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15 97年 10月 6日中国东部 7省 2 2个县记载了一次特殊的地振动事件 ,当天和第三天朝鲜咸镜道三水郡记载了两次火山喷发和地震活动 .由于此次振动有感范围广、烈度低、衰减慢、找不到极震区 ,在当时的科技条件下无法确定震中和震源 .1983年出版的《中国地震目录》(顾功叙 ,1983)把事件的震中定在渤海(38.5°N ,12 0 .0°E) ,震级定为 7级 ;其后的《北京地震目录》中改定为 7.5级 ;有人认为该震强度估计大于 7级 (环文林 ,1989) ;也有人认为可能是一次很大的地震 ,按有感范围规模推测可能是特大地震 ,震级达 8级(时振梁等 ,1985 ) .笔者认为…  相似文献   
2004年12月15日,在加州旧金山举行的美国地球物理联合会(AGU)秋季会议颁奖典礼上,2004年度威廉·鲍伊(William Bowie)奖授给了Keiiti Aki。该奖是对“在基础地球物理学上的杰出贡献及在研究工作中的无私合作”的肯定。  相似文献   
提供了一种研究地电信号与地震之间可能相关的新方法,在地电信号的波谱幂指数与研究区地震活动性的赫斯特指数之间,获得了很好的相关性,观测斯间,在研究区记录到的主震发生之前,两种参量向1收敛的趋势是明显的,具有自组织临界动力学的特征。  相似文献   
说明了浅源逆冲断层地震的发生与最强烈潮汐的出现存在相关性。在潮汐应力作用下,地震速率以因子3随背景速率而变化。尽管摩擦系数岸在0.2和0.6之间时我们看到了好的相关性,但最高的相关性是在假定地壳的岸μ=0.4时发现的。我们的结果量化了所施加应力在地震触发上的效应,在理解地震成核与重复发生上,这是一个关键因素,地震由此被触发并接二连三地发生。  相似文献   
A special earth shock event was recorded at 22 counties of the 7 provinces of eastern China on October 6, 1597, and 2 volcanic eruptions and seismic activities were recorded in Sanshui county, Xianjingbeidao, Korea at that day and the 3rd day. Because of the large range of this shock, low intensity, slow attenuation and no extreme-earthquake area, its epicenter and focus could not be determined onthe scientific-technological conditions at that time. In the Seismological Catalogue of China (GU, 1983) published in 1983, its epicenter was determined to be in the Bo Sea (38.5°N, 120.0°E), its magnitude was 7; and it was changed into 7.5 in the later Seismological Catalogue of Beijing; someone estimated it over 7(HUAN, 1989); someone thought that, it was a very large earthquake, might be a extraordinarily serious large one according to the scale of sensational range, reaching 8 (SHI, et al, 1985). The authors think that, the disputes on its magnitude and epicenter, and on deep or shallow earthquake show the complicities of this problem; further discussions about it will be helpful to the study on the seismic activity of the northern China area.  相似文献   
前言长春合隆地震台是中国地震局 类基本地磁台 ,正式出版的地磁观测报告及磁暴报告与 4 0多个国家 (或地区 )实行资料交换。1 981年 ,台站投入形变电阻率 (简称地电 )观测 ,设置 N4 5°E,N4 5°W两测道 ,为十字型对称性布极 ,供电极 ( A、 B)极距为 2 0 0 0 m,1 992年改为 1 3 0 0 m,测量极 ( M、 N)极距为 4 0 0 m。观测中心点位于地磁观测室南 1 70 m处 ,供电线 ( A1 B1 )在地磁观测室及记录室西侧 ,垂直距离 1 50 m;供电线 ( A2 B2 )在地磁观测室及记录室东侧 ,垂直距离 1 1 0 m。地电观测证明 ,向 A、 B电极供电时 (直流 2 .4 A…  相似文献   
A special earth shock event was recorded at 22 counties of the 7 provinces of eastern China on October 6,1597,and 2 volcanic eruptions and seismic activities were recorded in Sanshui county,Xianjingbeidao,Korea atthat day and the 3rd day. Because of the large range of this shock,low intensity,slow attenuation and no extreme-earthquake area,its epicenter and focus could not be determined on the scientific-technological conditions at thattime,In the Seismological Catalogue of China(GU,1983)published in 1983,its epicenter was determined to be inthe Bo Sea(38.5°N,120.0°E),its magnitude was 7;and it was changed into 7.5 in the later Seismological Cata-  相似文献   
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