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南极中山站极区空间环境观测系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中国南极中山站位于极隙区纬度,可以观测到丰富的日地能量传输过程的电离层征兆和极光现象,非常适合开展极区空间环境观测研究。自1989年开始建设以来,中山站极区空间环境观测系统经历了观测设备的不断完善和发展,现已建立了涵盖地面极光、电离层和地磁观测多要素、多手段的自主观测体系,实现了极区空间环境的连续监测并建立了数据库。所有观测设备的运行状态可实时监控,地磁、宇宙噪声吸收等数据实现了准实时远程传输。最后展望中国极区空间环境观测研究的发展前景。  相似文献   
根据1995—1997年3年中山站数字式电离层测高仪的数据,分析了中山站不同季 节F层的临频变化特点.中山站夏季主要受太阳光光化电离的影响,F层临频随地方时的变 化与中纬台站相似;两分季,极隙区软电子沉降的作用显著,F层临频随磁地方时而变化,有 较明显的磁中午现象.冬季,太阳全天处于地平线以下,中山站F层临频的变化主要受极隙 区软电子沉降和极区等离子体漂移的影响,其峰值变化处于碰中午和地方时中午之间.中山 站夏季全天都能观测到F层的存在;两分季F层在地方时子夜附近的出现率较少;冬季月份 在磁地方时午后和子夜F层出现率明显减少,这可能与南半球冬季的高纬槽和极洞有关.对 F层不均匀区的分析认为,中山站在t_(LT)为16:00左右处于极光带赤道侧,20:00左右进入极盖 区。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionAlongwiththearrivalof2 3rdsolaractivepeakandthedevelopmentofthespacesci ence ,thescientistsaremoreandmoreinterestedintopicsofgeospaceeffectscausedbytheintensesolaractivities.Thegeospaceeffectsofseveralextremesolaractiveevents,suchasthe 1 993No…  相似文献   
1 IntroductionThepolarregionisanimportantareaforenergeticcouplingbetweensolarwindandearth’smagnetosphere .Thecuspisthedirectpathforsolarwindpenetratingintothemagnetosphereorevenintotheionosphereanditalsoisaconvergentregionforalotofmagnetosphericbounda…  相似文献   
Using the ground observation data at Zhongshan Station of Antarctica during July 13 to 17, 2000, the intense absorption events associated with the activities of the solar active region R9077 are analyzed. It was shown that an intense polar cap absorption event lasted more than 3 days, which was caused by the solar proton event associated with the X5/3B major flare at 1024 UT on July 13. The polar cap event started at about 1040 UT on July 14, and lasted to about 1940 UT on July 17, with a typical day night variation. At the same time, the intense solar activities extremely disturbed the magnetosphere, therefore aurora substorms occurred frequently. The energetic particle precipitation from the magnetosphere caused several absorption spikes superposing on the background of polar cap absorption. One distinct event is the absorption enhancement that started at about 0300 UT on July 15, reached its peak of 26 dB at about 0645 UT and recovered at about 1110 UT on the same day, which was the strongest absorption event observed at Zhongshan Station since the imaging riometer installed in February, 1997. Another outstanding absorption spike with pulsation occurred at about 1753 UT on 14th, its peak reached to 6 dB.  相似文献   
Two induction magnetometers have been installed at Chinese Zhongshan Station and Australia Davis Station, Antarctica respectively. We adopt the cross spectral analysis technique to analyze the data of the two induction magnetometers, in June, September, December 1996 and March 1997, and to investigate Pc5 frequency range pulsation (150 600 s) occurrence and propagation in cusp latitude. The results are summarized as follows: At Zhongshan Davis Station, the magnetic pulsations in Pc5 frequency band can occurs over a wide time, but more frequently at pre local magnetic noon and pre local magnetic midnight. The Pc5 pulsations have no significant seasonal variation in the amplitude, occurrence and propagation. The amplitude has a small peak at pre local magnetic noon and large value sometimes at pre local magnetic midnight. In daytime, the Pc5 pulsations propagate westward in morning and eastward in afternoon, and reversal at local magnetic noon. In nighttime, the Pc5 pulsations propagate westward before 20:00 MLT and eastward after 20:00 MLT. Near dusk time, the Pc5 pulsations propagate irregularly. These characteristics indicate that the Pc5 pulsations have different source at different local magnetic time.  相似文献   
杨少峰  刘勇华 《极地研究》1999,10(2):155-162
In this paper the data of geomagnetic pulsations at Zhongshan Station from February 3 to Novernber 30 in 1996 are analyzed in ordcr to study polarization characteristics of Zhongshan Station Pc3 pulsations which comprises the cusp Pc3 pulsation and the nightside Pc3 pulsation. For the cusp Pc3 pulsation. the right-handed polarization is always dominant. But their orientation of major axes of polarizations changes with season, NW-SE is dominant in summer and NE-SW in winter. For the nightside Pc3 pulsation,the right-handed with NE-SW is always dominant before midnight. But the left-handed with the mixing orientation of major axes is dominant in summer and the NE-SW with the mixing polarization sense is dominant in winter after midnight. It means that the two types of Zongshan Station Pc3 pulsations have different sources.  相似文献   
南极中山站和戴维斯站均位于极隙区纬度附近,均安装了完全相同的感应式磁力计.选择两站的数据,1997年3月和1996年6、9、12月,运用信号互谱技术进行统计分析,结果得到:在中山站-戴维斯站,Pc5脉动出现时间范围较广,但以地方时中午/磁中午及磁午夜附近出现频次多,其振幅、传播及发生率季节变化不大.振幅白天变化小,中午有小峰,夜间有时有大值.传播方向白天以磁中午为界,晨侧向西传播,直至磁凌晨;昏侧向东传播,约在5:00MLT处转向.夜间约以20:00 MLT为界,之前向西传播,之后向东传播,磁黄昏附近,Pc5脉动传播方向变化较多,显得不规则.这些特征,反映了Pc5脉动在不同地方时段有不同的起源.  相似文献   
本文利用北极黄河站三波段全天空成像仪(ASI)的高分辨率的地面极光观测数据,联合欧洲非相干散射雷达(EISCAT)Svalbard雷达(ESR),超级双子极光雷达网(SuperDARN)雷达等观测,研究了发生在2003年12月22日0900-1010 UT时间段内极区电离层极光和等离子体的变化特征。研究发现在不同行星际磁场(IMF)条件下,黄河站极光ASI均观测到了一系列极向运动极光结构(PMAFs),其特征为极光在赤道向一侧点亮后向高纬扩展。这些PMAFs都伴随有明显的粒子沉降特征,且在IMF北向时该粒子沉降能达到更低的电离层E层区域,而此时这些PMAFs相应位置的高纬电离层出现了一个典型反向对流涡,这是高纬(尾瓣)重联的典型特征之一。这些结果表明北向IMF条件下的这些PMAFs是由高纬重联所产生。在IMF南向时,黄河站观测到的PMAFs可跨越更广的地磁纬度,表明其演化时间亦较长,其相应区域的电离层特征也表明该PMAFs由日侧磁层顶低纬磁重联所产生。  相似文献   
太阳活动低年南极中山站电离层F层的平均特性   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
根据1995-1997年3年中山站数字式电离层测高仪的数据,分析了中山站不同季 节F层的临频变化特点.中山站夏季主要受太阳光光化电离的影响,F层临频随地方时的变 化与中纬台站相似;两分季,极隙区软电子沉降的作用显著,F层临频随磁地方时而变化,有 较明显的磁中午现象.冬季,太阳全天处于地平线以下,中山站F层临频的变化主要受极隙 区软电子沉降和极区等离子体漂移的影响,其峰值变化处于碰中午和地方时中午之间.中山 站夏季全天都能观测到F层的存在;两分季F层在地方时子夜附近的出现率较少;冬季月份 在磁地方时午后和子夜F层出现率明显减少,这可能与南半球冬季的高纬槽和极洞有关.对 F层不均匀区的分析认为,中山站在t_(LT)为16:00左右处于极光带赤道侧,20:00左右进入极盖 区。  相似文献   
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