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The processes and rates of the weathering denudation of the bare crystalline rock are important problems in the field of geosciences[1—6]. Essentially, the weathering denudation process is the process of rock destruction and transportation. In different …  相似文献   
关于中国沙漠与黄土形成的古地理背景   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文根据近几十年来的有关研究成果,提出中国沙漠与黄土堆积的起源和发展,不仅是新生代以来的全球性气候变化的产物,也与中国北方特殊的构造地貌发展变化有关;我国北方出现的沙漠扩展和尘暴频发,不仅是不合理开发的结果,也与现今全球性气候转冷以及地形的气候效应有关。  相似文献   
长江中下游地区下蜀黄土磁化率曲线比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对镇江大港剖面地层结构和磁化率曲线特征的分析研究,以及与相邻地区风尘堆积研究成果的比较,认为长江中下游地区中更新世以来,经历了七次大的古气候冷暖旋回,旋回变化幅度较北方黄土共要小得多,冷期和暖期都存在着频繁的小尺度的气候冷暖波动,并可与深海氧同位素曲线相比较;另外,在镇江下蜀黄土磁化率测量中还发现,地下水的浸泡对剖面样品的磁化率有着较大的影响。  相似文献   
长江三峡阶地的成因机制   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
根据对长江三峡阶地堆积物进行的野外调查与室内分析发现三峡阶地的成因具有以下特点:构成阶地上部的河漫滩相堆积、中部的冲积砾石层与作为阶地基座的基岩平台是在不同时期形成的;阶地上部河漫滩相堆积是在中全新世气候温暖、长江三峡高水位条件下形成的.因此,长江三峡阶地是在构造上升的基础上由于气候及长江三峡流量及水位变化而形成的,并非一定是间歇性构造上升的标志.  相似文献   
川江中坝遗址5000年来洪水事件研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
川江中坝遗址自然地层与文化层测年、粒度分析及其与长江沿岸现代洪积物粒度分析对比研究表明,中坝遗址自然沉积层为多期洪水泛滥成因.文化层中大量破碎陶罐、瓦片以及窑址的发现,结合实地调查表明当时遗址区主要以制盐为主.一定数量未燃尽的段木的发现,表明人们为制盐或烧制陶器而砍伐树木,导致水土流失与生态恶化,水土流失导致河床淤积,储水量减少,从而加重洪灾程度、加剧河床演变.频繁的洪水泛滥使研究区河床发生较大变化,使遗址从河岸孤立出去,成为河中心的一个孤岛.  相似文献   
南京地区新近纪砂砾层的沉积环境演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
南京地区分布着一套新近纪的松散砂砾沉积,曾被统称为雨花台砾石层。依据岩性、层序、沉积构造等特征,我们解译了4个地点砂砾层的沉积环境。研究发现,洞玄观组的沉积环境类似于曲流河沉积,六合组类似于砂质辫状河沉积,雨花台组则属于砾质辫状河沉积。沉积环境的不同印证了前人的观点,即这些砂砾层是不同时期形成。古流向显示,从中新世到更新世早期本区的流域格局与目前的大体一致。而河流沉积环境的演化,却指示河道的坡降具有不断增大的趋势。我们认为这可能是全球海平面不断下降导致侵蚀基准面降低所引起的,而差异性的构造运动似乎不是主要的驱动因素。  相似文献   
中国东部新构造运动的地貌标志和基本特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
中国东部新构造运动的地貌标志及其指示意义要给子重新认识。大陆东侧沿海地带在白垩纪至早第三纪时期是复杂高峻的山系,它们被雁行排列的裂谷分隔,新构造运动表现为不等量水平扩张和沉降或倾斜沉降。大陆东侧的海岸,从总体上来说是构造下沉港湾海岸。钱塘江口以北,从边缘海到太行山东麓的新构造运动反映了欧亚板块东部扩张型活动大陆边缘的构造运动特征。台湾岛由于欧亚板块与菲律宾海板块的碰撞而强烈上升。但台湾海峡为强烈裂陷,华南沿海是倾斜沉降。  相似文献   
The environmental changes during the Late Pleistocene were more obvious in the eastern China than in other areas at the same latitude, which either between northern and southern, or between land and sea of the eastern China were mostly non-synchronous. The transitional period prior to the last glaciation came about in the northern part of the eastern China about 115,000 yr. ago. The desert environments of the inland of the north China were developed both in the glacial maximum and in the warm interglacial period, but the loess accumulation mostly took place during the glacial period. The sand dunes and the periglacial solifluctions in the lower Changjiang (Yangtze) River region were formed during the last glacial period. The event of lowest surface temperature occurred at 98,000 yr. B.P. and 59,000 yr. B.P. in the northern part of the South China Sea but not during the full-glacial stage. The phenomena mentioned . above were the result of the following reasons that the paleo-environmental changes in the  相似文献   
通过野外采样和实验室XRD分析,建立了基于XRD分析图谱的风化指标,研究了三峡库区不同坡段坡地的风化程度.三峡库区草堂河流域不同坡段坡地风化特征有一定的共性,如土壤中的主要特征矿物种类相同,主要有高岭石、云母和蛭石;所有样品中高岭石峰值均不高,甚至个别样品图谱上几乎没有高岭石峰的出现;3种主要的特征粘土矿物中以蛭石峰值最高;表层和底层的粘土矿物总量差异也不大.但是不同坡段土壤的风化程度仍存在一定差异.从顶部的分水岭山脊段到山坡上部直形坡崩塌段、山坡下部直形坡搬运段以及最下部的山坡坡麓洪冲积堆积段这4个坡段,4项风化指标均呈增加的趋势,说明从坡上到坡下土壤的风化程度逐渐加大.  相似文献   
This paper describes valley bottom troughs of the Changjiang River and infers the geomorphologic development of troughs. Based on the morphology of the troughs, the following conclusions are drawn. (1) The deep troughs on the Three Gorges valley bottom are formed by river downcutting along the structural zones on the background of regional tectonic uplift at about 40-30 ka BP. (2) When river downcutting occurred in the river bed of Changjiang, the jets current (particularly eddy current) with a large number of pebbles ground and eroded the valley bottom, resulting in trough formation and deepening. Meanwhile, water currents with gravels and pebbles eroded the bank and the left wall of No.76 trough as well as the right wall of No.77 trough by striking, scouring, horizontal and vertical grinding. (3) The depth of the trough is mainly determined by the intensity of the water current and the consistency of bedrock against erosion, and is not controlled hv the altihlde of the sea level as the base level of erosion.  相似文献   
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