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Two subducting seamounts under inner trench slopes have been identified around Japan on the basis of magnetic anomalies, morphology and geological structure. The first one is located under the foot of the inner trench slope at the junction between the Japan Trench and the Kuril Trench. Another one occurs beneath the slope slightly seaward of the Tosabae (the basement high at the trench slope break along the Nankai Trough off Shikoku). The magnetic anomalies of seamount origin are accompanied by the characteristic morphology of a forearc wedge i.e., a swell landward and a depression seaward. The seamounts beneath the inner trench slopes have preserved magnetization showing reasonably consistent directions, which suggests that the subducting seamounts have kept roughly their original shapes. The morphology of the forearc wedge can be explained by a subducting seamount on the oceanic crust pushing the forearc material forward and upward. Deformation of the forearc wedge by the subducting seamount extends to the forearc basin. The seamounts are stronger and less deformable than the inner slope material and are not offscraped onto inner trench slopes.

Two other examples of deformed inner trench slopes around Japan which can be explained by subduction of topographic highs are presented. One example is a depression on the foot of the inner trench slope northeast of the junction between the Kyushu-Palau Ridge and the Nankai Trough. Another one is an area of complex morphology of the inner trench slope along the Japan Trench around the Daiichi-Kashima Seamount.  相似文献   

The progress of the studies on the orientation of galaxies in the Local Supercluster (LSC) is reviewed and a summary of recent results is given. Following a brief introduction of the LSC, we describe the results of early studies based on two-dimensional analysis, which were mostly not conclusive. We describe next the three-dimensional analysis, which is used widely today. Difficulties and systematic effects are explained and the importance of selection effects is described. Then, results based on the new method and modern databases are given, which are summarized as follows. When the LSC is seen as a whole, galaxy planes tend to align perpendicular to the LSC plane with lenticulars showing the most pronounced tendency. Projections onto the LSC plane of the spin vectors of Virgo cluster member galaxies, and to some extent, those of the total LSC galaxies, tend to point to the Virgo cluster center. This tendency is more pronounced for lenticulars than for spirals. It is suggested that ‘field’ galaxies, i.e., those which do not belong to groups with more than three members, may be better objects than other galaxies to probe the information at the early epoch of the LSC formation through the analysis of galaxy orientations. Field lenticulars show a pronounced anisotropic distribution of spin vectors in the sense that they lay their spin vectors parallel to the LSC plane while field spirals show an isotropic spin-vector distribution.  相似文献   
In order to assess the contribution of Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) and Lyman α emitters (LAEs) at redshifts  3 < z < 7  to the ionization of intergalactic medium (IGM), we investigate the escape fractions of ionizing photons from supernova-dominated primordial galaxies by solving the three-dimensional (3D) radiative transfer. The model galaxy is employed from an ultra-high-resolution chemodynamic simulation of a primordial galaxy by Mori & Umemura, which well reproduces the observed properties of LAEs and LBGs. The total mass of model galaxy is  1011 M  . We solve not only photoionization but also collisional ionization by shocks. In addition, according to the chemical enrichment, we incorporate the effect of dust extinction, taking the size distributions of dust into account. As a result, we find that dust extinction reduces the escape fractions by a factor of 1.5–8.5 in the LAE phase and by a factor of 2.5–11 in the LBG phase, while the collisional ionization by shocks increases the escape fractions by a factor of  ≈2  . The resultant escape fractions are 0.07–0.47 in the LAE phase and 0.06–0.17 in the LBG phase. These results are well concordant with the recent estimations derived from the flux density ratio at 1500 to 900 Å of LAEs and LBGs. Combining the resultant escape fractions with the luminosity functions of LAEs and LBGs, we find that high- z LAEs and LBGs can ionize the IGM at   z = 3–5  . However, ionizing radiation from LAEs as well as LBGs falls short of ionizing the IGM at   z > 6  . That implies that additional ionization sources may be required at   z > 6  .  相似文献   
Plagioclase in cataclastic anorthosite 67075 occurs as angular matrix grains and as recrystallized clasts of micro-anorthosite. Olivines are Fe-rich and fall into two compositional groupings. Large grains of pyroxene show exceptionally well-developed exsolution lamellae analogous to those observed in pyroxenes from layered complexes. The low-Ca component in both pigeonites and augites shows varying degrees of inversion to orthopyroxene. The lattices of host and lamellae may deviate slightly (up to 2°) from the ideal orientation. Very slow cooling from magmatic temperatures is required to produce the coarse exsolution textures and inversion features. Augite macrocrystals are distinctly subcalcic indicating crystallization at temperatures around1100 ± 50°C while host-lamellae pairs and small grains in lithic clasts and matrix indicate reequilibration on a micron scale to temperatures less than 800°C. Pyroxene compositions tend to cluster into two groups both of which are among the most Fe-rich reported for highland pyroxenes. Ti and Al contents of pyroxenes are very low and Ti, Cr, and Mn follow well-established magmatic differentiation trends. The high Cr content may reflect low?O2 conditions and/or early crystallization of olivine and plagioclase.The87Sr/86Sr ratios in lunar anorthosites are the lowest reported for any lunar rock. It is likely that anorthosites formed as cumulates during the major differentiation episode which occurred prior to~4.3AE. Recrystallization features are common and39Ar/40Ar ages cluster around 4.0 AE. This may be the result of the intense bombardment prior to 4.0 AE which caused repeated cycles of in-situ fracturing and granulation followed by recrystallization. The low siderophile element content and the inferred slow cooling indicate a plutonic source region (10km) not frequently plumbed by impact events. The Fe-rich silicates indicate crystallization from a melt at an advanced stage of fractionation. However, the low REE abundances are not consistent with late-stage crystallization. Plagioclase apparently crystallized relatively early and was concentrated by flotation and/or convection currents while the mafic minerals crystallized from a fractionated trapped liquid. The chemical, isotopic, and mineralogical data place stringent constraints on the nature of genetically related rocks and the relationship of anorthosites to other members of the ANT suite does not appear to be one ofsimple fractionation. The data presented in this paper are consistent with the Taylor-Jake?model of lunar evolution.  相似文献   
Abstract Newly obtained radiolarian biostratigraphic age combined with previous isotopic age of the Troodos ophiolite shows that the ophiolite becomes systematically younger from east to west: Turonian, early Campanian, and late Campanian. The youngest late Campanian part of the ophiolite is directly covered by the volcaniclastic sediment derived from an active island arc, whereas the older part is covered by pelagic radiolarite. These facts constitute evidence that the Troodos ophiolite was probably emplaced during the subduction of an active spreading ridge.  相似文献   
Surface photometry is carried out for the photometric standard galaxy NGC 3379 on the basis of two plates in the blue band taken with the Bejing Schmidt telescope. The results, including luminosity profiles, photometric parameters, integrated luminosity distribution, ellipticity and position angle variation, are presented in various forms of figures and tables. Especially our geometric profiles, i.e., ellipticity and position angle variations reach up to 5, much fainter region than that any previous study did. The accuracy of the present data is checked by comparing them with the surface photometry in the literature. We find the zero-point 0.12 mag brighter than the calibration of de Vaucouleurs and Capaccioli (1979), which agrees with the values 0.10–0.15 mag difference claimed by recent observations. The systematic differences is found to be less than 0.1 mag.  相似文献   
A comparative account of primary productivity (PP), in the characteristically turbid and highly dynamic waters of Ariake Bay, measured by 13C uptake and fast repetition rate fluorometer (FRRF) was conducted to ensure compatibility between the two methods. Estimates from both methods depicted strong linearity for both short-term (r2 > 0.90) and daily (r2 = 0.42–0.93) measurements, except in the near-surface (∼0 m) layer. 13C-based short-term (1 h; in situ) PP estimates showed similar magnitudes and trend with the instantaneous PP measured by FRRF concurrently. Whereas, unlike short-term measurements, the daily PP estimates from both methods showed large difference, with FRRF-based time integrated daily PP resulting in 1.09–1.82 times higher than the carbon-based daily (24 h; simulated in situ) PP. This difference between daily PP estimates was mainly due to: (1) the temporal variation of water column chlorophyll a (Chl a) because of frequent moving of water mass, and (2) the dissimilarity in ambient light field conditions between the two methods. Results revealed that considering the above two environmental factors invariable over a daylength, fairly close approximation of daily PP, compared to 13C-based daily PP, could be obtained from FRRF. Hence, FRRF-based daily PP can be considered as more realistic in this highly dynamic water body like Ariake Bay where water column parameters are subjected to strong temporal variation. The relationship between Chl a-specific photosynthetic rate (PB) and the corresponding photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in the water column (PAR–PB relationship) was found to be linear for FRRF and curvilinear for 13C-based measurements in the near-surface layer, for the same intensities of incident PAR, and this is thought to be the primary basis for the higher difference in PP estimates at the near-surface layer. Considering the minor variations in FRRF-based time series of PAR–PB relationships, a combined and/or instantaneous PAR–PB relationship in combination with incubation Chl a and light field condition was used to obtain fairly close estimates of daily water column integrated PP from FRRF.  相似文献   
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