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The Arctic has become a sink for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) originating from lower latitudes, and relatively high levels have been found in different biota. Recent studies have identified detrimental effects on wildlife including endocrine disruption, impairment of enzyme activity, and reduced immune function. The Arctic spider crab, Hyas araneus, shown interesting potential for its use as sentinel organism in polar ecosystems. This study investigated the effect of 2,2',4,4'-tetra bromo diphenyl ether (BPDE), bisphenol A (BPA), and diallyl phthalte (DPA) on H. araneus in a three weeks exposure study. Expression of multixenibiotic resistance (MXR) proteins has been studied using the C219 monoclonal antibody which allows identifying an immunoreactive protein of 40 kDa in the digestive gland while no such protein could be observed in the gills. Expression of this protein was increased by exposure to DPA (+75%; p<0.05, n=10). All compounds significantly affected muscle acetylcholine esterase (AChE) activity (p<0.05, n=10) with 50 microg/L DPA having the strongest effect by lowering the value to 37% of control. The total oxyradical scavenging capacity measured in the digestive gland toward peroxyl, hydroxyl and peroxynitrite was also significantly reduced indicating a decreased resistance to oxidative stress generated by DPA (p<0.05, n=5). These results thus suggest the potential detrimental effects of DPA even at concentration as low as 50 microg/L on H. araneus.  相似文献   
An experimental investigation on the initiation and development of bed forms on a bed of fine silica sand was conducted under alluvial flow conditions in a laboratory flume with a diverging channel. The main aims of the study were to assess: i) the steepness of bed forms in the transition stage of development; and ii) the threshold height of wavelets (ηt) that triggered the start of ripple development. Detailed bed profile measurements were carried out using an acoustic Doppler probe, traversed longitudinally over the sediment bed at various experimentation times. The bed form dimensions were extracted from such bed profile records and analysed for the wavelet, transition and equilibrium stages. It was found that the steepness of ripples in the transition and equilibrium stages were similar, confirming predictions of previous mathematical model simulations. A lognormal distribution fitted the wavelet length data. The wavelet threshold height was estimated as ηt ≈ 7 mm, or ηt≈ 80 in wall units. Such a height magnitude suggested that ripple development could be triggered by the wavelets reaching the outer flow zone of a turbulent boundary layer. The ηt value obtained corresponded generally to the intersection point between two predictive equations for bed form dimensions. A formulation was developed to predict ηt as a function of the sediment grain size, which was confirmed for the fine sand used in this study.  相似文献   
A uniform terminology on bioinvasions: a chimera or an operative tool?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A consensual set of definitions regarding bioinvasions is essential in order to facilitate discourse among the science, policy and management communities dealing with the issue. Considering both the mode of entry and the extent of the impact of an alien species into a new environment, a set of key terms is proposed as an operative tool for marine scientists.  相似文献   
海——微生物栖息的特殊环境。特殊的盐类成分,低温,高压,低浓度的有机物质,植物及动物区系的稀少等组成了微生物生命活动的广阔海洋区域一些主要生态特征。 海洋中最初的微生物学研究,早在上一世纪就已进行了,但足它们局限于较狭小的任务——  相似文献   
地壳的拆离作用与华北克拉通破坏:晚中生代伸展构造约束   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
伸展条件下的地壳拆离作用是岩石圈减薄的重要浅部构造响应。晚中生代时期的伸展构造(包括拆离断层、变质核杂岩构造和断陷盆地)在华北、华南、东北和东蒙古及贝加尔地区普遍发育,它们切过上部地壳(断陷盆地)、中、上地壳(拆离断层)或中部地壳(变质核杂岩)。地壳拆离作用具有运动学极性(NWW或SEE)、几何学宏观(区域)对称与微观(局部)不对称性、遍布全区但不均匀性,以及形成时间的跨越性(140~60Ma)等特点,并使得地壳和岩石圈发生显著的减薄。本文研究揭示出现今岩石圈厚度变化与晚中生代伸展构造的发育程度和分布之间并没有必然的联系。其变化的基本规律是,除新生代裂陷发育区岩石圈厚度明显较小且厚度有迅速变化外,从华北向贝加尔地区总体的变化趋势是逐渐加厚,也即东亚地区岩石圈具有楔形形态。晚中生代时期的地壳(或地幔)拆离作用伴随着广泛的岩石圈减薄作用,区域岩石圈同时遭受到一定程度的减薄和破坏,华北克拉通在这一时期的破坏仅仅是区域岩石圈减薄在华北的具体体现。  相似文献   
苏鲁褶皱带形成于元古宙 (2 2 33~ 185 5Ma)典型优地槽构造环境 ,主要由石榴橄榄岩、石榴辉石岩、榴辉岩等侵入岩 (柯石英深度相地幔岩浆房中形成 )和它们的火山沉积建造围岩一起经褶皱、变质而形成。变质作用经历了先蓝片岩相 (前花岗岩 )后片麻岩混合岩相过程。由于变质作用的不规律性 ,苏鲁褶皱带可分为 2个构造带 :(1)东部构造带 (蓝片岩 )和 (2 )西部构造带 (片麻岩混合岩 )。根据A·都城秋穗所识别的变质带系统 ,可将其作为一个双变质带。东部构造带以出现许多块状、条带状榴辉岩辉石岩橄榄岩组合的残余岩块为特征 ,其中还残留着高压的矿物 (石榴石、绿辉石、柯石英 ) ,而且有被混合岩和各种交代岩替代的显著标志。在中生代 ,苏鲁元古褶皱带受造山作用的影响活化 ,导致许多花岗岩体的侵入 ,使交代岩广泛发育。  相似文献   
According to the European Water Framework Directive, the ecological status (ES) of a water body is determined by comparing observation data with undisturbed Reference Conditions (RCs). Defining RCs is crucial when evaluating the ES of a water body as it strongly affects the final outcome of any index application. Identifying RCs by observing real sites is not feasible in many marine environments, such as the Emilia-Romagna coast (Italy, N-Adriatic Sea). We used a statistical approach on a large dataset to derive RCs for the application of the benthic index M-AMBI in this area. We then applied M-AMBI to samples collected along a gradient of presumed environmental disturbance. The results put 14.8% of the Emilia-Romagna samples in “High” ES, 60.2% in “Good”, 23.0% in “Moderate” and 2.0% in “Poor”, showing a spatial gradient of improving quality. These results are in agreement with the extensive ecological knowledge available for this area.  相似文献   
第三纪的板块运动驱动着澳大利亚的气候和植被进行演化。广布的湿润森林区是澳大利亚老第三纪的特征。一直到始新世 ,生物多样性都在不断地提高。毫无疑问 ,这是澳大利亚由高南纬区向北部中纬区运移的结果。从始新世到上新世 ,澳大利亚的气候总体上要比现在湿润 ,但降水量季节性变化的增强推动了中新世以后硬叶植物和旱生植物的发展。上新世晚期似乎与第四纪一样 ,都出现过周期性干旱。这种干旱与冰期条件有关 ,至少由南澳大利亚晚第四纪的记录可以认识到这一点 ,澳大利亚的这段历史与东亚的气候变迁是同步发生的。在东亚 ,印—澳板块的运动致使青藏高原抬升 ,从而引发了区内乃至全球气候的巨变。穿越赤道区的季风和信风的环流格局 ,致使新第三纪和第四纪中国与澳大利亚的气候系统的相关性更强。  相似文献   
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