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塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地克里雅河沿岸的古绿洲与人类活动遗迹丰富,伴随着河流的变迁,遗址印记了古代文明的消失,河道成为孕育绿洲的证据.在浩瀚的沙漠中,古代文明与古绿洲属于依附关系.以圆沙古城为代表的圆沙古三角洲绿洲是孕育沙漠文明的典型.采自圆沙古城北侧深度约11 m的沉积剖面(KYN22),光释光测年和沉积学分析结果所示,剖面...  相似文献   
新疆准噶尔盆地北部中-新生代地层分布广,化石类型多样,成为古生物、古气候、古环境研究理想地区.乌伦古河组和依希白拉组分别发现恐龙与哺乳动物等脊椎动物化石,证实它们不存在混生现象,对恐龙是否延续至新生代提出初步意见.  相似文献   
在地图上量测(或设置)线段的长度通常都使用分规和比例尺。量测时,使分规脚的针尖对准地图上线段的两端,然后将此截距搁到复式比例尺上,在比例尺上即可得出线段的长度。用这种方法产生量测误差的情况是:由分规针尖对准所量线段两端时的误差,分规针尖与比例尺相应刻度分划线相重合时的误差,读数误差,以及比例尺刻度的分划线  相似文献   
The summer of 2003 was the warmest summer in Europe since the 16th century. Its consequences on the fauna of a transitional ecosystem were studied through biodiversity, functional and ecological indicators, from summer 2002 to winter 2005. The heatwave caused considerable changes in the benthic community structure and relative composition, persisting in 2005. Animal assemblages switched from mollusc- to annelida-dominated. Biodiversity and functional indicators captured changes in community structure and composition, proving to be powerful tools to detect responses related to global warming. Ecological indicators rendered a monotonic response oscillating between bad and poor ecological status across the study period. The resilience of mollusc biocoenosis resulted limited with respect to other taxa, posing concerns about their conservation if, as predicted, the frequency of summers as hot as that of 2003 will progressively increase to become the norm at the end of this century.  相似文献   
In this work,we studied the variable stars in the open cluster NGC 1912 based on the photometric observations and Gaia DR2 data.More than 3600 CCD frames in B,V,R filters were reduced,and we obtained the light curves that span about 63 hours.By analyzing these light curves,we detected 24 variable stars,including 16 periodic variable stars,seven eclipsing binaries and one star whose type is unclear.Among these 24 variable stars,11 are newly discovered,which are classified as sixγDoradus stars,oneδScuti star,three detached binaries and one contact binary.We also confirmed 13 previously known variable stars.Based on cluster members identified by Cantat-Gaudin et al.(2018),we inferred cluster memberships for these detected variable stars.Using Gaia DR2 data,we plotted a new color-magnitude diagram for NGC1912,and showed the nature of variable cluster members in kinematical properties and heliocentric distance.Among the 24 variable stars,seven variables are probable cluster members,which show homogeneity in kinematic characters and space position with the established cluster members.Four of the seven variable cluster members are the previously discovered stars,consisting of twoγDor stars and twoδSct stars.The remaining three variable cluster members,which are allγDor stars,are firstly detected in this work.The main physical parameters of these variable cluster members estimated from the color-magnitude diagram are log(age/yr)=8.75,[Fe/H]=-0.1,m-M=10.03 mag,and E(B-V)=0.307.  相似文献   
利用乌鲁木齐市4座10层100 m梯度气象塔2013年6月~2014年4月气象观测资料和7个环境监测站[WTBX]AQI[WTBZ]资料,计算并分析了大气混合层厚度和稳定度特征,探讨了大气混合层厚度和稳定度与污染的关系。结果表明:乌鲁木齐市混合层厚度夏季郊区高、城区低,冬季从南郊—城区—北郊随地势降低依次降低;夏季和冬季分别在1 559~1 772 m和526~1 156 m之间。地面至2 km以上每500 m高度间隔统计混合层厚度,500~1 000 m出现频率最多;月变化为6~9月基本在500 m以上,且每个高度区间其概率均超过10%,10月~次年2月1 500 m以上区间概率明显减小;日变化为中午13:00~16:00达到最高值,下午和傍晚迅速下降。白天较大的感热输送提供充足的热力条件,这也体现出白天以不稳定层结为主,夜间则以稳定层结为主。大气稳定度分类结果,夏季郊区和城区不稳定(A~C类)所占比例差不多,冬季北郊稳定(E、F类)所占比较最大、城区最弱。[WTBX]AQI指数冬季最大,从南郊—城区—北郊依次增大,这与采暖期污染物多、南郊比北郊地势高有利于扩散输送有关。总体来看,乌鲁木齐大气混合层厚度空间分布与气象要素、大气稳定度、地形等密切相关,对AQI[WTBZ]指数分布有重要影响,这对近地层大气污染状况预报有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
近年来,喷灌被应用于农业的许多方面,但对喷灌所形成的独特小气候研究还不多。本文依据1983年夏季宜兴县阳羡茶场茶园喷灌的试验资料,针对茶园喷灌的小气候特征及其增益效应作一讨论。  相似文献   
2008年年初的低温、连阴降雪、冰冻天气使和田地区各县(市)的红柳大芸受到不同程度的冻害。通过对和田地区红柳大芸冻害情况进行调查分析,提出科学的接种深度和灌溉管理以及应采取的防护措施。  相似文献   
大量关于土壤可蚀性的研究证明,低温的沙面更易被风蚀。但大多研究以中低纬度低海拔地区为背景,建立的模型并不能完全适用于高海拔寒冷地区。我们使用青藏高原错那湖湖岸的地表沙,利用高低温实验箱调节沙面温度,开展了风洞模拟实验,量化了不同粒径、风速条件下风蚀率随沙面温度的变化关系,旨在分析地表温度对风蚀动力过程的影响及作用机制。结果表明:(1)沙面温度与风蚀率之间呈负线性相关,低温沙面更易被风蚀。这与空气温度影响风蚀过程的作用机理类似,即低温沙面可以增加近地表空气密度和气流拖曳力,使沙粒更容易起动,风蚀量也随之增大;另外,沙面与空气间的温差,会破坏大气稳定度,影响湍流强度,进而影响风蚀强度,这可能也是沙面温度影响风蚀过程的一种主要机制。(2)在自然情况下,寒冷沙面对水汽具有一定的冷凝效应,从而对沙粒的起动与风蚀过程起到抑制作用,而且这种冷凝效应,在低风速、粗颗粒沙面上表现得更为明显。(3)高温沙面可以在一定程度上抑制风蚀。作为影响高寒地区风力侵蚀过程的重要自然因素,沙面温度对青藏高原典型风沙区的风蚀过程起到了重要的控制作用。  相似文献   
The Conrad Blucher Institute for Surveying and Science (Texas A&M University––Corpus Christi) has conducted numerous petroleum experiments at the Shoreline Environmental Research Facility (Corpus Christi, Texas, USA). The meso-scale facility has multiple wave tanks, permitting some control in experimental design of the investigations, but allowing for real-world conditions. This paper outlines the evolution of a materials balance approach in conducting petroleum experiments at the facility. The first attempt at a materials balance was during a 1998 study on the fate/effects of dispersant use on crude oil. Both water column and beach sediment samples were collected. For the materials balance, the defined environmental compartments for oil accumulation were sediments, water column, and the water surface, while the discharge from the tanks was presumed to be the primary sink. The “lessons learned” included a need to quantify oil adhesion to the tank surfaces. This was resolved by adhering strips of the polymer tank lining to the tank sides that could be later removed and extracted for oil. Also, a protocol was needed to quantify any floating oil on the water surface. A water surface (oil slick) quantification protocol was developed, involving the use of solid-phase extraction disks. This protocol was first tested during a shoreline cleaner experiment, and later refined in subsequent dispersant effectiveness studies. The effectiveness tests were designed to simulate shallow embayments which created the need for additional adjustments in the tanks. Since dispersant efficacy is largely affected by hydrodynamics, it was necessary to scale the hydrodynamic conditions of the tanks to those expected in our prototype system (Corpus Christi Bay, Texas). The use of a scaled model permits the experiment to be reproduced and/or evaluated under different conditions. To minimize wave reflection in the tank, a parabolic wave dissipater was built. In terms of materials balance, this design reduced available surface area as a sink for oil adsorption.  相似文献   
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