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Unicellular gametophytes ofUndaria pinnatifida (Harv.) Sur. were isolated in Qingdao, P. R. China in April 1993 and in Tokushima, southern Japan in March 1995. Different intraspecific crossings by using unicellular male and female gametophytes were successfully undertaken in Sept. of 1995 in Qingdao. Sporophytes were transplanted to two different locations for open sea cultivation. One was at Zhanqiao (ZQ) Bay where the water current was slower than that of another location—Taipingjiao(TPJ). A total of 218 adult sporophytes were harvested on January 12 and 18 from TPJ and ZQ respectively. For eacn combination, 10 sporophytes were cultivated. Analysis of the morphological characteristics of adult sporophytes indicated that the longest length between two bases of the serration of pinnate blades (W2) is a morphological characteristic that can be transferred from the parent plant to the next generations regardless of environmental variations. There was evidence that W2 was apparently determined by sex-linked factors, i.e., by male parental gametophyte. Sporophytes from certain crossing combinations showed more vigorous growth than those from other crossing combinations. It is therefore possible to select gametophyte strains which can be used as parental gametophytes for the seedling production of sporophytes with more vigorous growth within shorter cultivation period. The morphology of hybrids from a Qingdao strain and a Tokushima cultivated strain resembled that of both parental plants in frond features (wrinkled or smooth) and W2. Sporophyll formation also varied with strains. The fact that adult sporophytes resulting from the same crossing combinations have identical morphological characteristics under the same environmental conditions indicates the possibility of a new way to select strains which are expected to be ideal for commerical production by purposely selecting, propagating, and seeding unicellular gametophytes for sporeling production through freeliving techniques of gametophytes. Project 39400102 supported by NSFC, also supported by National Climbing Plan B (PD-B642); and Bioengineering Center, SSTC.  相似文献   
陈民扬  庞春勇  肖孟华 《地球学报》1994,15(Z1):138-144
煎岭镍矿与同类矿床相比,具有特殊的地质、地球化学物征,是一种特殊类型镍矿。本矿床流体包裹体同位素特征,表现出成矿体为岩浆与地层两端元混合趋势,成矿流体分属于Mg2+-Ca2+-Na+-F-(Cl-)型。根据 Pb、Sr、O、H、C 同位素及 REE资料,作者认为该镍矿的形成与后期酸性岩浆活动有密切关系,后期岩浆活动为成矿提供热力与热液,使成矿元素活化迁移、富集。本文最后提出了初步的成矿模式。  相似文献   
豫西南蒲塘金矿床地质特征及成因探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蒲塘金矿床属爆破角砾岩型,主成矿期温度236~318℃,主矿体受爆破角砾岩筒控制,含矿围岩蚀变及矿体变化规律明显,黄铁矿及黄铜矿是金的主要载体矿物。矿石中Au-Cu含量呈正消长关系,成矿物质主要来源于花岗岩,从花岗岩的侵入到矿床的形成,大体上经过了晚燕山期浅成初始岩浆侵入-爆破,超浅成强烈爆破及热液成矿三个阶段。  相似文献   
位于西秦岭西段的光盖山-迭山断裂带是由3条近平行的断裂所组成,其中坪定-化马断裂是该断裂带的主断层。坪定-化马断裂以宕昌岷江为界分为东、西两段,西段的新活动性明显强于东段。断裂西段线性特征明显,可见清晰的断层崖,不同期次的洪积扇上均有断层陡坎发育,晚第四纪以来有过明显的活动,最新一次活动的离逝时间约为1kaB.P.左右。通过对断错地貌研究得到断裂晚第四纪以来的垂直滑动速率为 0.49±0.08~1.15±0.28mm/a,左旋滑动速率为 0.51±0.13mm/a。而断裂东段由多条斜交或近于平行的断裂所组成,活动性明显减弱,没有发现最新活动的证据。在地貌上多表现为线性沟谷,向东逐渐被褶皱所替代,从基岩断面及相关地貌特征来看断裂活动性质主要表现为逆冲兼具左旋走滑运动。  相似文献   
The lower reaches of Tarim River in the Xinjiang Uygur region of western China had been dried out for more than 30 years before water began to be diverted from Konqi (Peacock) River via a 927-km-long channel in year 2000, aimed at improving the riparian ecological systems. Since then, eight intermittent water deliveries have been carried out. To evaluate the response of riparian vegetation to these operations, the groundwater regime and vegetation changes have been monitored along the 350-km-long stem of the river using a network of 40 dug wells at nine transects across the river and 30 vegetation plots at key sites. Results show that the water table rose remarkably, i.e. from a depth of 9.87 m before the water delivery to 3.16 m after the third water delivery. The lateral distance of affected water table extended to 1,050 m from the riverbank after the fourth water delivery. The riparian vegetation has changed in composition, type, distribution, and growing behavior. This shows that the water deliveries have had significant effects on restoration of riparian ecosystems.  相似文献   
庞忠和 《第四纪研究》2014,34(5):907-917
干旱区水资源紧缺,研究气候变化与人类活动双重营力作用下水循环变化机理,制定合理有效的调蓄对策,是应对全球变化的重要任务。新疆作为全球极端干旱区之一,近期水循环发生了显著变化。作为中国最西端及中亚地区的水资源发源地,天山发挥了中亚水塔的作用,其周边干旱区广泛分布,人类生存与生态系统受水资源变化影响十分强烈。近十年来,笔者在天山山区及其周边的塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地等地开展了大气-地表-地下的多尺度水循环研究。本文从降水形成条件、地表水变化、地下水对地表水变化的响应等不同视角对水循环进行系统分析,探讨在气候变化与人类活动影响下水循环发生变化的机理及其水资源效应。在此基础上,提出干旱区水资源的调蓄途径。研究表明,青藏高原和天山隆升在新疆产生雨影效应,新疆大气降水的水气来源以西风带水气为主,本地再循环水气在降水构成中仅占8%,区域造雨能力低下。双重因素长期作用导致新疆地区干旱化。天山山区与盆地相比,更有利于形成降水,加上冰雪储备丰厚,因此在区域水循环中占主导地位。在气候变化的影响下,气温升高、降水增加、冰川融化加速、主要河流出山径流平均增加约10%,对于气候变化敏感的一些冰川河,增加可达40% 以上,造成洪水灾害。下游荒漠中的绿洲,基本上没有降水,水循环由地表水主导,河道断流导致地下水位下降,引发生态退化。塔里木河调水,在流域尺度上证明了这一点。天山山前地带的绿洲农业,是区域用水最多的环节,因而,也是调蓄水资源的有利位置。利用山前戈壁带有利的地质结构和快速循环的地下水,地下水库工程符合干旱区水循环基本规律,相对于平原水库具有明显优势。天山南北符合条件的储水构造很多,可调蓄水量可观。这一地表水地下水联合调蓄的模式,将成为干旱区应对环境变化带来的水资源问题的重要途径。  相似文献   
本研究以实地调研数据为基准,无人机影像数据分析为验证,进行了基于无人机识别能力范畴的辽宁农居建筑结构类型划分,并根据区域结构类型比例、影像特性等指标优化了农居遥感解译标志整体参数,提取了不同建筑结构的不同解译标志阈值区间,并基于无人机低空正射影像DOM、数字表面模型DSM制定改进型DSM提取算法处理流程与代码,利用Python语言及开发环境完成了遥感影像要素提取与评估系统开发应用。通过最优组合解译标志获取无人机影像解译一致性系数Kappa=0.723,表明制定的解译标志特征对获得具有较好一致性的房屋结构类型具备一定的可行性。以改进型DSM提取算法为核心的建筑物提取软件提取建筑的整体精度为75%,基本满足地震应急需求。  相似文献   
黄土高原晚更新世黄土与古季风研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄土高原晚更新世黄土地层含有末次间冰期一次期东亚季风演变的大量信息,经外地学界十年来的探索,初步揭示了东亚季风演化的规律,本文对于这方面研究的现状作了综合评述。  相似文献   
山西天镇晚白垩世——新恐龙动物君及其地层意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程政武  庞其清 《地球学报》1996,17(Z1):135-139
新发现的山西天镇恐龙动物群是以巨龙类(titanosaurids)和甲龙类(ankylosaurids)为代表,含有鸭嘴龙类及兽脚类化石,其中一具何存较完整的巨龙类骨架(已获骨骼近70%)包括3个甲龙头骨及其头后骨骼.该动物君化石相当丰富,经与蒙古、印度、老挝、加拿大、美国和阿根廷等国晚白垩世恐龙动物君的比较我,实属晚白垩世较为罕见的一新恐龙动物群。由于天镇恐龙动物群的发现不仅将原划归始新世的灰泉堡组的时代归属晚白垩世,而且对白垩系划分和探讨恐龙的分类、演化、迁徒、动物地理区及其绝灭等方面的研究均具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Accurate rainfall distribution is difficult to acquire based on limited meteorological stations, especially in remote areas like high mountains and deserts. The Hexi Corridor and its adjacent regions (including the Qilian Mountains and the Alxa Plateau) are typical districts where there are only 30 available rain gauges. Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data provide a possible solution. After precision analysis of monthly 0.25 degree resolution TRMM 3B43 data from 1998 to 2012, we find that the correlations between TRMM 3B43 estimates and rain gauge precipitation are significant overall and in each station around the Hexi Corridor; however, the biases of annual precipitation differ in different stations and are seriously overestimated in most of the sites. Thus, Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) interpolation method was used to rectify TRMM data based on the difference between TRMM 3B43 estimates and rain gauge observations. The results show that rectified TRMM data present more details than rain gauges in remote areas where there are few stations, alt- hough they show high coherence of distribution. Precipitation decreases from southeast to northwest on an annual and seasonal scale. There are three rainfall centers (〉500 mm) including Menyuan, Qilian and Toson Lake, and two low rain- fall centers (〈50 mm) including Dunhuang and Ejin Banner. Meanwhile, precipitation in most of the study area presents an increasing trend; especially in northern Qilian Mountains (〉5 mm/a), Badain Jaran Desert (〉2 mm/a), Toson Lake (〉20 mm/a) and Qingtu Lake (〉20 ram/a) which shows a significant increasing trend, while precipitation in Hala Lake (〈-2 mm/a) and Tengger Desert (〈-3 mm/a) demonstrates a decreasing trend.  相似文献   
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