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Diatoms, Cladocera, and chironomids preserved in the sediments of Lake Dalgoto were studied to reconstruct the history of the lake ecosystem in the context of the vegetation history as represented by the pollen stratigraphy. Younger Dryas silty sediments at the base of the core are characterized by low diversity of aquatic organisms. The transition to the Holocene is indicated by a sharp change from silt to clay-gyttja. The migration and expansion of trees at lower elevations between 10200 and 8500 14C-yr BP, along with higher diversities and concentrations of aquatic organisms and the decreased proportion of north-alpine diatoms, point to rapidly rising summer temperatures. After 6500 14C-yr BP the expansion of Pinus mugo in the catchment coincides with signs of natural eutrophication as recorded by an increase of planktonic diatoms. In the late Holocene (4000–0 14C-yr BP) Pinus peuce and Abies are reduced and Picea expands. Cereal grains and disturbance indicators suggest late-Holocene human modification of the vegetation.  相似文献   
This paper attempts to determine the impact of former Pb-Zn-Ba mining activities in Slovenian drainage basin on overbank sediments of the Sava river (West Croatia). Among the four studied sequences (S7, S8, S9, S10), the most upstream profile S7 showed the most pronounced impact of ore mining. Mercury was enriched more than 100-fold; Pb and Zn had a strong positive correlation (r > 0.99). Two factor models clearly revealed the Pb-Ba-Hg association in the lower-lying carbonate (CA) population of all four profiles, but only in the overlying silicate (SI) population of profile S7. Factor analysis confirmed this association in the total sediment (90 samples) as well as separately in the CA (33 samples) and SI (57 samples) populations. Based on a comparison with an undisturbed soil profile, the vertical distribution of 137Cs in profile S7 was interpreted to be the combination of caesium deposition caused by a flood in 1964 and by post-depositional redistribution.  相似文献   
Summary The Sun's motion round the barycentre of the solar system was found to consist of two basic alternately repeating elements of the noose and of the arc. The mean time for solar motion around each of these elements was found to be 9.93 yr. The relation between solar motion and solar variability was determined as follows: Approximately coincident periodicities ranging from 60 to 2200 yr were traced in both phenomena and a coincidence of all prolonged minima in solar activity with the epochs of the highest deviations from the Jupiter—Saturn order was found over a time interval of 3100 yr.
ma, m ¶rt;uu a ma mmu um mum u ¶rt; , n nmu m — u nmu u u au. uu a a¶rt; u mu m ¶rt;um ¶rt; 9.93¶rt;a. am a maa ¶rt; ¶rt;uu a u au amumu: a mu m n¶rt;anum—am a aa nuuum maa u¶rt;um ¶rt;uuu a n¶rt;ea 60–2200 m, a u amumu, a mu umaa ¶rt;umm 3100 m a¶rt; n na¶rt;u ¶rt; uu amumu nu¶rt;au aua mu m n¶rt;a — u am.
The CN algorithm is utilized here both for the intermediate term earthquake prediction and to validate the seismotectonic model of the Italian territory. Using the results of the analysis, made through the CN algorithm and taking into account the seismotectonic model, three main areas, one for Northern Italy, one for Central Italy and one for Southern Italy, are defined. Two transition areas between the three main areas are delineated. The earthquakes which occurred in these two areas contribute to the precursor phenomena identified by the CN algorithm in each main area.  相似文献   
An interaction of dissolved natural organic matter (DNOM) with copper ions in the water column of the stratified Krka River estuary (Croatia) was studied. The experimental methodology was based on the differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetric (DPASV) determination of labile copper species by titrating the sample using increments of copper additions uniformly distributed on the logarithmic scale. A classical at-equilibrium approach (determination of copper complexing capacity, CuCC) and a kinetic approach (tracing of equilibrium reconstitution) of copper complexation were considered and compared. A model of discrete distribution of organic ligands forming inert copper complexes was applied. For both approaches, a home-written fitting program was used for the determination of apparent stability constants (Kiequ), total ligands concentration (LiT) and association/dissociation rate constants (ki1,ki- 1).A non-conservative behaviour of dissolved organic matter (DOC) and total copper concentration in a water column was registered. An enhanced biological activity at the freshwater–seawater interface (FSI) triggered an increase of total copper concentration and total ligand concentration in this water layer. The copper complexation in fresh water of Krka River was characterised by one type of binding ligands, while in most of the estuarine and marine samples two classes of ligands were identified. The distribution of apparent stability constants (log K1equ: 11.2–13.0, log K2equ:8.8–10.0) showed increasing trend towards higher salinities, indicating stronger copper complexation by autochthonous seawater organic matter.Copper complexation parameters (ligand concentrations and apparent stability constants) obtained by at-equilibrium model are in very good accordance with those of kinetic model. Calculated association rate constants (k11:6.1–20 × 103 (M s)− 1, k21: 1.3–6.3 × 103 (M s)− 1) indicate that copper complexation by DNOM takes place relatively slowly. The time needed to achieve a new pseudo-equilibrium induced by an increase of copper concentration (which is common for Krka River estuary during summer period due to the nautical traffic), is estimated to be from 2 to 4 h.It is found that in such oligotrophic environment (dissolved organic carbon content under 83 µMC, i.e. 1 mgCL− 1) an increase of the total copper concentration above 12 nM could enhance a free copper concentration exceeding the level considered as potentially toxic for microorganisms (10 pM).  相似文献   
Spatial distributions of trace elements in the coastal sea sediments and water of Maslinica Bay (Southern Adriatic), Croatia and possible changes in marine flora and foraminifera communities due to pollution were investigated. Macro, micro and trace elements’ distributions in five granulometric fractions were determined for each sediment sample. Bulk sediment samples were also subjected to leaching tests. Elemental concentrations in sediments, sediment extracts and seawater were measured by source excited energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF). Concentrations of the elements Cr, Cu, Zn, and Pb in bulk sediment samples taken in the Maslinica Bay were from 2.1 to over six times enriched when compared with the background level determined for coarse grained carbonate sediments. A low degree of trace elements leaching determined for bulk sediments pointed to strong bonding of trace elements to sediment mineral phases. The analyses of marine flora pointed to higher eutrophication, which disturbs the balance between communities and natural habitats.  相似文献   
A simplified seismotectonic model is proposed for Bulgaria by introducing generalized seismogenic areas containing systems of complex geometry faults. A tectonic scheme, which considers the main faults only, is then derived from this. The assessment of the regional seismic hazard is done using different approaches: the Gumbel, the Cornell, and the fault rupture model methods. A series of relations among seismological parameters are derived from the available data. The results obtained by the different approaches are similar: the most dangerous area is the Struma zone, located in southwestern Bulgaria.  相似文献   
Summary A mathematical aid for optimizing Earth crust profiles was derived.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was chemical and radiological characterization of Kastela Bay sediments exposed to numerous anthropogenic sources like deposition of fly and bottom ash enriched in radionuclides and heavy metals, chemical plant, cement plant, iron plant, shipyard, electroplating facility, untreated industrial and domestic waste waters as well as heavy traffic. Totally, 33 samples of the mixture of fly and bottom ash, 12 sediment cores ranging from 0 to 40 cm and nine surface sediment samples were analyzed. Enrichment in heavy metals in the mixture of fly and bottom ash was ranging from 1.5 to 36 times compared to flysch soil while 226Ra and 238U were up to 50 times enriched compared to average activities characteristic for surrounding soils developed on the Middle and Upper Eocene flysch. Maximum 238U activity was approximately 32 times higher and 226Ra approximately 40 times higher in the Kastela Bay sediment compared to mean value determined for Adriatic sediments. The highest enrichment in sediment cores compared to background values were found for Zn (35.6 times), Pb (16 times), Cr (9.1 times) and Ni (4 times)  相似文献   
By analysis of microtremors recorded with digital seismological monitoring equipment near the Provadia salt diapir (Bulgaria), two groups of events showing different characteristics have been detected in the vicinity of the salt production area. The first group of events has low magnitudes and is located at a distance of about 1 km from the top of the salt diapir. These events show low stress drops. The second group of tremors is located outside the salt diapir. The corresponding magnitudes and stress drops are larger. The first class of events seems to be related to processes at the contour of the salt leaching caverns, whereas the origin of the second group seems to be connected with stress redistribution processes around the salt body. Based on this analysis, the tectonic model of the Provadia salt diapir has been modified.  相似文献   
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