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在前人研究的基础上,通过水文地质调查、综合物探法、水化学及水质检测方法,探测辽宁省典型地区水化学特征,分析了水化学特征与地下水氟离子的含量关系;不同地貌单元地下水氟离子含量分布不同;主要从高氟地下水形成的物质基础,水文地质环境对氟离子变化的制约,粘性土层是富集氟离子最好场所等方面分析辽宁高氟地下水的形成原因,通过研究了解到高氟地下水一般存在于潜水的上部及粘土层中,这一研究为今后寻找低氟水源提供前期有力资料奠定基础。  相似文献   
大都市是区域发展的引擎,大都市产业布局是相关研究的重点领域。随着城市化发展,大都市区正在通过多种方式进行更新,从而促使都市空间和产业格局不断优化。通过近二十年来上海市餐饮业空间数据分析,研究城市更新背景下大都市区餐饮业空间格局演化特征,分析影响因素,揭示影响关系。① 近二十年来,餐饮业总体分布格局由“一轴双核两片多点集中”的初始形态,逐步演化为“三核四轴四片多点集聚”的现状格局,餐饮业分布逐渐从“内环-中环-外环”向外扩散,呈现多方向多轴线、区轴连面的演化趋势。② 不同类型餐饮业分布与演化特征差异明显,地方菜以老城区布局为主,并向商业街区、金贸区、大学城等区域集聚演化明显;国际餐饮围绕历史租界街区布局,并向城市副中心、旅游吸引物区域集聚演化;休闲餐饮趋于城市公园、景区景点和科教中心周边集中分布。③ 餐饮业整体呈现“中度集聚-中高集聚-高高集聚”的集聚演化特征,休闲餐饮、国际餐饮的集聚演化更加显著;地理空间上餐饮业由市中心向城市东西向演化明显。④ 人口密度、经济发展、交通条件以及旅游格局是影响餐饮业空间格局形成与演化的基础性因素;城市更新引发的公共服务与旅游空间变迁,是不同类型餐饮业格局演化的主导性因素。⑤ 城市更新改变了都市区发展肌理,促进了区域空间的结构性变化,推动了发展要素与环境变迁,不同类型餐饮业依据市场定位与选址偏好,在地理空间上随之快速响应,推动了大都市餐饮业分布格局演化与更替。鉴于餐饮业对城市旅游产业的重要支撑作用,研究可为大都市旅游空间格局优化以及城市旅游可持续发展提供理论和实践指导。  相似文献   
乔剑 《陕西气象》2013,(5):32-32
针对灾情直报2.3系统功能不完善的情况,实现发布"高温蓝色预警"功能。①添加预警图标。进入已安装的灾情上报系统2.3文件包。寻找".\nmc\灾情直报\img",在该目录中添加文件名为"p0003004"的高温蓝色预警图标(文件类型为JPEG图像)。②添加预警指南。进入灾情上报系统2.3文件包。寻找".\nmc\灾情直报\set",在该目录中,首先打开  相似文献   
介绍了一种适用于微型工作井并采用拉顶式工艺施工的新型矩形掘进机的设计思路和设计方法及其主要的技术参数。新型矩形掘进机与掘进系统的拉进动力配合,解决了常规矩形顶管施工中的机头在轴线办向的倾偏及后退问题;机头采用多刀盘设计,各刀盘可以实现正反转,且转速可任意调节,有效降低了机头的偏转;而采用了辅助的纠偏装置,使新型掘进机在只有顶进动力的情况下也能实现正常的顶进施工。对在复杂环境条件下,改造、提升原有的掘进机性能具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   
ENSO cycle and climate anomaly in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The inter-annual variability of the tropical Pacific Subsurface Ocean Temperature Anomaly (SOTA) and the associated anomalous atmospheric circulation over the Asian North Pacific during the El Ni o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) were investigated using National Centers for Environmental Prediction/ National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) atmospheric reanalysis data and simple ocean data simulation (SODA). The relationship between the ENSO and the climate of China was revealed. The main results indicated the following: 1) there are two ENSO modes acting on the subsurface tropical Pacific. The first mode is related to the mature phase of ENSO, which mainly appears during winter. The second mode is associated with a transition stage of the ENSO developing or decaying, which mainly occurs during summer; 2) during the mature phase of El Ni o, the meridionality of the atmosphere in the mid-high latitude increases, the Aleutian low and high pressure ridge over Lake Baikal strengthens, northerly winds prevail in northern China, and precipitation in northern China decreases significantly. The ridge of the Ural High strengthens during the decaying phase of El Ni o, as atmospheric circulation is sustained during winter, and the northerly wind anomaly appears in northern China during summer. Due to the ascending branch of the Walker circulation over the western Pacific, the western Pacific Subtropical High becomes weaker, and south-southeasterly winds prevail over southern China. As a result, less rainfall occurs over northern China and more rainfall over the Changjiang River basin and the southwestern and eastern region of Inner Mongolia. The flood disaster that occurred south of Changjiang River can be attributed to this. The La Ni a event causes an opposite, but weaker effect; 3) the ENSO cycle can influence climate anomalies within China via zonal and meridional heat transport. This is known as the "atmospheric-bridge", where the energy anomaly within the tropical Pacific transfers to the mid-high latitude in the northern Pacific through Hadley cells and Rossby waves, and to the western Pacific-eastern Indian Ocean through Walker circulation. This research also discusses the special air-sea boundary processes during the ENSO events in the tropical Pacific, and indicates that the influence of the subsurface water of the tropical Pacific on the atmospheric circulation may be realized through the sea surface temperature anomalies of the mixed water, which contact the atmosphere and transfer the anomalous heat and moisture to the atmosphere directly. Moreover, the reason for the heavy flood within the Changjiang River during the summer of 1998 is reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   
以塔里木、四川和鄂尔多斯盆地蒸发潮坪白云岩储层、蒸发台地白云岩储层、埋藏白云岩储层和热液白云岩储层为例,系统阐述了白云岩储层储集空间的成因,指出原岩(石灰岩)特征和各种溶蚀作用主导白云岩储层储集空间的发育,并不是传统观点所认为的白云石化是重要的孔隙建造作用.蒸发潮坪白云岩储层的孔隙形成于表生期大气淡水对膏云岩中石膏及未云化灰质的溶蚀;蒸发台地白云岩储层的孔隙形成于表生期大气淡水对石膏及未云化文石或高镁方解石颗粒的溶蚀;埋藏白云岩储层的孔隙主要是对原岩孔隙的继承和调整,埋藏溶蚀作用对孔隙建造有一定的贡献;热液白云岩储层晶间孔可能形成于热液白云石化作用或是对原岩孔隙的继承和调整,晶间溶孔和溶洞形成于热液溶蚀作用.白云岩的分布与白云岩储层的分布不完全吻合,白云石化作用总能形成白云岩,但不一定是白云岩储层.蒸发潮坪白云岩储层侧向上分布于蒸发潮坪膏云岩带,带状或准层状分布,受相带控制,垂向上分布于向上变浅的蒸发潮坪旋回顶部(层序界面之下)的膏云岩中,多套叠置.蒸发台地白云岩储层侧向上分布于蒸发台地(盐湖)周缘及膏盐层之下,环带状及层状分布,受相带控制,垂向上分布于向上变浅旋回顶部(层序界面之下)的礁滩相白云岩、膏云岩中,多套叠置.埋藏白云岩储层侧向上分布于台缘或台内白云石化(交代或重结晶)的多孔礁滩相沉积中,受相带控制,垂向上分布于向上变浅旋回顶部(层序界面之下)的晶粒白云岩中,多套叠置.热液白云岩储层沿断裂、不整合面等热液通道呈准层状、透镜状分布.  相似文献   
本文以抗滑桩桩顶位移变形和滑坡地表变形为研究目标,采用决策树模型分别构成抗滑桩桩顶设计位移量、实测位移量、滑坡地表破坏概率的三个决策方案枝,以及抗滑桩破坏概率分析决策终结点的决策树概率分析模型。从而建立了一种分析抗滑桩可靠性的判断方法。该方法的特点是将桩顶位移变形特点与滑坡地表宏观变形现象相结合,对抗滑桩的可靠性作出综合判断,其结果更具合理性。  相似文献   
为了优化生物光学模型中的悬浮物后向散射模型系数(bbx)和双向反射因子(f/Q),基于珠江口、韩江河口、徐闻珊瑚礁保护区实测数据(遥感反射率、叶绿素a质量浓度、悬浮物质量浓度、CDOM吸收系数),采用模拟退火算法同时优化了bbx以及f/Q(N=43),并开发了生物光学正演模型(N=22)。文章优化的f/Q为0.104 9,悬浮物在参考波长531 nm处后向散射系数bbx为0.268×[TSS]0.295。通过输入实测的水质数据模拟出531 nm处的遥感反射率,并外推到其他波段(412、443、490、551、667 nm)。模拟得到的531 nm处遥感反射率与实测值的均方根误差RMSE=0.000 8,N=22,除了模拟的667 nm处遥感反射率误差较大外(RMSE=0.003 6,N=22),其他波段都具有较好的精度(RMSE<0.002 3)。结果表明,该研究区与其他研究区(如黄、东海)的bbx和f/Q不一致,这2个参数需要根据研究区的数据进行优化。验证结果说明迭代优化的bbx以及f/Q能够适用于广东近岸河口生物光学参数模拟。  相似文献   
华南秋旱的大气环流异常特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
简茂球  乔云亭 《大气科学》2012,36(1):204-214
利用实测降水量资料及NCEP再分析资料, 通过统计方法分析了华南秋旱及其相关的环流异常特征。结果发现, 华南秋旱以全区性的干旱出现居多。华南秋旱事件对应的同期海温异常分布型大致可分两类。一类是热带中东太平洋的负海表温度距平 (SSTA) 区的极值中心位于赤道东太平洋, 在海洋性大陆和热带西太平洋有马蹄形的正SSTA, 而在热带西印度洋, 南海至日本东、 南部西北太平洋是负SSTA; 另一类是热带中东太平洋正SSTA极值中心位于赤道中太平洋, 热带—副热带西太平洋、 南海和热带印度洋为负SSTA区, 副热带北太平洋东部和南太平洋东部为显著的正SSTA。 与第一类SSTA相关的华南秋旱与海洋性大陆区域上空的上升运动异常增强 (与其下垫面海温异常偏暖有关)。而与第二类SSTA相关的华南秋旱则与中纬度环流的长波调整造成的东北亚上空的异常上升运动距平有关。而两类华南秋旱都是通过大气环流对华南地区的异常下沉运动产生强迫作用而产生的。另外, 华南秋旱还与菲律宾和台湾东侧洋面上空出现上升运动距平有关。两类华南秋旱都与南海中北部热带气旋频数偏少, 菲律宾和台湾东侧热带气旋频数偏多有关, 因此, 使得登陆华南的热带气旋偏少, 导致华南秋季干旱。  相似文献   
Based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and the observed precipitation data in the south of China from 1958 to 2000,the impact of 30 to 60 day oscillation of atmospheric heat sources on the drought and flood events in June in the south of China is discussed.During the flood(drought) events,there exists an anomalous low-frequency anticyclone(cyclone) at the low level of the troposphere over the South China Sea and the northwestern Pacific,accompanied with anomalous low-frequency heat sinks(heat sources),while there exists an anomalous low-frequency cyclone(anticyclone) with anomalous heat sources(sinks) over the area from the south of China to the south of Japan.On average,the phase evolution of the low-frequency in drought events is 7 to 11 days ahead of that in flood events in May to June in the south of China.In flood events,low-frequency heat sources and cyclones are propagated northward from the southern South China Sea,northwestward from the warm pool of the western Pacific and westward from the northwestern Pacific around 140°E,which have very important impact on the abundant rainfall in June in the south of China.However,in drought events,the northward propagations of the low-frequency heat sources and cyclones from the South China Sea and its vicinity are rather late compared with those in flood events,and there is no obvious westward propagation of the heat sources from the northwestern Pacific.The timing of the low-frequency heat source propagation has remarkable impact on the June rainfall in the south of China.  相似文献   
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