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东哈萨克斯坦卡耳巴地区的地球物理研究证明,天然电池所产生的自然电场对金矿的赋存有影响.卡耳巴地区的内生金矿床,根据其矿物组合和成矿沉积条件可分:金-硫化物建造、金-石英-硫化物建造和金-石英-少量硫化物建造.金矿多半产在砂页岩中,产在岩浆岩里面的不多并延展到碳质  相似文献   
前言关于求解引起重力异常的地质体形状的问题,在一般情况下还没有直接的解法.对这种问题.为了求得严格的解必须求助于尝试法(迭代法).对于二度地质体,博特(1960)、福尔尼埃和克鲁皮卡(1973)等人曾较详细地讨论过这一问题.对某些理想化的物体,斯基尔斯(1963)还提出了估计最大深度的方法.对于异常地质体的一般形状和密度差作  相似文献   
斯林格兰姆法和突拉姆法一样,都属于低频电磁感应法,不过斯林格兰姆法采用偶极的发射线框,是一种动源的感应法,在苏联称作偶极剖面感应法.目前所用的标准仪器有瑞典的探矿枪、电磁枪、有加拿大的SE-600电磁水平(垂直)线框探矿仪.仪器的结构都相同,只是仪器的电子线路和工作频率有少许差别.仪器包括两只轻便的线框.一只是发射线框,另一只是接收线框.两只线框按不同方式排列,构成各种不同的线框系统.其中最常用的是共面的水平线框系统,即两线框相隔一定距离平行地面在同一水平内安放,在此情况下发射线框建立的一次场垂直地.面地下导电矿体中产生的涡流在空间形成二次场.此二次场的垂直分量可以分解成一个与一次场相位相同的分量(即  相似文献   
近年来,积累了不少有关风化壳地质、矿物、地球化学等方面的重要资料,加深了我们对残积表生物质及与其有成因关系的沉积矿床形成过程的理解.根据这些新材料,本文概括归纳出以下几点.形成风化壳的最主要因素由于剥蚀作用而使岩石出露地表并遭受风化,这是形成风化壳的前提.在潮湿、温暖的气候条件下,侵蚀减弱以后,可以同时发生风化过程和疏松风化物被冲刷的过程.这在热带多雨地区尤其显著.当然,这是排除了存在植被和土壤复盖的情况.但是,风化物被搬运的速度逐渐低于堆积的速度,因此风化壳的厚度增大.残积物的侵蚀冲刷停  相似文献   
对于矿化控制的认识,根深蒂固的见解认为主要就是断层以及和它有关的裂隙.这种观点几乎排斥了其它方面确实存在内生矿化作用的一系列含矿特殊构造的意义.属于这类构造的首先就是:1-成矿前的溶洞,包括喀斯特岩洞以及降水与热液水溶解岩石而成的空洞;2-阶梯构造;3-  相似文献   
在电子计算机上按常规的方法计算储量,比手工操作的效率要高得多.除此以外,由于采用了电子计算机,还形成了一种新的"矿量动态平衡法(mineralization inventory)",这是手工操作所难于做到的.如果使用得当,"矿量动态平衡法"不但能准确地完成常规方法的全部工作,而且还可以同时算出矿山生产成本和作出全面的资源评价.我们知道,适当的矿石工业品位指标只有在估算了生产成本之后才能选定,  相似文献   
A 3-D chemical transport model (OSLO CTM2) is used to investigate the influences of the increasing anthropogenic emission in India. The model is capable of reproducing the observational results of the INDOEX experiment and the measurements in summer over India well. The model results show that when NOx and CO emissions in India are doubled, ozone concentration increases, and global average OH decreases a little. Under the effects of the Indian summer monsoon, NOx and CO in India are efficiently transported into the middle and upper troposphere by the upward current and the convective activities so that the NOx, CO, and ozone in the middle and upper troposphere significantly increase with the increasing NOx and CO emissions. These increases extensively influence a part of Asia, Africa, and Europe, and persist from June to September.  相似文献   
A candidate of the Induan-Olenekian boundary stratotype in the Tethyan region   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The Olenekian Stage was proposed by Kiparisova and Popov[1] based on the type section along the lower reaches of the Olenek River, Siberia. Later research showed that this section con-tains only the Olenikites spiniplicatus Zone of the Upper Olenekian Sta…  相似文献   
1IntroductionThecomponentsoftheenvironmentaredamagedbyagriculturalpractices.Soilslosstheirfer tilityandwaterdeterioratesduetopollution .Chemicalweatheringofmineralandsoiloccursattheinterfacesbetweentheliquidandsolidphases;consequentlythesurfaceareaandcompositionofthemineralsplayanimportantroleinthisprocess.GarrelsandMackenzie ( 1 96 7)suggestedthatincon gruentweatheringreactionswouldproducedissolvedspeciesandnewsolidsthataremorestableintheweatheringenvironmentthantheoriginalbedrockminerals.Ro…  相似文献   
Statistical Properties of the Highest Pulses in Gamma-Ray Bursts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the statistical properties of the highest pulses within individual gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). A wavelet package analysis technique and a developed pulse-finding algorithm have been applied to identify the highest pulses from burst profiles observed by BATSE on board CGRO from 1991 April 21 to 1999 January 26. The statistical light curves of the highest pulses in four energy channels have been derived by an aligning method, which illustrate the temporal evolution of the pulse emission. Our result that narrower pulses go with higher energies is consistent with previous findings. By normalizing both the pulse durations and counts to unity, “characteristic” profiles of the highest pulses in the four channels are also derived. The four characteristic profiles are turned out to be almost the same, thus strongly support the previous conclusion that the temporal profiles in different energy channels are self-similar and the previous conjecture on GRB pulses, implying that the emission process is similar at different energies. The cosmological time dilation effect is examined by investigating the relationship between the pulse flux and pulse duration. An anti-correlation between the two was found, which agrees with the expectation of the cosmological time dilation effect. Also, the evolution of the pulse duration with the observational epoch is studied. The result shows that the pulse duration tends to be shorter in later epochs. This trend cannot be explained by the present theoretical models, and may represent a great challenge to current theories.  相似文献   
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