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Summary Our discussion is concerned with the common effect of the non-uniformity of layer rotation and stratification. We have assumed a model of differential rotation with the upper part of the layer rotating more slowly, the bottom part more quickly. The upper part of the layer is stratified stably, the bottom part unstably.The thermal instabilities are preferred in the strong differential rotation case and they are the most easily excited by a strong magnetic field (102–103). The direction of its propagation is westward in the uniformly stratified layer and eastward in the non-uniformly stratified layer.  相似文献   
Summary The Banach theorem is applied to the Lagrange planetary equation for the semimajor axis of a geostationary satellite orbit to estimate the stability of near-geostationary satellite orbits. To achieve a graveyard (disposal) orbit, which will not interfere (=cross) the initial geostationary orbit, the geostationary semi-major axis ag have to be increased at least by 50 km. Numerical results for a variety of graveyard orbits show that the increase of ag by about 100 km will yield sufficiently stable orbits (accounting for the Earth's gravitational perturbations only) during the next 150 years.Dedicated to the 75th Birthday of Professor Academician Tibor Kolbenheyer  相似文献   
New continental crust was formed in the Svecofennian domain of the Baltic Shield c. 1.9 Ga ago. Approximately 0.1–0.15 Ga later, new crust accreted to the SW part of the Shield. In this paper an attempt is made, on the basis of gravity measurements and lithogeochemistry, to describe the tectonic processes responsible for the continental growth c. 1.75–1.8 Ga ago. The Transscandinavian Granite Porphyry Belt (TGPB) separates the Svecofennian domain from the polymetamorphic terrain of the SW Swedish gneiss region. Red orthogneisses occurring immediately west of the TGPB are the deformed equivalents of the TGPB type granitoids, while grey orthogneisses, displaying a tonalitic-granodioritic trend and situated further west, were generated in a »volcanic arc« environment. The TGPB granitoids and the red SW Swedish gneisses represent a transition from this volcanic arc type rock to contemporaneous »within-plate« type granites intruded in the Svecofennian crust. The volcanic arc was forced against the Svecofennian crust in which large tensional fracture zones ensued with strike directions normal to the collision front. In such tensional environments the »withinplate« type granites were generated. In the collision zone the crust was down-warped, and huge amounts of granitic melts were generated at the base of the crust. This TGPB Magma rose upwards utilizing the fracture zone between the arc rocks, generated slightly earlier, and the Svecofennian crust. A relatively thin upper part of the TGPB that spread laterally westwards became strongly deformed during the collision (i.e. the red SW Swedish gneisses), while the major deep-reaching TGPB root zone that was not completely solidified yet, acted as a buffer against the foliation front.
Zusammenfassung Vor 1,9 Milliarden Jahren kam es zur Neubildung von kontinentaler Kruste im svecofennischen Bereich des Baltischen Schildes. Ungefähr 100–150 Millionen Jahre später wurde im Südwesten des Schildes neue Kruste hinzugefügt. In diesem Artikel wird auf der Basis von Gravimetriemessungen und Lithogeochemie der Versuch unternommen die tektomschen Vorgänge, die zu diesem 1,75–1,8 Milliarden Jahre alten Krustenzuwachs führten, zu beschreiben.Der Transskandinavische-Granit-Porphyr-Gürtel (Transscandinavian-Granite-Porphyry-Belt/TGPB) trennt das Svecofennium von der polymetamorphen, im Südwesten Schwedens gelegenen Gneis-Region. Ein direkt westlich des TGPB gelegenes Vorkommen roter Orthogneise entspricht den deformierten TGPB Granitoiden. Graue Orthogneise, die weiter im Westen aufgeschlossen sind, zeigen eine mehr tonalitische bis granodioritische Zusammensetzung und werden auf einen vulkanischen Inselbogen zurückgeführt. Die TGPB Granitoide und die roten südwest-schwedischen Gneise stellen einen Übergang von den Inselbogen-Vulkaniten zu den zeitgleichen »Intra-Platten-Graniten« der svecofennischen Kruste dar. Der Inselbogen kollidierte mit der svecofennischen Kruste, es entstanden großräumige Bruchzonen mit Streichrichtungen senkrecht zur Kollisionsebene. Während des Zustands der hohen Druckspannung des Gebietes intrudierten die »Intra-Platten-Granite«. Innerhalb des Kollisionsbereiches wurde die Kruste nach unten gebogen, und so entstanden an der Basis der Kruste große Mengen granitischen Magmas. Dieses TGPB Magma stieg entlang der Störungszone innerhalb der Inselbogengesteine, die nur wenig älter sind, und der svecofennischen Kruste, auf. Nur ein, von relativ geringer Mächtigkeit, weiter westlich gelegener Teil des TGPB, die roten südwest-schwedischen Gneise, wurde während der Kollision intensiv deformiert. Dagegen war der Hauptanteil der tiefreichenden TGPB Wurzelzone noch nicht vollständig erstarrt und wirkte deshalb wie eine Pufferzone gegen die Schieferungsfront.

Résumé De la croûte continentale nouvelle s'est formée il y a 1,9 Ga dans le domaine des Svecofennides (Bouclier baltique). Environ 100 à 150 Ma plus tard, de la croûte nouvelle s'est accrétionnée à la bordure sud-ouest du bouclier. Cette note basée sur des mesures de gravité et la lithogéochimie, présente un essai d'analyse des processus tectoniques responsables de cette croissance continentale d'âge 1,75 à 1,8 Ga. Le «Transcandinavian Granite Porphygry Belt» (TGPB) sépare le domaine svécofennien des gneiss polymétamorphiques du sud-ouest de la Suède. Immédiatement à l'ouest de TGPB affleurent des orthogneiss rouges qui représentent l'équivalent déformé de granitoïdes du TGPB, tandis que des orthogneiss gris de tendance tonalitique-granodioritique, situés plus à l'ouest, ont été engendrées dans un environnement d'arc volcanique. Les granitoïdes du TGPB et les gneiss rouges du sud-ouest de la Suède représentent une transition entre ces produits d'arc volcanique et les granites intra-plaque de même âge intrudés dans la croûte svécofennienne. L'arc volcanique a été accrétionné à la croûte svécofennienne avec production dans celleci de grandes fractures d'extension perpendiculaires au front de collision. C'est dans ce domaine en extension que les granites intra-plaque se sont mis en place. Dans la zone de collision, la croûte s'est incurvée vers le bas et de grandes quantités de liquides granitiques ont été engendrées à la base de la croûte. Ces magmas TGPB sont montés à la faveur de la zone fracturée entre les roches de l'arc engendrée un peu plus tôt, et la croûte svécofennienne. Seule une fraction supérieure relativement mince du TGPB, développée vers l'ouest, a subi une déformation importante au cours de la collision, pour former les gneiss rouges du sud-ouest de la Suède; par contre, la partie principale de la racine profonde du TGPB, qui n'était pas encore entièrement solidifiée, a joné le role tampon en avant du front de foliation.

, 1,9 100–150 - . - (Transscandinavian Granite-Porphyry-Belt - TGPB) , - . TGPB , , , - , . TGPB - . , , . («within plate» type granites) , . . TGPB , , . TGPB, , - , . TGPB, , .
Dust particles (glass, tungsten, and nickel) with sizes ranging from 0.25 to 3m were levitated in a Paul-trap and charged by ions or electrons. For ions the particle potential is limited at field strength of about 1×109 V m–1 by a temperature-dependent discharge mechanism. The particles interaction with 2 to 20 keV electrons always leads to positive surface potentials which can be explained in terms of a decreased absorption of electrons by small particles. Micrometer sized agglomerates were used for the investigation of the electrostatic fragmentation. Fragmentation takes place in a twofold manner: small surface flufl can be removed or the parent particle can be disrupted into smaller agglomerates.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   
Radial velocities of OB stars are utilised in order to determine the values of some galactic structure parameters in the solar neighbourhood.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   
Part I gives a survey of the drastic revision of cosmic plasma physics which is precipitated by the exploration of the magnetosphere throughin situ measurements. The pseudo-plasma formalism, which until now has almost completely dominated theoretical astrophysics, must be replaced by an experimentally based approach involving the introduction of a number of neglected plasma phenomena, such as electric double layers, critical velocity, and pinch effect. The general belief that star light is the main ionizer is shown to be doubtful; hydromagnetic conversion of gravitational and kinetic energy may often be much more important.In Part II the revised plasma physics is applied to dark clouds and star formation. Magnetic fields do not necessarily counteract the contraction of a cloud; they may just as well pinch the cloud. Magnetic compression may be the main mechanism for forming interstellar clouds and keeping them together.Part III treats the formation of stars in a dusty cosmic plasma cloud. Star formation is due to an instability, but it is very unlikely that it has anything to do with the Jeans instability. A reasonable mechanism is that the sedimentation of dust (including solid bodies of different size) is triggering off a gravitationally assisted accretion. A stellesimal accretion analogous to the planetesimal accretion leads to the formation of a star surrounded by a very low density hollow in the cloud. Matter falling in from the cloud towards the star is the raw material for the formation of planets and satellites.The study of the evolution of a dark cloud leads to a scenario of planet formation which is reconcilable with the results obtained from studies based on solar system data. This means that the new approach to cosmical plasma physics discussed in Part I logically leads to a consistent picture of the evolution of dark clouds and the formation of solar systems.  相似文献   
Under the assumption of a power law (k·R n=C,C=const.) between the gravitational constantk and the radius of curvatureR of the Universe and forP=1/3 the exact solution is sought for the cosmological equations of Brans and Dicke. The solution turns out to be valid for closed space and the parameter of the scalar-tensor theory is necessarily negative. The radius of curvature increases linearly with respect to the age of the Universe while the gravitational constant grows with the square of the radius of curvature. It has been shown (Lessner, 1974) that in this case (KR 2) the spatial component of the field equations is independent of the remaining equations. However, our solution satisfies this independent equation. This solution for the radiation-dominated era corresponds to the solution for the matter-dominated era found by Dehnen and one of the authors (Dehnen and Obregón, 1971). Our solution, as is the solution previously obtained for the matter-dominated era, is in contradiction to Dirac's hypothesis in which the gravitational constant should decrease with time in an expanding Universe.  相似文献   
An analysis of the Lowell Observatory photographic plates of Saturn gave the following results: (1) ring A and B show peculiar brightness distributions around the planet, from which we conclude that both are composed of particles in synchronous rotation. (2) The leading side of the particles in ring A is brighter than the trailing side by about 4%, which may indicate an interaction between such particles and the interplanetary medium. (3) Scans of the rings across the major axis show a small (~0.3″) region of enhanced brightness, from which we derive a value ofT s =10h13 . m 8±5 . m 4 for the actual planetary rotational period of Saturn. (4) In order to explain the synchronous rotation, the particles in ring A have to be at least 42 m in diameter.  相似文献   
Fluid inclusions and clay mineralogy of the Permo-Triassic rocks from the Espina and Espadà Ranges (SE Iberian Chain, Spain) have been investigated to establish their relationship with hydrothermal fluid circulation during the Alpine Orogeny. Primary fluid inclusions in quartz-filled tension gashes in Permo-Triassic sandstones reveal maximum temperatures around 230 °C and very constant salinities of 8.5% wt. eq. NaCl. Secondary fluid inclusions found in quartz from the Santonian Ba–Cu–Hg deposits show similar compositional and thermodynamic characteristics, denoting an Alpine recrystallization. Clay mineral composition of Permo-Triassic mudrocks is characterized by pyrophyillite, indicating low-grade metamorphic conditions. Field observations and experimental data suggest that the crystallization of quartz in tension gashes, the formation of secondary fluid inclusions and the development of the metamorphism are contemporaneous and related to fluid circulation during the Alpine compression. Fluid flow took place along the Hercynian fault system that was reactivated during the Mesozoic rift stage and inverted during the Alpine deformation.  相似文献   
Multi-equilibrium thermobarometry shows that low-grade metapelites (Cubito-Moura schists) from the Ossa–Morena Zone underwent HP–LT metamorphism from 340–370 °C at 1.0–0.9 GPa to 400–450 °C at 0.8–0.7 GPa. These HP–LT equilibriums were reached by parageneses including white K mica, chlorite and chloritoid, which define the earliest schistosity (S1) in these rocks. The main foliation in the schists is a crenulation cleavage (S2), which developed during decompression from 0.8–0.7 to 0.4–0.3 GPa at increasing temperatures from 400–450 °C to 440–465 °C. Fe3+ in chlorite decreased greatly during prograde metamorphism from molar fractions of 0.4 determined in syn-S1 chlorites down to 0.1 in syn-S2 chlorites. These new data add to previous findings of eclogites in the Moura schists indicating that a pile of allochtonous rocks situated next to the Beja-Acebuches oceanic amphibolites underwent HP–LT metamorphism during the Variscan orogeny. To cite this article: G. Booth-Rea et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
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