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经过近几十年的研究,人们已经普遍认为青藏高原是由几条近东西向的块体先后拼贴而成,大型的东西向构造是高原内部最明显的构造特征。然而根据最近所获得的有关西藏高原以及附近地区的重力场、地震层析成像、地震活动性、水平位移速度场以及地质等资料,发现整个西藏高原内部存在着明显的两条重要的南北向或近南北向构造和一些小型的南北向构造,它们将西藏高原划分为西、中、东三个有各自构造特点的部分;西侧的南北向构造沿84°~85°E延伸,东侧的近南北向构造位于92°~94°E之间。这两个构造带在上述的多种地球物理资料中均有良好的显示,是重要的重力异常变异带、重要的热结构边界带、重要的地震活动带,也是明显的地貌陡变带,等等。高原西部地形崎岖,剥蚀最深,布格重力异常最高,目前向北北西方向运动;中部地区地表平坦,发育众多的南北向地堑裂谷,东西向伸展活动最明显,海拔最高,集中分布了7座超过8000m的高峰,目前向北东东方向运动;而东部地区地形也比较崎岖,发育许多目前仍在强烈活动的走滑断层,在这些断层之间,地块相对转动,目前向北东甚至南东方向运动。造成西藏高原东西分段的原因现在还不清楚,笔者等倾向认为造成这种现象可能是由于与欧亚板块发生碰撞的印度板块在横向上也是西、中、东分段的,印度 相似文献
大姚地热动态特征分析 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
通过大姚高精度水温观测井水地质、井孔条件的分析,震例观测资料、实验观测数据的处理,以及井水水质分析结果,表明大姚水温周期性变化的突出位置是井深75m左右,根本原因是该地层石膏脉稳定释热,含水层热水与井内冷水混合过程中,在通道内形成钙盐类沉淀物(如CaSO4CaCO3),堵塞对流通道,含水层内外压差突破被阻塞通道,热水反复侵入井内,便形成水温周期性变化。地震的孕育、发生和调整过程,由于应力场作用,产生附加地热场,水温基值发生变化,周期畸变或消失,这种附加地热动态是可以恢复的。所以认为大姚地热动态是井区特殊地层地热信息的反映。 相似文献
Sheng Jifu Zhang Dequan Li YanInstitute of Mineral Deposits Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences Beijing Jiang M inxi 《《地质学报》英文版》1995,69(3):289-302
Physicochemical parameters of mineralization such as temperature, pressure, salinity, density, composition and boiling of ore fluids as well as pH, Eh, fo2 and reducing parameter in theprocess of mineralization of major ore deposits in the study district have been obtained by the authors through systematic observation and determination of characteristics and phase changes of fluid inclusions at different temperatures and analysis of gaseous and liquid phase compositions of the inclusions, thus providing a scientific basis for the division of mineralization-alteration stages, types of mineral deposits and minerogenetic series and the deepening of the knowledge about the ore-forming processes and mechanisms of mineral deposits. It is indicated that the deposits of the same type have similar fluid inclusion geochemical features and physicochemical parameters though they belong to different minerogenetic series, while the compositions of inclusions are not conditioned by deposit types but closely related to 相似文献
A Simple Monte Carlo Method for Locating the Three-dimensional Critical Slip Surface of a Slope 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
XIE Mowen Institute of Environmental Systems Kyushu University Hakozaki -- Higashi Ku Fukuok Japan College of Resource Engineering the University of Science Technology Beijing Xueyuan Ro Haidian District Beijing China 《《地质学报》英文版》2004,78(6):1258-1266
Based on the assumption of the plain-strain problem, various optimization or random search methods have been developed for locating the critical slip surfaces in slope-stability analysis, but none of such methods is applicable to the 3D case. In this paper, a simple Monte Carlo random simulation method is proposed to identify the 3D critical slip surface. Assuming the initial slip to be the lower part of a slip ellipsoid, the 3D critical slip surface is located by means of a minimized 3D safety factor. A column-based 3D slope stability analysis model is used to calculate this factor. In this study, some practical cases of known minimum safety factors and critical slip surfaces in 2D analysis are extended to 3D slope problems to locate the critical slip surfaces. Compared with the 2D result, the resulting 3D critical slip surface has no apparent difference in terms of only cross section, but the associated 3D safety factor is definitely higher. 相似文献
Oxygen Isotope Exchange Kinetics Between Coexisting Minerals and Water in the Aral Granite Pluton of the Altay Mountains, Northern Xinjiang 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Liu Wei Research Center of Mineral Resources Exploration Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences BeijingHe Baichu Changsha Institute of Geotectonics Chinese Academy of Sciences Changsh Hunanand Chen ZhenshengYichang Institute of Geology Mineral Resources Chinese Academy of GeologicalSciences Yichang Hubei 《《地质学报》英文版》1996,70(4)
Coexisting quartz, feldspar and biotite vary widely in their δ18O values and display a remarkable 18O/16O disequilibrium relation; especially, a quartz-feldspar reversal (△ 18OQUartz_feldspar< 0) exsists in the Aral granite pluton of the Altay Mountains, northern Xinjiang. The 18O / 16O exchange reaction definitely occurred between granite and water. Initial δ18O values of the granite and exotic fluid are evaluated by the mass balance consideration. The conventional method of discrimination between various magma derivations simply with δ18O values of either whole rock or separate minerals is misleading and unreliable. Experiments carried out by the authors show that the 18O / 16O exchange reaction is not accompanied by what geologists describe as petrological and mineralogical alteration effect. This decoupling relation implies that exchange reaction occurs at a relatively high temperature during subsolidus-postmagmatic cooling of magmas. The exchange mechanism is mainly diffusion-controlled. It is 相似文献
IntroductionInChina,thecombinationofseismicdesigncodewithzoningmapofseismicintensityorgroundmotionparametersisusuallyadoptedtodeterminetheseismicfortificationcriterionforthegeneralindustryandcivilbuildings.Thepresentproceduresareasfollows.Accordingtothepro-jectlocation,thedesignbasicaccelerationofgroundmotionandthedesigncharacteristicperiodofresponsespectrumareobtainedfromthezoningmapofseismicgroundmotionparameters(GeneralAdministrationofQualitySupervision,InspectionandQuarantineofthePeople… 相似文献
准噶尔盆地西北缘侏罗系陆相碎屑岩储层的岩性差异较大,岩性对物性的控制作用明显。储层的孔隙类型多样,不同类型的孔隙在发育规模、丰度及有效性方面都存在显差异,次生溶蚀孔隙、原生粒间孔隙和残余粒间孔隙是最重要的有效孔隙类型。储层渗透率与孔隙度之间存在较好的半对数相关关系。通过设置一定的孔隙度和渗透率参数界线,对储层储集性能进行评价,将侏罗系储层的孔渗性能划分为5个级别,可与当前流行的砂岩储层孔渗性能分级相对应。通过对大量压汞参数样本的聚类分析,将储层的孔隙结构划分为4个类型。通过各类参数统计及曲线形态对比,对孔隙结构类型进行了定量结合定性的优劣评价。最后,结合孔渗性能级别、储集空间类型、孔隙结构类型、岩性等特征,对准噶尔盆地西北缘侏罗系储层进行了综合分类评价。 相似文献
The Discovery of Phlogopite Exsolution Lamellae in Garnets of Eclogite Inclusions, Liaoning Province
Zhou Xiuzhong Institute of Mineral Deposits Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences Beijing Liu Xinzhu 《《地质学报》英文版》1997,71(1):33-42
In No. 50 kimberlite pipe of Fuxian County, Liaoning Province, an eclogite inclusion(nodule), which is extremely rare in kimberlites, was discovered and phlogopite exsolutionlamellae were found in garnets of the inclusion. Microscopic, TEM and energy spectral observa-tions and studies confirmed that these lamellae are phlogopite. They are colourless and acicularin section, generally 0.5-5μm in width and 10-100μm in length. Nevertheless, fine lamellae,0.05-0.1μm wide and 1-2μm long, are also well developed. Along [111] of the garnet, three setsof phlogopite lamellae show oriented arrangement approximately at angles of 60°-70°, indi-cating that these lamellae might be the product of exsolution from garnet as a result ofpressure-release when eclogite ascended from the relatively deep level to the relatively shallowlevel of the mantle. Tiny acicular exsolution minerals (or inclusions) are commonly found ingarnet and pyroxene in eclogite inclusions of kimberlites all over the world and it has been re-ported that the identified exsolution minerals include pyroxene and rutile. This is the first timethat phlogopite exsolution lamillae were found in eclogite inclusions in the world. 相似文献
柴达木盆地东部侏罗系煤系烃源岩生烃潜力评价及地球化学特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对柴达木盆地东部地区侏罗系大煤沟剖面、绿草山剖面进行了露头取样,并利用Rock-Eval生油岩评价仪、色谱—质谱仪、稳定同位素质谱仪等实验分析测试技术对样品进行了地球化学特征分析。实验结果表明,样品有机碳含量变化从0.07%到56.8%,有机质类型以Ш型有机质为主,少数为型有机质,极少数为型有机质,灰黑色油页岩及黑色炭质页岩是侏罗系中的优质烃源岩。检测样品C29甾烷异构化参数C29αββ/(αββ ααα)、C29ααα20S/(20S 20R)分布范围分别为0.25~0.35、0.06~0.34,处于未熟—低熟状态。侏罗系水体环境较浅,多为滨浅湖与沼泽环境,具有煤系烃源岩特点,局部为水体比较咸化的半深湖—深湖环境。 相似文献