to have been formed at temperatures ≥ 375 °C from condensed magmatic vapor. At higher levels, pyrophyllite replaces muscovite and illite in clasts of hydrothermal breccias in the center and east sector of the study section, suggesting temperatures of 280 to 360 °C. Clasts of vuggy silica in the uppermost levels of the central breccia, indicates that at lower temperatures (< 250 °C), fluids reached very low pH (pH < 2). In this early stage of the advanced argillic alteration, hydrothermal fluids seem to have not precipitated sulfides or sulfosalts.Hydrothermal brecciation was concurrent with fluid exsolution (↑? V), which precipitated intermediate-temperature advanced argillic alunite (svanbergite + woodhouseite) ± diaspore ± zunyite as breccia cement along with abundant covellite + pyrite + enargite ± native sulfur ± kuramite at intermediate depths and in lateral transitional zones to unbrecciated rocks. This mineral assemblage indicates temperatures near 300 °C, oxidized and silica-undersaturated hydrothermal fluids with high sulfur fugacity to prevent gold precipitation. Multiple generations of pyrite, emplectite, colusite, Pb- and Bi-bearing sulfosalts, and native sulfur with Au and Ag, accompanied by alunite introduction in the upper level breccias, probably occurred at lower temperatures, but still high sulfur and oxygen activity. An independent Zn and Pb (as galena) mineralization stage locally coincides with Au–Ag and sulfosalts, and advanced at depth, controlled by fractures and overprinting much of the previous mineralization. A later paragenesis of veinlets of alunite + woodhouseite + svanvergite + pyrite ± enargite that cut the phyllic halo suggests temperatures ~ 250 °C and without woodhouseite + svanvergite, temperatures ~ 200 °C. Kaolinite occurs in the phyllic halo as a late mineral in clots and in veinlets thus, in this zone, the fluid had cooled enough for its formation.  相似文献   
Land cover and vegetation in Lake Baikal basin (LBB) are considered to be highly susceptible to climate change. However, there is less information on the change trends in both climate and land cover in LBB and thus less understanding of the watershed sensitivity and adaptability to climate change. Here we identified the spatial and temporal patterns of changes in climate (from 1979 to 2016), land cover, and vegetation (from 2000 to 2010) in the LBB. During the past 40 years, there was a little increase in precipitation while air temperature has increased by 1.4 °C. During the past 10 years, land cover has changed significantly. Herein grassland, water bodies, permanent snow, and ice decreased by 485.40 km2, 161.55 km2 and 2.83 km2, respectively. However, forest and wetland increased by 111.40 km2 and 202.90 km2, respectively. About 83.67 km2 area of water bodies has been converted into the wetland. Also, there was a significant change in Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), the NDVI maximum value was 1 in 2000, decreased to 0.9 in 2010. Evidently, it was in the mountainous areas and in the river basin that the vegetation shifted. Our findings have implications for predicting the safety of water resources and water eco-environment in LBB under global change.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to analyze the interaction of a non‐native macroalga (Acanthophora spicifera) with native macroalgae (Sargassum spp.) and sponge assemblages in a subtropical embayment of the Mexican Pacific. The intensity of A. spicifera epiphytism on the native seaweed Sargassum varied significantly over time and was inversely related to the Sargassum density and size. The higher intensity (up to 28 individuals per host plant) occurred when Sargassum was smaller and was lower in density (senescence period). The lower intensity was recorded during the growth period of Sargassum and the subsequent increase in intensity was attributed to a high fragmentation period of A. spicifera, which was evidenced by a decrease in its average size and biomass and by the presence of larger free‐floating accumulations on the subtidal zone. The facultative interaction between A. spicifera and Sargassum appears to be neutral, as no negative or positive effects were found for epiphytic or basibiont seaweeds. However, this invasive seaweed characteristically monopolizes almost all types of hard substrate, and its effects on other algae and benthic organisms should be investigated. Moreover, A. spicifera was often epizoic on epilithic sponges. This invasive seaweed was found anchored on the sponge tissue by rhizome‐like structures. In addition, free‐floating fronds of A. spicifera were frequently found carrying small pieces of the basibiont sponge in its basis (60% of them with eggs and embryos), which suggests a novel facilitation mechanism for some sponge species, as the A. spicifera epizoism could favor fragmentation, dispersal and recruitment of these invertebrates. This study shows that A. spicifera is not only a species that adapts rapidly to the new conditions of the receiving environment but, due to its epibiotic traits, it can directly interact with and influence the life histories of some native species.  相似文献   
Gareth Chisham, Gary Abel and Steve Milan report on the October 2003 RAS "G" discussion meeting "Identifying the open–closed field line boundary in magnetospheric and ionospheric data sets".  相似文献   
Bob Abel  Richard M. Thorne 《Icarus》2003,166(2):311-319
Longitudinal variations of energetic charged particle precipitation into the jovian sub-auroral atmosphere are modeled based on weak diffusion scattering and variations in the local loss-cone size associated with asymmetries in the VIP-4 magnetic field model. Our scattering model solutions suggest that low latitude observations of enhanced H3+ and X-ray emissions are at least partially due to precipitating energetic particles. The correlation between model results and observations is best in the northern hemisphere at low L (1.5), where the surface magnetic field variation is largest and observations have the highest resolution. Weaker correlations in the southern hemisphere and at higher latitudes, particularly for H3+ emissions, are likely due to the presence of other energy sources, lack of resolution in the observations and limitations in the sub-auroral surface magnetic field model.  相似文献   
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