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详细叙述了围压条件下PDC切削齿受力(轴向力、切削力、侧向力)的测量方法,并研制成功了相应的围岩测力传感器;解决了传感器的防水问题,同时用实验标定的方法消除了高压给传感器测量精度带来的影响。  相似文献   
This study examines whether a group of captive false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens ) showed variations in the vocal rate around feeding times. The high level of motivation to express appetitive behaviors in captive animals may lead them to respond with changes of the behavioral activities during the time prior to food deliveries which are referred to as food anticipatory activity. False killer whales at Qingdao Polar Ocean World (Qingdao, China) showed significant variations of the rates of both the total sounds and sound classes (whistles, clicks, and burst pulses) around feedings. Precisely, from the Transition interval that recorded the lowest vocalization rate (3.40 s/m/d), the whales increased their acoustic emissions upon trainers’ arrival (13.08 s/m/d). The high rate was maintained or intensified throughout the food delivery (25.12 s/m/d), and then reduced immediately after the animals were fed (9.91 s/m/d). These changes in the false killer whales sound production rates around feeding times supports the hypothesis of the presence of a food anticipatory vocal activity. Although sound rates may not give detailed information regarding referential aspects of the animal communication it might still shed light about the arousal levels of the individuals during different social or environmental conditions. Further experiments should be performed to assess if variations of the time of feeding routines may affect the vocal activity of cetaceans in captivity as well as their welfare.  相似文献   
模拟深井条件下的PDC钻头破岩试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用深井破岩试验装置模拟不同井深压力条件下对泥岩进行了PDC钻头破岩试验,试验结果表明,随着井深的增加,岩石强度增加,破碎岩石的切削力增加,同时,PDC钻头齿形和结构对破岩效率影响较大,因此必须按深井条件和岩石特点进行PDC钻头齿形和结构设计,以达到提高机械钻速的目的。  相似文献   
日本国水族馆海豚的饲养与繁殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本国四面临海,海洋生物资源十分丰富,其近海分布的鲸类有44种[2],占世界鲸类种数的45%。日本国的特殊地理位置和日本人独特的海食文化,使其捕鲸业在古代就非常发达。二战以后,为了寻求更多的食物资源,日本的捕鲸业更是得到了长足的发展,直至今天,日本仍是国际捕鲸委员会(IWC)中少数几个反对全面禁止捕鲸的成员国之一[7]。今天的大多数日本水族馆不仅展示鱼类,还展示小型鲸类等海洋哺乳动物,主要是海豚。他们在海豚的饲养、训练和繁殖等方面积累了丰富的经验。1992年1月至4月,作者受日本国际协力事业团(JICA)的资助,参…  相似文献   
塔里木油田哈得逊地区二叠系火成岩层段微裂缝多、节理丰富易塌易漏,一直是制约该地区钻井速度的主要原因。针对火成岩易漏易塌的钻井难点,从钻井液性能方面入手,通过室内实验优选出强封堵抑制剂(环保型低荧光成膜降滤失剂CMF),聚磺体系钻井液配方,实验表明:该配方钻井液具有流变性好、滤失量低、抑制性强的特点,起到了有效的封堵作用。  相似文献   
表面带碳化钨保护层的新型聚晶金刚石复合片既可保持复合片的自锐特性及耐磨性,又可以避免切削齿的崩裂,掉块现象,在硬地层中,新型PDC切削齿在钻速,切削齿强度和寿命方面与常规PDC齿相比具有更好的工作性能。  相似文献   
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