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The problem of controlling the state and location of scuba divers is of importance. This work consider the possibility to use for this purpose a low-frequency noise of a scuba diver. The noise of a scuba diver under a dry swimming suite near the trachea and in the water at a distance of 50 m was recorded.It wa shown that both sygnals are characterized by the presence of quasi-periodic components induced by the amplitude modulation of wide-band breathing noises by the brething rhythms of a scuba diver. The quasi-periodic componentss distinguished can be used to evaluate the physiological parameters of the state of a scuba diver and to establish his location.  相似文献   
This paper highlights the spatial and temporal variability of atmospheric columnar methane (CH4) concentration over India and its correlation with the terrestrial vegetation dynamics. SCanning IMaging Absorption spectrometer for Atmospheric CHartographY (SCIAMACHY) on board ENVIronmental SATellite (ENVISAT) data product (0.5° × 0.5°) was used to analyze the atmospheric CH4 concentration. Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (SPOT)-VEGETATION sensor’s Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) product, aggregated at 0.5° × 0.5° grid level for the same period (2004 and 2005), was used to correlate the with CH4 concentration. Analysis showed mean monthly CH4 concentration during the Kharif season varied from 1,704 parts per billion volume (ppbv) to 1,780 ppbv with the lowest value in May and the highest value in September. Correspondingly, mean NDVI varied from 0.28 (May) to 0.53 (September). Analysis of correlation between CH4 concentration and NDVI values over India showed positive correlation (r = 0.76; n = 6) in Kharif season. Further analysis using land cover information showed characteristic low correlation in natural vegetation region and high correlation in agricultural area. Grids, particularly falling in the Indo-Gangetic Plains showed positive correlation. This could be attributed to the rice crop which is grown as a predominant crop during this period. The CH4 concentration pattern matched well with growth pattern of rice with the highest concentration coinciding with the peak growth period of crop in the September. Characteristically low correlation was observed (r = 0.1; n = 6) in deserts of Rajasthan and forested Himalayan ecosystem. Thus, the paper emphasizes the synergistic use of different satellite based data in understanding the variability of atmospheric CH4 concentration in relation to vegetation.  相似文献   
The dissolved silica concentration in waters of Lake Superior probably is in a steady state because it is not influenced significantly by man, and the climate, topography and vegetation in the drainage area of the lake have been stable for the past 4000 years. Therefore the rate at which dissolved silica is introduced to the lake should equal the output rate.The primary inputs are: tributaries (4.1–4.6 × 108kgSiO2/yr), diffusion from sediment pore waters (0.21?0.78 × 108kgSiO2/yr) and atmospheric loading (0.26 × 108kgSiO2/yr). Silica is lost from the lake waters by: outflow through the St. Marys River, diatom deposition, adsorption onto particulates in the sediments, and authigenic formation of new silicate minerals. Tributary outflow accounts for less than one half the annual input of silica, and diatom deposition and silica adsorption withdraw less than 10% of the annual input. Therefore the formation of new silicate phases must be the dominant sink for dissolved silica in Lake Superior. The specific phases formed are not identified in the bottom sediments. X-ray diffraction studies suggest that smectite is one product, and amorphous ferroaluminum silicates may be another product.Mathematical modeling of the dissolved silica response to lake eutrophication suggests that the phosphate loading to Lake Superior would have to increase by about 250-fold to cause a silica depletion rate equal to that reported for Lake Michigan, assuming no change in the rate of upwelling of deep waters.  相似文献   
Major element, Sr isotope and trace element data for 16 elements are reported for various weathered zones in three submarine basalt pillows. During the initial stages of alteration, it appears that SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, S, and Ga are lost from the basalt, whereas Fe2O3, total Fe, MnO, K2O, H2O, Cl, B, Rb, and Cs increase. Sr87/Sr86 ratios also increase during weathering. MgO, Na2O, P2O5, Ba, Ni and Cu show significant (10–50%) but less consistent changes. TiO2, Zr, Sr and V show only minor changes (<7%). Zn, Cr, Co, Y and Nb show no changes outside experimental error.  相似文献   
Oceanology - A new approach has been applied to studying marine sedimentation using dispersed sedimentary material in sediment traps compared to the surface layer of bottom sediments. Based on...  相似文献   
Dotsenko  S. F.  Rubino  A.  Brandt  P. 《Physical Oceanography》2003,13(4):189-200
Within the framework of the reduced-gravity model of the ocean taking into account the effect of friction in the Rayleigh form, we study the two-dimensional problem of nonlinear motions of a subsurface front of finite width. We consider the conservation laws and the character of motion of the center-of-mass of the cross section of the front and their variations caused by the losses of energy. For fields with special structure, the problem is reduced to the solution of a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. It is shown that the initially geostrophic frontal current decays with time according to a power law. The deviations of the initial state of the front from the state of geostrophic balance result in the generation of superinertial oscillations of the hydrodynamic fields.  相似文献   
We present low-frequency observations with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope of three giant radio sources (GRSs: J0139+3957, J0200+4049 and J0807+7400) with relaxed diffuse lobes which show no hotspots and no evidence of jets. The largest of these three, J0200+4049, exhibits a depression in the centre of the western lobe, while J0139+3957 and J0807+7400 have been suggested earlier by Klein et al. and Lara et al., respectively, to be relic radio sources. We estimate the ages of the lobes. We also present Very Large Array observations of the core of J0807+7400, and determine the core radio spectra for all three sources. Although the radio cores suggest that the sources are currently active, we explore the possibility that the lobes in these sources are due to an earlier cycle of activity.  相似文献   
Andreeva  I. V.  Puzanov  A. V. 《Water Resources》2022,49(1):154-162
Water Resources - English-language publications on the assessment of hazards and risks in recreation water use are reviewed. The main themes and results of foreign studies into the effect of...  相似文献   
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