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One of the major tectonic problems in Europe concerns the southwest margin of the East European Platform in the region of the so-called Polish-Danish trough. In general, this margin is assumed to be the Tornquist-Teisseyre (T-T) Line, running approximately from northwest to southeast in this part of Europe. Determination of deep crustal structure of the contact zone between the Precambrian Platform and the Palaeozoic Platform was the main aim of the deep seismic sounding (DSS) programme in Poland in 1965–1982.Deep seismic soundings of the Earth's crust have been made in the T-T Line zone along nine profiles with a total length of about 2600 km. The results of deep seismic soundings have shown that the crust in the marginal zone of the East European Platform has highly anomalous properties. The width of this zone ranges from 50 km in northwest Poland to about 90 km in southeast Poland. The crustal thickness of the Palaeozoic Platform in Poland is 30–35 km, and of the Precambrian Platform 42–47 km, while in the T-T tectonic zone it varies from 50 to 55 km. Above the Moho boundary, in the T-T zone, at a depth of 40–45 km, there is a seismic discontinuity with P-wave velocities of 7.5–7.7 km/s. Boundary velocities, mean velocities and stratification of the Earth's crust vary distinctly along the T-T zone. There are also observed high gravimetric and magnetic anomalies in the T-T zone. The T-T tectonic zone determined in this manner is a deep tectonic trough with rift properties.The deep fractures delineating the T-T tectonic zone are of fundamental importance for the localization of the plate edge of the Precambrian Platform of eastern Europe. In the light of DSS results, the northeastern margin of the T-T tectonic zone is a former plate boundary of the East European Platform.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of seismic measurements along the Baltic Sea-Black Sea profile. The basic wave groups recorded up to distances of 900 km are characterized. The main elements of a lithospheric model of the southwestern part of the Precambrian East European Platform are given. The thickness of the Earth's crust is about 45 km and the mean velocity of the crust is about 6.3 km/s. At a depth of 65 km, the velocity increases from 8.2 to 8.5 km/s. In the depth interval 110 to 135 km, there is a series of layers with low and high velocities. The lower boundary of the lithosphere is probably defined by the boundary at a depth of 110 km.  相似文献   
The SUDETES 2003 wide-angle refraction/reflection experiment covered the area of the south-western Poland and the northern Bohemian Massif. The good quality data that were gathered combined with the data from previous experiments (POLONAISE'97, CELEBRATION 2000) allowed us to prepare a 3D seismic model of the crust and uppermost mantle for this area. We inverted travel times of both refracted and reflected P waves using the JIVE3D package. This allowed us to obtain a model of P-wave velocity distribution as well as the shape of major boundaries in the crust. We also present a detailed uncertainty analysis for both the boundary depths and the velocity field. In doing the uncertainty analysis we found an interesting, strong dependence between uncertainty and inversion scheme (order of used phases). We also compared the model with surface geology and found good correlation between velocity inhomogeneities in the uppermost crust (down to 2 km) and major geological units. The higher velocity lower crust (6.9–7.2 km/s) could result from remelting of the lower crust or magmatic underplating.  相似文献   
The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) is investigated recently very effectively, mostly using seismic methods because of their deep penetration and relatively good resolution. The nature of LAB is still debated, particularly under “cold” Precambrian shields and platforms. Passive experiment “13 BB star” is dedicated to study deep structure of the Earth’s interior in the marginal zone of the East European craton in northern Poland. The seismic network consists of 13 broadband stations on the area of ca. 120 km in diameter. The network is located in the area of well-known sedimentary cover and crustal structure. Good records obtained till now, and expected during next 1-year long recording campaign, should yield images of detailed structure of the LAB, ?410”, “?520”, and ?660” km discontinuities, as well as mantle-core boundary and inner core.  相似文献   
Sedimentary cover has significant influence on seismic wave travel times and knowing its structure is of great importance for studying deeper structures of the Earth. Seismic tomography is one of the methods that require good knowledge of seismic velocities in sediments and unfortunately by itself cannot provide detailed information about distribution of seismic velocities in sedimentary cover. This paper presents results of P-wave velocity analysis in the old Paleozoic sediments in area of Polish Lowland, Folded Area, and all sediments in complicated area of the Carpathian Mountains in Poland. Due to location on conjunction of three major tectonic units — the Precambrian East European Craton, the Paleozoic Platform of Central and Western Europe, and the Alpine orogen represented by the Carpathian Mountains the maximum depth of these sediments reaches up to 25 000 m in the Carpathian Mountains. Seismic velocities based on 492 deep boreholes with vertical seismic profiling and a total of 741 vertical seismic profiles taken from 29 seismic refraction profiles are analyzed separately for 14 geologically different units. For each unit, velocity versus depth relations are approximated by second or third order polynomials.  相似文献   
The Polish Geophysical Expedition to West Antarctica in the summer of 1979–1980 was organized by the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The purpose of the expedition was to carry out studies of deep structures of the Earth's crust by reflection, refraction and deep seismic sounding methods. Special attention was paid to tectonically active zones and to the contact zones between the blocks of the Earth's crust and the lithospheric plates. Geophysical measurements were carried out in the area extending between 61° and 65°S and between 56° and 66°W. The measurements covered the southern Shetlands, the Antarctic Peninsula, the Bransfield Strait, the Drake Passage, the Palmer Archipelago, the Gerlache Strait and the Bismarck Strait towards the southern Pacific.Deep seismic soundings were made along profiles with a total length of about 2000 km. Seismic reflection measurements were made along profiles about 1100 km long. A detailed analysis of the seismic wave field shows that the structure of the Earth's crust in this part of West Antarctica is very complex. Numerous deep fractures divide the Earth's crust into blocks of different physical properties. The thickness of the Earth's crust changes from 32 km in the region of the South Shetland Islands to 40–45 km in the region of the Antarctic Peninsula. A preliminary geodynamical model of this part of West Antarctica is presented.  相似文献   
A knowledge of seismic wave velocities in the sedimentary cover is of great importance for interpreting reflection and refraction seismic data, deep seismic soundings and regional and global seismic tomography. This is particularly true for regions characterized by significant thicknesses and a complex sedimentary cover structure. This paper presents the results of an analysis of seismic P-wave velocities in the sedimentary cover of Poland, a complex area of juxtaposition of major tectonic units: the Precambrian East European Craton, the Palaeozoic Platform of Central and Western Europe, and the Alpine orogen represented by the Carpathian Mountains. Based on vertical seismic profiling data from 1188 boreholes, the dependence of velocity versus depth was determined for regional geological units and for successions from the Tertiary and Quaternary to the Cambrian. The data have been approximated by polynomials, and velocity-depth formulas are given down to 6000 m depth. The velocities in the sedimentary cover have been compared with those from other areas in Europe.  相似文献   
The first detailed deep seismic refraction study in the Bransfield Strait, West Antarctica, using sensitive OBSs (ocean bottom seismographs) was carried out successfully during the Antarctic summer of 1990/1991. The experiment focused on the deep crustal structure beneath the axis of the Bransfield Rift. Seismic profile DSS-20 was located exactly in the Bransfield Trough, which is suspected to be a young rift system. Along the profile, five OBSs were deployed at spacings of 50-70 km. 51 shots were fired along the 310 km profile. This paper gives the first presentation of the results. A detailed model of the crustal structure was obtained by modelling the observed traveltimes and amplitudes using a 2-D ray-tracing technique. The uppermost (sedimentary?) cover, with velocities of 2.0-5.5 km s−1, reaches a depth of up to 8 km. Below this, a complex with velocities of 6.4-6.8 km s−1 is observed. The presence of a high-velocity body, with V p= 7.3-7.7 km s−1, was detected in the 14-32 km depth range in the central part of the profile. These inhomogeneities can be interpreted as a stage of back-arc spreading and stretching of the continental crust, coinciding with the Deception-Bridgeman volcanic line. Velocities of 8.1 km s−1, characteristic of the Moho, are observed along the profile at a depth of 30-32 km.  相似文献   
We present new results on the structure resulting from Palaeoproterozoic terrane accretion and later formation of one of the aulacogens in the East European Platform. Seismic data has been acquired along the 530-km-long, N–S-striking EUROBRIDGE'97 traverse across Sarmatia, a major crustal segment of the East European Craton. The profile extends across the Ukrainian Shield from the Devonian Pripyat Trough, across the Palaeoproterozoic Volyn Block and the Korosten Pluton, into the Archaean Podolian Block. Seismic waves from chemical explosions at 18 shot points at approximately 30-km intervals were recorded in two deployments by 120 mobile three-component seismographs at 3–4 km nominal station spacing. The data has been interpreted by use of two-dimensional tomographic travel time inversion and ray trace modelling. The high data quality allows modelling of the P- and S-wave velocity structure along the profile. There are pronounced differences in seismic velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle between the three main tectonic provinces traversed by the profile: (i) the Pripyat Trough is a ca. 4-km-deep sedimentary basin, fully located in the Osnitsk–Mikashevichi Igneous Belt in the northern part of the profile. The velocity structure is typical for a Precambrian craton, but is underlain by a ca. 5-km-thick lowest crustal layer of high velocity. The development of the Pripyat Trough appears to have only affected the upper crust without noticeable thinning of the whole crust; this may be explained by a rheologically strong lithosphere at the time of formation of the trough. (ii) Very high seismic velocity and Vp/Vs ratio characterise the Volyn Block and Korosten Pluton to a depth of 15 km and probably also the lowest crust. The values are consistent with an intrusive body of mafic composition in the upper crust that formed from bimodal melts derived from the mantle and the lower crust. (iii) The Podolian Block is close to a typical cratonic velocity structure, although it is characterised by relatively low seismic velocity and Vp/Vs ratio. A pronounced SW-dipping mantle reflector from Moho to at least 70 km depth may represent the Proterozoic suture between Sarmatia and Volgo–Uralia, the structure from terrane accretion, or a later shear zone in the upper mantle. The sub-Moho P-wave seismic velocity is high everywhere along the profile, with the exception of the area above the dipping reflector. This velocity change further supports a plate tectonic origin of the dipping mantle reflector. The profile demonstrates that structure from Palaeoproterozoic plate tectonic processes are still identifiable in the lithosphere, even where younger metamorphic equilibration of the crust has taken place.  相似文献   
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