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Processes in granulite metamorphism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Public participation is commonly advocated in policy responses to climate change. Here we discuss prospects for inclusive approaches to adaptation, drawing particularly on studies of long-term coastal management in the UK and elsewhere. We affirm that public participation is an important normative goal in formulating response to climate change risks, but argue that its practice must learn from existing critiques of participatory processes in other contexts. Involving a wide range of stakeholders in decision-making presents fundamental challenges for climate policy, many of which are embedded in relations of power. In the case of anticipatory responses to climate change, these challenges are magnified because of the long-term and uncertain nature of the problem. Without due consideration of these issues, a tension between principles of public participation and anticipatory adaptation is likely to emerge and may result in an overly managed form of inclusion that is unlikely to satisfy either participatory or instrumental goals. Alternative, more narrowly instrumental, approaches to participation are more likely to succeed in this context, as long as the scope and limitations of public involvement are made explicit from the outset.  相似文献   
Pyroxenes in a low-Ca boninite from a dyke show remarkable growthand overgrowth textures and chemical zoning, which are usedto infer crystallization mechanisms and kinetics. The rock comprisesnearly 50 vol.% fresh glass, phenocrysts and glomerocrysts ofclinoenstatite sensu lato ({small tilde}32 vol.%), microphenocrystsof orthopyroxene and Ca-rich clinopyroxene ({small tilde}17vol.%), and microlites of amphibole and oxides ({small tilde}3vol.%). Clinoenstatite, which inverted from protoenstatite,is skeletal with glass and chrome-spinel inclusions and thinovergrowth zones of Ca-rich clinopyroxene and amphibole; thecrystals are occasionally broken. Orthopyroxene is often skeletal,sometimes slightly resorbed with the same inclusions and overgrowthzones. Ca-rich clinopyroxene and amphibole occur mainly in pyroxeneovergrowth zones. Chrome-spinel in contact with glass is overgrownby magnetite-maghemite or amphibole. The rock is andesitic witha high mg-number of 0.78, and is quartz- and strongly hypersthene-and feldspar-normative. The glass is dacitic with an mg-numberof 0.15, strongly quartz- and feldspar-normative, and rich inwater ({small tilde}5.6wt.%). Strong chemical zoning occurs in all minerals, oscillatory zoningoccurring only in clinoenstatite and orthopyroxene. The mg-numberin clinoenstatite sensu lato ranges from 0.95 (clinoenstatitesensu stricto) to 0-68 (clinohypersthene), the largest rangeso far described, and from 0.88 to 0.43 in orthopyroxene. TheWo content of the former (0.21–1.56 with rare higher values)is considerably smaller than and does not overlap that of thelatter (1.36–4.84X Wo generally increasing with Fs. Thecores of both are chromian (up to 0–018 atoms per formulaunit), and Cr falls to or below the detection limit for Fs>25.The Fs-rich zones of clinohypersthene have {small tilde}2wt%A12O3 and (M6wt% TiO2, whereas those of orthopyroxene reachnearly 10 and 04 wt. %, respectively. Ca-rich clinopyroxenevaries from pigeonite through subcalcic augite and augite toferroaugite, the outer zones reaching 12wt.% A12O3 and 1–8wt% TiO2. Amphibole is magnesio-hornblende on pyroxene or tschermakitichornblende on oxide. The relative times of nucleation, growth, partial resorption,and fracturing of the crystals were determined from the texturesand the chemistry of the overgrowths. Protoenstatite and chrome-spinelnucleated from the melt and were overgrown in places by allsucceeding minerals. Orthopyroxene nucleated mainly from themelt, whereas the other phases occur only as overgrowths. Orthopyroxenemay show weak resorption at intermediate stages. Protoenstatitecrystals were occasionally broken, the relative times beingshown by the nature of the overgrowths. Minor-element concentrationsvary strongly with the growth stage, chromium soon being usedup in the melt and aluminium and titanium being strongly concentratedin the crystals during the last stages. Plagioclase and quartzare absent because of suppression of their nucleation in a water-richmelt on rapid cooling. Crystallization probably occurred intwo main stages, an early one of moderately fast cooling atlow undercooling probably in a shallow magma chamber (correspondingto the growth of the protoenstatite phenocrysts) and a laterone over a period of less than a day of faster cooling at higherundercooling after uprise and injection into the dyke (correspondingto the fracturing of protoenstatite and growth of the microphenocrystsand microlites).  相似文献   
Integrated petrographic and chemical analysis of zircon, garnet and rutile from ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) granulites in the Anápolis–Itauçu Complex, Brazil, is used to constrain the significance of zircon ID‐TIMS U–Pb geochronological data. Chondrite‐normalized rare earth element (REE) profiles of zircon cores have positive‐sloping heavy‐REE patterns, commonly inferred to be magmatic, whereas unambiguous metamorphic grains and overgrowths have flat to slightly negatively sloping heavy‐REE patterns. However, in one sample, a core of zircon interpreted as having formed prior to garnet crystallization and a metamorphic zircon formed within microstructures involving garnet breakdown both display elevated heavy‐REE (and Y) with positive‐sloping patterns. DREE(zrc/grt) partition coefficients suggest an approximation to equilibrium between zircon and garnet cores, although progressive enrichment in heavy REE towards garnet rims occurs in two of the samples investigated. Titanium‐in‐zircon thermometry indicates zircon growth during both the prograde and post‐peak evolution, but not at peak temperatures of the UHT metamorphism. By contrast, zirconium‐in‐rutile thermometry of inclusions armoured by garnet records crystallization temperatures, based on the upper end of the interquartile range of the data, of 890 to 870 °C and maximum temperature around 980 °C, indicating prograde and retrograde growth close to and after peak conditions. Rutile located in retrograde microstructures records crystallization temperatures of 850 to 820 °C. Rutile intergrown with ilmenite and included within orthopyroxene, which is associated with exsolved zircon, records temperatures 760 °C, consistent with Ti‐in‐zircon crystallization temperatures. ID‐TIMS U–Pb geochronological data from two of the four samples investigated define upper intercept ages of 641.3 ± 8.4 Ma (MSWD 0.91) and 638.8 ± 2.5 Ma (MSWD 1.03) that correlate with periods of zircon growth along the prograde segment of the P–T path. Individual zircon U–Pb dates retrieved from all samples range from 649 to 634 Ma, indicating a maximum duration of c. 15 Myr for the UHT event. This period is interpreted as recording modest thickening of hot backarc lithosphere located behind the Arenópolis Arc at the edge of the São Francisco Craton consequent upon terminal collision of the Parána Block with the arc during the amalgamation of West Gondwana.  相似文献   
The Cole-Cole relaxation model has been found to provide good fits to multifrequency IP data and is derivable mathematically from a reasonable, albeit greatly simplified, physical model of conduction in porous rocks. However, the Cole-Cole model is used to represent the mutual impedance due to inductive or electromagnetic coupling on an empirical basis: this use has not been similarly justified by derivation from any simple physical representation of, say, a half-space, layered or uniform. A uniform conductive half-space can be represented as a simple subsurface loop with particular resistive and inductive properties. Based upon this, a mathematical expression for the mutual impedance between the two pairs of electrodes of a dipole-dipole array is derived and designated “model I”. It is seen that a degenerate case of model I is the Cole-Cole model with frequency exponent c= 1. Model I is thus more general than the Cole-Cole expression and must provide at least as good a fit to a set of field data. Provision for variation of c from unity could be made in model I equally well as for the Cole-Cole model although, at present, this would be a purely empirical alteration. Model I contains four parameters, one of which is, in effect, the resistivity of the half-space. Therefore only three parameters are involved in the model I expressions for normalized amplitude and for phase of the EM-coupling mutual impedance. Model I is compared with previously published “standard” values for two different dipole separations. Under particular constraints, model I is shown to provide better fits than the Cole-Cole model (with c= 1) over particular frequency ranges, specifically at very low frequencies and at moderately high frequencies where the model I phase curve follows the standard phase curve across the axis to positive values (negative coupling).  相似文献   
Abstract— The sound production from the Morávka fireball has been examined in detail making use of infrasound and seismic data. A detailed analysis of the production and propagation of sonic waves during the atmospheric entry of the Morávka meteoroid demonstrates that the acoustic energy was produced both by the hypersonic flight of the meteoroid (producing a cylindrical blast wave) and by individual fragmentation events of the meteoroid, which acted as small explosions (producing quasispherical shock waves). The deviation of the ray normals for the fragmentation events was found to be as much as 30° beyond that expected from a purely cylindrical line source blast. The main fragmentation of the bolide was confined to heights above 30 km with a possible maximum in acoustic energy production near 38 km. Seismic stations recorded both the direct arrival of the airwaves (the strongest signal) as well as air‐coupled P‐waves and Rayleigh waves (earlier signals). In addition, deep underground stations detected the seismic signature of the fireball. The seismic data alone permit reconstruction of the fireball trajectory to a precision on the order of a few degrees. The velocity of the meteoroid is much less well‐determined by these seismic data. The more distant infrasonic station detected 3 distinct signals from the fireball, identified as a thermospheric return, a stratospheric return, and an unusual mode propagating through the stratosphere horizontally and then leaking to the receiver.  相似文献   
Early Proterozoic cordierite-garnet–orthopyroxene–K–feldsparmetasedimentary gneisses are developed in the flat—lyingcomplex (FLC) of the southern part of the Ketilidian mobilebelt (1?8–1?7GA), Greenland. These granulites containlow—pressure assemblages and are developed in both regionalmetamorphic rocks and in some thermal aureoles of contemporaneousrapakivi granite plutons. Thermobarometry shows that both theregional and contact metamorphism took place at 2–4 kband 650–800?C. The granulites were developed in an extensionaltectonic regime, and appartently record the culmination of asingle thermotectonic event. There is a close temporal associationbetween the peak of high—grade metamorphism and the emplacementof synorogenic rapakivi granites, and melts from the metasedimentarypile probably contributed largely to the granites. The low pressuresand high temperatures for regional metamorphism require geothermalgradients in excess of 60?C/km, and are consistent with thepresence of regional extensional tectonics, synorogenic magmatism,and underplating of mafic magma in this area during the Ketilidian. *Offprint requests to T. J. Dempster. Present address: Department of Geology and Applied Geology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK  相似文献   
Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, have been stocked in southwestern Australia since the 1930s. Trials at a research station maintained 868 tagged yearling O. mykiss (age: 14 months; standard length: 208 mm) for up to 375 days. The mean tag loss rate was 0.12% ± 0.040% per day for both single- and double-tagged fish. The tag loss rate was used to interpret tag return data from 7030 single-tagged yearlings stocked into three river systems in southwestern Australia. Recaptures indicated that O. mykiss survived into their second season in all rivers, with the maximum time at liberty of 21 months (longevity of at least 35 months). Upstream and downstream movements of O. mykiss increased with time, although 29% of recaptures were reported from the stocking site. Significantly more O. mykiss were recaptured from the Warren River, and differences remained even when corrected for stocking levels; angler effort had a marginal effect on return rates. Higher return rates from the Warren River may be due to availability of suitable habitat (stream cover, cooler water) for O. mykiss. Results allow the stocking regime to be reviewed to improve fishery performance.  相似文献   
Widespread Plio-Pleistocene (2.43-0.06 Ma) tephra zones recognised in deep-sea cores from high latitudes (>60°) in the Southern Pacific Ocean were thought to have originated from calc-alkaline rhyolitic eruptions in New Zealand, some 5000 km distant. Electron microprobe analyses of the glasses reveal a wide diversity of alkalic felsic compositions, as well as minor components of basic and intermediate glasses, incompatible with a New Zealand Neogene source but similar to contemporaneous eruptives from the Antarctic region. Most tephra zones are trachytic; seven zones are peralkaline rhyolite. The rhyolitic zones represent a deep-sea record of widespread silicic eruptions from continental Antarctica, possibly Marie Byrd Land. The extent of these rhyolitic zones suggest a greater frequency of large explosive eruptions in Antarctica than previously documented. The coarse grain size of some of the shards (up to 3 mm), their great distance from the closest sources (>1600 km for some cores), and the presence of nonvolcanic ice-rafted debris indicate some of the glasses, especially the more basic compositions, may have been ice-rafted, contrary to previous suggestions of a fallout origin.  相似文献   
Abstract. Interest in the geography of childhood diabetes has flourished worldwide as a result of the recognition that the place where a child lives is one of the most important determinants of risk. Childhood diabetes is thought to result from exposure to environmental factors which trigger a pathogenic response in genetically susceptible children. The paper reviews evidence of marked spatial and temporal variation in the incidence of childhood diabetes around the world, and examines the potential role of environmental and immunogenetic risk factors which may give rise to these patterns.  相似文献   
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