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利用新疆及邻区2万多条Pn射线的走时资料,采用层析成像的方法反演该地区上地幔顶部的Pn速度结构.主要结果是:①新疆地区平均h速度为.2km/s,高于中国大陆地区的平均值(.0km/s),速度变化量从-0.3km/s到0.2km/s.②准噶尔盆地是明显的高Pn速度区,高速区与地貌形状吻合较好,最大值达.4km/s;塔里木盆地整体上呈现高速异常二者都可能与盆地是稳定地块、构造活动和变形较弱有关.③在盆地与山脉的交接带即主要的构造活动带,存在较低的Pn速度,可达7.9km/s.④塔里木南缘中部存在一显著的低速区,可能与岩浆活动和构造活动较强有关.⑤上地幔顶部波速各向异性整体上盆地中心较弱,边缘地带较强.新疆南部波速的各向异性可能是因印度板块对欧亚大陆的碰撞使地幔物质向北蠕动的结果.  相似文献   
Radio observations of some active regions (ARs) obtained with the Nobeyama radioheliograph at λ=1.76cm are used for estimating the magnetic field strength in the upper chromosphere, based on thermal bremsstrahlung. The results are compared with the magnetic field strength in the photosphere from observations with the Solar Magnetic Field Telescope (SMFT) at Huairou Solar Observing Station of Beijing Astronomical Observatory. The difference in the magnetic field strength between the two layers seems reasonable. The solar radio maps of active regions obtained with the Nobeyama radioheliograph, both in total intensity (I-map) and in circular polarizations (V-map), are compared with the optical magnetograms obtained with the SMFT. The comparison between the radio map in circular polarization and the longitudinal photospheric magnetogram of a plage region suggest that the radio map in circular polarization is a kind of magnetogram of the upper chromosphere. The comparison of the radio map in total intensity with the photospheric vector magnetogram of an AR shows that the radio map in total intensity gives indications of magnetic loops in the corona, thus we have a method of defining the coronal magnetic structure from the radio I-maps at λ=1.76 cm. Analysing the I-maps, we identified three components: (a) a compact bright source; (b) a narrow elongated structure connecting two main magnetic islands of opposite polarities (observed in both the optical and radio magnetograms); (c) a wide, diffuse, weak component that corresponds to a wide structure in the solar active region which shows in most cases an S or a reversed S contour, which is probably due to the differential rotation of the Sun. The last two components suggest coronal loops on different spatial scales above the neutral line of the longitudinal photospheric magnetic field.  相似文献   
Based on a ship survey during January 1998, the characteristics of the flow, the thermohaline properties and the volume transport of the Arabian Sea are discussed. A strong westward flow exists between 10.5?N and 11?N, part of which turns to the south as the Somali current near the coast at about 10?N and the rest turns north. At the passage between the African continent and the So- cotra Island, the northern branch separates into two flows: the left one enters the passage and the right one flows eastward along the southern slope of the island. Off the island the flow separates once more, most of it meandering northeast and a small fraction flow- ing southeast. Volume transport calculation suggests that the tidal transport is one or two orders of magnitude smaller than the total transport in this region and it becomes more important near the coast. The average velocity of the flow in the upper layer (0-150 m) is about 20 cm s-1, with a maximum of 53 cm s-1 appearing east of the Socotra Island, and the subsurface layer (200-800 m) has an aver- age velocity of 8.6 cm s-1; the velocity becomes smaller at greater depths. The depth of the seasonal thermocline is about 100 m, above which there is a layer with well mixed temperature and dissolved oxygen. High-salinity and oxygen-rich water appears near the surface of the northern Arabian Sea; a salinity maximum and oxygen minimum at 100 m depth along 8?N testifies the subduction of surface water from the northern Arabian Sea. Waters from the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf also influence the salinity of the area.  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONWiththerecentmodernizationandurbanizationofChi-na,urbanareashavegreatlyincreased, andgiantbuild-ings,especiallythosetallerthan100m,havebeendomi-nantincities,whichhave resultedinthegreatincreaseintheproportionofbuilding'sexternalsurfacetototalurbanarea.Thedifferencesofthermalpropertiesmain-lyinducedbysolarradiationbetweenbuilding'sexter-nalsurfacesareobviousfordifferentexposures,whichcaninevitablyinfluencethedistributionsofairtempera-turenearby,eventheverticaldistributionsofurb…  相似文献   
The study on the earthquake-resistant performance of a pile-soil-structure interaction system is a relatively complicated and primarily important issue in civil engineering practice. In this paper, a computational model and computation procedures for pile-supported structures, which can duly consider the pile-soil interaction effect, are established by the finite element method. Numerical implementation is made in the time domain. A simplified approximation for the seismic response analysis of pile-soil-structure systems is briefly presented. Then a comparative study is performed for an engineering example with numerical results computed respectively by the finite element method and the simplified method. Through comparative analysis, it is shown that the results obtained by the simplified method well agree with those achieved by the finite element method. The numerical results and findings will offer instructive guidelines for earthquake-resistant analysis and design of pile-supported structures.  相似文献   
For the calibration of chromatographic systems,different methods can be used.One class of methodsutilizes three-way approaches.The calibration problem is stated in such a way that the decompositionof a three-way array can serve for the prediction of retention on new stationary phases.Two three-way approaches are presented:the Unfold-PCA and PARAFAC models.The theory ofboth methods is presented and the differences are highlighted,the main difference being that PARAFACis a trilinear decomposition whereas Unfold-PCA is not.Both three-way methods are evaluated on asmall data set consisting of retention measurements of eight solutes at six mobile phase compositions onsix stationary phases.The differences in performance of the two models are minor,For calibration purposes,two variants of the methods are discussed:three-way PLS and an extensionof PARAFAC.Again the theory and differences between the two methods are explained.The predictiveperformance of the two methods is compared using the same data set as earlier.The differences inpredictive performance,however,are minor.Both methods are capable of predicting 98% of thevariation in the test sets.Yet,there are other considerations when comparing methods than predictiveperformance,e.g.the quality of the predictions.  相似文献   
Gelatin from the sea cucumber(Paracaudina chinens var.) was hydrolyzed by bromelain and the hydrolysate was found to have a high free radical scavenging activity. The hydrolysate was fractionated through an ultrafiltration membrane with 5 kDa molecular weight cutoff(MWCO). The portion(less than 5 kDa) was further separated by Sephadex G-25. The active peak was col-lected and assayed for free radical scavenging activity. The scavenging rates for superoxide anion radicals(O2·-) and hydroxyl radi-cals(·OH) of the fraction with the highest activity were 29.02% and 75.41%,respectively. A rabbit liver mitochondrial free radical damage model was adopted to study the free radical scavenging activity of the fraction. The results showed that the sea cucumber gelatin hydrolysate can prevent the damage of rabbit liver and mitochondria.  相似文献   
一、引言 本文是对爱琴张性构造区新构造正断层带为期五年的野外调查结果所作的综台与分析(图1).着重介绍爱琴地区的三个地带.(1)希腊大陆的科林斯地区(图1a).(2)西土耳其的伊密兹尔地区(图1b).(3)柯雷特的中部及西部(图1c).在这三个地带正断层使中生代碳酸岩同第四纪沉积物直接相接,  相似文献   
When seismic thrust faults emerge on the ground surface,they are particularly damaging to buildings,bridges and lifelines that lie on the rupture path.To protect a structure founded on a rigid raft,a thick diaphragm-type soil bentonite wall(SBW) is installed in front of and near the foundation,at sufficient depth to intercept the propagating fault rupture.Extensive numerical analyses,verified against reduced–scale(1 g) split box physical model tests,reveal that such a wall,thanks to its high deformability and low shear resistance,"absorbs" the compressive thrust of the fault and forces the rupture to deviate upwards along its length.As a consequence,the foundation is left essentially intact.The effectiveness of SBW is demonstrated to depend on the exact location of the emerging fault and the magnitude of the fault offset.When the latter is large,the unprotected foundation experiences intolerable rigid-body rotation even if the foundation structural distress is not substantial.  相似文献   
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