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在有限的土地总盘子里,如何既保证大量投资工程项目的建设用地,又要落实好严格的耕地红线保护政策?保增长、保红线这二者看似矛盾,其实都箭指同一个节点,即尽量用最少的土地做最多的事情。正在建设中的武广客运专线湖南段,树立了一个因地制宜运作力争实现增长和红线双保险的典范,它足以证明,“双保博弈”并不是你死我活的对立面.从调整局部利益的让利层面多做考虑.我们会发现二者并非难以调和。  相似文献   
世界上绝大多数氟产品都以萤石为原料进行生产氰化工的一个重要特点是:不以石油天然气为主要原料,受化石能源影响度很小。全球能源的日趋紧张,却正好为氟化工产业提供了巨大的发展空间和持续的成长机遇。  相似文献   
“地王”频现罪在供地机制?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导言:地王有罪吗? 每年有关地王的新闻报道总是热度新闻,没有新意的新闻,却总能屡屡被放置在媒体的头条.而且地王一出,必受诟病,必受摧挞,成为常态.如果仔细一想,深觉默然悲哀,默后哑然失笑.  相似文献   
20世纪70年代,有一些国内的冰川地质研究专家,曾在长沙白沙井以及浏阳河入湘江口处,发现过冰期砾石,并确定它们来自于湘江或者其支流,但找不到砾石的来源.  相似文献   
"干部需要在多岗位锻炼,不能长期留守在一个部门,只有通过多岗位的锻炼,才能开阔视野、丰富阅历、增长才干.因此有"多一个岗位锻炼,就多一张文凭"的说法,我觉得很贴切."  相似文献   
2008年的一场大雪,让湖南的煤炭供应与工业需求,又一次短兵相接.这一次,煤炭供应又是问题连连.失败的代价是:冰灾期间,湖南几家电厂向贵州预订了160万吨煤,但直到3个季度后的9月份,才到货4万吨.  相似文献   
凤凰,被誉为中国最美的小城,以原始古朴的风貌吸引无数游客纷至沓来.在县域西部,是一大片起伏绵延、历史古老的台原,凤凰国家地质公园就坐落在这片山地中.  相似文献   
Micromorphology of solonetz species with special attention to natric horizon was studied in microcatenas at the Dzhanybek Research Station (northwestern Caspian Lowland). The solonetzic (natric) horizon is easily identified, and it occurs at varying depths, which are the criteria for subdividing solonetzes into 4 species, namely, crusty, shallow, medium and deep. In this sequence, the depth of humus-accumulative horizons increases, and the upper boundary of salinity manifestations goes down. The following micromorphological features are assumed as typical for natric horizons: angular blocky microstructures with partially accommodated aggregates having sharp boundaries and narrow plane-like packing voids; b-fabric speckled in the aggregates' centers and monostriated at their peripheries merging into stress coatings; very few interpedal voids; organo-clay coatings; humus- enriched infillings; no calcite and gypsum pedofeatures. A complete set of "natric" features was found only in the crusty solonetz; the shallow solonetz lacks only illuviation coatings, while the medium and deep species have several modifications of fabric elements: blocky aggregates have a rounded shape and are penetrated by biogenic channels favoring their further biogenic reworking; plant residues became more abundant and diverse, and blackened tissues occur; illuviation clay coatings evolved into papules; stress coatings gave birth to striated bfabrics, thus maintaining a high plasma orientation. The thin sections of natric horizons made 50 and 20 years ago were examined to study the influence of environmental changes (increase in precipitation and rise of ground water table) on micropedofeatures. The following processes took place: (i) in the topsoil: humus accumulation and biogenic structurization; (ii) in the natric horizon - re-arrangement of clay coatings into micromass b-fabrics; and (iii) in the lower part of the natric horizon - development of pseudosand fabric, calcite and gypsum formation. The trends revealed are in good agreement with the environmental events.  相似文献   
从有冰川供给的斯瓦尔巴特群岛北部陆缘采集到的多波束资料揭示出一个大型海底滑坡-Hinlopen—Yemaak滑坡的详细地形特征。有许多个几百米高的平坦断崖,其中位于横穿陆架的Hirdopen深海槽口的最大的滑坡后壁的高度超过了1400m。除了有明显的压缩外,地震剖面上还见有半透声体,表明块体运移沉积物可能是重塑或液化的碎屑流堆积物,这些堆积物在一些地方有几百米厚。在大范围的块体运移沉积物的外缘,许多漂浮的块体从半透明的沉积单元中突起,  相似文献   
当块体水下重量向坡下的分量超过了破裂面上的抗剪强度时,就会发生海底滑坡。滑坡事件的结果取决于受影响的块体、范围以及事件的动力学机制,其结果可能对海底设施和建筑物毫无影响,也有可能造成巨大破坏,甚至可能诱发海啸并对沿岸造成广泛影响。我们是通过在河流三角洲和冰川冲积扇附近的陆坡上所见的滑坡痕迹以及广泛运移的海洋沉积物发现了大型的滑坡事件。这些滑坡发生在坡角非常低的陆坡区,从较深的水域一直延伸至陆架外缘。在更新世期间,这些地区沉积物的堆积量大而且比较快速,  相似文献   
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