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Summary ?This paper deals with variations and trends in some components of the water balance: the soil water content; evaporation loss from the soil (from the surface and underlying layers); transpiration; ground water recharge and runoff. These components are calculated by means of the Palmer procedure. This analysis is based on data from Osijek, Croatia from this century (1900–1995). Besides the meteorological input parameters necessary for the water balance calculations, i.e. precipitation, temperature and relative humidity, the pedological characteristics of this area have also been taken into account. Fluctuations have been considered by means of the 11-year binomial filtered series and linear trends were tested by means of the Mann-Kendall rank test. For a closer look on the trends of water balance components, a progressive analysis of the time series was performed, too. The results show a significant increase in potential evapotranspiration and evapotranspiration and decrease in runoff and soil water content has occurred during the century. Received February 22, 1999/Revised August 3, 1999  相似文献   
Summary Changes occurring in the thermal structure of air masses in the Alps area and the West Mediterranean region, during cyclonic developments in the Gulf of Genoa, have been considered. The effect of the height and the form of the mountain ranges as well as that of the nonadiabatic processes, on the deformation of the thickness pattern, have been discussed. These factors have been further taken into consideration for a modification of the equations used inEstoque's method for the baroclinic model, and a new method has been developed for forecasting cyclogenesis in regions bounded by mountain ranges.
Zusasmmenfassung Es werden die Änderungen der thermischen Struktur der Luftmassen im Alpengebiet und im westlichen Mittelmeerraum bei der Entwicklung von Zyklonen im Golf von Genua aufgezeigt und die Einflüsse von Höhe und Form der Gebirgszüge sowie von nichtadiabatischen Vorgängen auf die Deformation der relativen Topographie besprochen. Diese Faktoren werden auch zur Modifikation der in der Methode vonEstoque für ein baroklines Modell verwendeten Gleichungen in Betracht gezogen und damit wird eine neue Methode zur Vorhersage der Zyklogenese unter dem Einfluß von Gebirgszügen entwickelt.

Résumé On expose dans ce mémoire à quelles modifications la structure thermique des masses d'air est soumise dans la région des Alpes et dans le bassin occidental de la Méditerranée lors du développement de dépressions sur le Golfe de Gênes. On y discute en outre l'influence de la hauteur et de la forme des chaînes de montagnes ainsi que celle des processus non-adiabatiques sur des déformations de la topographie relative. Tous ces éléments sont pris en considération pour leur adapter les équations utilisées dans le modèle baroclined'Estoque. Par là, on accède à une nouvelle méthode de prévision de la cyclogénèse, méthode qui tient compte de l'influence des chaînes de montagnes.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   
Summary Two-time-level multiply-upstream semi-Lagrangian schemes were examined in the case of the self-advecting, one-dimensional nonlinear momentum conservation equation. The shock formation process was analyzed. It is pointed out that the shocks cannot be created in the truncated systems satisfying the Pudykiewicz, Benoit and Staniforth criterion.The numerical integrations were restricted to 12 h. It was shown that, at least in the sub-CFL range, increased complexity of the scheme can compensate reduced horizontal resolution. A considerable sensitivity of the schemes with respect to the time step was detected. In the super-CFL mode, several windows on various time scales were found within which the Pudykiewicz, Benoit and Staniforth criterion was satisfied. The time step of 1.44 times the maximum time step allowed by the CFL criterion was used in the semi-Lagrangian runs.The super-CFL, semi-Lagrangian solutions were diverging progressively from the sub-CFL ones as the forecasts advanced. This was also reflected in the energy spectra.Unacceptably large energy losses were encountered in the super-CFL, semi-Lagrangian runs. Most of these losses could be explained by the reduced mean wind speed, i.e., the amplitude of the zero wavenumber wave. At the same time, the energy content in the shorter waves increased. In a more complex model, such a situation would resemble a loss of zonal, and an increase of transient eddy kinetic energy.A trajectory error measure was defined as the maximum absolute value of the distance between the actual arriving point of the particle originating at the estimated departure point, and the grid point assumed to be the arrival point in the semi-Lagrangian procedure. In contrast to the sub-CFL regime, this measure could reach a considerable fraction of the grid distance in the computations with the super-CFL time steps.In the physical system considered, the trajectories are determined only by the velocities at the departure points. With the semi-Lagrangian schemes the distances traveled by the particles are estimated on the basis of the velocities at the points downstream with respect to the departure points. Thus, unless the solution is smooth (in space and time) on the scales of the extrapolation distances/times, the upstream extrapolation does not promise the convergence of the solution.With 16 Figures  相似文献   
This work tested the preferential use of fine (<63 μm) or bulk sediment (<2 mm) in environmental research of marine sediments in the Eastern Adriatic. Fine fraction sediment containing silt and clay (<63 μm), predominating in the studied area, was examined to evaluate past and present anthropogenic inputs and to test our hypothesis that investigation of bulk sediment should be preferred. Following aqua regia digestion, chemical analyses of 58 elements were performed by ICP/OES, ICP-MS and cold vapor AAS, and statistical analysis was performed. The concentrations of the majority of the analyzed elements increased with age of the sediment, except for Ag and Sn, which had higher concentrations in recent sediments. The previous main sources of metal contamination in Rijeka harbor were now abandoned municipal-sewage outflow and oil refinery, and continuing harbor activities and antifouling paint use. All activities except of antifouling paint use have been decreasing significantly. Anomalies of selected elements were determined by the box-plot method. More anomalies were found in the bulk sediment than in the fine fraction. Results of Q-modality clustering and factor analysis in the fine fraction almost correlate with that applied on bulk sediments. Thus, it can be said that the differences between the element distribution in the bulk and fine fraction are not statistically significant. Our conclusion is that analysis of bulk marine sediment gives a better insight into the state of pollution and supports previous recommendations to use bulk sediment as a chosen media for environmental studies.  相似文献   
Kopa?ki Rit Nature Park is part of the Danube River natural floodplain and one of the last oases of wild life in the Danube River Basin. Due to its extraordinary value, it was inscribed on the list of Wetlands of International Importance in 1993. More than 2,000 species have been registered in this area, which consists of lakes, canals, grassland, marshland and forests. Even the number of investigations which have been performed on its biological and ecological features, hydrological and water resources characteristics, as a prerequisite for ecohydrological analyses, are still rather unknown in the scientific community. Mainly the Danube River and partly the River Drava cause flooding of Kopa?ki Rit and inundations enter the area from both the northern and southern parts. Results of hydrological and meteorological analysis show a decreasing trend of both mean and minimum, annual water levels in the Rivers Drava and Danube (respectively 1.8 and 1.38 cm/year). These reductions in water level can reduce the replenishment periods of Kopa?ki Rit Nature Park. In addition, a significant rise of mean annual air temperature and consequently water temperature (data 1988–2011) may be causing increasing evapotranspiration and loss of water within Kopa?ki Rit. But an encouraging counteracting finding is that, the results of frequency analysis show, even a discharge of 5-years’ return period on the River Danube inundates 70 % of the Danube floodplain and Kopa?ki Rit Nature Park.  相似文献   
We report the occurrence of micrometer-sized silver particles in the red (“impact” or “ejecta”) layer of the Fish Clay. These appear to be embedded into the biogenic/abiogenic calcite matrix. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis indicates that these microparticles are composed of pure silver (>99% of the total weight). Scanning electron microscopy images reveal irregular and predominantly rounded shapes with rugged surfaces. Numerous silver microparticles are spherical, and some exhibit dendritic textures. These microparticles were probably originated during the Chicxulub asteroid impact event, or immediately afterwards, and dispersed globally.  相似文献   
The Teplá–Barrandian unit (TBU) of the Bohemian Massif exposes a section across the once extensive Avalonian–Cadomian belt, which bordered the northern active margin of Gondwana during late Neoproterozoic. This paper synthesizes the state-of-the-art knowledge on the Cadomian basement of the TBU to redefine its principal component units, to revise an outdated stratigraphic scheme, and to interpret this scheme in terms of a recent plate-tectonic model for the Cadomian orogeny in the Bohemian Massif. The main emphasis of this paper is on an area between two newly defined fronts of the Variscan pervasive deformation to the NW and SE of the Barrandian Lower Paleozoic overlap successions. This area has escaped the pervasive Variscan (late Devonian to early Carboniferous) ductile reworking and a section through the Cadomian orogen is here superbly preserved.The NW segment of the TBU consists of three juxtaposed allochthonous belts of unknown stratigraphic relation (the Kralovice–Rakovník, Radnice–Kralupy, and Zbiroh–?árka belts), differing in lithology, complex internal strain patterns, and containing sedimentary and tectonic mélanges with blocks of diverse ocean floor (meta-)basalts. We summarize these three belts under a new term the Blovice complex, which we believe represents a part of an accretionary wedge of the Cadomian orogen.The SE segment of the TBU exposes the narrow Pi?ín belt, which is probably a continuation of the Blovice complex from beneath the Barrandian Lower Paleozoic, and a volcanic arc sequence (the Davle Group). Their stratigraphic relation is unknown. Flysch units (the ?těchovice Group and Svrchnice Formation) overlay the arc volcanics, and both units contain material derived from volcanic arc. The former was also sourced from the NW segment, whereas the latter contains an increased amount of passive margin continental material. In contrast to the Blovice complex, the flysch experienced only weak Cadomian deformation.The new lithotectonic zonation fits the following tectonic scenario for the Cadomian evolution of the TBU well. The S- to SE-directed Cadomian subduction beneath the TBU led to the involvement of turbidites, chaotic deposits, and 605 ± 39 Ma ocean floor in the accretionary wedge represented by the Blovice complex. The accretionary wedge formation mostly overlapped temporally with the growth of the volcanic arc (the Davle Group) at ~ 620–560 Ma. Upon cessation of the arc igneous activity, the rear of the wedge and some elevated portions of the arc were eroded to supply the deep-water flysch sequences of the ?těchovice Group, whereas the comparable Svrchnice Formation (~ 560 to < 544 Ma) was deposited in a southeasterly remnant basin close to the continental margin. The Cadomian orogeny in the TBU was terminated at ~ 550–540 Ma by slab breakoff, by final attachment of the most outboard ~ 540 Ma oceanic crust, and by intrusion of ~ 544–524 Ma boninite dikes marking the transition from the destructive to transform margin during the early/middle Cambrian.  相似文献   
The Quaternary sediments in the Danube and Sava riparian area near Belgrade have a considerable thickness. Several categories of deposits (fluvial-lacustrine, fluvial and aeolian) of Pliocene and Quaternary age have been identified. Their thickness, granulometric composition and paleontological features change depending on the distance from the recent Danube and Sava riverbeds. The Pleistocene fluvial deposits are underlain by sediments of the Late Miocene (Sarmatian and Pannonian) or the Plio-Pleistocene age, and are overlain by fluvial-palustrine deposits of the Pleistocene age and recent alluvial deposits. Pleistocene fluvial deposits that form a major part of the Quaternary sediments, have a great significance, since they are proved to be excellent collectors of ground water. Although these deposits are at lower altitudes in the area of Srem, they could be correlated with the high Danube and Morava terraces in Serbia and Drava in Croatia on the basis of their lithologic and paleontological features.  相似文献   
Summary A simple two-dimensional quasi-geostrophic linearized model of the atmosphere is used to investigate the behaviour of the quasi-geostrophic modes for five horizontal rectangular grids. Numerical expressions for frequencies of Rossby waves for all grids are evaluated. It was found that the B and C grids produce only negative frequencies as well as the continuous case. The D grid has negative and zero frequencies. Finally, it was found that the A and E grids produce positive frequencies and eastward moving Rossby waves.With 2 Figures  相似文献   
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