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The estimation of genetic parameters has played an important role in animal selective breeding for growth traits.Recently studies show that molecular markers can be incorporated into genetic evaluations. In order to improve the performance of an incomplete pedigree(i.e, only parents are known) in the genetic evaluations, 12 microsatellite markers have been applied in the estimation of the genetic parameters for body weight in a farmed population(n=1 890) of juvenile turbot(Scophthalmus maximus L.). A new relatedness called parental molecular relatedness(PMR) is estimated based on results of genotyping of 48 parents(31 males, 17 females) with microsatellites markers. The feasibility of PMR in estimation of genetic parameters is verified by comparison with pedigree related(PR) which is obtained from a complete pedigree. The results demonstrate that a high correlation(0.872) between them is found. Heritabilities are estimated using the PMR(0.52±0.13) and PR(0.55±0.22) with the same animal model. A cross-validation shows that the predictive abilities of models using the PMR and the PR are identical(0.81). From that, a conclusion can be made that PMR and PR predicted genetic values equally well in a population of juvenile turbot. Therefore PMR can be applied as an alternative of the PR when only parents are known. However, for a better performance, more markers and more families should be included in a further study.  相似文献   
合成地震记录的制作是油气勘探的基础,它是连接地质、测井和地震资料的桥梁。从合成地震记录的基本原理出发,结合油气勘探过程中的具体研究实例,分析了VSP资料与合成地震记录时深关系的差异性、地震资料对合成记录的影响和子波的选择;最后,利用勘探实例着重用阐述合成地震记录在油气勘探中的应用,主要包括把握区域速度、明确储层地震响应特征、识别地震资料的多次波和剔除地震资料的地质"假象"。  相似文献   
介绍了北极的概念,从海图投影、制图资料、专题符号、海图分幅等4个方面,研究了当前编制北极地区航海图需要解决的关键问题,为开展编制北极航海图的深入研究奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   
为探讨曹妃甸近岸及周边海区沉积物碎屑矿物组成特征以及曹妃甸大规模围填海工程对其影响,作者对2013年10月采自曹妃甸及周边海区的表层沉积物样品采用轻重矿物分离的方法进行了鉴定。结果表明:大规模围填海工程在改变曹妃甸岸线形态的同时也改变了其冲淤环境,使得碎屑矿物组分在大规模围填海前后发生一定变化。研究区的沉积物整体以轻矿物为主,平均含量为97.83%,其中曹妃甸近岸平均含量为95.57%;重矿物平均含量为2.17%,其中曹妃甸近岸平均含量为4.43%。研究区的重矿物优势矿物主要有普通角闪石、绿帘石和自生黄铁矿,其中普通角闪石所占比例在曹妃甸近岸达到最高值(36.41%);轻矿物的优势矿物主要有石英、斜长石和风化碎屑,其中石英所占比例也在曹妃甸近岸达到最高值(62.72%)。研究发现,曹妃甸近岸沉积物碎屑矿物相对含量增加而重矿物基本不变,这在一定程度上揭示了大规模人工围填海工程对曹妃甸近岸及周边海区沉积环境的影响。  相似文献   
Eight microsatellite markers were used to analyze genetic diversity, level of inbreeding, and effective population size of spawner and recaptured populations of Chinese shrimp(Fenneropenaeus chinensis) during stock enhancement in the Bohai Bay in 2013. A total of 254 and 238 alleles were identified in the spawner and recaptured populations, respectively, and the numbers of alleles(N_a) were 8–63 and 6–60, respectively. The numbers of effective alleles(N_e) were 2.52–21.60 and 2.67–20.72, respectively. The polymorphism information content ranged from 0.529 to 0.952. The observed heterozygosity(H_o) values(0.638–0.910 and 0.712–0.927) were lower than the expected heterozygosity(H_e) values(0.603–0.954 and 0.625–0.952), which indicated that the two populations possessed a rich genetic diversity. In 16 tests(2 populations×8 loci), 13 tests deviated from the HardyWeinberg equilibrium. F_(is) values were positive at seven loci and the inbreeding coefficients(F) of the two populations estimated by trio ML were 13.234% and 11.603%, suggesting that there was a relatively high degree of inbreeding. A certain level of inbreeding depression had occurred in the Chinese shrimp population. F_(st) values ranged from 0 to 0.059, with a mean of 0.028, displaying a low level of genetic differentiation in the two populations. Effective population sizes(3 060.2 and 3 842.8) were higher than the minimum number suggested for retaining the evolutionary potential to adapt to new environmental conditions. For enhancement activity in 2014,the ideal number of captured shrimp spawners should have ranged from 7 686 to 19 214 to maintain genetic diversity and effective population size. Further strategies to adjust the balance of economic cost, fishing effort and ideal number of shrimp spawners to maintain a satisfactory effective population size for ensuring the sustainability of Chinese shrimp are proposed.  相似文献   
分析了气动式波浪发电透平的特点、运行环境以及透平与振荡气流之间的相互作用过程,提出了描述透平稳态特性和动态特性的参数以及描述透平运动性能的特性曲线,推导得出透平的稳态最佳工作点,最后提出了透平的匹配设计方法。该设计模型的建立,对波浪透平的研究和设计具有较重要的指导意义  相似文献   
计算域的选取对风暴潮数值模拟的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
作者以 72 0 3号台风过程中引起的黄海沿岸水文测站的风暴潮过程为例 ,选取不同计算域 ,模拟计算的同一测站的风暴潮增水值有很大差异。只有选取整个黄渤海海域 ,才能得到较精确的风暴潮增水结果。从而揭示在封闭或半封闭海域中由风暴过程激发的区域自由振荡 ,是风暴潮增水中不容忽视的量。说明该海域中的风暴潮过程是海域整体效应的响应 ,因此认为数值模拟中计算域应选取整个封闭或半封闭海域  相似文献   
为探究不同饵料组成对北方人工繁育花鲈(Lateolabrax maculatus)幼鱼生长和生理活性的影响,优化花鲈幼鱼饵料组成,作者采用投喂不同组成的饵料研究其对花鲈幼鱼的生长和消化酶活性的影响,实验采用63日龄幼鱼,设4个处理组,分别组1投喂卤虫(Artemia)、组2高蛋白配合饲料、组3低蛋白配合饲料和组4冰鲜桡足类,共40 d。结果表明,组2的生长速度、最终体长、体质量、特定生长率、绝对生长率、增质量率均大于其余3组,组3的生长状况次之,但与其他2组并无显著性差异(P0.05);除组1的蛋白酶最大活性出现在实验中期,其他3组的蛋白酶变化与其生长状况相符,最大值均出现在103日龄,各组间差异显著;4组的淀粉酶活性呈上升趋势,在103日龄时,组1的淀粉酶活性大于组2,并显著大于组3和组4;组1的脂肪酶活性在实验后期迅速上升,并在103日龄达到最大值,而其余3组的脂肪酶活性呈下降趋势,103日龄时组3和组4脂肪酶活性显著小于组2和组1(P0.05)。研究表明,花鲈幼鱼摄食高蛋白配合饲料生长状况最好,摄食低蛋白配合饲料生长状况次之,摄食卤虫状况最差,出于经济的考虑,建议投喂低蛋白配合饲料。  相似文献   
新疆尼勒克、巩留交界MS6.0地震震中烈度为Ⅶ度,地震没有造成人员伤亡,但个别民宅倒塌,大量村镇居民房屋遭受中等以上破坏,一些教育、卫生等公房遭破坏;交通和水利设施有一定程度破坏,经及时抢修,未对灾区生产生活产生明显影响。通过实地抽样调查和统计计算,评估出本次地震造成的直接经济损失为67846万元,恢复重建的经费需120349万元。  相似文献   
实际地震信号通常可表示为具有波形特征差异的多种基本波形信号的线性组合,如叠前道集中的工频干扰噪声与有效波信号、面波噪声与体波信号等.选择单一数学变换方法,往往不易实现地震信号的稀疏表示.近年来发展的形态成分分析理论,通过联合多种数学变换,可实现对复杂信号的稀疏表示.本文根据单道地震记录中面波与体波信号波形结构特征的差异性,提出一种基于形态成分分析的面波噪声衰减方法.针对面波的低频、窄带以及频散特性选择一维平稳小波变换作为其稀疏表示字典,而针对体波波形的局部相关特性选择局部离散余弦变换作为其稀疏表示字典,建立基于双波形字典的形态成分分析模型,通过求解该稀疏优化问题获得最终的信噪分离结果.理论模型和实际地震资料处理证实该方法不仅能够衰减单炮地震记录中的强面波干扰噪声,同时能够更好地保护有效信号的波形特征与频谱带宽,为地震资料的后续处理和分析提供良好的数据基础.  相似文献   
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