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Hubble Space Telescope observations by Savage, Cardelli and Sofia (1992) and Cardelliet al. (1993) have led to improved gas phase abundances for many elements in the diffuse cloud towards the star Oph. Most remarkably, it was found that oxygen is much more strongly depleted than previousCopernicus observations indicated. As a consequence, chemical models of the Oph cloud are severely affected by the drop in the observed oxygen abundance by almost a factor of two; some previous model calculations for the Oph cloud failed to reproduce-even approximately-the observed high CO column density. The model calculations for the Oph cloud developed by Wagenblast (1992) in which the abundance of all observed neutral molecules could be reproduced have been revised and it is found that oxygen and nitrogen hydrides are required to be formed efficiently on the surface of grains; further, there are indications for a high cosmic ray ionization rate of the order 10–16 s–1.  相似文献   
Abstract— We studied three fluffy Type A refractory inclusions from Allende that contain orange hibonite. The melilite in the present samples is very Al‐rich, averaging Åk6, Åk14, and Åk12 in the three samples studied. Hibonite in two inclusions, unlike that in Murchison, has low rare earth element abundances of <10 × CI; in the other inclusion, the hibonite, melilite and perovskite have Group II‐like patterns. The hibonite and melilite in all three inclusions studied have excess 26Mg consistent with (26Al/27Al)I = 5 × 10?5. Much of the hibonite and some of the spinel in these inclusions is corroded. These phases are found enclosed in melilite, but based on bulk compositions and phase equilibria, hibonite should not be an early‐crystallizing phase in these inclusions. We conclude that the hibonite and probably some of the spinel is relic. Reversely zoned melilite, rounded spinel and isotopically heavy Mg in the inclusions probably reflect reheating events that involved melting and evaporation. Alteration of the gehlenitic melilite gave rise to some rare phases, including corundum and nearly pure CaTs pyroxene. Studies have shown that blue hibonite contains Ti3+ while orange hibonite does not (Ihinger and Stolper, 1986; Beckett et al., 1988). Orange hibonite formed either under oxidizing conditions (such as at oxygen fugacities at least seven orders of magnitude greater than that of a solar gas at 1700 K), or under conditions reducing enough (e.g., solar) that it contained Ti3+, which was later oxidized in situ. Although V and Ce oxides are volatile at the temperature and range of oxygen fugacities at which orange hibonite is known to be stable, we find that (a) the hibonite is V‐rich (~1 wt% V2O3) and (b) there are no negative Ce anomalies in Allende hibonite. This indicates that the hibonite did not form by condensation under oxidizing conditions. In addition, there are slight excesses of Ti + Si cations relative to Mg + Fe cations (up to 0.1 of 0.8 cations per 19 oxygen anions), probably reflecting the original presence of Ti3+. The results of this study strongly support the suggestion (Ihinger and Stolper, 1986) that Allende hibonite originally formed under reducing conditions and was later oxidized. Oxygen fugacities within ~2–3 orders of magnitude of that of a solar gas are implied; otherwise, strong Ce and V depletions would be observed.  相似文献   
Data collected recently by the helioseismic experiments aboard the SOHO spacecraft have allowed the detection of low degree p‐modes with increasingly lower order n. In particular, the GOLF experiment is currently able to unambiguously identify low degree modes with frequencies as low as 1.3 mHz. The detection of p‐modes with very low frequency (i.e., low n), is difficult due to the low signal‐to‐noise ratio in this spectral region and its contamination by solar signals that are not of acoustic origin. To address this problem without using any theoretical a priory, we propose a methodology that relies only on the inversion of observed values to define a spectral window for the expected locations of these low frequency modes. The application of this method to 2920‐day‐long GOLF observations is presented and its results discussed. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
We present 2–4 μm spectra of six infrared sources for which the extinction is not purely interstellar, but is dominated by circumstellar or molecular cloud dust. In all cases the absorption bands differ from the interstellar case, though a component of the interstellar absorption is often present. We also present an improved absorption spectrum for the galactic centre source IRS 7, correcting spurious features in our previous spectrum. Three independent components can be identified: (i) The interstellar component, probably of organic origin, and itself not necessarily invariant; (ii) The symmetrical water ice feature at 3.06 μm, found most commonly in molecular clouds; (iii) A component at 3.53 μm possibly identified with solid formaldehyde grains, and seen only in molecular clouds because of its weakness. Other absorption components appear to be unrelated to those in the 3–4 μm region, most notably the 10 μm absorption found in oxygen-rich giants and the interstellar medium, and presumable inorganic in nature. Our observations include the first detection of water ice absorption in a source in the ρ Oph dark cloud. Biological materials provide the best fit to the interstellar case, but do not presently account for the distinct 3.53 μm component. We stress the need for further laboratory experiments using simpler organic materials.  相似文献   
The kinematics and distribution of classical Cepheids within ∼3 kpc from the Sun suggest the existence of the outer ring R1R2 in the Galaxy. The optimum value of the solar position angle with respect to the major axis of the bar, θb, providing the best agreement between the distribution of Cepheids and model particles, is θb = 37° ±13°. The kinematical features obtained for Cepheids with negative galactocentric radial velocity VR are consistent with the solar location near the descending segment of the outer ring R2. The sharp rise of extinction toward of the Galactic center can be explained by the presence of the outer ring R1 near the Sun. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
The regularities of strong thermal waves moving in non-uniform media are considered in some detail. The application of thermal wave theory to Nova outburst interpretation is discussed.  相似文献   
In order to model thin‐layered soils a special averaging procedure is proposed. It works with very few restrictions imposed on the constitutive equations used for individual materials. General considerations are followed by an example from open pit mining industry. Geometrical non‐linearity is considered. The proposed method is not necessarily restricted to the problems of soil mechanics. It could also be applied on composite materials. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the Cretaceous-Tertiary magnetic polarity sequence of the the Hengyang Basin on the basis of magnetostratigraphic study. The age of each stratigraphic unit has been determined with the magnetic polarity time scale combined with 39Ar/40Ar dating, thus providing evidence for determining the geological ages of different formations. The authors assign the age of the Dongjing Formation of the Hengyang Basin to Early Cretaceous, the Shenhuangshan Formation to Early-Late Cretaceous, the Daijiaping Formation to Late Cretaceous, and the Dongtang and Xialiushi formations to Palaeocene.  相似文献   
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