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The huge, up to 40-50 cm long bivalves, Lithiotis, Cochlearites and Lithioperna, which dominated within “Lithiotis” facies (sensu – Fraser et al., 2004 with lit-erature cited therein), are most significant representa-tives of buildup-maker of shallow marine/lagoonal bivalve mounds (reefs) in numerous places of Tethyan- Panthalassa margins during Pliensbachian-Early Toar-cian times. The distribution of Lithiotis-facies bivalves from Western (Spain, Italy) and Middle Europe (Slo-venia, Croatia, Albania) trough north Africa (Morocco) and Arabian Peninsula (Oman, Arabian Emirates) up to Timor Island, Himalaya Mts (Nepal, China) and west-ern margin of both Americas (USA, Peru) indicates world-wide, rapid expansion of such Lithiotis-type bivalves (Leinfelder et al., 2002; Fraser et al., 2004; Krobicki et al., 2008). The Early Jurassic migration routes were connected both with break-up of Pangea and oceanic circulation, which facilitated high speed of distribution of larva’s of such oyster-like bivalves.  相似文献   
根据新疆塔城盆地4个气象站1961—2009年实测资料,统计分析了塔城盆地49 a气温、降水的变化特征,结果显示:近49 a塔城盆地年、季平均气温呈显著增暖的趋势,尤其以秋、冬两季的增暖更为显著,对年际增暖的贡献较大。气温偏暖年多发生在20世纪80年代以后,气温偏冷年多发生在20世纪60、70年代。塔城盆地年降水量亦呈上升趋势,年降水最多年多出现在气温相对偏暖的20世纪90年代,而降水最少年多出现在气温偏低的60年代。降水量的显著性检验显示,四季中除冬季外均通过了0.01的显著性水平检验,表明春、夏、秋三季对塔城盆地年降水量增多都有贡献。  相似文献   
针对2020年1月5—17日乌鲁木齐出现的重污染天气,利用乌鲁木齐的探空站资料和地面常规气象数据计算了最大混合层高度、平均风速、逆温特性、边界层通风量、能见度、相对湿度等,对最大混合层高度、能见度、相对湿度与PM2.5质量浓度进行了相关性分析,并利用Hysplit后向气团轨迹模式分析污染形成源。结果表明:此次重污染天气过程大气层结较为稳定,主要表现为逆温层厚(平均577 m)、逆温强度大(平均1.7℃/100 m)、最大混合层高度低(平均400 m);边界层通风量对局地空气质量影响显著;PM2.5质量浓度与相对湿度呈弱的正相关,与能见度呈指数相关;Hysplit后向气团轨迹模式分析得出此次污染过程以局地排放为主要形成源。  相似文献   
1 研究背景 地震预测预报仍然是当今人类面临的难题之一,科学家从各种角度开展了大量研究工作.其中,科学家对地震前电磁异常现象的关注始于20世纪90年代,如:Fraser-Smith等(1990)通过对Loma Prieta地震前地磁场能量变化进行分析,发现在震前3小时,一个震中距较小地磁台的地磁场,在频段0.01 Hz...  相似文献   
Benham Rise is a large igneous province that has been accreted to the eastern seaboard of northern Lu-zon since Early Miocene. It started forming during the Eocene at a hotspot/mantle plume in the vicinity of the Central basin Spreading Center in the West Philippine Basin (CBSC) of the Philippine Sea Plate. Seafloor spreading from the CBSC and Parece Vela pushed Benham Rise towards Luzon. Eventually Benham Rise jammed against Luzon at the end of the Oligocene, with consequences that impacted on the geology of the Philippines which have been similarly noted in colli-sions of large igneous provinces in other areas. These are manifested as follows:  相似文献   
We present a photometric analysis of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite(TESS) light curve of contact binary system DY Cet and the behavior of its orbital period variation.The light curve and published radial velocity data analysis was performed using the Wilson-Devinney code.As a result of simultaneous analysis of the light curve with radial velocity data,the masses and radii of the system’s components were determined as M1=1.55±0.02 M_⊙,M2=0.55 ± 0.01 M_⊙ and R...  相似文献   
An eddy-resolving four-dimensional variational(adjoint) data assimilation and state estimate was constructed for the low-to mid-latitude Pacific, Indian Oceans, and South China Sea based on the framework of "Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Oceans(ECCO)". It is named as the Two Oceans One Sea State Estimate(TOOSSE). It fits a model to a number of modern observations of 2015–2016,including the Argo fl oat temperature and salinity, satellite altimetric sea surface anomalies, by adjust...  相似文献   
The Guleman ophiolite,one of the most important ophiolitic massifs of the Southeast Anatolian Ophiolitic Belt,consists of a core of serpentinized mantle rocks overlain by an ultramafic sequence,layered and isotropic gabbro,and sheeted dykes.The ophiolite structurally overlies the Lower Miocene Lice Formation and is overlain by young sandstones and shales of the Upper Maashtrichtian-Lower Eocene Hazar Complex and Middle Eocene Maden Complex.The Guleman ophiolite tectonically overlain by Precambrian to Upper Triassic Bitlis metamorphic massif.The mantle peridotites compose mainly of fresh and in place serpentinized harzburgite tectonite with local bands and lenses of dunites with large-sized chromitite pods.The Guleman peridotites commonly show porphyroclastic texture,high-temperature fabrics such as kink-bands in olivines.According to microprobe analyses,the harzburgite and dunite have low Ca O and Al2O3 abundance similar to Mariana forearc,and their average Cr-(=Cr/(Cr+Al)atomic)ratio of Cr-spinelsis surprisingly high(0.63)besides Fo content of olivine is between 90.9 to 92.3 in peridotites.According to Mg#(Mg/(Mg+Fe2+))versus Cr#in spinel diagram,the degree of partial melting is higher than 35%and spinel values plot in the forearc peridotites field.The Gulemanharzburgites have low Ca O,Al2O3 and Ti O2 contents in orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene lammelles,resembling those of depleted harzburgites from modern forearcs and different from moderately depleted abyssal peridotites.Consequently,we propose that the Guleman peridotites form in a forearc setting during the subduction initiation that developed as a result of northward subduction of the southern branch of the Neo-Tethys in response to the convergence between Arabian and Anatolian plates.  相似文献   
正The Eglab-Yetti region of southwestern Algeria is a main part of the Reguibat shield of the West African craton(WAC)which consists of Archean to Paleoprotzrozoic basement.The region hosts numerous  相似文献   
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